The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3)

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The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3) Page 45

by Wendie Nordgren

  “I feel the same way. Quaid and Yukihyo want me to believe that he belongs in treatment.”

  Nico made a snort of derision. “You would think the Galaxic Government would be outraged at the man’s genetic experimentation. Perhaps they want to keep him alive to create more of his super soldiers.” Nico felt that mentally and emotionally unstable soldiers were a liability. My general helped me select a dress with a long full skirt, empire waist, and a fitted off the shoulder top. I decided to wear the pendant of upturned platinum wings surrounding a spherical faceted diamond, the Imperial symbol that had belonged to my mother.

  “You are stunning,” Quaid said from the doorway.

  “Commander Bosh, your uniform suits you well,” I said with a smile. “Just give me a moment,” I said as I held my skirt out of the way and went to use the waste unit one more time just to be safe. It felt like Niklos was playing ball with my bladder.

  As Nico, Quaid, and I exited the lift, we could hear Thunderdrop and Cass as they played with their transports. Within seconds, Thunderdrop jumped to my arm. There, he blinked at me. I felt physically sick at the thought of leaving Neema for what could end up being four or five hours. I had never been away from my sweet precious baby for that long. Lorca walked toward us from Simon’s living room. Neema played in there. I began to go to her.

  “Forgive me, Princess Teagan. However, if you are to go to Princess Neema, Pierce and I fear each of you will become emotional. Please, take this instead,” Lorca said as he handed me a small white purse.

  “What’s this?”

  “Inside is a vid-monitor. I have programmed a small hover drone to focus on the princess. You may watch her discretely simply by peeking inside.”

  Looking from Lorca to the purse, I opened it. The purse was merely a fancy cover for the vid-monitor. Neema sat with Pierce beside her on a rug playing with her stuffed spiders.

  “Chirp.” Thunderdrop showed me an image of him watching over Neema. I stroked one of his legs.

  “Thank you. I’m sure with all of you watching her, she’ll be fine.”

  “If she feels your distress, she will begin to cry,” Yukihyo warned.

  The lift opened showing me my dashing cousin as he smiled adoringly at his elegant Laconian bride. Isidora looked even more beautiful than usual. Her long dove grey hair was down, and the silken mass had a few loose carefully placed curls that gave it a soft tousled appearance. She wore a dress of the lightest shade of purple that I had ever seen along with the amethyst jewelry we had given to her as a wedding gift. Gina stood behind the happy couple with a satisfied smirk on her mouth. I knew she looked forward to having grandchildren of her own. Having a fresh infusion of Laconian blood in our family would further ensure cooperation from our Silk spiders and secure the Montgomery clan’s future generations as members of the Arachnean ruling class.

  Gina’s gown of dark blue silk made a stunning backdrop for Isidora’s light purple. I couldn’t help but notice that Gina’s dress was the exact shade of blue as Quaid’s uniform. I wondered if she was sending a political message. Yukihyo offered me his arm. He kissed my hand before I could rest it atop the finely tailored black sleeve of his suit. His diamond pin sparkled as did the wedding band on his finger. I felt even worse as I looked from the empty place amidst Quaid’s medals where my Imperial pin should be, to his naked ring finger. I hadn’t given a ring to Nico either. I was a terrible wife.

  “Teagan, I must insist you not allow such silly things to ruin your evening. The bond you have created between us has a meaning far outweighing any outward symbols,” Quaid said after reading my thoughts.

  “Time to go. It would never do if we were to be late. Come along,” Gina ordered.

  Sherman walked toward us from the kitchen with Stewart. The sounds of giggling women followed them.

  “I told Izaac to stay here as additional protection for Neema. He should be able to sense any danger,” Yukihyo said.

  “Do you think the kid can focus on three things at once? He might have some juggling to do this evening,” Phillip said as he made a lewd gesture at his chest. Quaid laughed at him. Isidora and I rolled our eyes. Gina gave Phillip a stern look. Phillip cleared his throat while Stewart opened the door for us. Thunderdrop scampered away to the living room.

  I checked the monitor repeatedly on the way to the Galatea estate. “You’re going to wear out the closure on the bag,” Gina warned.

  “As I recall, you were just as bad, if not worse with Simon,” Sherman said. Justified, I dared raise an eyebrow at Gina. She raised one of hers at me. I blushed and looked down. I sensed Yukihyo’s amusement and felt hurt by it. Wasn’t he as concerned for our helpless baby as I was?

  “Teagan, Neema has two professional nurses, Thunderdrop, Cass, Stewart, and elite guards. She is in a house on a property surrounded by Silk spiders. You’re just experiencing separation anxiety. It’s normal,” Phillip lectured.

  I wanted to kick him. Sherman sensed my irritation with each of the men and chuckled. I couldn’t wait to exit the transport once it came to a stop. Hired servants, who upon second glance suspiciously resembled Eric’s crewmen, opened our doors. Then, they took the transport away to the back to park it with the others. Sounds greeted us before we had taken our first steps toward the door. The Galatea estate was alive with lights, music, and animated voices. Smiling servants held open the doors. Holding onto Yukihyo’s arm, we began to enter. Then, I glanced at Nico and Quaid who nodded their acquiescence.

  Waiting for Sherman and Gina to walk ahead, Sherman gestured and said, “Go on, girl.” Clutching Yukihyo’s arm with one hand and my bag in the other, I nervously gazed up at Yukihyo’s eyes that were tinged with gold. He smiled at me with his beautiful lips and began walking us forward. Knowing all of the attention was focused on me made me nervous. I feared tripping or saying something stupid. Yukihyo soothed my feelings and caressed my hand.

  “Princess Probus, or as we know you, the Lady Alaric Montgomery Lee and Lord Alaric Montgomery Lee, welcome,” Lord Galatea announced as he smiled and reached toward my hand that clutched my bag. Holding my wrist with only his fingers beneath it, he kissed my hand. “My lady and I are honored by your presence in our home,” he said as he bowed deeply to me.

  I blushed and curtseyed in unison with Lady Jae Galatea. “It is a pleasure to be in your beautiful home once again, Lord Galatea.” I met Jae’s eyes and smiled. Yukihyo released me so that Jae and I could hug. “Hello, Jae. Everything looks beautiful.”

  “Thank you, Teagan. I’m so glad you were able to come home. We’ve missed you.” Jae gave my cheek a peck. My nervousness decreased a little.

  Once we had parted, a tall strong man with dark hair and eyes in a black suit with Parvac’s emblem pinned to his chest gave me a deep bow that he held for several seconds. I curtsied. “Ambassador Jiri, how kind of you to host with the Lord and Lady Galatea this beautiful ball in my honor. I am humbled, sir.”

  Meeting my eyes as he rose, he said, “Then, Princess Probus, I regret that you have far underestimated your importance. I vow to host a ball in your honor on each occasion that I have the privilege of sharing the ground upon which you stand.”

  I assumed he was simply flattering me, but my eyes began to fill. “Ambassador Jiri, you are too kind.” Yukihyo provided a silk square that I used to dab at my eyes. Nico came to my left side and saluted Ambassador Jiri.

  “General Cassian, it is good to see you again.”

  “Likewise.” Some unspoken communication occurred between the two men which must have had something to do with their earlier meeting.

  “Teagan, please, come and allow family and friends to greet you. Everyone wishes to speak to you,” Jae said. Her gown shimmered like burnished copper and floated about her to the floor as she moved. Jae was ethereal grace and beauty. I imagined myself moving like one of the lumbering water cows I had seen in a documentary. I heard Quaid’s laughter behind me and forced myself to keep a pleasant expression on my face. When Jae a
nd Lord Galatea first escorted us to Lord and Lady Chan Lee, I sighed in relief.

  “Ha-ha! Now, we are sisters after all,” Ling said as her arms wrapped me in a gentle hug. “I found myself helpless to resist your charming brother.”

  Winking at Hiroshi whose eyes glittered for reasons other than financial gain, I said, “He is a handsome and dashing starship captain. Ling, I’ve never known him to be happier than when he merely thinks of you.”

  Ling held my eyes with hers for a few moments and said, “Such has it been for me since Hiroshi and I first met. Teagan, please allow me to introduce my father, Lord Chan.”

  I curtsied as deeply as I could manage. Quickly, Yukihyo came to my side to assure my success in rising again. Lord Chan seemed to struggle with bowing, too. Once we had both righted ourselves, he winked a pale eye at me. “I am pleased to meet the young lady about whom I have heard so much. Why have you not yet visited my estate?” When my eyes widened in surprise, he winked at me again. “Yes, yes. They have you running about. It is only natural that you would want to relax once your feet come to rest on home soil. Know that you are always welcome.”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you.”

  Lord Chan inclined his head to me. Then, his attention went elsewhere. Following the path of his eyes, I smiled as the Alarics walked toward us. Auria, Sydney, and Gram had each worn varying shades of blue. Auria smiled but seemed as distressed as I had felt in the transport. Eliot whispered softly to her. I introduced Ling to Nico and Quaid. Feeling something odd, I looked at Gram who had a prim expression that didn’t match her flustered emotional state. I shot a quizzical look to Eliot whose eyes darted from Gram to Lord Chan.

  I moved to exchange places with Eric so that I could be nosy. Eric gave me a slow dimpled grin and had mischief in his eyes. He thought something was hilarious, but Ethan gave off something akin to jealously or protectiveness. I couldn’t figure out which. Sydney seemed fine. Again, I noticed Lord Chan, who had fixed his attention on Gram. Once I managed to squeeze my belly over close to Auria, I strained to hear his quiet voice.

  “Lady Alaric, you are more beautiful this evening in that gown than the wild salvia that grows in my forests,” Lord Chan said. He reached for Gram’s hand and carefully bent to place a kiss on her knuckles. “Perhaps, you might one day persuade your great-niece to accompany you on a visit to my estate. I am certain my daughter and new son-in-law would enjoy the pleasure of your company as much as I would.”

  My eyes darted between Gram and Lord Chan. I feared missing the slightest expression.

  “Oh, well. I’m sure Teagan would like a chance to visit her brother and sister-in-law at their residence,” Gram said nervously. A new song began to play.

  Lord Chan smiled, took a step closer, and placed Gram’s hand on his arm. “Will you do me the honor of dancing with me, Lady Alaric?”

  “I suppose.”

  Lord Chan escorted Gram away. I watched as their white heads disappeared behind tall people and tried to lean so I could continue to see. Lord and Lady Chan had Ling late in life, but still, I guessed at his age being about ten years younger than Gram. With wide eyes, Auria and I met each other’s gazes. I noticed then that I clutched her arm and let go.

  “Auria, will you do me the honor?” Eliot asked. Ethan shot a pointed look at Eliot that said to keep an eye on Gram.

  I jumped when Yukihyo put his hand against the small of my back. His amusement was clear even without our bond. “Come, lady wife. I know you will dance with me so that you can spy on them yourself.”

  “You’ve got that right.”

  Yukihyo guided me through the slow simple steps of the dance across the floor until I could see what happened between Gram and Lord Chan. However, the movements of other couples along with a few turns allowed me only brief glimpses of her blue dress. I growled in frustration which invited curious looks from the closest dancers and a chuckle from my husband.

  “Do you know what’s going on?” I whispered.

  “Yes, Lord Chan wants Gram for himself.”

  I got angry. “Well, he can’t have her. She belongs to us!” Yukihyo laughed. I scowled at him. “Gram would never leave us.”

  “The Lady Alaric has been widowed for many years. Both her son and grandson are loved and cared for. Why should she not find romance?”

  “She doesn’t need romance. She’s old. Dr. Perry checks on her daily. Anyway, she has her great-grand baby, Evan Alaric with whom to play.”

  “Perhaps Lord Chan merely desires her occasional companionship.”

  I felt my face grow hot thinking of Phillip’s occasional companionship. I would never allow my Gram to be treated like some floozy. Yukihyo burst out with laughter causing heads to turn our way as the music ended, and a new piece began to play. I pinched him.

  “That’s not funny,” I whispered angrily.

  With his opal eyes glittering in amusement, he said, “I didn’t mean it like that.” I pinched him a second time. He took my offending fingers and kissed them.

  “May I have this dance?” Nico asked.

  Yukihyo, who had continued to laugh, handed me over to him and sauntered over to Quaid, Hiroshi, and Phillip who listened to him and then joined in his laughter. I scowled at them all until Nico turned us and hid them from view. I looked up at Nico.

  “What did he do to anger you?”

  “He thinks it’s okay for Lord Chan to flirt with my Gram. I don’t.”

  Nico’s dark brown eyes were full of his love for me. “It isn’t alright with you? Teagan, the woman is about eighty years old. What’s the problem?”

  “It’s wrong. I’m not letting him treat her like…like….”

  “What? A woman?” I scowled up at Nico just as I had Yukihyo. The medals on his chest distracted me. Nico tilted his head and smiled. His large hand warmed me through the silk of my gown. He maneuvered us around another couple. “I can tell you how I felt about Orson when he first lusted for my mother.” My thoughts turned to Abbie and Orson as they walked hand in hand along Thalassa’s shoreline in the nude. Nico would understand my feelings perfectly. “My mother is a beautiful woman with many years ahead of her. She has been an excellent mother to my brothers and me, and she loved our father. I would have lost all respect for Orson had he not become infatuated with her. It would have been insulting.”

  My thoughts froze and then raced. I had just asked a man from an alien culture with a long history of polyandry his opinion about my Gram dating a man. Nico didn’t understand at all. How could a Parvac man understand? Nico would approve of Gram having as many male suitors as she wished. I clenched my jaw in frustration. As the music ended, Nico slowed our steps and drew my eyes up to his in concern.

  “Have I angered you?”

  “No, Nico. You and I just come from different cultures.”

  “Teagan, you and I are the same race. You, Ambassador Jiri, Kane, our soldiers, and I are the foreigners here tonight. You may be an Arachnean citizen, but don’t forget whose blood runs through your veins.”

  “May I dance with my wife?” I heard Quaid say in his calm professional tone.

  Nico bowed to me before placing my hand in Quaid’s and walking to Ambassador Jiri. I spotted Eric, Kane, and Phillip flirting with some eyelash batters. Then, I sighed in frustration as Lord Chan led Gram off to a quiet corner for refreshments. Quaid’s large hand covered mine and placed it on his shoulder.

  Again, I noticed the vacancy of my pin on his uniform where it should be and felt ashamed of my treatment of him. “Teagan, please, don’t ever again trouble your mind with thoughts such as these.” His hand went around me to rest low on my back.

  “Quaid,” I began.

  “I know what else troubles you, my love,” he said as his thoughts whispered against mine. The headache that had begun to form behind my eyes blew away at his mind’s caress of my own. I began to relax as Quaid seemed to float across the floor with me in tow. The skirt of my dress floated around his legs like a cloud covering a moonli
t night sky. Quaid danced with grace, fluidity, and ease, and I felt myself concentrating less and less on my feet. “You begin to tire, and Niklos pushes against you uncomfortably. Come. I will escort you.”

  My eyes began to mist over with gratitude. “You are so sweet to me even after I’ve treated you so terribly.”

  “You imagine things. You allowed our lives to be linked together and have saved me from mental turmoil and anguish. A piece of jewelry has no meaning compared to you.” With my hand on Quaid’s arm, he guided me to a nearby restroom. He paused in concentration. Then, he smiled and said, “It is all yours, my lady,” as he opened the door.

  Gratefully, I entered and locked the door behind me even though Quaid stood guard outside. I held the thin white bag under my chin, collected the skirt of my gown and put it over my arm, and scooted my undies down. My eyes rolled up in relief. Since I was staying put for the time being, I opened the bag and watched Neema. Pierce had her attention as he filled her spoon. She opened her mouth and moved her face just enough to miss the bite. A little smear of what appeared to be mashed carrots appeared on her cheek. Neema furrowed her brow and closed her mouth over her spoon. After she swallowed her carrots, she laughed and banged her hands on her tray. I heard Stewart’s laughter. Then, I heard a knock on the door.

  Quaid showed me an image in my mind of a lady who patiently waited for her turn. Closing the bag and holding it under my chin, I put myself to rights. Lady Quinn and I exchanged polite curtsies as she hurried to take my place in the restroom.

  “Would you care for refreshments, Lady Bosh?”

  “Yes, my lord.” The three little words had Quaid smiling and his eyes lightening. “What did I do?”

  He shook his head and kissed my temple. Then, he helped me sit in a soft padded chair. One servant provided us with drinks while another handed me a large plate loaded with one of every appetizer being served. I looked up at the man as he spread a napkin out over Niklos thinking that was just a little too much. Then, I saw his face and his obvious amusement.


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