The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3)

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The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3) Page 48

by Wendie Nordgren

  “They should be more attentive if nothing else than because of your condition.”

  I nodded in agreement and suggested that we go and spend all of their money which caused Isidora to laugh, and Eli and Pierce to raise their eyebrows at me. A quick scrutiny of Eli didn’t show me where his knives were hidden. As we walked out of the house to the transport, I took Eli’s arm to halt him, stood on my toes, and kissed his cheek. Eli looked at me as though he might die at my feet.

  “Even though I was in no danger, it was brave of you to place yourself between me and my spider.”

  “I have never before encountered an insect of such magnitude,” Eli said as I released his arm.

  “Chitter chitter chitter chitter chitter chitter!”

  Eli froze and stared at Thunderdrop.

  I translated. “They aren’t insects. They are arachnids, and the female spider you met is the only female to rival Sue’s beauty.”

  “Chirp chirp!”

  Eli’s eyebrow rose, but he said, “She is beautifully lethal, silent, and majestic.”


  I smiled and got into the driver’s seat. Isidora sat by me. Once Neema was in her seat, Pierce and Eli arranged themselves into the other seats. Thunderdrop claimed my shoulder. I began driving toward the elevated shops with the roof resembling overlapping umbrellas.

  “I’ll take you to one of my favorite places first. So, what do you think of your new home?”

  Isidora gazed out of her window at the tall green trees whose leaves lifted and fell in the gentle breeze. Dappled light fell through the leafy canopy upon the road. “It’s beautiful here. I am very happy with Simon and the life he and I will share.” Joy filled my heart at her words. “I was such an imbecile when first we met. I was so wrong about you.”

  “We didn’t get off to a very good start. I do want us to be close.” I couldn’t imagine being estranged from Simon.

  “We will be. At present, I imagine you and I as one of those new saplings pushing up at the forest’s edge. Given time, our friendship will grow to be as strong as one of those.” Isidora pointed at a thick solid tree.

  “I’d like that.”

  I parked, and we all got out. After Pierce had secured Neema in her stroller, we took the lift rather than the stairs up to the shops. Thunderdrop preened as Arachnean citizens complimented him on his beauty.

  “Chirp chirp!” He darted away from me and to the shop of the sculptress where I found him in the midst of a large piece of wood that had been hollowed out in a series of twists and turns. I ran my palm over the smoothed surfaces and enjoyed the fresh clean scent of it. “Chirp!”

  The artist and owner approached. She appeared just as old and careworn as I remembered. We curtsied to each other. “How may I be of service, Lady Alaric Montgomery Lee?”

  Like all Arachneans who craved sightings of our Silk spiders, she let her eyes roam over Thunderdrop’s sleek black legs and bluish-grey abdomen.

  “I believe Thunderdrop has fallen in love with another of your creations.”

  “Chirp! Chirp!” He showed me an image of the sculpture in my sitting room at the Palace in the corner near the porch.

  “He wants this piece for the Palace on Parvac.” I saw her tense a bit at the word Parvac, but she tried to hide her reaction, so I ignored it. “May I please have this piece delivered to Captain Valen’s warship?”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  “I would like to commission three additional large free standing sculptures like this for Thunderdrop.”

  “I am honored, my lady. When do you wish for them to be ready?”

  “There’s no rush. Take your time. I’m sure Thunderdrop will love whatever you create. They can be delivered to Captain Hiroshi Chan Lee of the Tora. I would like to offer you four thousand credits for all four. Does that sound fair to you?”

  We both knew I was paying her double, but she needed the credits, and I was loaded.

  “Yes, my lady. Thank you. I will see to the delivery of this piece at once.”

  I held my chip out to be scanned and then said, “Thunderdrop, come on, baby.”

  “Chirp!” Thunderdrop jumped to the sculptress and nuzzled her cheek with a feeler before leaping to my shoulder. Her eyes moistened in reaction to Thunderdrop’s affection.

  When we were out of earshot, I said, “I see. You’re learning from Phillip. You flirted with her to get her best designs.” I turned my head and looked at his eyes which he blinked innocently at me.

  Isidora was buying a skirt and enjoying being called Lady Montgomery. That Lord Simon Montgomery had come home with a Laconian bride was a major topic of discussion. Isidora received many appreciative glances from the various Arachnean males who were present. Next to Isidora, I felt almost invisible, and I loved it.

  I didn’t catch sight of a single guard, but the usual enforcer or two walked around conversing with shoppers and store keepers. Pierce bought Neema a cloth doll whose hand promptly disappeared into Neema’s mouth. Pierce and Eli followed me into the jewelry store where I had purchased Yukihyo’s wedding band. It was time to select two more. In one case, a wide platinum band had been etched with a scroll design. The design had been darkened further to stand out. It seemed as though everything Papa gave to me was made of platinum. I thought it fitting that the husband he had chosen for me should have a platinum wedding band. At first glance the ring was ordinary, but if a person paid attention to the design of the etching, it was breathtaking. The same was true of Nico Cassian. The shop keeper removed it from the case and placed it on my palm. It didn’t seem quite large enough for Nico.

  “Do you have another like this in a bigger size?”

  The jeweler pulled out a machine and slipped the ring over a graduated cylinder. He activated it, and the ring expanded and slipped farther down the tube.

  “That looks right,” I said when it looked large enough. “Will you wrap it up?”

  Continuing to look, I noticed a thick band of bright yellow gold embedded with small blue diamonds that were arranged in a wavy line around the band. It reminded me of the bright warm sun and clear blue ocean in Quaid’s backyard on Epopeus. The jeweler handed it to me. This one was the correct size.

  “This one, too, please.”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  Isidora, vibrant and lively, sauntered over to us. Her eyes sparkled with delight, and her hands held bags full of her purchases.

  “May I carry your bags, Lady Montgomery?” Eli asked.

  “Thank you, Mr. Beck.” There was a rustling of bags as Isidora transferred everything over to Eli. She rubbed at her palms where the bag handles had left indents. I was proud of her for loading up.

  The jeweler scanned the chip within my onyx bracelet giving it an appraising look, handed to me a bag containing the two wrapped boxes, and bowed to me. After a little more shopping, I convinced Isidora to visit the indoor market.

  Scrutinizing me, she said, “You just want to go there to eat.”

  Staring at her, I said, “And you aren’t going to tattle. If General Cassian or Dr. Svenson want to censure everything I eat, then one of them can bother to keep me company. Eli, since Kaoti is with Violet, I’ll need you to be in charge of hiding my olives and producing them for me upon request.”

  “I will do anything you ask of me, Princess.”


  “Your mommy is going to get us all into trouble,” Pierce whispered to Neema.

  I pulled to a stop in front of the market and paid to have the transport parked. Neema threw a tantrum when we tried to put her in her stroller, so we left it in the transport and agreed to take turns carrying her. Thunderdrop decided to climb to the safety of my hair. As soon as we entered the market, I inhaled the aroma of the various foods being offered. Isidora stayed with me as I led the way to the honeyed chicken and ordered for all of us. As we sat and ate, I studied Isidora. She had a pensive expression.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Something f
eels wrong.”

  “Explain,” Eli ordered.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Should we leave?” I asked. Eli pulled a small vid-screen from a pocket and began tapping away at it.

  “No, I’m sure everything is fine,” she said.

  After more assurances, I bought several jars of olives, enough for four more months, stuffed with cheeses, meats, and fruit combinations. Pierce shook his head at me. I scowled at him. “I’ll hold Neema while you put these in the back of my transport,” I told him.

  I pointed out Violet’s shop to Isidora. Violet and Kaoti weren’t there. Instead, two young women were running things. I assumed that Kaoti had convinced Violet to return with us to Parvac and was helping her pack. When Pierce returned, we all journeyed up to the second floor where I began picking out several modest swim dresses in different styles. Both Eli and Pierce looked aghast at my selections.


  “Forgive me, Princess, but those are atrocious. Clothing at the ocean is like clothing in the bath or shower. This prudish concept of Arachnean and Galaxic citizens is incomprehensible,” Eli said.

  “No, atrocious is what being a mother has done to my body. The more covered I am the better.”

  Eli stared at my eyes without looking away until I began to feel uncomfortable. I scowled at him and put two of the most matronly of my selections away, but added a few matching cover-ups to my other choices. Eli turned to the play area, and with his hands clasped behind his back watched Thunderdrop play in the central children’s area.

  “Drop! Drop!” Neema forcefully told Pierce.

  “Princess, might Neema be allowed to examine the color shapes?”

  “I guess. Do you think she is big enough to do that?”

  “I will remain within a foot of her at all times,” Pierce assured me.

  “Okay,” I agreed with reservation.

  As the gown selection in another store made me want to finish up with the swim dresses, I began to feel a chill roll up and down my spine. Checking around, I noticed a familiar face. I waved to her. Something was wrong. Rather than her usual pleasant and calm expression, she appeared distraught to the point of sickness. Warily, she approached me.

  “Lady Alaric Montgomery Lee, forgive me,” she said as tears rolled down her cheeks. “He has Tetho. He said I have to follow his orders if I want my son to live.” I took her hand in mine and drew her close so I could wrap her in my arms and offer to her what comfort I might. She cried softly, pulled away, and checked to make sure no one noticed. “He ordered me to give you this,” Tetho’s mother said as she handed me a small vid-screen.

  “Wait here.” Putting my swim things down, I casually walked to Eli and saw Pierce and Thunderdrop with Neema. “I need your help with my bags,” I said with a sweet smile as I crooked my finger at him and returned to the distraught mother.

  Eli dutifully followed and from the cold that froze his features, I could tell that he had already ascertained the situation. Once the three of us were behind a rack, I activated the recording.

  “Teagan, darling. I’ve come for you and my sons. Love for our children is a powerful motivator when other means fail. A mother will do anything to protect her child.”

  Tetho’s mother tried to suppress a sob as Dr. Crispus turned the screen to show Tetho. The boy appeared unharmed, but was alone in a small room that contained only the basic comforts. A seething rage began to grow within me. There was nothing I hated more than the abuse and control of the helpless. I had been the recipient of such treatment longer than I had enjoyed my new happiness.

  He continued. “You guard your little one with the ferocity of one of those detestable spiders of yours. Too much of mine is trapped in your web. I’ve studied you, Teagan. I know your weakness, so I’ve taken something right out from under your cute little nose. What are you missing?” Dr. Crispus returned the screen to his madly glittering black eyes. “You didn’t always get along, but it seems you’ve rectified that situation.” I clutched Eli’s arm as my heart began to pound. Isidora. I couldn’t feel her presence. “You will come alone to these coordinates. They will follow, and then, my family will be complete.”

  The screen went blank. Having felt my distress, Thunderdrop had convinced Pierce to bring Neema and follow him into the store.

  “Take the child and this woman back to the estate at once,” Eli ordered Pierce.

  Tetho’s mother looked at me with sorrowful eyes. “Do what he says. All will be well,” I said with the most assuring smile I could manage.

  We all took the lift down together. I freed my hair from its ponytail. Thunderdrop crawled to my back and pressed himself between my shoulder blades under my hair. Eli and I watched from inside as Pierce, Neema, and the distraught woman drove away in my transport. Eli had the doorman hire me a driver.

  “You will go to these coordinates. I will be close at all times. However, try to keep thoughts of me from your mind. Unlike the Laconians with whom we associate, Dr. Crispus will not attempt to ignore your thoughts.”

  Nodding my compliance, I squeezed Eli’s hand and left the building to sit in my hired transport. I gave the driver the coordinates and attempted to focus on my rage. “Where are Yukihyo, Nico, and Quaid when I need them?” I grumbled.

  “Pardon me, my lady?” the driver asked.

  “Nothing.” I watched the shops and decorative trees as they transitioned into the business sector and its familiar streets. The transport stopped in front of the building that belonged to the Sonners. “Are you sure this is the place?”

  “Yes, my lady. Shall I wait?”

  “After you let me out, drive a few blocks away and call Captain Alaric of the Hadrian. Tell him you brought his cousin here.”

  “Oh, he already knows.” The driver turned to me and winked a solid black eye. I recognized Rafe, one of the Laconian Galaxic Militia guards Quaid had assigned to me. He lowered his hat and turned around. “You should go in, Lady Bosh.”


  I opened the transport door and lowered my feet to the grey cement of the sidewalk. I grasped the door as I stood. Once I had closed the door, Rafe drove off. I felt Thunderdrop’s claws against the nape of my neck. Tetho and Isidora were in there. Taking a deep breath, I approached the door and found it locked. Then, I heard an automated click and entered as it opened. Feigning lightheadedness for anyone watching, I paused in the doorframe and slipped out of my sandals. One of them caught in the door as it closed behind me. Trying to hide my smugness at my small victory, I walked forward into the empty office space. In front of me, the lift opened, and slowly I walked toward it. When the lift door sealed me inside, I felt a moment of panic before pushing it away. I did my best to push all of my thoughts from my mind, but then I pulled those of Tetho carrying my bags and playing with his toy transport in the toy store to me. I focused on Tetho holding the hand of his little brother. I thought of Simon’s joy in Isidora and how his face lit up whenever she was near. Izaac, Zeth, Jazon, and Traviz slammed into my thoughts next, and when the doors opened, I was full of fury.

  The sight that greeted me was an empty central space with small offices lining the walls. To my right, I saw a frightened Mrs. Sonners behind a locked office door. Mr. Sonners paced angrily in the office next to her. He stopped when he saw me. His eyes traveled to my belly, and his color rose along with his eyes as they met mine. Dade was sprawled in a chair to my left. His glazed eyes and slack-mouthed expression frightened me. Past him, in a locked office with his arms wrapped around his knees, Tetho sat in a chair with terrified eyes that were locked on me. I smiled reassuringly at him. Before I could take another step, Dr. Crispus arrested my attention.

  “See, my love? What did I tell you?” Dr. Crispus stood at the back of the space.

  My heart began a hard steady thump. Feet shuffled against carpet, and the skirt of Isidora’s dress made a soft swish of sound. Her eyes looked panicked, and she tried to motion with her head for me to get back inside of the li
ft, but Dr. Crispus had her hair wrapped around his left hand and held a blaster in his right.

  “Soon, you and I will have everything I promised you. All of our children will fill our home, and you will be happy again,” Dr. Crispus said as he closed his eyes and inhaled Isidora’s hair.

  “You have made me so happy already, my love. Come away with me now. What need do we have of a daughter when we have such fine sons?” Isidora asked.

  “Nora, my precious, Nora. I’ve explained this to you. Our sons need her to stabilize their minds and emotions. She will do for them what we do for each other. I perfected my research, Nora. I told you I would. I just needed time.” Dr. Crispus let out a strangled sob. “Why didn’t you give me time?”

  I could see Isidora’s pulse throbbing in her neck. Cold chills ran along my arms. Thunderdrop nuzzled against my neck offering me what comfort he could while remaining hidden.

  “Stanley, we have the rest of our lives together. Everything will be as we imagined,” Isidora said soothingly.

  “Stanley? Stanley?” A horrified expression turned Dr. Crispus’ face into a rictus of agony. “You aren’t Nora! Nora never calls me Stanley!”

  Dr. Crispus shoved Isidora forcefully away from him. She fell and sprawled across the floor a few feet from him. Isidora pulled her feet to her chest and inched further away from him and closer to me never turning her back to him. When my hands touched her shoulders, she slowly stood. With Isidora’s touch, my panic began to subside, but my heart continued its painful beat.

  Dr. Crispus paced and moaned as he scratched his head with the blaster’s nozzle. “You left me! How could you leave me? You ripped me apart! Didn’t you care what your selfishness would do to me? It wasn’t just your life you took, Nora. You took me with you. We could have gotten through it together. You should have trusted me. Did you realize how final your death would be? I tried to bring you back. I tried. I tried, Nora. You left me.” Dr. Crispus’ tortured rant ended in sobs as he collapsed to the office floor.

  I noticed tiny flecks of red and blue in the tan fibers of the carpet. Isidora squeezed my hand before releasing it. She began to move toward Dr. Crispus, but a blur of motion to my left beat her to him. Dade bowled into Crispus. Isidora put herself in front of me and led me over to the office that trapped Mr. Sonners. I jumped when the blaster fired.


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