The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3)

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The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3) Page 46

by Wendie Nordgren

  “Thanks, Gary.”

  “Not so loud, Princess. Pretend you don’t know us. We’re even more invisible as the wait staff,” Gary said with a wink. “Eat up. I’ll get you more of what you like.”

  Quaid sat beside me. Niklos had me so hungry that I ate everything. Gary brought me a second plate and another glass of fruit punch. “What do you think of Lord Chan’s behavior?” I asked as I watched Hiroshi dancing with Ling. I smiled as I caught sight of Kaoti stiffly dancing with Violet. Kaoti looked at his wife as though she were the appetizer, main course, and dessert all rolled into one, and he was dying of starvation. Yukihyo danced with Auria, and Sherman danced with Gina. Ethan and Eliot were sharing a plate between them on the side of the ballroom to the left of us.

  “I see nothing wrong with it.” I shoved another meat stuffed olive into my mouth and then another. “In the Laconian culture, a woman without a husband is pitied.”

  “What if she likes being single?”

  “Why would a woman desire to remain alone and unprotected?” Quaid was truly puzzled.

  I stared down at my empty plate until a shiny pair of shoes entered into my field of vision. I followed them up to the polite smile of Ambassador Jiri. Gary appeared at my right as if by magic to take my plate.

  “Might I interest you in a dance, Princess Probus?”

  Feeling obligated to the man who had arranged the ball on my behalf, I smiled. “Yes, sir. Thank you for asking.”

  I started to rise and found it to be impossible. I tried again and felt my cheeks turning red. Ambassador Jiri extended his hand down to me. I took it, and after struggling for a moment, he ended up practically lifting me from the chair that had trapped me.

  With a polite smile, he said, “Your highness, I beg you not to be embarrassed. I am grateful to assist the mother of our future emperor. Who else of our people can claim the privilege of such an intimate moment with our Princess?”

  “You make helping a woman who is too fat to get up from a chair sound like an honor.”

  “It is an honor to assist a beautiful young woman. To be in the same room with the daughter of Emperor Probus is an honor for everyone present.” I couldn’t help the snort of disbelief that escaped me. “You doubt my words?” he asked as he began taking slow careful steps as he led me through the dance.

  “I believe you mean the words, but I don’t believe I’m anything special.”

  Serious dark brown eyes gazed down into mine. “Then, your husbands have been negligent as have your people.”

  “No, my husbands are kind, generous, protective, and loving. They are also patient to put up with me.”

  “Put up with you? Your company is a luxury of the rarest kind. The men of our Empire would give anything, do anything, to spend seconds at your feet if only to gaze upon you.”

  I threw my head back and laughed. “You’re terrible! Stop teasing me. Okay. I promise to stop feeling sorry for myself because of that chair. You win.”

  Ambassador Jiri moved one hand against my lower back as his other hand gently squeezed my own. “I do not jest, Princess Probus. My nephew, Fitz, can speak of nothing but you. On Thalassa, you captivated him. Fitz worships you with his every thought, and now I clearly see why.”

  I remembered Fitz on his knees before me as he gave me my narwhal necklace begging me to one day spare him a bit of love from my heart. “Fitz is a sweet man. He has been very kind to me. I feared that I had hurt his feelings on Thalassa.”

  “Why is that?”

  Frowning, I said, “Fitz generously offered to take me along on their last fishing trip, but Niklos wouldn’t allow it.”

  With a wary calculating look, Ambassador Jiri asked, “Niklos?” He thought that I spoke of another man with whom his nephew must compete for my attention.

  I laughed. “Yes,” I said with a look down to the big bump between us. “Prince Niklos Tavere Cassian forbade me to go on the boat. He’s allowing me transport rides. However, that wasn’t the case for several weeks.”

  Ambassador Jiri gave me a smile only a politician could master. “You and General Cassian have chosen our future emperor’s name.”

  “Yes, however, you are the first person outside of my immediate family to hear it. Please, keep it a secret. Papa will announce it when he is ready.”

  “Of course, your majesty. The Princess bestows yet another honor upon the Jiri family with this momentous news.” He turned us in our dance moving us farther from a cluster of the other dancers.

  “Papa won’t mind you knowing. The Jiri are considered our close family friends. Papa trusts you and so do I.”

  Ambassador Jiri caught my eyes with his very serious ones. “I speak on behalf of the Jiri family when I vow to you and House Probus the unwavering loyalty of every Parvac with Jiri blood running in his or her veins.”

  A bit unnerved, I said, “I don’t know what to say.”

  “I require no response, your highness. Should you need anything from me, it will be done. I have heard reports of the man who orchestrated your abduction. How do you wish him handled?”

  I met his eyes with my own. “It has been suggested to me that he needs medical attention.” Ambassador Jiri’s eyes became hooded, and anger burned his eyes to blackened toast even though a pleasant smile remained on his lips. “I see you share my feelings.”

  “He has done much against our people. While our peace with the Galaxic Government is still in its infancy, I hesitate to suggest a course of action that would put us at odds with its leaders. Our co-existence with them seems to please you and may prove beneficial in the future. There are whisperings of activity far beyond our Empire which may necessitate a military coalition between our peoples.”

  Dumbfounded, I stared at him and whispered, “Wait. What do you mean? Do you mean someone other than…like aliens? Are they like us? I thought humans, Laconians, and Parvacs were the only inhabitants of our universes.”

  Ambassador Jiri moved us farther from the other dancers. “It has been a consensus amongst the rulers of each of our universes to keep such knowledge from the general populace. Meanwhile, Parvac has continued to grow and train her armies. Did you not think it odd for your people to have military bases and fleets of warships at each of our planets and on all of our outposts? Parvac has prepared for interstellar war and invasion. It is why the pathetic attack of Dr. Crispus was so easily squashed. I imagine your father welcomes the additional protection these hybrids offer you. He surrounds you with the most lethal and skilled of our assets.”

  I turned my head and watched as Kaoti took Violet into a turn. Catching my attention, Ambassador Jiri inclined his head toward Eli Beck. “Eli isn’t lethal. He’s sweet. He investigates criminals.”

  Ambassador Jiri gave me a patient smile like one I might give to Neema for stacking a block. “Like Arachne, Parvac has her own spiders with which to protect you.” He stopped our dance in front of Inquisitor Eli Beck just as another song began to play. “Good evening, Mr. Beck. I have some information for Princess Probus. Perhaps you might visit me in the morning and then serve as our courier. It is of a private nature,” he said as he placed my hand on Eli’s.

  “Yes, sir,” Eli said with a bow as he put his hand to my back and began to dance me to Nico.

  “I didn’t realize you had come to the ball. It seems you were absent for most of it.”

  “I oversaw the placement of our new men. I have spread them out like a net for your protection. Arrangements have been made to sell their starship. The Ponidis will travel on our warships. When we return to the Empire, they will train on Ephors with two exceptions. Zeth and Izaac have requested and been approved to remain in your presence and under Kaoti’s direct orders. However, the final say is yours. Do you wish it?”

  My thoughts and feelings briefly took me away to a memory of a dream. “Yes, but there will be another. His name is Xavier. He will contact you, but I don’t know when.”

  Eli’s dark eyes seared into mine showing me a glimpse of
the lethal nature to which Ambassador Jiri had alluded. “How did Xavier communicate with you? I have not knowledge of this contact.”

  I realized then that Eli made it a point to know everything communicated to me. “Eli, how long have you been monitoring my calls?”

  Eli hesitated. He blinked four times before answering my question. “I have monitored all of your communications by order of Emperor Probus since he learned of you.”

  My brow furrowed in thought. “When was that?” I squeezed his hand impatiently.

  “The first were your calls to the Lady Emma Alaric from Tora in route to Scipio.” Thinking back, I felt my face begin to burn. I had had some very private talks with Gram and Sydney about female things. I had called Yukihyo more than once from Arachne in my bedclothes. “Princess Probus, my only purpose in life is your safety. If it were not me, someone else would be assigned to keep the Emperor informed. How would you react if the Princess Neema were traveling all over the universes while you were obligated to remain in the Empire?”

  “I would never allow her to do such a thing,” I responded in a huff.

  “The Emperor was cautioned that to take such an approach with you would destroy both your spirit and his chance to have a relationship with his daughter.”

  I scowled up at Eli just as Niklos gave me a hard series of kicks and did a somersault. “Oh!” I said as I paused and hunched over. Phillip was at my side with his scanner in his hand before I had managed to draw in my second breath. “I’m fine. The baby is doing some dancing of his own.”

  As proof, Niklos kicked hard enough to make the top left side of my stomach bulge for a moment. Then, he seemed to decide that it was comfortable to stick a foot or elbow out leaving a small visible bump. Eli escorted me to a seat.

  “Phillip, what is he poking me with?” Phillip showed me a scan of a foot. I rubbed it only to receive another hard kick. Eliot and Auria had left along with Gram. Auria couldn’t be away from little Evan for very long. “How do I get him to move?”

  Phillip winked. “You don’t. However, I think you’ve had enough dancing for one night. You need your rest.”

  “Are you alright?” Nico asked in a panicked tone.

  Yukihyo chuckled at him and got a dangerous look from the blonde giant. “No, your son is kicking the crap out of me. Look where he has decided to shove his foot.” I pointed. Rather than sympathy, a huge proud grin spread across Nico’s face. “Maybe I should kick your daddy in the gut and see how he likes it,” I said to my stomach.

  Jae and Lord Galatea joined our group. Eric, Sherman, and the others ignored us since they knew it was my discomfort that bothered me.

  “Jae, thank you so much for this beautiful party.” I cringed when Niklos delivered a few more strong kicks. Four more months, I thought. I met her eyes again and exhaled. “I’ve had all of the fun that I can handle for an evening. Will you forgive me if I go home and to bed?”

  “Oh, Teagan. Of course, I will. However, on your next trip, I won’t hear of you leaving until well after midnight.”

  I laughed. Yukihyo helped me up. Quaid met my eyes from across the room and bowed to me as we left. Soon, Yukihyo, Nico, and I were on our way to Simon’s house with Eli driving us in his transport. I watched Neema on the monitor as she slept. Niklos kicked me all of the way there. Nico and Yukihyo kept their hands over my stomach and joked about each kick.

  “Your son will make an excellent fighter. I can picture him in the ring now.”

  “Hey, did you feel that one?” Nico asked.

  Phillip and the others had remained at the ball. I didn’t care. I was annoyed with just about every man I knew. The lack of sympathy from Nico at the punishment my uterus was suffering irritated me. I was mad at Yukihyo for his sympathy for Dr. Crispus. Quaid had made the comment about unmarried women being pitied that I didn’t like. Then, to top it all off, Eli had been spying on me since before I even knew who my parents were. I felt my jaw clenching and stretched my mouth open to loosen it.

  As soon as Eli parked in front of Simon’s house, I attempted to get out but required help which further irritated me. Yukihyo gave me a gentle smile even though I frowned at him and his beautiful almond-shaped eyes.

  “Is the lady cranky from over exertion?” Stewart asked from where he stood by the open door. I took a deep breath. “Your bath awaits, my lady.”

  “Thank you, Stewart.” I took a step inside and moved as quickly as I could to the lift. Abruptly, I lurched forward and halted as Niklos kicked me some more. Nico and Yukihyo were to each side of me with steadying hands. Yukihyo kissed my right temple and put his arm around my back low at the waist. I felt his patience and love through our bond and began to realize that I might be the one who was the asshole of the evening. Yukihyo’s soft chuckle corrected that thought. Nope. It wasn’t me.

  “Lady wife, do not be angry with us.”

  “She is simply tired and will be herself again in the morning,” Nico said as the lift door closed.

  Once we were in our room, I removed my mother’s necklace and my new hair combs. Yukihyo changed out of his suit while Nico helped me out of my ball gown and into the luxurious warmth of the full tub.

  “That’s better. She’s already more relaxed. With the way her father spoils her, why is there no tub on her cousin’s warship?” Yukihyo asked as he entered the bathroom. Snickering, Nico removed his jacket and switched places with Yukihyo. I was careful to keep my hair out of the water.

  “It’s alright. I’ll let you inside,” I heard Nico saying. Seconds later, a black and blue-grey Arachnean Silk spider hopped up onto the sink to watch me.

  “Hello, baby. Did you have fun tonight with Cass?”

  “Chirp chitter chirp.”

  “You did? You missed me, though?”

  “Chirp! Chitter chirp chitter chirp chirp.” Thunderdrop showed me an image of Neema crying and saying, “Mommy.”

  “Oh, my poor baby. When did that happen?”

  “Chirp chirp chitter.”

  “While Pierce was rocking her to sleep?” I cried and wiped at my eyes with my wet hands.

  “Why did you tell her that? She must be able to leave the baby for short periods of time upon occasion,” Yukihyo admonished Thunderdrop.

  “Chitter chirp chitter.”

  Yukihyo helped me from the tub and wrapped a towel around me. He placed his finger under my chin and gently lifted my face to his for a kiss. “Time for bed, lady wife. You are overly tired.”

  Nico tossed one of my gowns to Yukihyo. I slipped into it as Yukihyo took my towel to the basket in the bathroom. “In you go,” Nico said as he lifted me up and into the bed. Once they were to either side of me, and my head rested on Yukihyo’s shoulder, I fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Mommy, Mommy,” I heard as Neema cried. My eyes flew open and to the door. Through the crack, I saw Pierce with Neema in his arms. I sat up.

  “Is that Mommy’s baby? Do I hear Neema?” Smiling, Pierce carried her to me. Her face was wet with tears. I dried them as she nursed. Other than Neema and Pierce, Thunderdrop was in the room blinking at me from Yukihyo’s pillow. “Where is everyone?”

  “General Cassian and Lord Yukihyo have gone to attend to business. Inquisitor Beck awaits an audience.”

  I smoothed Neema’s hair. “Please, send him in.” I switched Neema to the other side and made sure I was covered. When the door opened, it was Stewart carrying a tray with coffee and breakfast. I smelled bacon and eggs. “Thank you, Stewart.”

  “My pleasure, my lady.” He held the door for Eli and Pierce on his way out.

  Pierce held out a chair for Eli and offered him coffee. Eli declined both and studied either his shoes or the floor until Neema was satisfied. As I patted her back, Pierce came forward as though to take her. “Oh, no. Neema, Thunderdrop, and I have spent enough time apart. You’re welcome to remain with us, but I’m not letting either of them out of my sight. Do you know where her spiders are

  Pierce bowed and went to retrieve Neema’s favorite new toy. I held her and kissed her soft little cheeks until he returned. Neema smiled up at me with her little lips that looked like her daddy’s and the jade green eyes she had gotten because of me. When Pierce returned with the rainy season web of stuffed spiders, I helped Neema to sit beside me so that she could play. Pierce stood nearby to protect her from moving too near the edge of the bed.

  Neema reached inside for a spider, shook it, smiled at me, and said, “pie der.”

  “Very good! Spider!”

  “Chirp chirp!” Thunderdrop said as he lifted each of his eight legs happily.

  “Did you hear that, Eli?” Glancing over at him, I smiled joyously, but the coffee caught my attention. Noticing, Eli handed me a cup. Taking a sip, I sighed dejectedly when I tasted it and discovered it to be fake coffee. Eli gave Pierce a pointed stare of dismissal which Pierce chose to ignore. “Eli, what has you here this morning?”

  “Ambassador Jiri requested that I deliver to you classified intelligence reports,” he said as he held out to me a small jewelry box.

  Puzzled, I took it and lifted the lid. Inside, I found a platinum ring with an onyx stone surrounded in what appeared to be black diamonds. “It matches my new bracelet. Where are the Ponidis anyway?”

  Pierce said, “They also attend to business this morning.”

  I frowned. “Well, at least the two of you care about our safety. Dr. Crispus could be anywhere plotting just about anything, and all of my big strong protectors have vanished. What assholes.” With wide eyes, I covered my mouth and checked to see if Neema had noticed. I needed to watch my language. “Sorry.” I slipped the ring onto the third finger of my right hand.

  “Princess, may I?” Eli asked indicating the ring. I took it off and gave it to him. Pressing the tip of his pinky finger under the ring’s setting, he pushed. The top of the ring lifted.


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