The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3)

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The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3) Page 43

by Wendie Nordgren

  In my mind, Izaac said, “Simon’s father asked him if he had figured out her parts and what went where.” I turned to Izaac with wide eyes and then laughed.

  Quaid laughed along with me. I felt his hand on my elbow and then his lips as he pressed a kiss to my temple. “I have missed you,” he whispered into my thoughts. Through the delicate touch of his soft lips, we were able to share our feelings. I had missed Quaid’s thoughtful tenderness, calm analytical thoughts, and strength. He had missed my smile, love, and compassion.

  “Coco,” Neema said as she gazed up at Nico. The blonde giant gave her a proud satisfied smile and straightened her little green ruffled dress.

  Quaid took my arm when I stumbled. I blushed up at Sherman as he strode forward with his arms stretched out to me. “Don’t even think of spinning me around!” With a warm smile and ice blue eyes, Sherman enclosed me within his massive arms. Taking a deep breath, I felt safety and belonging seep deep into my bones. “It feels so good to be home. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you, girl. Now, you’ve brought my son home to me with his Laconian bride. She’s a looker, too.”

  I thought to myself that I was glad she no longer dressed like a hooker. Quaid and Eric coughed. “The two of you got off to a rough start Simon tells me,” Sherman said.

  I shrugged. “As long as she keeps Simon happy, I’m happy. If she hurts him, Thunderdrop, Cass, and I will take care of her.”

  Thunderdrop sent me an image of a can of spider food. I stroked his abdomen. “Chirp!” Thunderdrop said as he looked around at the trees. Cass jumped from Simon and over to Sherman.

  “Click chirp!” Cass sounded as he blinked at Thunderdrop who nuzzled my neck.

  “Go and have all of the fun you want. We are staying at Simon’s house. Come home with Cass when you are ready. I love you.”

  “Chirp! Chirp!”

  I smiled as both spiders leapt from us and scurried away to the forest. “He learned to make that chirping sound by imitating the alarm Hiroshi set for me in my quarters on Tora.”

  Smiling down at me, Sherman said, “Adapting to change has a way of making us better and stronger no matter what species we are.” Sherman kissed my forehead and turned his attention to the adorable pale green and yellow bundle in Nico’s arms. “Who is this? Is this big girl my little tiny Neema? We have a few new toys for you inside. Do you want to show me how to play with them?” Sherman held his hands out, and Neema went to him. “Maybe Simon will convince Isidora to provide you with a cousin,” Sherman said to Neema. I pictured Isidora thrown over Simon’s shoulder on Chione and snickered. “What’s that, girl?”

  “Oh, nothing. I think we’ll be calling you grandpa Sherman in no time.”

  “Wouldn’t that be something?” Sherman said as we all followed Simon inside. Gina and Isidora were nowhere to be seen.

  “Are they going to take their picture in front of Simon’s house? He’s the only one of us who already has one on his land,” I said thinking of my picture with Yukihyo and Thunderdrop under our trees.

  “Yes, I suppose so. Simon enjoyed the life of a bachelor to such an extent that Gina feared he would remain single.”

  “Those days are behind me. Isidora promises never to allow me from her sight. She intends to travel with me wherever I may go.” Pride rolled off of Simon.

  Sherman guided me to a couch. After the others had sat, Sherman sat with Neema on the rug in front of me. He pulled a white basket over in front of them. “That looks like a rainy season web!”

  Sherman winked at me. Reaching inside, he pulled out a small stuffed silk spider with a grey abdomen.

  “Drop!” Neema said.

  “Yes, good girl,” Sherman said as she took it. He pulled out a second spider with a red abdomen. She took it, too. This continued until she crawled away from him to the basket and began pulling spiders out of it. Each spider went into her mouth. A slobbery pile of ten spiders of different colors surrounded her. Sherman put them back inside of the basket. Neema began taking them out again. Nico and Quaid sat to either side of me. Simon had rushed off in search of Gina and Isidora. Sherman’s blue eyes focused on Izaac. Izaac bowed to him.

  “Sherman, allow me to introduce Izaac Ponidi. Yukihyo has welcomed my new brothers into our clan.”

  Sherman said, “I feel the same way about you young men as Teagan feels about Isidora. Hurt my girl, and you won’t be found.”

  Chills swept over my arms. I knew he meant it. Sherman stared at Izaac. I sensed they communicated, but whatever they said remained private. Outwardly, Sherman seemed satisfied with the response Izaac had given him.

  Simon entered the room with Isidora on one arm and Gina on the other. The ladies’ hands seemed small on my cousin’s arms. I smiled at them.

  “The Alarics are awake and ready for visitors,” Gina announced. “I’m eager to introduce my new daughter. Commander Bosh, it seems you are also a new member of our family. Welcome.”

  “Thank you, Lady Montgomery. I am deeply honored to bind my fate to Teagan’s.”

  “The Montgomerys are pleased to call the Boshes of the Laconian Sector family,” Sherman said.

  “Look. It’s great seeing you and all, but I’m impatient to meet my new nephew. Let’s go,” Eric said.

  I laughed at him, but then, I wondered how long I would have to wait before I got my turn to hold little Evan. Quaid patted my knee.

  “You hold that spider. I’ll put the others inside their web, and we’ll bring them with us. Okay?” Neema sucked on a spider in answer. Sherman chuckled. Quaid helped me stand, but Nico took my hand in his.

  “Cupcake, I can see you and Neema are as safe as spiders in a web, so I’m going to help Yukihyo.” Phillip winked at me, blew kisses to Gina and Isidora, and left.

  “That scoundrel,” Gina said after him.

  “Let’s all go in our transport. It will be simpler,” Sherman suggested as he carried Neema outside.

  Nico helped me into the transport and smiled along with me as Sherman strapped Neema into a transport seat with holographic spiders that dropped down from lines of silk in the air in front of her. As soon as she touched where a spider appeared, it went to sit still on a web. She began concentrating on catching all of the spiders.

  “Wow, Sherman. Can we keep this seat?” I remembered how once Neema had cried from her grandmother’s house all the way to the Palace making Yukihyo, who had been unable to sooth her effectively, a nervous wreck.

  “Teagan, the seat is just one gift of many that we have for Neema and for you,” Gina said.

  “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.”

  “You were an immense help to Simon in the Laconian Sector. He told us about your marketing strategies. We are proud of you both and happy to have you home.”

  Neema gurgled at the holographic spiders. “Wow, Neema! You can catch those spiders. Nico, will you….” I turned and saw that he had already begun recording her.

  “I know the Lady Valen will wish to see this.”

  “You are correct as usual, husband.” My heart filled with joy over Nico’s actions.

  “I’ve given you my home and diamonds, but recording Neema pleases you more?”

  “Yes,” Quaid said. “Family is more important than anything save duty.”

  “That can be difficult when one’s duties and loyalties lie equally with two peoples,” I said.

  I was Parvac and Arachnean, and while I loved my Papa and my Arachnean family, I knew the only person who had my complete loyalty was Yukihyo. He was the one person I knew I could never live without, and I knew his unequivocal loyalty was with me. Nico’s first love and loyalty went to the Empire. Our family and I came second. Of Quaid, I wasn’t sure. He watched me with black eyes. I noticed Izaac’s eyes were on me as well. Eric chatted amiably with Gina, Simon, and Sherman. Isidora seemed to have grown shyly terrified.

  “Isidora, will you go shopping with Neema and me tomorrow? There is a wonderful market with a roof tha
t resembles overlapping umbrellas that Simon showed me. It’s where I first met Eliot and ZeeZee.”

  Smiling, Isidora said, “Thank you. I’d like that.” Isidora and I began talking about the different shops, and moments later we arrived at the Alaric Estate.

  “Oh, I can’t wait to hug Gram!” Eric gave me a sly look before hopping out of the transport, darting up the steps, and entering the house. “Oh, I see. He’s getting Gram kisses and his chance with the baby before we even make it out of the transport,” I complained to Neema. She touched a holographic spider with one of her yellow shoes and laughed. I gave her kisses.

  Sherman said, “I’ve got her,” to Nico, who had begun to release Neema from her seat.

  Gina chuckled. Neema smiled up at Sherman who pulled a rattle out of his pocket. It was white with a silver web embossed over it, and at the end of each strand were little spiders who lit up when the rattle jiggled.

  “I’m beginning to see a theme.”

  “Sherman has become quite the friend of the man who owns the toy store. Our spiders have been appreciative of the balls and drums and have expressed their gratitude with silk gifts,” Gina said.

  “And the toy store owner appreciates the extra business,” Sherman added.

  “Wait until they see what I’ve brought them,” I said smugly.

  “What?” Sherman asked as he waited with Neema as Nico got me up on my feet.

  “You’ll see in the morning when you help me deliver it all. Simon will be busy.”

  Nico laughed and said, “Your son gets up early, but stays in bed late.”

  “That’s my boy.”

  Simon and Isidora had already gone inside. Gina had followed closely behind. Nico and Quaid entered with me, and Izaac followed us. Laughter and talk greeted our ears. Gram’s white hair was all I saw moments before her arms surrounded me, and she showered me with kisses. Laughing, I hugged and kissed her in return. Then, we simply held onto each other there in the elegant foyer of the Alaric home. Even though Gram and I spoke via vid-screen several times a week, it didn’t compare to the renewed bond that snapped into place when I was in her proximity.


  “Oh, alright,” Gram said as she released me. Her hand smoothed my hair. “You’ve changed since last I held you. You’ve become stronger,” Gram said as she seemed to peer deep within my soul with her pale blue eyes. “Bend down and give Gram a kiss, Nico Cassian,” she said moving to my side.

  Ethan’s tall well-dressed form stood before me. I felt the word “daddy” in my heart as I went to his open arms and basked in the love I felt flow from him to me. It was much harder to let go of Lord Ethan Alaric. Ethan kissed the top of my head. “I see you are well. It is good to have you home.” Izaac was doing his best to conceal from me a confused mix of emotions. “How is this little one? Will I meet him soon?” Ethan asked with his hands now on my stomach.

  “Did you know that typical Parvac pregnancies last for eleven months?” I asked.

  Ethan’s pale blue eyes met mine. “I did not. Perhaps Sydney and Gina should add a few dresses to your new wardrobe.” I perked up. Ethan smiled, rubbed my stomach, and turned with an extended hand to Quaid. “Commander Bosh, welcome. It is good to see you again. You and my son have served the Galaxic Expanse together for years. Now, you have married the daughter of my heart. See that you treat her well.”

  “Yes, Lord Alaric.”

  “Lord Bosh and I have spoken on several occasions. Lady Alaric and I have extended an invitation to the Bosh family for a visit to Arachne. Perhaps, when next Teagan visits, you can arrange for shore leave with Eric and coordinate with your father.”

  “Thank you, Lord Alaric. I would like that very much.”

  “Then, maybe we could all go on a trip to Parvac and Thalassa together. I want you to meet my Papa, Ethan.”

  “I would like that.”

  I beamed a smile at him. I knew Eric would absolutely love to have his father on his starship. “Da… um, Ethan, this is Izaac Ponidi, my new clan brother.” My slip caused another wash of love to flow over me from Ethan which almost hid the distrust and suspicion he felt for Izaac.

  Ethan shook hands with Izaac and seemed to grasp his hand a little longer than necessary as a warning. Izaac nodded to Ethan, and Quaid grinned menacingly at whatever part of the silent communication he had understood. It had all been kept from me. Nico and I exchanged annoyed glances for having been excluded. While looking at Nico, I pointed with my eyes toward the sitting room, and we began to inch away from the group in the foyer.

  “Oh, Ethan. Leave the boy alone. He loves our girl almost as much as we do. Come here, Izaac. Give me your arm and help me to the sitting room. I want a good seat for the fight between Teagan, Eric, and Simon over who gets to hold Evan,” Gram said.

  Hurrying over the glistening wooden floor, I wrapped my arms around Auria. “Congratulations! I’ve missed you so much. How are you?”

  Auria’s warm chocolate-brown eyes smiled into mine. “I’ve never been better or experienced a truer love in all my life.”

  Checking on Neema, who Sherman had not yet relinquished, I said, “I completely understand.” Auria and I sat to either side of Eric, who held a tiny baby with jet black hair and dark blue eyes. “Oh, Auria. He’s perfect. He’s a tiny little version of Eliot. Look at you! Eric, please let me have a turn. Please.” Giving me a disgruntled look, Eric carefully transferred Evan into my arms. I sniffed his soft baby hair and kissed his tiny forehead. I fell in love hard and fast. “My sweet little Evan, even though technically I think we are cousins of some sort, I hope you will think of me as your Aunt Teagan. I’m going to be the one who gives you anything you want.” Evan looked up at me with his tiny little face. “Yes, it’s true. You might say, Auntie Teagan, I want a starship, and I’ll say which one does my sweet baby nephew want?” I nodded at him and moved the blanket down from his chin. I lifted him up so I could smell his sweet baby smell again. “Auntie Teagan loves you. Yes, I do.”

  “Okay. That’s enough, baby hog. It’s my turn.”

  “You don’t have to go to Uncle Simon. He thinks he’s going to spoil you more than me.” Simon sat to my other side. “In a few months you will have your cousin, Niklos Tavere Cassian, with whom to play. The two of you will have all kinds of adventures together all over the universes. Maybe you can have starship races. Wouldn’t that be fun?” Nico filled me with warmth, pride, and love through our strengthening bond. I smiled over at him and caught Eliot capturing all of us on his vid-screen. Simon’s ice blue eyes gazed at me impatiently. “Okay, but I want him back.”

  “Mommy,” Neema complained.

  I laughed at her scowl and the hint of jealously I felt from her. Once Evan was safely in Simon’s arms, I used a grip on Eric’s leg to help myself stand. Eric kept a hand on me until I was steady. Then, he stole my seat. I walked to Sherman and took Neema.

  “We’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  I carried Neema through the foyer. She gazed up in wonder at the curving staircases that led up to the second and third floor balconies. “It’s gorgeous. Isn’t it, Neema?” I heard Nico, Quaid, and Izaac’s light steps on the polished wood floor behind us as we entered the living room on the other side of the foyer. “I napped in here many times while you were in my tummy. Yes, I did.” Cranky with hunger, Neema didn’t care. I sat with her and saw to her needs. Nico sat in a nearby chair. “Um,” I said.

  “I brought it inside,” Nico said of Neema’s bag.

  Sydney joined us with a large beautiful smile on her elegant face. “Hello, grandmother Sydney. How are you enjoying Evan?”

  “Oh, he’s perfect. I couldn’t be happier. Both of my boys and my grandson are in the same room together. You’ll understand one day. I wanted to give you a quick kiss before going back to enjoy it.” Sydney hugged and kissed me from the side before hurrying back to the sitting room.

  As I finished up with Neema, Gina smugly appeared, took Neema, changed her, and claime
d my baby for herself. Neema laughed at her. Soon, we all returned to the sitting room. While Neema demonstrated for everyone her ability to remove her shoes and crawl all over the floor, Eliot sat beside me and took my hand in his. Silently, we enjoyed watching Eric and Simon as they gazed adoringly at his newborn son.

  “I’m so glad I listened to you,” Eliot whispered in my ear. “I love you, cousin.”

  We all enjoyed lunch together. Afterwards, as Evan and Auria began to grow weary, Simon suggested we return to his parents’ house and our transports. “I believe it is time that I show my wife her home.”

  “Good idea, Simon. Neema and Teagan need naps,” Nico said.

  “I don’t need a nap! I have too much to do.”

  During the short drive, Nico gave me a stern look. His dark brown eyes and his emotions were full of resolve. “Woman, you were ordered to rest, exercise, and eat healthy foods, and that is what you will do.” I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Teagan, remember. Ambassador Jiri, in conjunction with the Glaucias, is hosting a ball in your honor this evening. You don’t want to be tired all night. Do you?” Gina asked.

  “No, ma’am,” I said in resignation.

  “Good. I’m sending ladies over to help you and Isidora dress in four hours. Go get some rest. We will pick you up.”

  As we switched from Sherman’s transport back into our own at the Montgomery home, Simon was holding the transport door open for Isidora. Gina hugged and kissed her before allowing her to get inside. Neema’s eyelids had begun to droop. Eric had decided to remain with his immediate family and to sleep in his own bed leaving Quaid with his transport. We pulled our transports to a stop at Simon’s house. Stewart stood at the entrance holding the largest bouquet of purple flowers and red roses that I had ever seen. Isidora was overcome with emotion.

  “Oh, Simon. This is your home? It’s stunning.”

  “This is our home, Lady Montgomery, and I can’t wait to show you off tonight at the ball. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Your eyes shine like moons on a clear summer night, and your hair falls like spider’s silk in the moonlight.”


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