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Emma's Story

Page 8

by Mitchel Grace

  “Well, I am your best friend, so I think I have an edge.”

  “Maybe, but I’m not easily impressed, Jasper. You’re going to have to pull out all the stops tonight.”

  “Wait a minute. I thought you were taking me out. Maybe you’re the one who has to pull out all the stops.”

  “See, you’ve lost points already,” Emma teased.

  “I’m shutting up immediately.”

  They drove to the restaurant, and after they had ordered, they simply sat there in silence. It was awkward. They were friends, and they could normally talk about anything, but the rules seemed different now. This was a date, so shouldn’t they treat each other differently, and if so, what did that mean?

  “Okay, I’m just going to say it. This is a little awkward, and I’m nervous,” Jasper said.

  “Why would you be nervous?”

  “For two reasons. I’ve dreamed about being able to date you again since I was fourteen. I don’t want to mess that up. Secondly, you’re really beautiful tonight. Just looking at you makes me wonder how I got lucky enough to ever be with someone like you.”

  “Flattery will get you everywhere,” Emma said and smiled.

  “I’m serious. I feel lucky to be here.”

  “I do, too. You shouldn’t sell yourself short. You’re very good looking. We make the perfect couple. Now, I know this is a date, and some rules are different, but that’s not what I want tonight. I just want you to treat me like the same girl who’s your best friend. Can you do that?”

  “Of course. You’re just my insanely hot friend who I happen to be on a date with. You know, it’s just like every other day,” Jasper joked.

  “I’ve got a question for you. Did you really come all the way to Hawaii just for me?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t know how it would go, but I had to take a shot, and I figured if nothing else I would end up being close to a very good friend. It was a no-lose situation.”

  “So there’s definitely pressure on me here. I’m on a date with a guy who left all of his friends and family to be with me,” Emma said sarcastically.

  “Oh, no pressure at all. Seriously, though, I’m happy with whatever happens here, so don’t worry.”

  They ate dinner, and their conversation was much more animated. Afterward, they went back home. Jasper didn’t understand. Emma had told him she had something else planned. Why were they home if that was the case?

  “What are we doing here? Is the date over already?” Jasper asked.

  “No. I’ve got a surprise for you, but we had to be home for me to give it to you.”

  “Okay, but don’t think you’re getting me out of my clothes that easy,” he joked.

  “You wish! What I had in mind is a lot simpler. Come on. I’ll show you.”

  When they got inside, Emma revealed a movie that was very familiar to him. They had gone to see Destiny on their first date, and it appeared that they were going to see it again.

  “You said you loved the book, so we went to see this on our first date. It was great, and I figured it had been four years, so you might want to see it again,” Emma said.

  “I get it now. You’re recreating our first date. We ate Italian, and now we’re seeing Destiny again. This is really great.”

  “You’re not lying? I mean, it’s just a movie in. I couldn’t really think of anything romantic.”

  “No, this is the perfect thing for us to do. There’s nothing more romantic than a night in with you.”

  As they watched the movie together, Emma pretended to be cold. Jasper’s first reaction was to get a cover for her.

  “What are you thinking, you idiot. What I really want is for you to keep me warm,” Emma teased.

  “That would be better,” Jasper said and wrapped his arm around her.

  As Emma leaned on him and they watched the movie, Jasper started to realize how perfect his situation really was. He had a beautiful girl next to him, a romantic movie on, and a future that might just involve the love of his life. As the movie was getting toward the end, he just couldn’t pay attention to it anymore. The moment was perfect, and he took it. Jasper wrapped his arms around Emma and kissed her passionately.

  “So I take it the movie wasn’t holding your attention,” Emma said when he pulled back.

  “It’s hard for anything to with you so close,” he said and gave her one more kiss.

  “This might not be the time to ask, but I’ve got to know. What did tonight mean?” Jasper asked.

  “I don’t know. It was great, but I’m still working some stuff out. That sounds terrible. I don’t know why you put up with me.”

  “It’s not terrible at all. I’ve got a suggestion. How about we just let things be whatever they are between us until we figure it out? We won’t put labels on anything. We’ll just be friends who happen to date. What do you think?”

  “That sounds perfect. It’s getting pretty late, and the movie’s almost off. I don’t want tonight to end, though. What do you say we change and go down to the beach tonight?”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  They got ready and went out to the beach. They simply lay out and watched the waves crashing. It was peaceful, and most of all, romantic.

  “Did you ever think we would really be here?” Emma asked.

  “Not in a million years. I always dreamed of going to college here and picking up where we left off, but I figured something would get in the way.”

  “Like what?”

  “I thought you would meet someone before I could get here.”

  “You know, it just occurred to me that I haven’t asked why you didn’t meet someone back in New Jersey. As a matter of fact, you never talk about yourself. What was life like back there?”

  “Boring mainly. I liked my friends, and my family was great, but I didn’t really fit in with most of the girls there. That was probably my fault. I get really nervous in dating situations, or at least I do around everyone but you.”

  “I think I would’ve liked to have been a fly on the wall during one of your high school dates.”

  “Why? It would have been really painful to watch. I didn’t know what I was doing at all.”

  “That’s why I would want to be there. I’m so used to seeing you this way. You certainly don’t have a problem dating me, and you always seem like you’re in your element. It might be fun to see what Jasper Ellis looks like when he’s flustered.”

  “You might not know it, but every time we touch, I’m a little flustered.”


  “Because you make me feel like no one ever has. You’re the first person I’ve ever known who truly sets every part of me on fire with just a kiss. I love being around you, but my biggest fear is that one more touch and kiss might not come someday. In most ways, I’m completely comfortable around you, but in others, I’m more afraid than I’ve ever been. You’re the only girl I’ve ever cared about, and you’re the first person who could truly hurt me.”

  “But I won’t ever do that. Even so, I know what you mean. It’s different between us than it is with other people. I’m never afraid when I’m with you, though. I know you’re the only boy who would never hurt me, so I don’t worry about any of that.”

  “I guess you’re right. There’s no need to worry about getting hurt when it’s you.”

  “Exactly. I don’t bite. Well, at least not hard,” Emma flirted.

  “So what was life like here in Hawaii for a spoiled rich girl?” Jasper teased.

  “Well, let’s see. My dad is a very successful author, and my mom has her own website that tens of thousands of people visit per day. I would say it was pretty nice, but it had nothing to do with the money.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I had two parents who loved me and a brother who was one of my best friends. Then there was where we lived. I was right next to the beach, and all of my parents’ friends became like family. I even call them my aunts and uncles. It was just a peaceful place to grow up wh
ere I knew I was always safe. There was only one person missing - you.”

  “So do you think Hawaii will always be the place for you?”

  “Most definitely. That’s probably the most complicated part of you coming here. I know someday you’re going to want to go back home. This is the only place I can picture myself, though.”

  “I’ll admit that going back home in four years was the plan. I always thought I might have you by my side. Plans change, though.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Thanks to your dad, you have this really great house in a neighborhood full of people who love you. I’ll admit that this isn’t the worst place in the world to live either. It’s really beautiful here. What I’m trying to say is there are scenarios where I could stay here for the rest of my life and be happy with that decision.”

  “And what scenarios are that?”

  “Well, they involve a certain girl with blonde hair and green eyes. No pressure, but you’re pretty much the deciding factor in where my future’s going to be,” Jasper joked.

  “I couldn’t ask you to give up a future with your family just to stay with me.”

  “Emma, the scenario I’m talking about involves you becoming family. If I have a good reason to stay, it won’t even be a question of what I should do. I’ll just know.”

  “You would really stay for me?”

  “I moved to Hawaii, took out an unreal amount of student loans, and defied my parents’ wishes just for the chance to see you again. You can bet I would stay for the certainty of spending my days with you.”

  “Now I feel bad about saying I wouldn’t leave. You didn’t even hesitate to say you would stay for me.”

  “I think I like you a little more than you do me at the moment. That’s okay. We’ll work on that. Sooner or later, my charm will wear you down,” he teased.

  “I think it’s already starting to,” she said and gave him a peck on the lips.

  “Well, not that I don’t love lying out here under the stars with you, but it’s almost one. We’ve got school tomorrow, too. Don’t you think it’s time we headed back?”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. Come on,” Emma said as she grabbed his hand and they stood.

  On the way home, Emma kept coming back to what Jasper said. He would stay for her. What did that really mean? What future did he have in mind for them? Sure, he was her best friend, and she might even love him, but was he thinking too far ahead? For that matter, was she? This might not even be serious.

  “All right, what’s wrong?” Jasper asked as they pulled up to the house.

  “It’s nothing. I’m just overthinking things.”

  “Tell me what you’re thinking about. I might be able to put your mind at ease.”

  “You’re more likely to get offended.”

  “Come on, Emma. You can trust me. Just tell me what’s on your mind. I’ll understand.”

  “Okay, we were just talking about our future like it was certain that we had one. I think I want something to develop between us eventually, but right now, what we have is friendship and something else that I’m not quite sure what to call. I just don’t want to put too much pressure on . . .” she managed to say before Jasper kissed her.

  “So don’t,” he said as he pulled back.

  “But you gave up so much to come here. If I don’t . . .”

  “Emma, I gave up a lot to see you again and give things a shot with us. If all I do is have a great time here, then the trip will have been worth it. Trust me. I don’t have any expectations about what we’ll be. I’m just glad to be here right now,” he said, and they got out.

  When they got inside, Jasper walked Emma to her bedroom door. She paused for a moment, and he kissed her goodnight. Then he started to walk away.

  “Wow,” Emma said.


  “Every other guy would’ve tried to make a move on me, especially when we were already at the bedroom door. I didn’t want you to, but I’m just surprised.”

  “I know you, Emma. You’re not the type of girl to sleep with anyone on the first date, even if I am your best friend. I’ll save all advances for at least our third date,” he joked.

  “I might save them for the seventh or eighth, but thanks, Jasper. I had a great time tonight.”

  “Me, too. Maybe next time I can plan a date for you. There is going to be a next time, right?”

  “Definitely,” Emma said and walked into her room.

  As Jasper lay down in his bed, he sighed. It wasn’t a sigh of frustration, however. It was of relief. A part of him didn’t think this moment would come, but it was finally there. The girl he had loved for so long was almost his. He just had to stay the course, and he could seal the deal. Jasper just knew it. Things were only going to get even better.

  Chapter 9

  The Long Walk

  The following morning, Jasper woke up and rolled over to grab his phone. It was ten. They had overslept. They had only missed one day this semester, though, so it wasn’t like it was that bad. Still, he had a lot of important things he was supposed to do. Those worries quickly disappeared when he thought about the night before. It had been almost perfect. The only thing that could have made it better would have been not having to go to his room at the end of the night. Then again, it was awfully soon to be thinking about things like that. As he lay there and recapped everything, Emma walked into the room.

  “Are you ever going to get up?” she asked.

  “How long have you been awake?”

  “Since about eight. I tried to wake you, but you wouldn’t move. I decided a skip day was in order for me, too. I was thinking maybe I could show you some of the best spots here, so you can actually plan our next date and know where you’re going. What do you think?”

  “It sounds great, but does this count as date number two? Remember that you only have until three before I become the typical guy who’s always trying to take our relationship further,” Jasper joked.

  “In that case, we might never categorize anything we do together as a date again. Technically, I would say this is just a friend showing someone around, but you can think of it however you like.”

  “Okay, then a date it is. What did you want to show me first?” he asked as he got up.

  “First of all, we need some boundaries,” Emma said while looking at Jasper standing up in nothing but his boxers.

  “Um, sorry. I guess we might. Then again, I don’t think I would mind if you walked around the house in my boxers. I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal about this,” he teased.

  “I’m sure you wouldn’t. Now cover up, and I’ll take you to my favorite spot on our island. You should pack some hiking gear. Oh, and I almost forgot. I invited some friends to skip with us.”


  “Sadie for one. The other is someone you don’t know. His name’s Brent.”

  Jasper looked at her strangely. Why was she inviting another guy? Then again, she was inviting Sadie, too. Was this just a friendly thing, or should he be worried?

  “Don’t look that way. I’m not interested in him. Brent’s my Uncle Lee’s adopted son. He’s a little older, but we got close last year. He’s more like an adopted brother to me than anything. The one I’m really after is Sadie, so you should definitely be worried about her,” Emma joked.

  “Now, there’s a thought,” Jasper said and zoned out for a second.

  “All right, stop it. I was joking. I can’t believe you would be jealous of Brent after how great things were between us last night.”

  “You’re right. I just want to have a fair shot with you. I don’t want any Brents getting in the way.”

  “No worries. I’m going to get ready. You should do the same. They’ll be here in a few minutes.”

  “Wait a second. You said I needed hiking gear earlier. Why?”

  “You’ll find out. Just wait.”

  Jasper didn’t like the idea of hiking. Where would they be going, and woul
d Emma be witnessing him falling off the side of a mountain? He wasn’t the most athletic guy. It was a real possibility if she took him to the wrong place. He quickly shook off his doubts, however. The others would be there soon. He had to get ready. Jasper finished up just as Sadie and Brent walked in. Emma introduced him to Brent. The first thing he noticed was that Brent was tall, handsome, and a few years older. This guy had him beat at everything. He felt even worse about him coming now.

  “Well, are you guys ready?” Emma asked.

  “Sure. I’ve got everything packed up for the day. Let’s get out of here,” Sadie said.

  They rode together in Brent’s truck. Jasper took that opportunity to get to know him a little better.

  “So how do you and Emma know each other?” he asked.

  “I was adopted by a friend of her family when I was twelve. We’ve known each other since then, but we didn’t actually start hanging out until last year. There’s a big difference between a twelve year old and a nine year old, but now the age difference doesn’t seem that big.”

  “And he can buy us beer, so that helps,” Sadie joked.

  “Oh, okay. You two are kind of like family then?” Jasper asked.

  “Yeah, in a sense. We’re good friends who dated a little last year, but that’s ancient history. What I’m really interested in today is getting to know her friend better,” Brent said and glanced into the rearview mirror at Sadie.

  Jasper took a quick glance back at Emma, too. His expression was priceless. She had said Brent was like a big brother. What kind of person dates her brother? She simply shrugged at him. Emma didn’t want him to feel threatened or like she was hiding anything, so she passed off Brent as a brother figure. It was probably stupid to lie in the first place because she really didn’t have feelings for the guy.

  They eventually arrived at their destination, and Jasper saw that they were at a nature park a few miles from the beach.

  “What are we doing here?” he asked.

  “Sometimes we like to just get out and go for a hike. There will be good scenery, and the path ends at the beach. Sadie packed dinner for everyone, so we’ll be able to enjoy some time there before heading back,” Emma said.


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