Emma's Story

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Emma's Story Page 3

by Mitchel Grace

  “Would that be okay? I still don’t know if I should even be doing this. I’m really confused, and I feel like I’m betraying Chip and Sadie, but I want you with me right now. I just want it to be innocent, too.”

  “I’ll make a deal with you. We can hang out on the couch tonight and just spend time together. I won’t do any more than kiss and hold you. If in the morning you think this is wrong, we’ll go back to being friends, but I don’t think that’ll be the case. I think this is how it’s supposed to be,” Jasper said and kissed her once again.

  They spent the night together, and when they got tired, Emma still wanted him by her side. Jasper slept in her room that night. All they did was sleep, but it was such a big thing for him. Feeling her beside him was everything he had ever wanted. Emma was his dream girl, and for the first time in a while, she was starting to realize that he was the person she needed to be with. Things were going to be complicated moving forward, but for one night, they were just a boy and girl who really loved each other.

  Chapter 3

  Back To The Basics

  Emma awoke the next morning to feel Jasper’s arms around her. She immediately sighed. It had been great to reconnect with him the night before, but it was a mistake. She had a boyfriend, and Sadie was one of her best friends. She had really hit it off with Jasper, and even if Emma was jealous, she knew she was wrong. Emma wasn’t the type of girl to cheat, and she was battling with what was right and what felt like it should be. She knew what had to be done, though. The night before was something that couldn’t happen again. She moved Jasper’s arm, and when he woke up, Emma told him how things had to be.

  “Good morning. It’s amazing to . . .” Jasper said before being cut off.

  “Last night was a mistake. I have a boyfriend, and Sadie’s my friend. I think we should just call this what it was. It’s easy for old feelings to resurface. I loved you like no one else, but that love changed. It was good that it did because you got to be my best friend, and we get to be roommates now. That’s how I need things to be. Can we just forget that last night ever happened?”

  “Are you sure that’s what you want? I think we could have something special.”

  “We already have something great, Jasper, and romance will just complicate that. It still might, if we let last night make things odd.”

  “Okay. If that’s what you want, I’ll be your friend and nothing more. I assume we’re not telling Chip and Sadie about what happened.”

  “No way. Chip might kill you, and Sadie would absolutely hate me.”

  “Well, I don’t think Chip could hurt me at all, but it’s probably for the best that we keep this quiet. I guess I should put my pants back on and go in there,” Jasper said with a straight face.

  “Wait . . . your pants were off,” Emma said in shock.

  “No, I’m just messing with you. I really got you for a second there. So friends?” Jasper asked.

  “Best friends,” Emma said.

  As they got ready that morning, Emma thought everything was fine. Jasper had acted like it was, and he had even made a joke after she told him she didn’t want to be more than friends with him. Inside, Jasper was pretty torn up, though. He made a joke and pretended that things were all right because he thought he needed to play it cool for then. He didn’t want to, though. All he wanted to do was tell Emma he loved her. Jasper always would.

  When they got to school, Jasper and Emma went through the daily grind until classes were over. When he was walking to the parking lot, Sadie caught up with him, however.

  “How did things go? Was she jealous?” Sadie asked.

  “Yeah, and she kissed me. To make a long story short, we spent the night together. Nothing but sleeping happened, but I thought I had sealed the deal. The next morning, she told me we should just be friends. I know she cares about me, and . . .”

  “Wait a second. Are you saying you got her into bed and didn’t seal the deal?”

  “She didn’t want to. Obviously, I did, but what was I supposed to do?”

  “If you had sealed the deal, things might be different. Then again, if she said no, you did the right thing by not pushing it. We’re just going to have to try a little harder. If we almost got to her in one day, then Emma won’t hold out much longer. Tell her you’re going to ride with me. I need a little help with calculus. It never was my strong suit, and Emma tells me you’re really smart. Plus, we can talk about you and her at my dorm room.”

  “Sounds good,” Jasper said.

  After he told Emma where he would be, he got into the car with Sadie. As they drove, he filled her in on the little details from the night before. While he talked, he noticed that Sadie looked funny.

  “What’s wrong?” Jasper finally asked.

  “I don’t get it. I know you loved Emma a long time ago, but why are you trying so hard to get her? You moved across an ocean to be close to her, and Emma doesn’t even see you as a romantic option. If I were you, I would be pretty angry right now. I probably wouldn’t even be bothering.”

  “My parents are really good friends with hers, and we’ve known each other our whole lives. It’s hard to explain, but have you ever looked at someone and just known they were the person you were supposed to be with?”

  “No. I don’t really believe in things like that either. I think we carve our own path, and sometimes people get in the way of even that.”

  “Okay, then I’ve known I wanted her to be my path since I was a kid. Is that such an odd thing?”

  “No, but I would take notice of a guy who moved away from everyone he knew just to be with me. Emma’s my friend, and I don’t want to talk bad about her, but I don’t know what she’s doing with that loser.”

  “Chip’s really successful, and from what I’ve heard, he’s not the worst looking guy in the world. Right now, he’s just better than me. I’ll figure out how to win Emma over, though,” Jasper said as they were walking into her dorm room.

  “That’s where you’re completely wrong. Chip isn’t better than you in any way.”

  “Now it’s time for me to ask you a question, Sadie. Why don’t you like him?”

  “What are you talking about? I just know you’re better for her than him.”

  “I don’t buy it. You barely know me. Why do you really hate him?”

  “That’s personal, Jasper.”

  “I don’t know what Emma’s told you, but I’m excellent at keeping secrets. You can trust me with anything. I want us to be friends, even if we are in a fake relationship. What do you say? Can you trust me with one secret? I’ll tell you something about myself if you do.”

  “You first. I’ve got to know if your secret’s worth me giving up mine.”

  “I’m a virgin. I waited for Emma. There were opportunities, but I didn’t want anyone else. It turns out that Emma waited, too, but I doubt that’ll last long.”

  “That’s it?” she asked in disappointment.

  “That’s a pretty big thing. Guys don’t admit things like that. The main reason I didn’t try to take things further after Emma said she didn’t want to was because a part of me was relieved. I was scared last night. I guess I’m pretty much a coward. I don’t know why I just told you that,” he said and looked down.

  “That doesn’t make you a coward. It just makes you human. The first time is nerve-wracking for a guy or a girl. You’re right, though. Emma waiting on you won’t last long, so we should move quickly.”

  “What about your secret? I just told you something pretty personal.”

  “I really don’t want to talk about it. I’ll make a deal with you. Get to know me, and I promise I’ll tell you some day. Until I know you better, though, I can’t talk about this,” Sadie said and looked down.

  “Hey, it’s all right. I didn’t mean to push. We should all have some secrets. Now, let’s see that calculus. I don’t know why Emma said I could help you with stuff like this. You probably know more than I do,” Jasper said.

  He was being mod
est. Jasper hadn’t always been the brightest student, but over his last two years of high school, he really got on the ball. Sadie knew most everything she needed to, but he helped fill in the blanks on the rest of it. They were done within an hour.

  “Wow. You’re a really good tutor,” Sadie said.

  “Thanks. Let me ask you something. If I’m not giving up on Emma, then what should my next move be?”

  “Act like you don’t care at all that she rejected you. As a matter of fact, we should go to a movie and stay out for a while. If you’re out with another girl, it gives the impression that you got over her pretty quickly. Besides, I get to have a free ticket to the movies if we go.”

  “Wait a minute. Free?”

  “Yeah, we have to make this look completely real. I’m just saying that if I’m going to be your pretend girlfriend, then you’ve got to pay for everything,” she teased.

  “I think I’m liking this less and less as time goes on.”

  “Oh, come on. I was just starting to enjoy it.”

  They went out to a movie together. Jasper and Sadie almost instantly became friends. Jasper didn’t know what it was, but he sensed so many things about Sadie. She was smart, kind, and fun. At the same time, there was definitely pain there. That was what he was curious about. He didn’t push, though. They had a great evening, and then Sadie dropped him off at Emma’s. When he walked inside, he saw that Emma looked extremely tired.

  “What’s wrong?” Jasper asked.

  “I just got through with my shift at the diner. I talked to my manager, and he said you should come down after school tomorrow. We need some help, and I told him you were an excellent waiter.”

  “I have absolutely no experience being a waiter. As a matter of fact, I’ve never even worked in a restaurant.”

  “Oh, well. You’ll just have to fake it well. Where have you been all this time, by the way?”

  “I helped Sadie with some calculus, and we caught a movie.”

  “Oh, so you two are back on then?”

  “Yeah. I’ve got my best friend back and a potential love interest. I also have a job lined up and the beautiful beaches of Hawaii a half mile down the road. Life couldn’t be better,” Jasper said as he flopped down on the couch.

  “I have bad news. Life might be getting a little harder for you soon.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “My dad’s been taking care of the yard, but this is our place now. He’s not mowing it anymore, and it’s getting kind of deep. We have a lawnmower, so I was thinking . . .”

  “Wait a minute. Why do I have to do it?”

  “Well, I’m going to be working tomorrow evening, and all you have to do is put in an application. That leaves you with a lot of free time.”

  “Oh, come on! I was going to see Sadie tomorrow.”

  “You can keep your lips off her for one day,” Emma said and rolled her eyes.

  “I see why you asked me to move in now. I’m just your yard boy, huh?” Jasper joked.

  “You are the guy, so you should be the one mowing the yard.”

  “That is so sexist! Once again, I get screwed because I’m the guy,” he teased.

  “Yes, because men are historically the victims of sexism,” she said sarcastically.

  “You said it. I didn’t.”

  “Shut up. I’ll help you when I get off work, if you want,” Emma said and grinned.

  “No. I’m just joking with you. I can take care of it, but just know that these gender roles work two ways. Sooner or later this is going to come back to bite you,” he teased.

  “Sure, sure.”

  “So what are we doing tonight? We’ve got three hours to kill before we have to sleep.”

  “Chip’s coming over. We’re going to hang out on the couch and watch some movies. Is that okay? I don’t want to make things weird after what happened last night.”

  “It’s fine, and I have no idea what you’re talking about. I went to bed early last night. I don’t remember anything significant happening.”

  “Good. I can’t believe you’re fine with this. I thought things were going to be weird.”

  “Emma, I care about you. If you need things to be fine, I’ll make them that way. Just do me a favor, and don’t invite him to stay the night or anything. We might just be friends, but that would probably make things weird.”

  “I totally get that. If you were with some girl in the next room all night it would freak me out a little, too. Just so you know, you don’t have to worry about that. I don’t see anything happening between Chip and I for a long time, and if it ever does, I’ll respect that this is your place, too. Just do me the same courtesy with Sadie.”


  After Chip got there, Jasper left them alone. He didn’t really want to, but what choice did he have? Emma wanted things this way, and pushing it might make their living arrangements pretty awkward. Besides, he still wasn’t giving up on their future. Chip was just a temporary problem.

  As he sat in his room and pretended to be doing anything other than listening to them, Emma enjoyed a date with her boyfriend. At first, she did anyway. In the middle of the movie, Chip kissed her. When his lips touched hers, all she was thinking about was Jasper. She didn’t want to be. The night before was wrong, and she knew that. The fact that she cheated on him was enough to make her feel guilty, and her thoughts weren’t helping. While she was thinking about how messed up things were, Chip’s mind was on something completely different. He ran his hands up her leg until he got to her upper thigh. Emma knew where this was going. It seemed like it happened every time she was with him. Chip was trying to push her into having sex, and they had talked about it before. It was too soon.

  “Slow down for a minute,” Emma said.

  He didn’t stop, however. Chip just kept taking it further.

  “I said stop! Chip, I don’t want to do this. I . . .”

  At that moment, Jasper stepped out of his room. He looked shocked by what he saw and then apologized for interrupting them. That had completely killed the mood for Chip, and it gave Emma time to set him straight. After Jasper walked to the bathroom, she laid into Chip.

  “When I say I don’t want to do something, respect it. I’m not ready, and we’ve only been together for a month. Why are you in such a hurry?”

  “I care about you, Emma. Why wouldn’t I be? I just want to be closer with you. What’s wrong with that?”

  “Nothing, but we both need to be ready for that. If you’re going to pull something like that again, then you just need to leave. I’m a human being, and when I tell you to stop, you better.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you, if I did. I just want you.”

  “Settle for a few kisses tonight. I’m sure we’ll get there someday.”

  “Yeah, in like a year,” Chip said sarcastically.

  Emma had a problem with that comment, even if it was just a joke. Would waiting a year really be so bad? She had urges just like everyone else, but there were a lot of things she wanted to know about Chip before they even considered making their relationship physical. First of all, she had to get Jasper out of her head before she could even think about something like that.

  Chip acted better, and they enjoyed the rest of their night. It was pretty late when he left, and Emma was just ready to go to bed. Jasper needed to talk to her, however.

  “Hey, are you all right?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. Why?”

  “I wasn’t trying to listen in, but I overheard you saying no a lot. That was why I came out of my room. I wanted to interrupt you guys.”

  “He would’ve stopped, but thanks for being concerned. I’m fine. I’m just not ready for anything like that. I’m not sure when I will be.”

  “Take your time, and Emma, if anyone ever tries to make you do anything you don’t want to, I’ll always be close by. Just call me, and we’ll put an end to it.”

  “Wow. I didn’t know Jasper Ellis was protective of
me. That’s interesting. From what I remember when we were younger, you weren’t much of a fighter. What exactly would you do?”

  “You might be surprised what I can do when someone I care about is in trouble. You say the word, and I’ll take out whoever you need.”

  “Okay, Mr. Tough Guy. I remember when we were little, and I was tougher than you. I seem to recall one time when we were five. I didn’t like to share, and you learned that the hard way.”

  “You’re referencing the first time I got beat up by a girl, right?”

  “First time? There was a second time?” Emma asked and laughed.

  “Yes . . . no, well, that’s not really important. That was a long time ago, and if you want to try your luck, I’m right here, Ms. Grey.”

  “You do not want that. Trust me.”

  “Well, let’s see,” Jasper said and stood in front of Emma.

  She playfully grabbed him, and he gently tossed her onto the couch. Then Jasper got on top of her and proceeded to tickle her. Emma held out as long as she could, but she was ultimately defeated.

  “All right, I give in. I didn’t expect you to fight dirty,” she said as he got off her.

  “I find a weakness, and I go for it. I still remember where you were most ticklish.”

  “Good to know. The next time Chip goes too far, I’ll just call you into the room so you can tickle him to death,” Emma joked.

  “You don’t believe I could defend you, do you?” Jasper asked in offense.

  “Not one bit. The boy I grew up with didn’t have a mean bone in his body.”

  “That boy never saw someone hurt his best friend. Truthfully, I don’t know for sure what would happen if I had to defend you in a bad situation, but I do know this. I’ll always be there for you, so don’t hesitate to ask when you need help.”

  “That turned serious quickly,” Emma said and smiled.

  “You’re right. We should do something about that,” Jasper said and proceeded to tickle her again.

  They were back to acting like best friends, but there was definitely more to it than that. Jasper was someone Emma could count on. Even if she didn’t think of him as a tough guy, she knew he would do anything for her. That should have been enough, but it just wasn’t. Jasper still had a long way to go to get her back, but he was getting closer by the day.


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