The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3)

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The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3) Page 22

by Wendie Nordgren

  I went to the side of the bed. The man who laid in it was in agony. Sweat beaded on his pale brow and drenched his short black hair. His thick black eyebrows almost met in the middle with his strain not to cry out. His eyes opened to slits when he sensed me near him. He opened his lips as if to speak.

  “Hush. Don’t try to talk not when laying here is too difficult for you. Your pain is so great that even I can feel it. I had to find you and see if I could help.” I reached down and placed my hand over his. The doctor had followed me inside. “What’s wrong with him? Why is he in such torment?”

  “The prisoner suffered a knife wound,” the doctor said.

  “When was the last time he had a pain patch?”

  “When he came out of surgery,” the doctor said.

  “Can’t you give him another one?”

  “As you wish, Princess.” The doctor left.

  I went to the small sink, found a wash cloth, and wetted it with cold water. I returned to the miserable patient and wiped at his forehead. I refolded it and pressed it to his cheeks. He closed his eyes. I took the cloth to the sink and rinsed it out again in cold water. When I turned back to attempt to cool his forehead, he watched me with solid black eyes. I combed his hair away from his forehead with my fingers before holding the cloth to his head. “I see. You are one of the seventeen hybrid mercenaries. You were attacked and captured.”

  The doctor returned and placed a small pain patch under his ear. “Is there a problem, doctor?”

  “What do you mean, Princess Teagan?”

  “Well, is the Empire too poor to afford another pain patch or a stronger one? The one you just put behind his ear looks to be the size of one Phillip gave me once for cramps. If credits are the problem, I can pay for the medication this man needs.”

  With red creeping up his neck, he left and came back with two patches the sizes of my hands. Pulling down the blanket to the man’s waist, he applied a patch to each of his sides. A bandage covered his stomach, and traces of red had seeped through. I refolded the wet cloth and placed it back on his forehead. I could feel it as his pain subsided.

  “That’s better. His pain was so great that it woke me. Why are you allowing him to suffer in such agony? I’ve never known you to be cruel. You’re a doctor.”

  “On my orders, Teagan. You’re not supposed to be in here. I’ll take you back to bed. Nico won’t be happy to hear of this.”

  “He’ll hear of it from me. Do you realize that I feel his pain, cousin? Whether we like it or not, these men are a part of me, and I am a part of them. I don’t know if I am to consider them family now or what.”

  “I’m your family. We share the same blood,” Kane said.

  “Yes, and I love you. And you’re so very handsome with your dirty blonde hair and green and gold eyes.”

  “You think I’m handsome because we look alike,” Kane said. I went to Kane and wrapped my arms around his chest under his arms.

  “It’s not like with Yukihyo. He knows what I feel and calms and centers me. Quaid knows my thoughts and can sooth my mind when I’m troubled. Each of these men can do those things simultaneously. I felt from this man as I do from Simon, Eric, Ethan, Sherman, Gram, Grandmother, Uncle Kagan, and sometimes you. It was stronger though. It was like what I might feel from a brother. Please don’t make him suffer, Kane. I know they have done terrible things to us and to our ships, but Knife, I mean Jazon promised me they intend to cooperate and that they want a chance to serve as my guards in our empire. I think they want to stop running. I can relate to that now. It’s nice having a home and getting to feel safe.”

  “This is bigger than what you want, tiny cousin. I can’t make you any guarantees about the outcome. I will approve pain medication for him if it will please you.”

  Kane waited with me until the injured man had fallen into a pain free sleep. Then, he walked me back to my bedroom.

  Chapter Thirteen

  After a fitful night’s sleep, Neema woke me. Once I had seen to her needs, Pierce gave her a bath and dressed her while I did the same for myself. Captain Valen, General Cassian, and Lord Alaric Montgomery Lee sat in the sitting room. I didn’t need to ask to know of what they spoke. I took a seat at the dining table and ate what the chef put in front of me. Thunderdrop sat on my shoulder. I finished and went to brush my teeth.

  Then, without a word to any of them, I went to the medical bay. Solid black eyes watched me as I entered the private room. The guards saluted, but made no move to interfere with me. The doctor was attending to his patient. He had removed the dressing from last night. My hand had gone to my mouth. A wide diagonal gash crossed the man’s torso from his right hip to the upper left of his chest. The doctor cleaned the wound, applied new nanite patches, and covered the terrible injury with a clean bandage. Then, he placed new pain patches to his sides.

  I wiped at my eyes. I looked at the man’s face. His eyes remained focused on mine. I could no longer sense anything from him. He didn’t want me to. A shadow of black had become more evident on his face and upper lip. The doctor efficiently cleared away used bandages, patches, and sterilization wipes into a disposal unit.

  “Princess, Captain Valen has eased the restrictions he placed upon me in regard to my patient’s care. I have made him as comfortable as I am able. However, you must know he is a prisoner and considered to be dangerous.”

  “Yes, sir. I know. Thank you for easing his pain.”

  The doctor inclined his head to me and hesitated a moment before I convinced him to leave. Going to the sink, I took a clean washcloth, rinsed it in the sink, and carried it to the man. I placed my hand to his brow. He was no longer feverish. I wiped his face and neck. Tubes now ran into the veins on his right arm. I remained on his left near the sink. A monitor blinked above his bed. At least now they seemed to be making an effort to keep him alive.

  “I don’t know what to do to help you,” I said as I returned the washcloth to the sink. “I’m not a nurse. Phillip is a doctor, but Jazon was really horrible to him. Phillip would help you anyway, though. He doesn’t take orders from anyone, and I don’t believe he would let his feelings get in the way of helping someone.”

  The man’s eyes left mine to look at my shoulder. I felt Thunderdrop moving.

  “Chitter chirp.”

  “Thunderdrop is my spider baby. He won’t hurt you unless you try to hurt us.”

  “I would never do anything to hurt you or anyone for whom you care. We allowed ourselves to be captured by the Empire. The only way we may one day be near you is to serve you. In order for that to occur, those loyal to you must learn our weaknesses. If they discover a means of controlling us, they will no longer fear us as a threat to you,” he said in a weak quiet voice.

  “You’re telling me you allowed someone to slice you open? You expect me to believe that?”

  “It is the truth. I swear on my life that I will never lie to you.”

  “If this is an example of how much value you place on your life, how much is your promise worth?”

  “Sacrifices must be made for the sake of our family. We agreed on our course of action.”

  “Whatever your plan is, it can’t be worth risking your lives for.”

  “A few of our lives for the sake of all of the others is worth the risk. Even if they execute me, I will have died having felt your compassion and tenderness which are priceless to me. My brothers and I have felt many things, but not those. You have more in common with us than you think.”

  “We allowed ourselves to be captured. You said we. Who, other than you, is here? You’re the only patient in the infirmary that I see.”

  “Two of my brothers are being held in detainment cells on board this ship. They are being questioned.” The man cleared his throat.

  A nurse entered the room, checked the monitor, and placed a small fluid packet to the man’s lips. “He can’t have any more than that?”

  “No, Princess Teagan. The doctor needs to be sure his intestinal damage is compl
etely healed before increasing his fluid intake,” the nurse explained before he left.

  “I’m Teagan. You probably know that. What’s your name?”

  “I am Zeth.”

  “Teagan, your father wishes to speak to you,” Yukihyo said from the room’s entrance.

  “Husband, this is Zeth. Zeth, this is my husband, Yukihyo.”

  The two of them stared at each other but said nothing. Yukihyo held out his hand to me. I took it. After I had passed through the doorway, Yukihyo kissed my fingers and placed my hand on his arm. We walked to the Imperial quarters. Nico and Kane were waiting. Pierce, Neema, and Lorca were nowhere to be seen.

  “They have taken her to the observation deck to look at the stars,” Yukihyo said.

  “That sounds like a good idea. Let’s join them.”

  “Teagan, we need to talk,” Papa said from the vid-screen.

  “I don’t want to.” I sat and smoothed my dress over Niklos. My belly button poked out and made a slight lump in my dress. I pondered how to cover it up.

  “I am satisfied that the captured hybrids intend you no harm. What do you want to do about them?” Papa asked me.

  Shocked, I looked up at him. “Me?”

  “These science experiments want the opportunity to prove their worth to you. It makes no difference to me whether you keep them or if I have them executed. Parvac has no laws addressing deliberate genetic mutations. However, since one of them formed a bond to you which cascaded from him to each of his litter mates, they fall under my power for what is tantamount to an assault of my child not to mention kidnapping you and my granddaughter. Although they have angered me, they did eliminate Arlo Dano. Also, I see their potential uses. I will give you time to think and speak to you of this again. I love you.”

  “I love you, Papa.”

  He ended the transmission. I sighed and moved my head from side to side. I felt Yukihyo’s hands on my neck as he began to massage out the tension in my shoulders. So, Papa put the decision in my hands. He would order the capture and execution of the hybrid mercenaries, or they could bow to the will of the Parvac Empire.

  With my eyes closed, I said, “Nico, please explain to me simply my options.”

  “Three are in custody. Fourteen remain at large. They can die or surrender to you. If they surrender, they will be sent to Ephors for psychological and medical testing. Those who are found to be of sound mind and body will be allowed to enter the training program required of Imperial guards. If any of them have satisfactory performance, they will be allowed to serve you on probationary status. They will have to earn our trust.”

  “That seems fair. I will convey that information to them the next time they pay me a surprise visit.”

  Within the hour, we had docked on Nephele. Lorca and Pierce had helped Neema and me to change into our princess garb. The temperature at the land port was chilly, but not with the snow and ice of Leucon. The governor welcomed us, we posed for pictures, attended a formal lunch, and then were given our freedom. The governor made a few suggestions for our entertainment. However, at the Governor’s offhanded mention of a sheep farm, I perked up. I had never been to an animal farm. I accepted the invitation on our behalf. Eric looked at me as though I were purposely torturing him.

  “He said we would get to pet them, Eric.” How could he not find this exciting?

  Following the governor’s transport, Kane drove us from the city through a terrain still in the grip of winter. Rocks dotted the hilly landscape along with grass abused by the cold. Eric and Quaid tailed us. I had no idea how my guards followed. The farm was neat and orderly. A four-foot stone fence enclosed the property. We parked in front of a structure which seemed to function as a reception area and business office. The governor shook hands with the owner and introduced us. Then, we were loaded into a long open transport with heated seats. Hundreds of sheep grazed all over the pasture.

  “What are the ones with really long necks and legs called? Is that what grown-up sheep look like?” I asked.

  “Those are llamas,” Yukihyo told me.

  Chuckling, Quaid said, “You wanted to come here because you’ve never seen any of these animals.”

  “I’ve seen pictures of them. However, my zoology class only had animals from the Parvac Empire.”

  Shaking his head, Eric said, “Okay. We’re here. Have fun.”

  I did. The Laconian farmers had their sweetest sheep in a pen for us to pet. Neema was excited, too. The sheep ate out of my hand, and I giggled at the feel of their soft lips on my palm. Next, I got to pet one of the llamas. The men had a little fun riding them. I didn’t think they were dressed for it, but that didn’t stop them. There were even chickens on the farm. I thought they looked mean and scary and didn’t want to pet them.

  “How about this one, Princess Teagan?” He held a tiny baby chicken. It was fluffy and cute, so I held it. I could feel its fast little heart against my palm. I smiled at the farmer and carefully gave it back.

  Then, they showed us where the animals slept. Quaid and Yukihyo seemed to enjoy speaking with the farmers and laughed quite a bit. They drove us back to the main building. There were stores along a paved path behind it. In one they sold cheeses, butter, yogurt, and ice cream. We were offered samples. Their yogurt was a million times better than the yogurt I remembered having for breakfast almost every day at the housing community’s cafeteria. I bought a few crates of things to take to our chef on Kane’s ship. The next store had lotions, shampoos, and conditioners. The store next to it was closed and the windows were shuttered. The farmer apologized and said it was closed for the day.

  “This is where we sell products made of our wool,” the farmer said as he led me into the final shop.

  They sold heavy fabrics, yarn, socks, shawls, and even carpets. The men bought several pairs of socks. Yukihyo purchased a few shawls and a lot of yarn.

  “What are you going to do with all of that,” I whispered.

  “My mother enjoys knitting.”

  We thanked the farmers who referred to themselves as shepherds and followed the governor back toward the land port.

  “Lady wife, is there any possibility of you being able to spare us for a little while?”


  “Well, I’d like to take Nico on a short hunting trip if you don’t mind.”

  “Oh,” I sighed. I was surprised they were leaving me alone. I guessed Isidora had upset them as much as she had upset me. “I’m sure Neema and I can find something to do.”

  Our transports stopped at a restaurant. The specialty was a large sandwich full of meat and melted cheese with side orders of fried carrot sticks. I decided to eat as the locals did. I enjoyed the massive sandwich with a milkshake.

  “This is good. Are you hunting whatever this is?”

  Eric grinned at me and said, “That wouldn’t be much of a challenge.”


  Yukihyo shot Eric a look. “We plan to go out on rollers and see if we can find any of those mean fierce mountain goats, lady wife. Please, do not worry. We will be very careful and wear protective gear.”


  “Yes, don’t worry. This is how we have fun,” Nico said.

  “I do not plan to go, tiny cousin. I will keep you two girls company,” Kane said.

  “I am staying to keep an eye on the crew for Captain Alaric, but I am free to keep you company as long as I don’t go far,” Quaid said.

  “Good. That makes me feel better. What is there to do around here?”

  “I thought an elevated rail tour might be fun,” Quaid suggested. I smiled at the thought of that.

  “Yukihyo, Hiroshi, and Phillip took me for a ride on one of those once. It was fast!”

  “This one won’t be. We can see the landscape, enjoy fine dining, and relax,” Quaid said.

  “That sounds nice. Will it be warm enough for Thunderdrop? He’s lonely without Cass.” I wondered if the two spiders would get to spend time together anymore or if Isid
ora would be coming between them, too. Yukihyo and Quaid used their abilities before any of my tears had a chance to fall.

  “I think he will enjoy himself,” Quaid said.

  Nico, Yukihyo, Eric, and a few officers from each ship left that evening.

  I picked up my vid-screen and called Quaid.

  “Good evening, Lady Bosh.”

  “Hello. Are you busy?”

  “No.” Quaid’s eyes had reverted to the solid black for which I had known him when we had first met. They were a striking contrast to his short blonde hair and skin that had a honeyed tan from our time on Epopeus.

  “I’m lonely and sad. Do you want to come over here and have dinner and watch movies with me? Chef will make anything you want.”

  Quaid grinned at me. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.” I put on shoes and a sweater to go down to the transport bay to meet him.

  “Princess, please rest. I will escort Commander Bosh,” Lorca said.

  “Thank you.”

  “Please, sit down.” Lorca waited for me to sit, removed my shoes, and put them away.

  Thunderdrop was sad, too. He had sensed my turmoil and put the reason together from my recurring thoughts of Simon and Isidora. I petted his back, rubbed his leg joints, and snuggled him. Lorca returned with Quaid. Quaid pushed a cart with a large box on top of it. He walked to me, kissed me, and petted Thunderdrop.

  “I don’t know how to cheer my wife, but I thought of a way to cheer her baby spider. I have a gift for you, Thunderdrop.”

  He blinked at Quaid and moved his legs up and down. “Chirp?”

  “Yes, for you. Would you like to see?”

  “Chirp.” Thunderdrop jumped from my knees and went to Quaid. Quaid lifted the box which I realized had been a protective covering.

  “Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!”

  A beautiful plasti-glass sculpted tank had been hidden by the cover. A purple and blue octopus the size of an apple was inside. It moved across white sand to cling to a piece of ocean rock. Thunderdrop purred and got as close to the glass as he could get.


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