The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3)

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The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3) Page 42

by Wendie Nordgren

  “Fine. We’ll stay put on Parvac.” I only managed to walk a slow mile before getting tired. Nico helped me to step down from the machine. I didn’t want to return to our quarters.

  “Do you mind if we exercise for a while longer?” Yukihyo asked.


  “Teagan, come sit here.” Nico led me to a chair where I sat with Neema. She rested her head against my chest.

  A muscular soldier approached us. “Princess Probus, I am Alex. My duty is to facilitate soldiers as they train. Forgive me, but I observed you had begun to limp toward the end of your walk.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Alex. I’m fine. It’s just my hip.” I blushed at the scrutiny. Nico and Yukihyo had begun lifting weights.

  “May I?” Alex asked indicating a desire to rub my now cramping leg.

  Not being one to turn down a massage unless I was recovering from a broken bone, I said, “Sure.”

  Kneeling down, Alex removed my left shoe and pulled a scanner from his back pocket. He ran it from my toes up to my hip. Every now and then, the scanner beeped. Alex returned the device to his pocket. Then, he sprayed his hands with a solution from another pocket and placed them to either side of my calf. His fingers moved against my leg muscles as though they were the strings of a harp. Closing my eyes, I leaned back. The chair reclined. I felt the bottom of my foot land where Alex placed it against his shoulder.

  “What’s your problem?” Alex’s hands had ceased their movements, and he returned my foot to the exercise deck’s flooring.

  Frowning, I opened my eyes. Fury rolled in waves from Izaac who was now between Neema, me, and Alex’s magical hands. Izaac gave Alex a mighty shove and then invaded the space he had created. Izaac shoved Alex farther away. Yukihyo sprinted from the machine he had been using and placed himself in front of me. Izaac and Alex had begun pummeling each other. Their quick fierce blows created a staccato drum beat in the ensuing shocked silence from around them.

  “Yukihyo? What the heck?”

  Yukihyo grinned at me. “Alex’s feelings as he massaged your leg were not professional. Young Izaac took insult over it.”

  I looked at the two men as they fought. Izaac with his lithe build was tearing the stockier Alex up.

  “Wait, are you saying Alex finds me attractive?”

  “Yes, his thoughts were becoming impure.”

  “Really? He doesn’t think I’m fat and disgusting? That’s so sweet.” I started to cry.

  “Break it up. That’s an order,” Nico barked. Kaoti helped to separate the two men. Neema patted at my face while her daddy helped me to put on my shoe and stand. He tried to escort me from the exercise deck.

  “Oh, no. I’m finding out for myself what Izaac’s problem is.”

  “As you wish, lady wife.”

  I held my hand against Neema’s back. She had gotten heavy. “Will you carry her?”

  “Come to your daddy, little snowflake,” Yukihyo said as he pulled Neema free of the baby carrier. I held my hands to my back and stretched.

  “Four more months,” I repeated to myself.

  Nico and Kaoti had put distance in between the two men. Alex had a busted lip, and Izaac had busted knuckles. Each of the men had fresh military haircuts, black Parvac off duty uniforms, and eyes full of anger. However, Izaac’s eyes were solid black.

  “Alex, I apologize for my brother’s behavior. He believes himself to be defending my honor. Had he asked, he would have discovered that you were merely helping me with a sore muscle.”

  Izaac said in my mind, “He is the one with a sore muscle with which he fantasized filling you.”

  I took Izaac’s hand. Immediately, I felt his rage and my heart rate sped. Alarmed, Izaac attempted to calm himself. “Izaac and Alex, come with me to the infirmary,” I said as I pulled Izaac along toward the door. I kept myself between the two men in the lift. My husbands and body guard had trusted me to handle this on my own. After feeling fat and sorry for myself for most of the day, Alex’s inappropriate thoughts had cheered me up. Izaac frowned at me. I shrugged. I retained my hold of his hand. The doctor darted forward when we entered. “It’s them, not me.”

  The doctor turned the men over to nurses and pulled me aside. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings earlier. My anger is with those who continually allow you to be placed at risk.”

  “Your anger is misplaced. No one allows me to do anything. I do as I chose, and go where I will. General Cassian does his best to keep me out of trouble.” I turned toward Izaac who at the moment was receiving a gel bandage for his hand from one of the nurses. “Papa said I could do as I wish with my new Ponidi brothers. Perhaps those who have yet to swear their oaths to me will agree to serve as my personal guards. Being surrounded by even more well-trained soldiers who can read the minds of my enemies might put the citizens of Parvac at ease. What do you think?”

  “What makes you think you can trust them?” I focused on the formfitting stretchy black fabric of his shirt with its pale blue details. The nurses wore pale blue with black details at the neck.

  “I can sense their feelings, as well, doctor.” He didn’t look surprised. “Izaac, are you ready?”

  Izaac came to my side, and we walked from the infirmary to the lift. I took his hand in mine and shared my feelings with him. Rude though they had been, Alex’s thoughts had cheered me up. Also, I appreciated that Izaac had behaved as a protective brother. Often, while growing up, I had been jealous of the kids who enjoyed the protection of an older sibling. Finally getting to know what that protection felt like gratified something within my heart that had long ago been forgotten. I needed Izaac.

  “You can’t fight people for their thoughts. People can think whatever they want. You can’t punish someone unless they act on them. Okay?”

  “He had his hands on you and lewd thoughts on his mind. I do not regret my actions other than causing you distress with my anger.” Izaac communicated as he stared down at me and at his hand that I held in my own. “May I hug you?”

  “Yes, I’d like that.” Izaac gave me the same sweet type of hug that Simon shared with me, and I didn’t want to let go. It was full of comfort and safety. I felt my heart reaching for Izaac wanting to hug him closer. I had become as greedy for platonic familial love as I had for pancakes. This was the connection that I craved. Peace and safety overwhelmed me as our bond strengthened. It was then that I fully realized that the bond Izaac and I had shared previously had been through either Jazon or Zared. Now, we had our own, and I felt that much closer to the others through Izaac.

  Izaac rested his head on top of mine and drew in a deep breath. I could feel relief as it coursed through him. “We are truly family now. We aren’t pod mates, nor do we share blood, yet you accept me as your own. To you, I’m a real person and not an experiment.”

  Moving my head out from under his face, I said, “I don’t understand how anyone could view you as an experiment. Look, Izaac.” I paused the lift. “I have a specific job for you for which you’ve just proven yourself to be well-suited. Tell no one. Whenever a man gets romantic notions about me, unless it’s Yukihyo, Nico, or Quaid, can you redirect his thoughts away from me? I’m expected to have additional husbands, but I don’t want any. I want to avoid suitors as tactfully as possible, but I can’t risk offending any of them especially the ones Papa has approved. Will you help me?”

  Izaac kissed my forehead. “It will be as my dear sister wishes.”

  “You know. It’s weird knowing I’m speaking with you, but your mouth doesn’t move.” Izaac grinned.

  When we returned to the Imperial quarters, Nico pointed to a massage table where one of the ship’s barbers waited. “Every time my wife exercises, she gets pampered.” I clapped.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  That evening Neema, Yukihyo, Kane, Nico, and I took over the observation deck and watched our approach to Arachne. The sight filled me with indescribable joy. Yukihyo had seen that my crates of harps and xylophones were packed and
ready for delivery to my spiders. I couldn’t wait to relax on our land. Simon had told me that Isidora was a bundle of nerves about meeting the Montgomerys and Alarics. I remembered feeling the same way. However, I was too happy and excited to offer her much comfort. My feelings seeped through to my husbands and new Ponidi brothers. Neema laughed and crawled all over the deck. Simon had insisted that we all stay at his house. Sydney and Gina continued to argue with him about it, but he insisted it would comfort his wife to have us close.

  That night, I could barely sleep. The time until our arrival couldn’t pass quickly enough to please me. Chuckling, Yukihyo assisted me off to slumber with his big strong arms around me and the bond between us.

  My eyes flew open as I felt the warship powering down. I wiped my mouth on a dry spot of Yukihyo’s shirt and pushed Nico’s legs away from mine as I attempted to disentangle myself from the warm safe nest my husbands had provided.

  “Hold on a minute, woman. What’s your rush?” Nico grumbled.

  “We’re home! Get up!”

  Yukihyo snickered at me as he pulled off his shirt. “I should be awarded the first shower after what you have done to my chest, lady wife.”


  Yukihyo got out of bed and walked around the end of it and into the bathroom. As the shower activated so did Yukihyo’s vid-screen. “Good morning, baby sister,” Hiroshi said with a smile and twinkling eyes. “Where is Yukihyo? I have favors to ask of him.”

  “He’s in the shower. What do you need?”

  Hiroshi gave me a sly grin. “I hope to convince him to manage our trade on Arachne so that I can devote all of my attentions to Ling.”

  I laughed. “I’ll have him contact you in a few minutes.” Hiroshi ended the call.

  “You won’t be angry if Yukihyo spends all of his time working rather than with you?”

  I gave Nico an incredulous look. “No way. I have plenty to do while we are here. I’m going to play with the new baby, hug my family members, visit my spiders, and do some shopping. Anyway, you and Quaid can guard me. I assume Kaoti has plans for Violet similar to those Hiroshi has for Ling,” I said as I winked at Nico suggestively.

  “Don’t forget. We have a ball to attend this evening.”

  “Oh,” I frowned in remembrance.

  Nico pulled me against his chest to hold me. “I like seeing you so happy and excited. What are your plans for Izaac and the others while we are here?”

  “They will serve as my guard. They managed to take me from the Hadrian. They will keep me safe. Gary and the others deserve a break. Do you approve?”

  “My thoughts mirror those of your uncle. Several of the hybrids are still unaccounted for.”

  “Don’t worry. They’ll show up eventually. They don’t trust us completely either. However, I intend to make them my personal defenders, answerable only to me or Papa.”

  Nico raised an eyebrow. “They will not answer to me?”

  I ran my hand over the muscles of Nico’s chest. “You command forty thousand men, General Cassian. Would you begrudge the Princess Probus a mere seventeen? After they all return, I thought Kaoti might put them in teams of two and put them on a six-hour guard rotation duty. Four of my men will answer to Eli Beck. The thirteen who form my guard will serve under Kaoti’s leadership. What do you think?”

  Nico grinned. “At moments such as this, I see clearly that you are of the Probus and Valen lineage. What a fine son we will have.”

  Yukihyo exited the bathroom with a towel wrapped low around his hips. “Yukihyo, please put some clothes on that gorgeous body of your, or I’ll want to stay here with you rather than visiting home.” Yukihyo lifted a corner of his mouth and waggled his eyebrows at me. “Hiroshi called and needs your help,” I said as I took my turn in the shower. Neema awoke while I was drying my hair.

  Yukihyo picked her up from her bed and kissed her. “Lady wife, might you and our daughter manage without me until tonight? I promise not to be late for the festivities.”

  “We’ll be fine. Enjoy yourself. We may be on Parvac for several months.” Images of pineapples, pears, and silks seeped from Yukihyo’s mind into mine.

  “Keep someone with you at all times. I have my vid-screen programmed to answer immediately to your call.” Yukihyo placed Neema in my arms, strapped on his blaster, and left.

  “Chirp chirp chitter chirp!”

  “Yes, I know. I’m hurrying,” I said to a very impatient Thunderdrop.

  Pierce helped Lorca arrange my hair into an elaborate braid that cascaded over my shoulder. I wore a white dress, green jacket, and the emerald necklace Quaid had given me. Pierce dressed Neema in pale green ruffles and a light yellow sweater with little flowers embroidered around the collar. Neema was more interested in the soft yellow shoes she wore than anything else.

  “Come to Mommy!” Neema gave me a beautiful smile as she came to my arms. I held her against my side, and she threw her left leg over my stomach. Thunderdrop jumped to my shoulder opposite Neema and sent cautious glances her way as he moved down my right arm. Nico fastened his jacket and followed us into the sitting room where Kaoti and Izaac stood at attention. “What are you still doing here? Yukihyo didn’t give you a ride? You’ve got to convince Violet to come home with us. Then, you’ve got to help her pack, and aren’t the two of you coming with us to the ball tonight? Does she have her dress?”

  Kaoti looked at me in complete shock. However, anyone else observing his expression would interpret it as boredom. Then, Kaoti gave Izaac a stern look which promised death in return for disappointment, bowed to me, and left. Pierce and Lorca were coming with us. We ran into Phillip on the way to the lift.

  “Hello, Cupcake. Did you miss me?”

  “Yes, more than I can say. The Chief Medical Officer informed me that Parvac pregnancies last for eleven months. Did you know that?” All I received in answer from Phillip was a sympathetic look.

  “He shared with me your latest test results amongst other things,” Phillip said as he gave a sideways glance to Nico. “I’m glad he was the one to have to say it rather than me. While we’re on Arachne, I’m looking forward to getting pounded, but not by your General or any other males.” Phillip gave me a naughty smile.

  “Aren’t you going to help Yukihyo with deliveries and orders?”

  Phillip looked affronted. “Of course, I am. I just have some of my own private deliveries to make.” The lift doors opened onto the transport bay, and Phillip led the way out.

  “I’m surprised that with all of the deliveries you make at each land port throughout the universes that you aren’t expecting deliveries of your own,” Nico said as he pointed at my stomach.

  “I’m careful not to leave any of my belongings behind,” Phillip said with a wink. “I’ll catch up with Yukihyo after I make sure you’re all settled in with your family, Cupcake.”

  Soldiers saluted as we walked toward Kane’s transport. A soldier opened my door. Carefully, I got inside, and with Nico’s help secured Neema into her seat.

  “Chirp! Chirp!” Thunderdrop’s long black legs moved up and down as he moved across the backs of the seats.

  “I know! I’m excited, too.”

  Izaac took a seat across from us. He felt nervous. I reached for his hand. He expected sneers of disgust from my family. I sent feelings of acceptance to him.

  “What are you doing holding hands with Izaac? Have you decided after that kiss on Chione to make your omnes videntes husband number four?” Phillip asked.

  “Izaac and I have agreed to a platonic brother and sister type relationship. What is omnes videntes?” I scowled at Phillip as I released Izaac’s hand.

  “Omnes videntes is Latin for all seeing. It’s an ancient language of Earth’s.”

  I blinked at Phillip. “Cool. I like the sound of that. That sounds better than Laconian Imperial Guard, Psi-guard, or anything else I’ve thought of. The worst one I’ve come up with is Ponidi Psi-patrol.” Nico and Phillip laughed. Izaac shook his head with a
pained expression etched into his features. “I’ll refer to my private Imperial body guards as my Omnes Videntes. That sounds totally mysterious. What do you think?” I asked Izaac. He nodded an affirmative.

  Yukihyo along with my transport were nowhere to be seen as Kane drove us into position behind Phillip’s transport that was being driven by Simon. I waved through a window at Quaid and Eric in the sleek black transport behind us. It was early enough in the day that the sun still climbed in the sky. Our procession left the land port and made its way down the long forest-lined road and toward the properties owned by our families.

  “Can’t we go any faster?”

  “No, haven’t you noticed all of the enforcers who are monitoring our progress?” Phillip asked.

  “Are they looking to fine us?”

  “No, they plan to ensure your safety. Speeding isn’t safe,” Phillip answered.

  Nico smiled out the window evidently enjoying my impatience. His hand rested on his knee. I noticed that Nico seemed to require a lot of leg room. I sighed.

  Eventually, the Montgomery clan home came into view. A huge welcome banner in purple and white graced the front of the covered awning. Purple flowers decorated the steps to the front entrance. I clapped. Gina and Sherman were welcoming a new daughter to the family. By the time Kane parked, I was bouncing in my seat, and Neema was screeching in delight.

  “Let me out!”

  “Oh, wait,” Nico said with a frown as he checked his pockets. “I forgot something on the ship. We need to go back.”

  My mouth opened. I closed it into a frown. Kane and Phillip laughed. Nico gave me a wicked teasing grin before opening the door. As I stepped from the transport, I watched as Isidora curtsied to Gina and to the intimidating mass of muscle that was Sherman. Sherman stepped toward her, picked her up, and twirled her around. Simon’s face was full of happiness and pride. Nico got Neema out of the transport. Isidora looked dizzy once Sherman returned her to her feet. Gina took Isidora’s arm and walked with her inside. Sherman had begun to pound his son happily on the back. Sherman whispered something to Simon that made him blush. I felt his disbelief which was quickly replaced with amusement when he realized Sherman had been teasing him.


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