The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3)

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The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3) Page 41

by Wendie Nordgren

  Neema continued to sleep. The bed was empty. I went into the bathroom, threw my gown into the laundry basket, and joined Yukihyo in the shower. “When did you disappear from our bed?”

  “Around three. Nico and Uncle Kagan were working in Papa’s room.”

  “Any news?”

  “Not really. Uncle Kagan doesn’t want to share any information with us. He doesn’t trust our new clan members.”

  “That is understandable.”

  “I know. I feel badly that it is.” I let the water soak through to my scalp.

  “There is nothing wrong with earning our trust. Worrying will do us no good. We will have a normal day today. Soon, we will be average carefree merchants enjoying a few days on Arachne. Come. Neema begins to wake.”

  Once the water was off, I wrapped my hair and body in towels, brushed my teeth, and dressed. Yukihyo waited patiently and changed Neema when she woke. After I had fulfilled my mommy obligations and dressed Neema, I dried and brushed my hair.

  At the dining table, I placed Neema in her chair and took a seat next to her. Chef brought me pancakes with bananas. Neema observed my every bite. “Does mommy’s baby want bananas?” Neema stared at me and drooled. Pierce placed a small bowl of mashed bananas and a spoon beside me. “Are you ready?” Scooping a small amount onto the tiny spoon, I slowly guided it to her mouth. Neema opened. The bananas disappeared from her spoon. “That’s good stuff, right?”

  I took a bite of my own breakfast. Neema pounded impatiently on her tray. I gave her another bite. Her eyes followed her spoon. Eventually, we both finished our breakfasts. Pierce hovered nearby and cleaned bananas off of both of us.

  “Princess, Neema is due in the infirmary this morning for her ninth month medical evaluation. Are we prepared to go?”

  Neema scowled. I raised an eyebrow at her. Yukihyo pushed his plate away and crossed his arms over his chest. “What? Why are you irritated?”

  “That is your fault, lady wife.”

  “What’s my fault?”

  “Our daughter feels your dislike of the infirmary and has adopted it as her own.”

  “Chitter chitter chirp.”

  I shrugged. “Come on, baby. You’re a big girl! Nine months old already! Wow! Let’s go. Poor, Uncle Phillip. He’s going to be sad that he missed this.”

  Nico came out of our room freshly showered and shaved. He wore an informal officer’s jacket over his black shirt. I picked Neema up and carried her. She grabbed the spherical diamond with its upturned wings that I had worn. My thoughts continued to return to my mother and what might have been had Dr. Crispus helped her.

  “This was your grandmother’s necklace. One day it will be yours. We must remember her always,” I whispered to Neema as I kissed her soft grey hair. I followed Pierce into the lift with Yukihyo and Nico behind us. Annoyance involuntarily filled me as the infirmary doors came into view.

  “Mommy?” Neema whined.

  “Yes, Neema?”

  “Mommy,” she said with a pout.

  I laughed. “You have nothing about which to worry, little princess. You’re cuter than Mommy. They like you better,” I assured her as we entered.

  The Chief Medical Officer smiled warmly at Neema and shook a sparkly yellow rattle shaped like a sun. Laughing, she held her hand out for it shaking it happily. He ignored my pointed scowl and held his hands out for Neema who went to him. I hoped she would whack him in the nose with the rattle, but she cooed at him instead.

  “You are such a sweet good little patient. You, Miss Neema, must take after your strong Laconian father.” I smirked at him. The doctor raised an eyebrow at me. He sat Neema on an exam bed. Her weight and vital signs appeared on the monitor. “You are absolutely perfect! Yes, you are!”

  Neema was so entranced with her new toy that she didn’t even notice the injector. I stared at the ceiling and made myself think of pleasant things like olives and peanut butter. I needed to stock up on spider food and olives while we were on Arachne. Neema didn’t even notice her inoculations until the injector made its small puff of sound. It disappeared before she could see it. If he treated me like a baby, I might behave better.

  Next, the doctor checked her teeth. I already knew about the bottom one that had pushed through her gums. A second one followed it. “Princess Neema is absolutely perfect,” he said as he handed her to her daddy. “Now, let’s see how Princess Teagan is doing.”

  “Me? I was just here the other day. Wait, yesterday, right?” I backed up into Nico’s chest. He placed his arms around me.

  “Wife, won’t you let me see a glimpse of my son? Please?” Nico kissed the top of my head.


  The Chief Medical Officer pointed at an exam bed.

  “Mommy,” Neema said from Yukihyo’s arms as she laughed.

  “Neema, shall we see your little brother? Some day in the near future, you will teach him to roll the ball to Thunderdrop,” Yukihyo told her.

  Nico picked me up and placed me where the doctor had indicated. “Yes, but we have to wait two more months before we get to hold Niklos. I hope we’re back on Parvac by then.”

  The doctor looked at me quizzically. “Princess Teagan, you are not due for four months.”

  Confused, I said, “No, this is my seventh month. I got pregnant with Niklos when Neema was two months old. It was the night of the ball. Ask Phillip.”

  The doctor finally nodded in understanding. “It is true that human and Laconian gestational periods last for nine months. However, you and your husband are Parvac. Parvac children are carried to term after eleven months.”

  “Four more months? But I’m human and Laconian.”

  “Yes, I understand. However, your human and Laconian blood have been diluted by your full blooded Parvac grandfather and father. The same is true for Captain Valen whose mother is Parvac. If Lord Yukihyo had mixed blood, you would have carried Neema for eleven months.” Nico was distracted by the monitor.

  “Four more months? I’m already huge.”

  “Perhaps you might restrict your sugar intake and spend an hour in exercise each day.”

  He said it so matter-of-fact that I thought he must surly agree that I was fat enough at seven months. My eyes swelled. I covered my face and cried. I heard quick movements and a rush of fabric.

  “Hold Neema,” Yukihyo said. I opened my eyes and took our baby as he thrust her into my arms. Neema wiped at my tears with her hand and kissed my cheek.

  Nico had the Chief Medical Officer backed up against a wall. I sniffled. I couldn’t feel any emotions from him, but waves of calm from Yukihyo soothed me. I looked at Niklos on the monitor. He gave me an excellent view of his feet and his tiny little bottom. My weight was in the upper right hand corner of the viewer, one-hundred and fifty-three pounds. I had weighed one hundred and forty the week I had delivered Neema. Isidora was right. I was a short round thing. Unfortunately, I still wanted olives and peanut butter.

  Yukihyo convinced Nico not to execute the doctor. Through my drooping lids, I saw Kaoti as he entered with Izaac. Neema was heavy against my shoulder as the calm Yukihyo poured into Nico lulled her to sleep. Pierce took her from me just as my eyes closed.

  “What you meant by it is of no importance to me. What she understood it to mean is,” Nico barked at the doctor.

  I opened my eyes to see Nico looming over the doctor. Kaoti and Yukihyo stood to either side of him hopefully intent on saving the doctor.

  “Nico, stop it. You’re being an asshole. Come here, doctor. I’ll save you from General Cassian.”

  The Chief Medical Officer edged away from Nico and over to me. “I meant no offense, nor did I intend to upset you, Princess. Your glucose levels amongst other things are elevated.”

  I held my lips between my teeth and rubbed at my forehead. “I had pancakes for breakfast.” Nico glowered at the doctor but clasped his hands behind his back. “When Nico yelled at Papa because of me, Papa laughed at him. Nico almost punched Phillip once.” />
  “The fault is mine. I beg your forgiveness.”

  “It’s fine. However, if Yukihyo hadn’t been here, you’d be needing a nanite patch about now.”

  “I most likely would have required a reanimation pod.”

  “Four more months?” I asked as I scratched at my stomach. I put my hands over my eyes and groaned.

  “I take for granted that you know things of this nature. But for a young woman only recently discovering her identity, I suppose it may take time for you to acclimate. Likewise, Parvac males tend to deal swiftly and mercilessly with threats to their mates. General Cassian’s behavior is instinctual.”

  “He’s been under a lot of stress. I caught him at three this morning hard at work with my uncle.”

  “Do not allow Dr. Crispus to frighten you. Advancements have been made in tracking since your mother was abducted. Neither you nor your children will be lost to the Empire.”


  “I promise,” he said just before he got me with the injector. Nico marched toward us.

  “Look,” I said to Nico. I pointed at Niklos’ little bottom. We watched as he kicked me. “I love you, Nico. Please, don’t be angry.” Nico reached down for my hand and kissed my fingers. “I’m sorry I called you a bad name.”

  Nico’s dark brown eyes met mine, and my blonde giant chuckled. “Like father, like son. We’re both showing our asses today. I apologize for my fit of temper, doctor. I can be irrational where my wife is concerned.” Nico held out his hand, and the doctor shook it.

  “I should have communicated in a more couth manner, General Cassian. Thank you for being so understanding.”

  “How are my wife and child?”

  The Chief Medical Officer didn’t want to answer.

  “Maybe we should go. He can tell us over the vid-screen in our quarters.” Nico placed his hand over my shoulder when I attempted to sit up.

  “Tell us.”

  “Should the Princess continue to indulge in her current manner, she will be placing herself at risk for a difficult delivery.”

  A look of resolve changed Nico’s features. “What do you suggest?”

  “I suggest the elimination of sweets, all breads, and caffeine. She needs moderate daily exercise and more sleep. This tour along with the stress of the current situation have caused her blood pressure to become elevated. She should be resting at the palace and enjoying the treatment befitting of a princess and not struggling to survive traumatic situations.” The Chief Medical Officer had become red in the face with anger. “It hasn’t been long since we feared losing her due to her fragile mental state. However, rather than being kept safely in the Empire, she is brought to this barbaric sector that devalues its female population. She has been abducted, mistreated, and has even been placed in the middle of blaster fire. Considering the absolute loss of her formative years, should she even be leaving the Empire?”

  The two men stared at each other, and I realized that Nico agreed with him.

  “Send your recommendations for her diet to our cook and for her exercise and rest to me. Is there anything else about which I should be aware?”

  “No, sir.”

  Nico moved to pick me up. I pushed his hands away. “I’m supposed to walk more, Nico.”

  My feelings about their exchange were a confused mess. I didn’t know if I was hurt, angry, or embarrassed. I noticed the absolute silence of Kaoti, Pierce, Yukihyo, and the other doctor and nurses who were present. I had grown accustomed to Izaac’s silence. Nico offered me his arm. I took it. Once in our quarters, I followed Pierce into our room where he put Neema down for her nap. Then, he helped me out of my shoes. Sadly, I pulled back the cover and got into bed.

  “I think I’ll rest while Neema does.”

  “Yes, Princess,” Pierce said as he bowed and left the room.

  I got up and took my stuffed octopus from a chair. I brought her back to bed and held her. I thought about the fun day with Quaid and his sisters at the Ocean View Tunnel. Thunderdrop loved Sue. I outlined the stuffed tentacles with my fingers.

  A whisper touched my thoughts. “Are you alright?”

  “No,” I thought back.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “The doctor is upset about me.”

  “Why?” The distant voice asked.

  “He griped about my diet, exercise, stress, safety, blood pressure, and stuff.” I didn’t mention the hurtful comment about my mental state. Silence and worry was his response. “Who is this? You’re not Izaac. Izaac was there. He knows why I’m upset.”

  “My name is Xavier. We have not met in person. However, through my brothers, I know you. Through broadcasts, I know your face and voice.”

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m alone in a small ship.”

  “Are you helping him?” Xavier knew I referred to Dr. Crispus.

  “No, I have helped my brothers to remain free of him and will do the same for you.” I saw the sightless dead eyes of the men who hadn’t survived my abduction. “Father was responsible for their deaths, not you.” I began to tell Xavier which of his brothers travelled with me and had joined our clan. “I know,” I heard before I could form the thoughts.

  “Are you returning to Parvac with us?”

  “That remains to be seen.” With those thoughts, he withdrew.

  Wondering what he knew of me, I pulled my vid-screen to me from the bedside table. I began looking for any news featuring me. In the Empire, I began to discover threads of criticism. Some Parvac citizens voiced opinions that General Cassian’s aim of having a son to rule the Parvac Empire was his primary concern while I was merely a disposable means to that end.

  Other sources had decided that the General allowed me to be in danger out of disregard for my well-being. The heads of prominent warrior class families assured the public that were their sons my husbands, my care and safety would be a priority.

  My face burned with embarrassment and anger. I didn’t have a fragile mental state, I wasn’t weak, and I didn’t need to be kept safely tucked away. I had to change how everyone saw me or end up on Parvac for the rest of my life. Even Yukihyo had been silent during the doctor’s tirade. I powered down my vid-screen. I changed into exercise clothes.

  Neema had begun to wake up, so I found the baby carrier that I had purchased on Nephele, slipped it on over my head, and secured it. Neema sat up in her bed and smiled at me.

  “Do you want to go thinking with Mommy?”

  I changed her diaper and guided her legs into the carrier’s openings. Then, I handed her the rattle the Chief Medical Officer had given her. Yukihyo, Nico, Kane, and Eli spoke quietly in the sitting area. They stood when they saw us.

  “Neema and I are just going for a walk.”

  “I will accompany you. Please, allow me to change. I will only be a moment,” Yukihyo said.

  “Can I come, too? Or would you prefer some space?” Nico asked.

  I smiled at Nico. “I love space, but not the kind between us. Are you going to wear that?” Nico kissed my forehead on his way to our room. I went to the kitchen and got some water. Neema’s little head darted around to look at everything from her new seat. I shifted her to the left a little.

  Kane followed me and said, “I can’t tell if you are moping or angry.”

  “Good. I feel both of those things. Kane, how do I get people to change what they think of me?”

  “Why would you want to do that? You’re adorable.” Kane towered over me. Neema straightened out her leg and put her foot against the black fabric of his Parvac captain’s pants. Kane reached down to hold her tiny foot in his hand.

  “I’ve been reading public opinion of Nico and me. They think I’m stupid and helpless.”

  “No, they see you as the twenty-year-old daughter of our Emperor who should be receiving better treatment. Most of our citizens do not approve of your travel outside of our zones.”

  “How do I convince them that I’m tough and capable?”

bsp; Kane smiled at me and said, “Tiny cousin, figure out how to make Neema look tough and capable and then apply those modifications to yourself.”

  I stroked Neema’s soft dove grey hair. She pulled her foot away from Kane and propped her leg over her brother. I pictured Neema in an admiral’s uniform. She continued to be adorable. Izaac laughed in my mind. I sighed. Yukihyo and Nico joined us. I pulled Kane down and kissed his cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Stop worrying. That’s an order.”

  “Aye, Aye, Captain.”

  Yukihyo, Nico, Neema, and I went to the exercise deck. When I stepped onto a treadmill, Neema’s eyes went wide with wonder. Niklos kicked at the leg she had thrown over my stomach. She frowned, looked at her leg, and moved her foot back and forth over the area. Yukihyo and Nico jogged on treadmills to either side of me. “Don’t let the doctor upset you,” Nico said.

  “He was correct. We must do a better job of protecting her,” Yukihyo stated. “Maybe after our visit to Arachne, we should spend some quiet time on Apellan.”

  “I would like nothing more. However, the opposition will prove to be too great for us,” Nico said.

  “Has public opinion of us gotten that bad?”

  “No, do you forget your Grandmother, Papa, mother-in-law, and uncle? I think it best to remain at the Palace. If possible, I would suggest staying at the Palace for the next six months. Then, we should only depart with the Emperor in attendance.”

  “Oh, you have been reading.”

  “Mother keeps me informed.”

  “Six months on the same planet seems like a long time. It sounds boring.”

  “We have a warehouse to fill. We can fish on the lake and explore Parvac. On your home world, we have ventured no farther than the land port and the Palace,” Yukihyo said.

  “I guess.”

  “The Palace has an indoor pool,” Nico reminded me. I couldn’t recall having floated in it.


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