Emma's Story

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Emma's Story Page 4

by Mitchel Grace

  Chapter 4


  Two Weeks Later

  It had been two weeks, and Jasper was starting to settle into his new environment. He had the perfect roommate, a good job, classes were going well, and his fake relationship looked surprisingly convincing. He was even becoming good friends with Sadie. The only problem was Chip. He was no closer to breaking that relationship up. As a matter of fact, they were closer than ever. That was all about to change, though. That afternoon when school ended, a friend approached Emma and gave her some shocking news. When she met Jasper in the car, he could immediately tell that something was wrong.

  “What’s going on? Are you all right?” he asked.

  “No. I’m not going to work today. If they fire me, then fine.”

  “Don’t you need the job? If it’s about school, I can help you with whatever you need.”

  “Can you change who I am?”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “That’s what you have to do to make things better. I don’t care about my job or anything else right now. I just want to go home.”

  “What happened?”

  “You wouldn’t get it.”

  “Why? I’m your friend. I’m pretty sure I’ll understand.”

  “My friend, Stacey, was at a party last night, and guess who she photographed going upstairs with another girl? Chip cheated on me. Before I walked to the car, I called him. I told him everything I knew. At first, he lied about it, but when I told him my friend had a picture, he finally told the truth. He said I wouldn’t be closer with him, and he needed that. I told him we were through, but maybe he has a point. Do you have any idea how many guys have cheated on me because I wouldn’t have sex with them? It might just be easier to be a normal girl who has sex with her boyfriend. What’s wrong with me? I can’t keep anyone because I’m so scared of trusting someone with that part of myself.”

  “Are you two done?”

  “Yeah. Even if it’s partially my fault, I can’t be with someone who would cheat on me. I’ll never be able to trust him again.”

  “None of this was your fault, Emma. You shouldn’t have to do something you don’t want to. There’s nothing wrong with taking your time. This is his issue and not yours.”

  “Then why does every relationship I have end with someone cheating on me or breaking up with me for reasons that I already know?”

  “Because that’s just how some guys are. Those same guys would’ve broken up with you after you had sex with them, too. They weren’t looking for a relationship. They were just looking for a challenge. You’re not dumb. You know that deep down. I’ll explain everything at work as best I can. Just drop me off, and go home.”

  “No. You were right before. I need this job. I’ll manage somehow.”

  “I’ll be right there with you, and it’ll be over before you know it. Then we can talk about everything or nothing at all. I’ll do anything you need.”

  They went to work, and their four-hour shifts went by slowly. Jasper knew that Emma needed reassurance in herself, and Emma just couldn’t stop thinking about Chip. It wasn’t that she loved him or even pictured herself with him some day. It was just that she didn’t understand why she couldn’t hold a boyfriend for longer than a few months. What was so terrible about her?

  After they got home, Emma finally broke down. She started crying as soon as they sat on the couch. Jasper didn’t know what to do, so he did the only thing he could think of. He simply held her as she cried.

  “What is it about me? You and Sadie are close. How do you do it? How do you maintain a relationship?” Emma asked.

  “I’ve got a confession to make. I’m not really dating Sadie.”

  “What are you talking about? You two have been spending a lot of time together. Did you breakup?”

  “We were never together. We’re friends, and that’s all. She seemed to think that Chip was bad for you, so she thought it might be good to make you jealous of us. You see, I’ve wanted you since we were kids, and that was why I really came here. I told her that, and she agreed to help me. It backfired, though, because you didn’t take the bait. I guess the whole thing was stupid. I’m sorry I lied to you, and believe it or not, I really am sorry that Chip turned out to be a bad person. All I’ve ever really cared about is your happiness.”

  “Why would you go to all that trouble just to try to make me jealous?”

  “I admit it seems mental, but four years ago I went on a date with the most wonderful girl in the world. I haven’t forgotten about her. She’s my best friend, but she’s also a lot more than that. I love you, Emma, and if you don’t feel the same, that’s okay. I’m just glad to finally say it.”

  “This is a lot to take in right after Chip cheated on me. I don’t know what to say, Jasper. I’m not in the right place to even think about us right now. I might make a really bad decision tonight if I try to tell you how I feel.”

  “What kind of decision?”

  “I don’t know. I could tell you I love you and I want us to be everything we used to dream of, or I could say I feel nothing at all. Either one might not be true. I’ve got to get over this before I can give you a straight answer to anything. I don’t want to tell you I love you because I need comfort, but at the same time, I don’t want to say I don’t because I’m upset. I guess I’m screwing this up, too.”

  “You’re fine. I can wait. Tonight I’ll just be your friend. That’s what you need. What can I do to make you feel better?”

  “You could punch Chip in the face.”

  “Do you really want me to? I will.”

  “No. I don’t want you to get hurt. I know you’re more than capable of dealing with a problem, but he hurt me bad enough. There’s no need in risking him hurting you, too.”

  “Okay, but just say the word, and I’ll do whatever you need. Maybe I could do something simpler, though. I’ve had to spend a lot of time in my room when you’re in here with him, so I drew something. I think you might like it,” he said and retrieved a picture from his room.

  It was of them in a pool staring up at what looked like hundreds of stars. It was incredibly detailed. Emma couldn’t believe how lifelike it looked. She never knew Jasper was an artist.

  “I’m sure you remember the night in the pool on vacation when we were fourteen. That was when I knew you were always going to be a part of my life. I don’t know why, but I’ve never forgotten one moment about that night,” Jasper said.

  “This is great. You’re really talented. Just so you know, I’ll never forget it either. I can’t believe you drew this. You made me look a lot prettier than I was back then.”

  “No, I have a photographic memory, and you looked that pretty. You still look that beautiful with mascara running from your eyes. You don’t know it, but you’re really special. You’re beautiful inside and out. That’s rare, and someday you’re going to find someone who will appreciate you for the girl you are.”

  “I think I already have,” she said and leaned her head on his shoulder.

  He kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arm around her.

  “Maybe this is crazy, but I have an idea. You’re my best friend. I’ve always been scared of trusting someone with myself because I didn’t think they would be there for me after that. I know you will, though. You’ll always be a part of my life, even if it’s just as my friend. What if I had my first time with you?”

  “I would love that, and you’re right. I’ll always be here for you. Here’s the thing, though. You’re upset tonight, and you’re not thinking clearly. If you want that tomorrow, I’ll be here, but give yourself a night to think about it. I don’t want to take advantage of you while you’re upset.”

  “You really are different, huh? I don’t know a single guy who wouldn’t take advantage of this situation. Thanks. I don’t know if I’m thinking straight, and you’re right. This isn’t something we should do because I’m upset. For the record, I know it wouldn’t be a mistake, though.
Thanks for everything tonight,” Emma said and kissed him on the cheek before heading off to her room.

  In that moment, Jasper wanted to yell if it wouldn’t be a mistake, then come back! He didn’t, though. Emma was hurting, and he had to be what she needed. They would get to romance eventually. He called it a night and went to bed. When he woke up the next morning, it was Saturday, so he and Emma simply hung out. They didn’t talk about what happened with Chip or if they had a future. They just had fun. When the evening rolled around, Jasper had to leave, however. He was scheduled to work. Thankfully, Emma had the night off. He figured she needed it.

  “I wish I had a day off,” Jasper said as he headed for the door.

  “Me, too. I heard about a party on campus yesterday. I wasn’t even considering going before because Chip might be there, but I think he needs to see I’m fine without him. What do you think?”

  “Are you ready for that?”

  “I can’t sit around feeling depressed for the rest of my life. I’ve got to do something, right?”

  “All right, but don’t drink too much.”

  “When have I ever?”

  “True. I’ll call you when I get off tonight, and you can tell me where you are. I’ll join you then.”

  “Sounds good.”

  After Jasper left, Emma got ready. She made sure to wear her best. She had to look good and happy. Chip needed to know exactly what he had given up. When she got to the party, she looked around at what really wasn’t her scene. Emma hated parties. Everything was loud, and she was surrounded by all the Greeks. She never had gotten sororities, and frat guys were just annoying to her. Still, this was necessary. This was her emphatically saying not only am I okay, but I’m still living my life. Sure enough, she eventually saw Chip, too. He came over to her with a drink.

  “What do you want?” Emma asked while glaring at him.

  “To say I’m sorry. Here, take this. I know I messed things up. I can’t change that now, though. All I can do is say I’m sorry and hope that you’ll be my friend again some day.”

  “There’s not much chance of that.”

  “I understand. In your situation, I would feel the same way. I’ll leave you alone. Enjoy your night,” he said and smiled.

  Emma thought it was odd how nice he was being. He had blamed her the day before. It didn’t make any sense, but she shrugged it off and downed her drink. She needed something to take the edge off. As she walked, she started to feel dizzy, however. Emma went to the bathroom to try to gather herself. She felt terrible. Chugging that beer had been a horrible idea. As she stood there looking at herself in the mirror, she realized something, though. Something wasn’t right. The last thing she remembered was seeing a blur in the mirror and falling to the floor.

  * * * * *

  While Emma was at the party, Jasper was working. It was a good day for him, even if he was working on a Saturday. Chip was out of the picture, Emma obviously felt something for him, and soon enough, he would be with her. Life was almost perfect. When he got off work, he tried calling her, but there was no answer. Jasper didn’t think much of it, though. He figured she probably had her phone on silent. He tried calling her a few times on the way home, but when he didn’t get an answer, he gave up. Jasper was already tired from work, and he knew she would be home soon. He lay down and slowly drifted away.

  When he woke up the next morning, there was a problem. Emma still wasn’t home. He tried her phone again, but there was no answer. He was panicking, but he had one more idea. Emma was friends with Sadie. Maybe she would know where she was. He called her.

  “Why in the world are you calling me this early?” Sadie asked sleepily.

  “It’s about Emma. She didn’t come home last night. She said she was going to a party. Do you know anything about that?”

  “There was supposed to be a big one at the Sigma house. This isn’t good. I’ll head there right now.”

  “No, I’ve got it. Go back to sleep. I’ll update you when I know something.”

  “I can’t sleep now.”

  “I’m sure she’s fine. She probably just passed out.”

  “For a girl, that’s never a good thing in a frat house.”

  “Good point. I better hurry,” Jasper said and hung up.

  He got dressed as quickly as he could and headed to the Sigma house. When he got there, he described Emma to one of the brothers. They said there was a girl matching her description upstairs. He snickered about it, which made Jasper curious. What was going on here?

  “What’s so funny?” Jasper asked.

  “Nothing. Chip Wake just told us some stories about her last night. She’s a firecracker. How do you know her?”

  Jasper didn’t take the time to answer. He simply walked upstairs and opened the door to the bedroom where Emma was sleeping. She was passed out, but that wasn’t the worst part. Her clothes had been thrown in the corner. It was clear what happened there. At first, Jasper was upset for himself. Why would Emma have gotten back with Chip? He came to his senses pretty quickly, though. There was no way she would be with someone who cheated on her. No amount of alcohol could make her do that. He sat on the bed beside her and gently shook her awake.

  When Emma opened her eyes, she immediately looked horrified. She yelled out and pulled the sheet up. It was the first time she had ever looked at Jasper with fear.

  “What’s going on? You never came home, and then I found you like this. Are you okay?” Jasper asked.

  “Just get my clothes. I’ve got to get out of here.”

  “Wait a minute. We need to . . .”

  “Jasper, just give me my clothes, and wait outside!”

  He did as she said, and after a minute, Emma walked out. She still felt groggy, however, and Jasper had to help her out of the house. As they walked away, several frat brothers yelled out inappropriate things. She was whistled at and even called a slut. Jasper wanted to do something about it, but there was an entire house against them. The best thing he could do was get her out of there as quickly as possible. Once they were on the road, he turned to her for answers.

  “What happened, Emma?”

  “What do you think happened?” Emma asked defensively.

  “I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you. I tried calling last night, but you never picked up. I wish I had figured out where you were and just come over.”

  “Just give me a second to gather my thoughts. It’s all still a blur.”

  “Take your time.”

  “I went there to make Chip jealous. I knew he would be around because he loves to party with the Sigmas. When I got there, he gave me a beer and apologized. He even asked if we could be friends. I said no, of course. After that, I felt dizzy. Then everything gets really fuzzy. I remember bits and pieces. None of it’s good. I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

  “We have to. If what I think happened, then we’ve got to file a police report. Chip was bragging to some of those guys about having sex with you, and if you only had one beer, then it’s clear you shouldn’t have been so drunk that you blacked out.”

  “I didn’t just black out. The few moments I remember were pure hell, Jasper. I don’t want to file a police report, and I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” she said while trying to hold back tears.

  “Hey, I’m on your side here. I just have to know what happened so I’ll know what to do.”

  “I think he drugged me. I remember saying no, but I could barely move. I tried to fight, but . . .” Emma said before starting to cry.

  “Do you really not want to file a police report?”

  “No, just take me home.”

  “All right, then I’ll take care of this. I’m sorry that happened to you. I love you, and I’ll make sure it never happens again,” Jasper said.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Don’t worry about that. We’re home now. I’m going to call Sadie, and she’s going to come over until I get back. I . . .”

�re not leaving me right now. I need you. If you go, he’ll . . .”

  “All right. I’ll stay for now. Let’s go inside.”

  Jasper stayed with her until Sadie came over. Then he slipped out while they were talking. He didn’t know exactly what he was going to do yet, but Chip had hurt the woman he loved. In Jasper’s mind, he had to die for that. Chip Wake didn’t know it yet, but trouble was coming his way in the form of a very angry boy who might just be the end of him.

  Chapter 5

  Making Things Right

  On the ride over, Jasper thought of all the things he would do to Chip. Every fantasy ended in Chip dying. As he got closer, he realized that was a problem. Killing him would make himself feel better, but it really wouldn’t do anything for Emma. In fact, it would land her best friend in prison. He had to come up with something better. By the time he arrived, Jasper knew what he was going to do. He went into the dorms and found Chip’s room. His roommate had skipped out on him earlier in the semester, so he knew they would have some privacy for this. Jasper knocked and covered up the peephole on the door. After a second, Chip opened it. He was immediately met with a punch from Jasper. Chip fell back to the floor, but it didn’t take him long to get to his feet. As he got into a fighting stance, Jasper spoke.

  “You’re going to listen to me right now, if you value your life,” Jasper said.

  “Who do you think you are? I could easily deal with you, and I plan to.”

  “I don’t mean that I’ll kill you. That punch was for what you did to Emma. We went to the hospital and had a rape kit done. We also had them do a blood test. The results haven’t come back yet, but I’m guessing you used something like Rohypnol.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “For your sake, I hope not. Here’s how this is going to work. Emma doesn’t want to press charges because right now she’s ashamed. That’ll change soon, though. I’ll make sure of it. If I can’t change her mind, I’ll tell her parents what happened, and they’ll change it. Either way, she’s going to the police about this. There is a way out for you, though. Pack up and go home. I think she told me you were originally from Michigan. Go back there. I’ll give you seventy-two hours to pack up and withdraw from school, but after that, I’m getting her to go to the police. You can continue to be a world-class athlete far away from us, or you can stay and see how you do in prison. What’s it going to be?”


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