The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3)

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The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3) Page 21

by Wendie Nordgren

  “Congratulations,” I told my cousin.

  He ate a pastry with a goofy expression on his face. Then, he whistled his way from the room. He showered, dressed in a suit and thick warm coat, and left. Kaoti had returned and was just as pleasantly surprised as were Nico and I. As soon as Simon was gone, I activated the corner vid-screen in the kitchen and called Gina.

  “Simon has finally found a woman? What is she like? What’s her name?”

  I shook my head. “I have no idea. I just found out. As you can see, I’ve been in my gown all day. I’ll call you again as soon as I know more.”

  “I look forward to your call.”

  Nico said, “You are going to tell his mother everything?”

  “Yes, how else is she going to find out?”

  “What about his privacy?”

  “My cousins and I don’t have any.”

  “Chirp!” Thunderdrop said as he blinked at Nico from my shoulder.

  “Clack!” Cass said from the web in the corner.

  “See? The boys know.”

  Quaid arrived in time for dinner. Hiroshi and Yukihyo called to tell us they would be late. Phillip called and told us to expect him by the next afternoon. He was trying not to wake his bed partner. I rolled my eyes at him. We had moved into the relaxation room. I remained in my gown and robe and had my feet in Quaid’s lap.

  “Have I ever told you how very much I love your foot rubs?”

  “I don’t recall,” Quaid said with his black eyes glittering at me.

  “I love your foot rubs.”

  He grinned at me and winked. “Your suspicions about Isidora were correct. I sent the Chief Medical Officer to her while she was in detainment. Since the time she first discovered that she was unable to conceive, we have made vast improvements to our nanite technology. Perhaps, she will be more pleasant now.”

  “I’m glad she can have a baby. It must have been agonizing for her wanting one.”

  “Yes, especially in our culture where children are cherished.”

  “Now, the hateful bitch just needs to find someone who will actually sleep with her,” I said with a shudder.

  Quaid laughed and said, “Yes, you will never share your bed with her.”

  I blushed. “She started it.”

  Kaoti chuckled and said, “A one credit whore.” We laughed with him.

  Everyone had returned home to Tora by the next morning. Phillip was relaxed and jovial. Simon reminded me of a love-sick spider pining for a stuffed octopus. He had asked Yukihyo to help him work out a marriage contract. They were pouring over a vid-screen when I barged in on them.

  “Simon! I haven’t met her. Your mom and dad haven’t met her. You’re just gonna marry her?”

  “Yes, I know you will all love her as much as I do. From the moment I looked into her eyes, I knew she was the one. I have no doubts. I am only concerned with convincing her to marry me, board Tora, leave her life on Leucon behind, and live with me on Arachne. That’s all I want. I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want this.” Simon’s pale blue eyes conveyed to me how much he wanted my support.

  “Okay. If you love her, I’m sure I’ll love her.” Simon jumped up, hugged me, and kissed my forehead. Hiroshi checked over the marriage contract after they had completed it. “What’s her favorite color?”

  “Purple,” Simon said as he grinned at me.

  “Fine. I’ll get something nice.”

  “You think she will accept me?” He looked worried.

  “Of course, how could she not?”

  Simon left an hour later and promised to call us. Quaid, Nico, Yukihyo, and I went to a jewelry store while Pierce and Lorca babysat for us on Tora.

  “Did he tell you anything about her?” I asked Yukihyo.

  “No, he babbled on and on about his feelings. He is too captivated to remember that I can sense his feelings.” He grinned at me.

  I bought Simon’s lady an amethyst and diamond necklace with a matching ring. Yukihyo told me that he and Hiroshi had not met with the same success as Simon and I. Hiroshi wanted to go to the Trambelus Space Station rather than following us to Nephele, the next stop on my diplomatic tour. Hiroshi wanted to meet us on Chione in a week. Then, having brought me up to speed, Yukihyo called Lorca and told him we would be travelling to our next planet on Kane’s ship. Lorca offered to help us pack.

  Simon called us on Yukihyo’s vid-screen. “I would like to introduce you all to the new Lady Montgomery. Will you meet us?”

  After agreeing to meet at the food market, Yukihyo said, “We’re on our way.”

  Simon met us at the entrance. I had never seen him happier. I kissed his cheek, wrapped my arms around him, and rested my chin on his chest.

  “Congratulations! I love you very much, and I am so glad you’re happy. You deserve to be happy.”

  Simon kissed my nose. His eyes sparkled. “Come and meet her. I have already purchased the foods I know you want, so there is no need for you to be distracted.”

  I laughed. Simon gave me his arm and walked with us to a table. I got angry when I spotted Isidora.

  “That bitch had better not spoil this for you, or I swear, I’ll blast her. She had better stay away from our table.”

  “We’ll make sure she doesn’t interfere,” Yukihyo promised.

  “Don’t worry. Gary and the others are near,” Quaid said.

  “What’s wrong?” Simon asked.

  “The hateful woman who insulted and physically threatened my wife is here. I have never before wanted to strike a woman,” Nico said.

  “Ignore her,” Simon suggested. He kissed my hair.

  I smiled up at him, and said, “For you, I’ll do anything.” I tried to ignore Isidora, but Simon kept walking toward her. Isidora had risen from her table, and her face had drained of what color it had. I noticed she had changed into something more respectable. Maybe I had gotten through to her about those pants. One could hope. Simon released my arm, rushed to Isidora, and kissed her.

  “Family, allow me to introduce the Lady Isidora Montgomery, the woman who has made me the happiest man in the universes.”

  Isidora and I stared at each other. I managed to curtsy. She curtsied back. Everything she had said to me began to replay in my head.

  “Please, everyone, sit down!” Smiling, Simon held her hand like she was a goddess.

  When we remained standing, Simon looked between Isidora and me. Then, he looked at Yukihyo, Nico, and Quaid. Large tears began to fall from Isidora’s eyes. Simon looked stricken. It hurt me to see him upset, so I pulled out a chair and sat. My jaw hurt from clenching it so hard. Yukihyo, Nico, and Quaid sat protectively around me. Isidora turned and ran to the bathroom. Simon looked at us with a horrified ashen expression. What made it even worse was that I could feel my cousin’s pain.

  “Go after her, Simon. For your sake, I will force myself to get along with her if you can ensure she won’t attack me.”

  “Teagan, I had no idea.”

  “We all know you love her, Simon. I will try to get along with her.”

  Simon trudged off to the restroom. Luckily, we didn’t hear any outraged shrieks when he entered the ladies’ room.

  “That bitch went after you while you had Neema in your arms. I’d like to feel my hands around her throat,” Nico said.

  “She was my only hope of forming an emotional bond, and she treated me with disdain. Hiroshi and Phillip may not allow her on Tora. They may need passage on the Hadrian.”

  Yukihyo’s words made me think of the hybrids, and how I currently treated them with disdain, but I really felt like they had earned it. I twisted the onyx cuff on my wrist.

  “Captain Alaric and I are not fans of the woman who called Teagan a spoiled, pampered bitch and a slut,” Quaid said.

  “Simon can’t help that he fell in love with her. However, if she poses a threat to my children….”

  “I will handle her. You will not,” Nico commanded.

  Skewers of mean mountain goat
were on the table, so I angrily ate them. “How could my sweet wonderful best friend fall in love with her?” I shook my head.

  Simon appeared pulling a tear streaked Isidora along with him. He had a stern expression. Isidora’s eyes were full of pink and orange.

  “Why does he look so angry?”

  “While he was in the restroom with her, I sent him the recording of your most recent exchange.”

  “Quaid, that’s awful. Why did you do that?”

  “Eric would have shared it. He might as well know, now.”

  I stood. “Simon, I’m sorry. I got angry and was mean, too.”

  “For being so unfairly treated, you had reason.”

  Yukihyo crossed his massive arms over his chest and stared at Isidora. She didn’t look at him and lick her lips like she had before.

  “Princess Teagan, I deeply regret my behavior toward you. Also, I regret my behavior toward Lord Yukihyo Lee.”

  I forced my jaw to unclench and said, “I apologize for my behavior toward you. I hope for my cousin’s sake that we can put it behind us.” If she ever hurt Simon, I would say yes to Kaoti’s question. Quaid coughed.

  Yukihyo said, “Your rejection of me years ago was for the best.”

  Nico and Quaid glared at her. Simon pulled out her chair. Isidora was wearing a wool dress with purple trim. I wondered if she was wearing underwear. Quaid coughed again, but Yukihyo laughed. I sat, picked up the skewer, and ate another piece of meat. Isidora glanced at me in surprise.

  I smiled at her with my cheeks full. After I swallowed, I said, “I have a short round figure to maintain.” I knew it was wrong to say, but she had started it. Gram wouldn’t put up with her crap and neither would Ethan or Gina. I took a deep breath and forced myself to be nice. “Isidora, Simon told me your favorite color, so we got you a little welcome to the family gift. If you don’t like it, you can exchange it.” I held out the box I had crushed slightly in my anger.

  “Thank you. That was kind of you.”

  “You’re welcome.” I shoved a pastry in my mouth. “I hope you get really fat when you’re pregnant and stay that way.” Everyone gaped at me. Horrified, I said, “I didn’t say that out loud. Did I?” My face turned red.

  Yukihyo chuckled.

  “If I were to be blessed with even one child, I wouldn’t care,” she said as she pulled the ribbon from the box. “I was informed by the doctor who healed me that you had sent him. Thank you.” She cried again.

  It made me cry. I scowled at her. “You’re welcome. I saw your face and felt your sadness when you looked at Neema.” I realized something. “That’s why you rejected Yukihyo. You knew you couldn’t give him what he needed, so you drove him away.”

  Isidora turned her head and sobbed into Simon’s big strong shoulder. “Why are you being so kind to me after the way I have treated you?” I shrugged. “I said terrible things to you.”

  “You weren’t that bad. I grew up hearing worse.”

  “Open the gift Teagan brought you, darling,” Simon told her.

  She lifted off the lid. “It’s beautiful. I will treasure it.” Simon put it around her neck. Then, she noticed the ring. It fit.

  I ate another pastry. Simon blotted her tears with his silk square. I had a feeling I’d never be truly welcome at Simon’s house again. I stood and turned toward the exit. I pushed my sorrow into a box and shoved it away.

  “Excuse me. Neema needs me.”

  My husbands quickly caught up to me. I held myself together until I got in the transport. Then, I sobbed into Yukihyo’s shoulder.

  “I just lost my best friend in the universes to that woman. Is her last name Dano? Is this some hateful plot to finish what they started?”

  “No, lady wife.”

  “How could my Simon love her?”

  “Teagan, you must calm down. We will get our daughter and go to Kane’s ship as we planned for the trip to Nephele.” Yukihyo carried me from the transport bay to our quarters.

  Phillip heard us and wanted to know what was wrong fearing I was hurt. When I came out of my bathroom, Phillip’s face appeared to reflect how stricken I felt. I placed my grandmother’s and mother’s things inside a crate along with my blaster and other treasures. I didn’t want Isidora near them. I eyed Thunderdrop’s tree.

  “No, Teagan. This is our home. She won’t drive us from it.”

  I went to our sitting room. I took the picture of Yukihyo and me, my mother, parents, the ones of Nico, and Quaid, and the one of us all dressed up for the ball on Parvac. The one of Eliot and Simon standing behind me hurt too much. I left it. Pierce carried Neema. Thunderdrop chittered at Cass.

  “We will see you on Chione,” Yukihyo told Phillip.

  We got into my transport. Quaid drove himself to the Hadrian. Thunderdrop hugged my throat. I started to cry.

  “Before Simon spoke to me on Arachne, he investigated me. Why didn’t he investigate her?” Nico pulled me into his lap. One of Kane’s crewmen opened our door.

  “This is Teagan’s personal transport. We would like to bring it on board for our personal use. Is that alright?” Yukihyo asked.

  “Yes, sir. I’ll even check all of its systems.”

  Yukihyo thanked him and took Neema from Pierce. Nico carried me to the lift. Our things were brought to our room. Pierce and Lorca put everything away. My small vid-screen began beeping. Nico answered it, said, hello, and passed it to me.

  “I have been waiting for you to call me. Why are you crying? Is it the baby? Are you okay?” Gina asked.

  “I’m fine. We are fine. I’m just feeling emotional. I think you will be getting an important call from Simon very soon.” I smiled at her. “Can I call you tomorrow. I need to rest for a little while.”

  “Yes, Teagan. I love you. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  We all changed into sleepwear and played on the floor with Neema and Thunderdrop. Thunderdrop was trying to teach Neema to roll the ball. Yukihyo’s vid-screen beeped. Hiroshi’s face was dark with anger.

  “Teagan and I give you, Phillip, Kaoti, and Cass permission to enter our quarters.”

  “I understand. Did we never speak her name to him? I must now attempt to avoid the woman for a week on my own ship. Other than her tits, what does he see in her?”

  “Feel free to keep us informed.”

  “I assume you will spend a few days on Nephele. Buy my baby sister something for me.” Hiroshi ended the call.

  The next call was from Eric. “How’s my cousin?”

  “Honestly, she is heartbroken and feels she has lost Simon forever. I am keeping her calm.”

  “Simon won’t let anything or anyone come between them. He can’t bear being the cause of her tears either.”

  “Then, don’t tell him. I had never seen Simon happier. Then, when we saw it was her, it was ruined. For his sake, I intend to pretend like everything is fine.”

  “He’ll know you’re faking,” Eric stated.

  “Not if Yukihyo and Quaid help me. Simon deserves to be happy, but if she hurts him, she’s spider food,” I said. Eric winked at me and ended the call.

  Our ships departed from Leucon. I went to the kitchen where the chef handed me one of the fake cups of coffee with which Nico thought he tricked me. “That woman will be in my kitchen.”

  “Chitter chitter.”

  “Do you think Cass will like her?”

  “Chirp chitter chirp.”

  “I know. It’s Simon’s mate and not ours.”


  “There you are, woman. Your husbands have decided that since it is only a day’s journey to Nephele, we are having a food and movie marathon. Come with me.”

  I took a sip of coffee and followed Nico. All of the furniture in the sitting area of the Imperial quarters had been moved to create a large area in front of the wall mounted vid-screen. They had spread out furs, blankets, and pillows on the floor in front of it. Yukihyo grinned up at me from where he sat with Neema who had been stripped of everyt
hing but her diaper. Rattles and blocks had been spread before her. Her new interest were the blocks that Yukihyo had brought back from his unsuccessful trip with Hiroshi. Neema stacked them and knocked them over. She did it repeatedly. Thunderdrop played with a transport a safe distance away.

  Nico sat, spread his legs, and let me lean back against his chest. Yukihyo smiled as he placed a pillow under my knees. We watched a good movie where a female militia expert saved a colony from invading hostile aliens. Then, we watched the sequel. I picked Neema up and enjoyed the soft baby fat feel of her between my fingers.

  That night I woke to Nico’s soft snoring from where I cuddled against Yukihyo. Neema slept soundly in her bed, and I didn’t have to pee. I didn’t understand what had caused me to wake. As I tried to fall asleep, I felt his pain. It wasn’t Yukihyo, Nico, or Quaid. I crawled from bed and slipped into a robe. I left our room and went to the sitting room that had been put back in order. I sat and tried to concentrate on the pain. I stood and left our quarters. I heard a whisper of sound as my bare feet touched the carpeted surface of the corridor. I knew my Laconian guards followed me even if I couldn’t see them. I knew they wanted me to pretend as though they weren’t there, so I humored them. I walked to the end of the corridor and concentrated. With certainty, I went to the medical bay.

  Crewman stopped and saluted as I walked past and just as quickly asked if I were in need of assistance. I had an unwanted escort of two Parvac soldiers by the time I cautiously entered the medical bay. When the doctor on duty saw me, he rushed forward. I held my hand up to stop him.

  “Princess, please lay back and tell me what has caused you to wake,” the doctor said.

  “It’s not me, but it is. I feel pain, but it’s not my own. I don’t know how to explain. I’m searching for the source. It’s stronger here.” I shook my head and walked farther inside and toward a private room in the back. Guards stood at attention to either side of the door. It was much worse now. I could feel it. I stepped close enough for the door to open.

  “Princess, you must not enter. The man inside is dangerous,” a guard said as he moved to block my path.

  “The man inside is crippled with pain. I know. I can feel it. I must go to him.” When he made no move to stand aside, I got close enough to him that Niklos was pressed against him. He had no choice but to move or risk offending the future emperor. Instead of arguing with me or attempting to restrain me, he woke his Captain.


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