What Bae Won't Do Saga

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What Bae Won't Do Saga Page 20

by Genesis Woods

  There was a light knock on my door.

  “Come in!” I yelled. I had the music from my computer’s speakers playing kind of loud, so I hope whoever it was heard me.

  “What’s good, my dude?”

  “Hey, G. What’s up with you? When you get back in town?”

  “Man, I got back a few hours ago. I just dropped Daya off at her mother’s house down the street, so when I rolled past and saw your car, I decided to stop by. Where’s Toby?”

  “Shit, somewhere with Niecey. She got that white dude’s nose wide open, and he hasn’t even sampled the goods yet,” I laughed.

  “Well, he’s getting older. Not everything has to be about sex. Daya and I didn’t do it until two months after we started talking. Seems like you really get to know a person when there’s no sex involved.”

  I just agreed and continued to look at the business bank statements in front of me. Both Toby and I were on the account, and I didn’t know how I was going to be able to take sums of money from it without him noticing.

  Yeah, I know. I should just come clean with JaNair and not pay Mya a dime, right? But I couldn’t do that right now. Especially with what I planned on asking her tonight.

  “So, I heard you and Toby went to his family jeweler yesterday. Is there any particular reason why?”

  I wanted to slap that cheesy grin off of his face. But since he was my boy, I figured I’d let him in on my little secret.

  “Yeah, I picked out a nice little ring. I think I’ma ask JaNair to marry me tomorrow night at her birthday party.”

  He looked at me for a moment. “Are you sure this is what you want to do, man? I mean, did you ever tell her what happened between you and her cousin?”

  “Naw, I haven’t. But I’m good on that end, though. She won’t be saying anything anytime soon, I’m sure of that.”

  I debated on whether to tell him about the little blackmailing thing Mya hit me with, but thought against it. He and Toby gossiped just like females, and I couldn’t chance him finding out yet.

  “Man, you crazy if you think that girl isn’t going to drop that bomb, especially if you said she’s been stalking you like she has. What do you think is going to happen once JaNair knows?”

  “G, you know my motto: It’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove. And since there is no proof of what went down between Mya and me, I’ll just do what any man does in that situation . . . deny it until I die.”

  I know I was talking big shit, especially with me giving in to Mya’s blackmailing plan. Honestly, I didn’t know if she had proof or not, but knowing how she operates, I’m pretty sure she had something she’d be able to show JaNair, and I couldn’t chance that.

  I gathered up everything I needed for the night and finally left my office about twenty minutes after Gerald did. I had a few stops to make, before I went home to my baby. I really hope everything tomorrow night goes off without a hitch, and to make sure that happened, I’d be dropping off this first payment to Mya before I go shopping for the rest of JaNair’s gifts.


  The night of my twenty-sixth birthday party had finally arrived, but for some reason, I didn’t feel like partying at all.

  It’s been a couple weeks since I last talked to Semaj, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel some type of way about that. I don’t know if he’s just been that busy out there in Texas or if he was just straight ignoring me.

  When I ran into Li’l Ray a week ago and asked about Semaj, he told me that he was doing great and that he probably hasn’t been able to answer any of my calls because he’s been in the studio nonstop.

  If I were anybody else, I probably would’ve believed that bold-faced lie, but since I’m not, I needed answers.

  I picked up my cell phone and called Semaj again for the 1,000th time, and just like all the other 999 times before, my call went unanswered. I thought about leaving another voice mail, but that thought was immediately dismissed when the little automated lady announced that his mailbox was full.

  I don’t know what it was, but ever since that day before he left, it felt as if there was a change in our relationship. And I don’t mean change in a bad way. It was as if we grew closer than we already were. Like our minds, bodies, hearts, and souls connected on a level that I’ve never felt before. Whatever it was, I had to get over it, especially since Jerome and I have been trying to work on our relationship.

  I looked at myself in my bathroom mirror and couldn’t deny how good I was looking.

  A small smile crossed my face as I admired how the gold crystal-beaded Lorena Sarbu dress fit every curve of my body. The neckline slit and illusion waist detail gave the right amount of sassiness that I loved.

  Jerome really outdid himself, I thought as I looked at myself again.

  When I woke up this morning, there was a mountain of gifts piled up on my side of the bed. Boxes after boxes after boxes. I didn’t know where to start. After opening up everything, I added eight dresses, ten pair of shoes, four beautiful purses, and a diamond necklace with matching earrings and bracelet to my wardrobe.

  “You almost rea—Damn, JaNair. You look . . . beautiful,” Jerome said walking into the bathroom.

  “Thanks, babe,” I replied, snapping my new bracelet around my wrist.

  “Here, let me do that.” Jerome took the matching necklace out of my hand and stood behind me. He placed it around the front of my neck and kissed my shoulder.

  “Don’t even try it, buddy. We’re already thirty minutes late,” I told him as I slipped from his embrace. I already knew what was on his mind, and I was not trying to go there. We hadn’t had sex since we started back talking. I wanted to take things a little slower this time around.

  Ding dong.

  We both looked toward the hallway as the doorbell rang again.

  “Who could that be?” Jerome asked, looking at his watch. “The limo driver said he was on his way from picking up Toby, Niecey, LaLa, and Li’l Ray only two minutes ago. I know he’s not here that fast.”

  “Maybe it’s Tangie. She said if she was able to get off of work early enough she’d come. I’ll be right back. Let me go see who it is.”

  The bell rang one more time before I finally made it to the door.

  “Hey, Ms. Shirley, how can I help you?” I asked a little surprised. I wasn’t expecting her to be at the door.

  “Hey, baby! Happy Birthday! You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. And I’m sorry for interrupting you and all, but I just came by to drop off your gift.”

  I was taken aback. “Oh, Ms. Shirley, you didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “Chile, I didn’t!” she laughed. “My hardheaded nephew did. He had it sent to the house today and told me to bring it on over to you.”

  Now I was really shocked, let alone confused. Semaj hasn’t answered any of my calls in weeks, yet he remembers my birthday and sends me a gift. I was literally speechless.

  “Is everything OK, Jay?” I heard Jerome ask from behind me.“Yeah, everything is fine. It’s just my next-door neighbor Ms. Shirley. She came to wish me a Happy Birthday.”

  “Oh, that’s nice,” he said going back into the room.

  I turned my attention back to Ms. Shirley.

  “I don’t want to keep you any longer, sweetie, so here you go.” She handed me a purple envelope that had my name written beautifully on the front.

  “How is he?” I asked about Semaj. She looked past my shoulder, then back to me.

  “You haven’t talked to him?”

  I don’t know why her question had me wanting to break down and cry. For some reason, I just got all emotional about not being able to get ahold of Semaj for the last few weeks. I was so used to our daily talks and smoking and kicking it sessions that I was starting to really miss him being around.

  I started to fan my face to stop the tears from coming. “No, I haven’t. He won’t answer or return any of my calls, and it’s dri
ving me crazy.”

  She looked at me for a moment before she smacked her lips and put her hand on her hip. “Can you blame him?”

  Wait! What?

  “Don’t give me that look. You heard what I said.” I was speechless yet again. “You young people are something else.”

  “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

  She looked at me and shook her head. “Baby, I’ve seen you and my nephew around each other plenty of times, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that you both have feelings for each other. You hurt not only his ego but his pride and heart as well that day you declined his offer. And before you even fix your mouth to say something, I know about everything that happened that day. Semaj talks to me about everything. He came back to the house that day so angry, I let him do something in my house that I never let him do. Smoke that weed shit y’all be puffing on. It was the only way I could get him to calm down and not turn down this great opportunity that was given to him.”

  “What do you mean, Ms. Shirley?” I kind of had an idea, but I wanted her to say the words.

  “That boy was going to stay here and not go to Texas if that would’ve helped you see how much he’s into you. After going back and forth with him for a couple of hours, I finally convinced him that it was probably time for him to let you go and see what God had in store for him. I didn’t know it for sure, but now that I’ve seen that young man here getting ready to help you celebrate your birthday instead of my nephew, it’s safe to say that you guys are back to being an item, right?”

  I don’t know why I hesitated at first, but I slowly nodded my head.

  “So now do you see why I asked if you could blame Semaj for leaving and not having any contact with you right now?”

  As gut punching as her words sounded, they were indeed the truth. I was wrong for leading Semaj on, knowing that I was still toying with the thought of giving Jerome another chance.

  The loud sound of a low engine rumbling and laughter caught my attention. When I looked up, the limo with the rest of our party had finally made it. Jerome, who I didn’t even notice was behind me, slipped my coat over my shoulders and handed me the gold clutch I’d already put all my things into, and the gold five-inch filigree leaves Giuseppe Zanotti heels I’d purchased for myself as an early birthday gift.

  “Ms. Shirley, as you can see, our ride has arrived. If you’re not doing anything tonight, you’re welcome to come to my party,” I said as we stepped out of my house and locked the doors.

  She chuckled. “Maybe next time, honey. I have a date with my homemade peach cobbler and a few shows on HBO. You all have a great time, though. Be safe, OK?”

  “We will. And thank you so much for the gift.”

  We waved good-bye once more and climbed into the limo. Li’l Ray looked down at the purple envelope that was still in my hand and smiled while nodding his head. LaLa, who was always so observant, saw what Ray did and was just about to say something, but Jerome beat her to it.

  “So what did she get you?” he said, pointing to my gift.

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know. More than likely it’s a few gift certificates to a spa or something of that nature. It doesn’t feel like there’s money in here, and it’s light, so that can only mean some form or paper.”

  “Open it up and let’s see what it is,” LaLa exclaimed.

  I heard Niecey smack her lips, then started to say something, but Toby squeezed her hand a little tighter and whispered something into her ear that made her blush. I was so glad that he did it too. I made Niecey and LaLa promise to not fuck up my party with their arguing back and forth. Real talk, I’m kind of surprised Niecey even said yes to riding in the limo with us. At first, it was only Li’l Ray and LaLa, but then Jerome wanted his boys to ride with us too. Gerald, of course, declined and said that he and his girlfriend would just meet us there. Toby, on the other hand, thought it would be better to be chauffeured around so he could get drunk. I don’t know what it was with white people and loving to get drunk.

  The fellas started going over the latest sports highlights while Niecey and LaLa sat in the own worlds trying their best to ignore each other. While everyone was doing their things, I slipped the envelope into my clutch and took my phone out. I scrolled down to Semaj’s name and sent a text.

  J2: Your aunt stopped by and gave me my gift. Haven’t looked at it yet . . . but thank you!

  I held my phone in my hand for the rest of our ride. By the time we arrived at the Lotus Bomb, I still hadn’t received a response from Semaj. Instead of letting the hurt I was feeling at that moment show, I threw my phone back into my clutch, grabbed Jerome’s hand, and strutted into my party like I owned the place.


  I walked into the Lotus Bomb and was in complete awe. Whoever decorated this place did an amazing job. If I’d never been to a Las Vegas casino before, I would’ve sworn we were really in one. There were blackjack and roulette tables spread throughout the place. A section of slot machines lined the back of the lounge. Red, gold, black, and green balloons completely covered the ceiling. Even the waitresses wore those feather outfits the show girls would wear. The table dealers were all dressed the same and looked the part. Jerome really outdid himself with this. And to think, the nigga was mad at the measly two grand I asked him for. Shit, he better be lucky I only asked him for that.

  I grabbed a flute of champagne off of the tray the waitress who just walked in front of me had. I don’t know why, but my insides started to boil as I looked at all of the pictures of JaNair that were plastered around the walls. I noticed that the playing cards they were using had JaNair’s picture on the back as well.

  “Well well well. Who do we have here?” came from behind me. I instantly froze, and a chill went down my body. I wasn’t scared of who it was, just more so caught off guard. I wasn’t expecting to run into him anytime soon, especially not at JaNair’s birthday party.

  “Baby, you’re not going to introduce me to your friend,” a female voice said as I turned around.

  Looking at the way Ryan held her in his arms and kissed her on the forehead kind of had me in my feelings. He never showed that type of public display of affection with me.

  I looked his little date up and down. She was cute in a Ciara sort of way. If there was a contest for a celebrity look-alike, she’d win hands down. If Ryan and I were still fucking around, and this was back in the day, I woulda had fun sampling her goodies. I laughed at that little joke in my head and extended my hand out to her.

  “Hi, I’m Mya, and you are?”

  “Genelle, but everyone calls me Nelly.”

  But everyone calls me Nelly, I mocked in my head. I was a little salty. Shit, even the way she talked was sexy. No wonder Ryan fell for her.

  “So how do you and Ryan know each other?” she asked, looking between us.

  Ryan answered. “Well, Mya here is cousins with my ex-girlfriend JaNair, who happens to be the birthday girl.”

  She looked at me for confirmation, so I nodded my head, but added, “He forgot to mention that we also started fucking while he and the birthday girl were together.” I put my finger on my chin and looked up to the sky as if I was thinking. “If memory serves me right, we’d still be fucking if I wouldn’t have called you by another nigga’s name, correct?”

  The steam that was blowing from his ears had me hot for a minute. I smiled, then waved good-bye to a very pissed off Ryan and a shocked-face Nelly. I’m pretty sure I just signed my death certificate fucking with Ryan like that, but I didn’t give a rat’s ass. Besides, I was on to bigger and better things anyway.

  And speaking of bigger and better, a smile spread across my face as I watched Jerome walk into the door. He gave dap to a few of his security guards and kissed the cheeks of a few of his waitresses. He was just about to walk past me when I heard JaNair yell his name for him to come back. I watched with envy as they stood together as a couple and took pictures, then switched to a group once Niecey, Channin
g Tatum Sr., Li’l Ray, and LaLa joined in.

  I had to give it to her, though, JaNair looked good. That gold dress went great with those—wait . . . Are those Giuseppe Zanottis? I took my phone out and went to the Giuseppe IG page, and sure enough, they were. Those were the same exact shoes I’ve been trying to get Cassan’s tired ass to buy me, but he said no. With the two grand Jerome gave me, I could’ve bought them myself, but then I would have been left with only fifty dollars to my name. Her hair was up in a donut bun with some Chinese bangs covering her forehead.

  That should be me, I said to myself as I watched them walk to VIP. I caught eye contact with Niecey, and she had the nerve to roll her eyes. I don’t know what her beef was with me. It wasn’t like I fucked Big Will and got pregnant. I’m surprised she and LaLa were playing nice too. The last time we were all together, I could tell it would be a minute before they were ever in the same place again.

  I watched as Jerome introduced JaNair to a few people in VIP, then order a round of drinks. For some reason, JaNair kept taking her phone out of her purse and checking it. I guess she was waiting for a call or something. From whom was the question I wanted to know. I mean, her man and her friends were all around her. Everybody was laughing, dancing, and having a good time. Who could she possibly be waiting to get a call from?

  On my way to the ladies’ room, I ran into the little waitress bitch who helped me get Jerome’s new number.

  “Hey, Mya, what are you doing here?”

  “Trying to have a good time and celebrate my cousin’s birthday,” I responded dryly.

  “Your cousin? Who’s your cousin?”

  I looked at this girl, and for the first time, I realized why it was easy for me to get her to get Jerome’s new number. She was dumb as hell. A black airhead.

  “My cousin is JaNair.”

  “Oh, Mr. Hayes’s girlfriend, or should I say, fiancée, if she says yes.”

  “Fiancée? They’re not engaged.”

  “Not yet they’re not. Once I take this birthday cake up there to VIP and they sing happy birthday, he’s going to pop the question.” She jumped up and down, squealing like she was the one getting proposed to.


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