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Emma's Story

Page 17

by Mitchel Grace

  “Are you okay?” Sam asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “You don’t look fine. I’ve known you since you were a baby, so you can’t lie to me. How are you really feeling?”

  “Panicked and like a complete asshole. Sorry. I don’t guess I’ve ever cursed in front of you.”

  “It’s okay. I want you to be yourself around me and Nathan. I get why you would curse in this situation, too. What I don’t get is why you think you’re an asshole.”

  “Because I was gone when this happened to him. I want to be with Emma, and I still plan to, but what does that make me? Am I selfish for doing what I want? They need me there when things like this happen, and I’m off doing whatever makes me feel good.”

  “You’re being too hard on yourself. Kids go off to college all the time. That doesn’t make them selfish. It’s just normal, and it’s not like you could’ve predicted this.”

  “I know, but how would you feel?”

  “I’m going to tell you something I don’t talk about much. My dad died when I was little, and it was in a car accident. I watched the whole thing from the backseat. I was there, but it didn’t make a difference. It didn’t make me feel any better that I witnessed it either. I can relate to how you’re feeling because I’ve been there. I’ve wondered if I would ever see my dad again before finding out the worst thing possible. That’s not quite the situation you’re in. Jason was hurt, but I know him. He’ll be back to normal in no time.”

  “How can you be sure of that? I mean, I told my mom the same thing, but I have no idea what’s really going to happen.”

  “Because I knew Jason long before you were even thought about. I knew him even before your mom did. He was probably the first real friend I ever had. If there’s one thing I know about him, it’s that he’s a fighter. Your dad has been through a lot in his life, and nothing has destroyed him up until this point. That’s enough to let me know he’s going to make it through this.”


  “Don’t mention it. Before I go, I want to ask you something. You feel bad about not being there. Are you having doubts about what you and Emma are doing in Hawaii?”

  “No, I just worry that I’m not going to be there for my family when they need me.”

  “Well, I want you to know something. We love that you’re with Emma, and I know you make her happier than any boy ever has. You’re like a son to us, too. She would probably hate me for saying this, but I feel like I have to. There’s no pressure on you to be there for Emma in the end. That’s what we want because we like having you around, but if you end up back in New Jersey, we’ll understand. Just do what’s right for you. You’re young, and that’s what you’re supposed to do right now.”

  “I understand what you’re saying, and I do wish I could be home sometimes. If I weren’t here, though, I would regret it even more. I love your daughter, and that’s not going to change. It isn’t easy being away from home, but I can handle it, if I get to be with her.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. You’re giving up a lot to be with Emma, but if you really do love her, then never let yourself regret it. We all give up things to be with the people we love, but I know from experience that it’s worth it in the end. Do yourself a favor, though. You’ve carried the load with Emma so far. Let her carry it for a while.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re feeling regretful and just plain sad because something bad happened in your family. Don’t act fine. Let her comfort you and carry your relationship until you feel better. I know she will. I think Emma loves you as much as you do her,” Sam said before walking back to her seat.

  “Hey, what did you and my mom talk about?” Emma asked as she sat back down by him.

  “Just my dad. Speaking of that, do you mind if I open up a little? I’m not feeling very optimistic, and I’m not normally the emotional type, but I think I need to be right now. Can I count on you to be what I need if all of this goes wrong?”

  “Always. I’ve been waiting to have this talk. You were everything I needed when things went so bad last semester. You saved my life, and I don’t mean that metaphorically. I wouldn’t be here without you, so I’m going to give you anything you need in your worst moment. I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” Jasper said and grabbed her hand.

  Their relationship was equal. It always could have been, but Jasper didn’t know that until then. He thought of himself as the one who had to be there for her and hide his own weaknesses. Jasper thought that was just his role in the relationship, but he couldn’t have been more wrong. From that point forward, there were no roles. They picked each other up when they were weak and celebrated the lives they had together as equals in the best and worst of times.

  Chapter 18

  Loving Like There’s No Tomorrow

  When their flight landed, they went straight to the hospital. Once they were at Jason’s room, an old friend met them outside. His name was Burt, and he had been Jason’s friend for the longest of anyone there. The only thing that everyone couldn’t figure out was how he had gotten there so quickly. He lived in Hawaii, too.

  “How did you get here before us?” Sam asked.

  “When Chloe wasn’t able to get in touch with anyone, she tried my number. I was the only person who didn’t cut my phone off, so she got in touch with me at three in the morning. I took the first flight out. Molly’s in the waiting room. You guys should say hi to her while Jasper takes a minute with his dad. They only let so many people in at one time. I’ll come get you when he’s done,” Burt said.

  Nathan and Sam agreed to go, and Emma gave Jasper a kiss on the cheek and told him to come get her if he needed anything at all. Then he turned toward Burt.

  “How bad is it?” Jasper asked.

  “I’m not going to lie to you. It’s not good. You should just see for yourself. I’m really sorry, kid,” Burt said and gave him a pat on the back.

  Jasper walked into Jason’s room while trying to brace himself for what was going to be a terrible situation. What he saw didn’t seem so bad, though. Jason was sitting up, and other than a few bruises, he looked as good as he ever had.

  “Dad, how are you feeling?” Jasper asked with concern.

  “I’m fine. You didn’t have to come all this way.”

  “But Burt said . . .”

  “Oh, I forgot all about that. We were going to play a little joke on you when you got here. After I woke up and found out you were coming, I thought it might be fun to have him make up a story about how I was doing only to surprise you when you walked through the door. I was supposed to act at least a little impaired, though. I guess I blew it,” Jason said and grinned.

  “That’s not funny at all. Do you have any idea how worried I was? I thought you were going to die, or at the very least, be a shell of yourself.”

  “Jasper, I’m fine. I can’t believe you thought one little car wreck was going to do me in. I was just trying to teach you a lesson. Next time, don’t fly all this way. You had things to do there. I know you’re missing schoolwork, and you’ve got a job, too.”

  “Jason, this isn’t as simple as you’re making it sound. You were seriously hurt. That’s why Jasper made the trip. He should be here, and according to the doctor, you’re not out of the woods yet,” Chloe said.

  “What does that mean?” Jasper asked.

  “Nothing. I’m fine. I don’t know why they haven’t let me leave already,” Jason said.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because you have a handful of broken bones, one of which almost punctured a lung, and we didn’t know if you were going to wake up as yourself for a long time. We still don’t know that this won’t have lasting effects,” Chloe said.

  “She’s right, Dad. What kind of effects could it have?” Jasper asked.

  “His brain was bruised, so several things could happen. They’re going to keep him here for the next two days to do tests and in case something goes wrong. Even after tha
t, it could still have effects. Seizures, sudden memory loss, and even changes to his personality could be risks. We have to make sure everything is normal before we leave this place, and even after that, he could have some problems.”

  “All right, enough of this. I’m not going to lie here while you two talk about me like I’m in a vegetative state. I’m fine, and I remember everything that I used to. I’m obviously the same person. Let’s start over. It’s good to see you, son. You didn’t have to come, but I’m always glad to see you. I’m fine, and I’m going to be. Okay?” Jason asked.

  “That is a better conversation to have. I love you, and I’m glad you’re all right. Is there anything I can do for you? I know you hate hospitals.”

  “Just being here is enough. Actually, on second thought, there is one thing. How long are you going to be here?”

  “Until Sunday night. Why?”

  “Because you look like you haven’t slept in ages. You can take your mom home and get some sleep. I’m sure your girlfriend’s tired, too.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, but I agree with Jason. You should get some rest. We’ll be here when you wake up. Make Paul come home with you, too. He could use a break,” Chloe said.

  “Are you guys sure? I just got here, and I feel like . . .”

  “Rest. I’ll be here tomorrow, unfortunately. Oh, and while you’re here, you should show Emma the sights,” Jason said.

  “What sights?”

  “Where you grew up and the best parts of this town. I know you didn’t always love it here, but I’m sure there are parts of this city that will always be home. You should show Emma those places, if she’s going to be a part of your life permanently.”

  “All right. I’ll do that, but Dad, I want to spend some time with you sooner or later. I thought I had lost you.”

  “Come here. You’re not going to lose me anytime soon. I love you. Now, go home and get some rest,” Jason said and hugged him.

  “Okay, but you should try to rest, too.”

  “Haven’t you heard? I slept for over twenty-four hours. I think I’m going to enjoy my waking life for at least a little while. Oh, and before you guys go, tell Nathan and Sam to come see us. I haven’t seen them since back in the summer,” Jason said.

  Jasper got Nathan and Sam and told them his dad wanted to see them. After they were gone, Emma asked him how Jason was.

  “He’s the same old dad I’ve always known. I’m relieved, but I still don’t exactly feel happy,” Jasper said.

  “Why? You should be ecstatic. You just found out your dad is going to be all right.”

  “True, but I almost lost him. It wasn’t until then that I really believed he would ever die. I mean, I knew he had to some day, but death is all so real now. I’m definitely happy that he’s okay, but I don’t feel like I’ve exhaled yet. Does that make any sense?”

  “It makes perfect sense. You can learn something from it, if you want.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “Life is short. We have to love the people in our lives as much as possible before they’re gone. We’ll come back up here after we get some rest, and you can do just that.”

  “Actually, my dad thought it might be a good idea for me to show you around. I know everything about where you grew up, but I don’t really talk about my home much. Not all of my memories here are good, but I want to share them with you. What do you think? Do you want to see who I was growing up and where my favorites spots were?”

  “I do. Will that be okay, though?”

  “Yeah. It’s actually morning now, so we’ll sleep a few hours and get up this afternoon. Then I’ll show you around. If we’re lucky, we’ll have time to stop by the hospital tonight. I wouldn’t normally plan a day out when all of this was going on, but it was his idea, and you’re right. We do have to love the people in our lives as much as we can before they’re gone. I plan on starting that with you this morning.”

  “In that case, I’m in. What are you going to show me first?”

  “I haven’t decided yet. I think I’m going to sleep on it. There comes your mom and dad. We should find Paul and go home.”

  “He went down to the cafeteria. We’ll get him on the way,” Emma said as she put her hand in his, and they walked to her parents.

  One of the scariest days of Jasper’s life was over, and everything had turned out fine. He had never thought it would, but this was going to be like a little vacation. Finally, Emma was going to see a glimpse of the boy he was in high school. He had his doubts about if she would like everything, but he shouldn’t have. Emma loved every part of him.

  * * * * *

  Jasper awoke that afternoon in his bed. He rolled over to wrap his arms around Emma, but she wasn’t there. That was when he remembered that morning. Emma slept in the guest room because her parents were there. They had been sleeping together for weeks, but Jasper didn’t make a big deal out of it. He didn’t want her parents hating him. It did feel odd to wake up without her, though. Still, life was good. His dad was healthy, he was home again, and Emma was under the same roof.

  “Are you going to sleep all day?” Paul asked as he stepped into the doorway.

  “What time is it?”

  “Two. Everyone else is up but you and Emma.”

  “You could’ve let me lie here until she got up. I would much rather she be the one waking me up.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Let’s just say her methods of waking me up are a lot better,” Jasper joked.

  “All right. I get that you’re in a love bubble right now, but you two need to get up soon. We’ve got to go.”


  “Because Dad’s in the hospital.”

  “Has Mom called?”

  “Yeah, the doctors feel good about how he’s doing, but you never know. I think I should be there.”

  “How long were you at the hospital before I got there?”

  “You’re just full of questions, aren’t you?”

  “Just tell me.”

  “The whole time.”

  “That’s what I thought. As your technical big brother, I’m going to take the lead here. You’re not going back to that hospital for at least a few hours. Dad doesn’t want us there all the time, and I know Mom doesn’t want you worn out either when he’s going to be fine.”

  “Yeah, but . . .”

  “Paul, trust me. Dad’s fine, and it’s time for you to relax a little. Dad suggested that I show Emma around before I went back to the hospital. He thinks she should know more about the place I grew up, and even if you were one of the weirder parts of my history, you were still the most important person to me growing up. Want to join us? It wouldn’t be a true telling of my history if you weren’t there.”

  “Do you really think now is the time?”

  “No, but that’s how he wants it, and I know nothing’s going to happen to him. What do you say?”

  “Fine. Where do you have in mind to go?”

  “That’s what I haven’t figured out.”

  “That’s easy. We should go to the aquarium. A lot of important things happened there,” Paul said with one eyebrow raised.

  “You losing your virginity with some girl you barely knew in a storage closet doesn’t exactly count as my history.”

  “Still, I think it’s a history worth talking about,” Paul joked.

  “It’s really not a bad spot, and I think Emma might enjoy it. I just don’t know where to take her after that. All of my memories either involve you or Lily, and I can’t bring Emma around her. That’s a recipe for disaster.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Do you really have to ask? Introducing my girlfriend to the person who told me she loved me a few weeks ago is a terrible idea.”

  “Emma doesn’t know what she did, so . . . wait a minute. You were dumb enough to tell her, weren’t you?”

  “We tell each other everything. I didn’t see a problem with it.”

  “I forgot w
ho I was talking to. It might not hurt to invite Lily anyway. If Emma truly has nothing to be jealous about, then I’m sure she’ll be fine. Besides, I happen to look exactly like the guy Lily’s in love with, so I like my chances.”

  “Wait a minute. Do you like Lily?”

  “No, but I could. I never said anything because in high school I figured you two would end up together, but she was one of the best looking girls at our school. I’ve never asked this before, but would you help me out? I’ve been in a little bit of a slump lately, and I don’t want to be the third wheel with you and Emma.”

  “I guess it would be fine if I explained to Emma that this was for you.”

  “Great. I win either way. Either I’ll get Lily, and Emma will see there’s nothing to worry about, or I’ll get to watch you awkwardly walk around with your girlfriend and the person who’s loved you for the last four years,” Paul joked.

  “You realize I haven’t actually called Lily yet, right?”

  “I’ll shut up right now.”

  “I just can’t believe you like Lily.”

  “I didn’t say I liked her. She’s a pretty face, so who knows?”

  “Okay, but let me give you a friendly warning. Lily isn’t like the girl you ended up in a storage closet with. She’s special, so if I invite her, you’ve got to treat her like it.”

  “Wow. I’m starting to wonder if you have a crush on her,” Paul teased.

  “I’m being serious. She’s my friend. If I do this for you, then you have to treat her well.”

  “When have I not treated a girl right?”

  “That’s not what I mean. I’m just saying that she’s probably looking for something more serious. You’ve never been the type to want a real relationship.”

  “Well, maybe some things change. Come on. Don’t overthink it. I’ll be on my best behavior, and Lily will have a good time. Meanwhile, you and Emma can concentrate on each other. This might actually be a good thing for you because when she sees me with Lily, it’s going to make her stop seeing her as a threat.”


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