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A Cold Creek Reunion

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by RaeAnne Thayne

  He was the one you called when you needed rescuing…

  But who was Taft Bowman going to call when he needed help? Because ten years ago Laura Pendleton, the love of his life, had left town without a word, then or since. Now she was back, with a new last name—and two adorable, high-needs little ones in tow. Well, Taft had been stupid enough to let her go once before…he wasn’t about to make the same mistake again. He’d never stopped loving her—and one look at those adorable little faces and he knew that he was meant to be with Laura and her kids forever. All he had to do was convince her that this time he was a man she could count on!

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  “How could I not love a series devoted to my favorite things—complex families and deep friendships? I’m so proud to have been a part of this wonderful tradition at Special Edition.”

  —Sherryl Woods

  Recent books by RaeAnne Thayne

  HQN Books

  Blackberry Summer

  Harlequin Special Edition

  **Christmas in Cold Creek #2149

  **A Cold Creek Reunion #2179

  Silhouette Special Edition

  **Light the Stars #1748

  **Dancing in the Moonlight #1757

  **Dalton’s Undoing #1764

  †The Daddy Makeover #1857

  †His Second-Chance Family #1874

  ~A Merger…or Marriage? #1903

  †A Soldier’s Secret #1918

  **The Cowboy’s Christmas Miracle #1933

  §Fortune’s Woman #1970

  **A Cold Creek Homecoming #1996

  **A Cold Creek Holiday #2013

  **A Cold Creek Secret #2025

  **A Cold Creek Baby #2071

  ‡A Thunder Canyon Christmas #2083

  Harlequin Books

  Special Edition Bonus Story: The Anniversary Party—Chapter One

  Silhouette Romantic Suspense

  The Wrangler and the Runaway Mom #960

  Saving Grace #995

  Renegade Father #1062

  *The Valentine Two-Step #1133

  *Taming Jesse James #1139

  *Cassidy Harte and the Comeback Kid #1144

  The Quiet Storm #1218

  Freefall #1239

  Nowhere to Hide #1264

  ††Nothing to Lose #1321

  ††Never Too Late #1364

  The Interpreter #1380

  High-Risk Affair #1448

  Shelter from the Storm #1467

  High-Stakes Honeymoon #1475

  *Outlaw Hartes

  ††The Searchers

  **The Cowboys of Cold Creek

  †The Women of Brambleberry House

  ~The Wilder Family

  §Fortunes of Texas: Return to Red Rock

  ‡Montana Mavericks: Thunder Canyon Cowboys

  Other titles by this author available in ebook format.


  finds inspiration in the beautiful northern Utah mountains, where she lives with her husband and three children. Her books have won numerous honors, including RITA® Award nominations from Romance Writers of America and a Career Achievement Award from RT Book Reviews. RaeAnne loves to hear from readers and can be contacted through her website,

  Dear Reader,

  I’ve read romance novels almost as long as I can remember. I think I picked up my first Harlequin romance when I was about eleven, and I instantly fell in love. I still love that thrill in my heart as I read about two people who deserve to find happiness together!

  As I grew older, I discovered a whole new world of books out there and many fantastic authors whose stories have enriched my life more than I can say.

  Here’s a little secret for you. Though I’ve written for other romance lines over the years, Harlequin Special Edition has always been my favorite (and I’m not just saying that because I write for them now!). It was the very first line I ever submitted a manuscript to. Even twenty years ago when I started on this writing journey, I loved the stories about family, about home, about people learning how to entwine their lives together despite the challenges tugging them apart.

  Once in a while I still have to pinch myself when I realize I’m actually writing for Special Edition now, the line that has given me so many wonderful hours of reading enjoyment over the years.

  Happy anniversary, Special Edition. Here’s to another wonderful thirty years!

  RaeAnne Thayne

  RaeAnne Thayne

  A Cold Creek Reunion

  To romance readers who, like me,

  love happily ever afters.

  A Cold Creek Reunion


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  Chapter One

  He loved these guys like his own brothers, but sometimes Taft Bowman wanted to take a fire hose to his whole blasted volunteer fire department.

  This was their second swift-water rescue training in a month—not to mention that he had been holding these regularly since he became battalion chief five years earlier—and they still struggled to toss a throw bag anywhere close to one of the three “victims” floating down Cold Creek in wet suits and helmets.

  “You’ve got to keep in mind the flow of the water and toss it downstream enough that they ride the current to the rope,” he instructed for about the six-

  hundredth time. One by one, the floaters—in reality, other volunteer firefighters on his thirty-person crew—stopped at the catch line strung across the creek and began working their way hand over hand to

  the bank.

  Fortunately, even though the waters were plenty frigid this time of year, they were about a month away from the real intensity of spring runoff, which was why he was training his firefighters for water rescues now.

  With its twists and turns and spectacular surroundings on the west slope of the Tetons, Cold Creek had started gaining popularity with kayakers. He enjoyed floating the river himself. But between the sometimes-inexperienced outdoor-fun seekers and the occasional Pine Gulch citizen who strayed too close to the edge
of the fast-moving water, his department was called out on at least a handful of rescues each season and he wanted them to be ready.

  “Okay, let’s try it one more time. Terry, Charlie, Bates, you three take turns with the throw bag. Luke, Cody, Tom, stagger your jumps by about five minutes this time around to give us enough time on this end to rescue whoever is ahead of you.”

  He set the team in position and watched upstream as Luke Orosco, his second in command, took a running leap into the water, angling his body feetfirst into the current. “Okay, Terry. He’s coming. Are you ready? Time it just right. One, two, three. Now!”

  This time, the rope sailed into the water just downstream of the diver and Taft grinned. “That’s it, that’s it. Perfect. Now instruct him to attach the rope.”

  For once, the rescue went smoothly. He was watching for Cody Shepherd to jump in when the radio clipped to his belt suddenly crackled with static.

  “Chief Bowman, copy.”

  The dispatcher sounded unusually flustered and Taft’s instincts borne of fifteen years of firefighting and paramedic work instantly kicked in. “Yeah, I copy. What’s up, Kelly?”

  “I’ve got a report of a small structure fire at the inn, three hundred twenty Cold Creek Road.”

  He stared as the second rescue went off without a hitch. “Come again?” he couldn’t help asking, adrenaline pulsing through him. Structure fires were a rarity in the quiet town of Pine Gulch. Really a rarity. The last time had been a creosote chimney fire four months ago that a single ladder-truck unit had put out in about five minutes.

  “Yes, sir. The hotel is evacuating at this time.”

  He muttered an oath. Half his crew was currently in wet suits, but at least they were only a few hundred yards away from the station house, with the engines and the turnout gear.

  “Shut it down,” he roared through his megaphone. “We’ve got a structure fire at the Cold Creek Inn. Grab your gear. This is not a drill.”

  To their credit, his crew immediately caught the gravity of the situation. The last floater was quickly grabbed out of the water and everybody else rushed to the new fire station the town had finally voted to bond for two years earlier.

  Less than four minutes later—still too long in his book but not bad for volunteers—he had a full crew headed toward the Cold Creek Inn on a ladder truck and more trained volunteers pouring in to hurriedly don their turnout gear.

  The inn, a rambling wood structure with two single-story wings leading off a main two-story building, was on the edge of Pine Gulch’s small downtown, about a mile away from the station. He quickly assessed the situation as they approached. He couldn’t see flames yet, but he did see a thin plume of black smoke coming from a window on the far end of the building’s east wing.

  He noted a few guests milling around on the lawn and had just an instant to feel a pang of sympathy for the owner. Poor Mrs. Pendleton had enough trouble finding guests for her gracefully historic but undeniably run-down inn.

  A fire and forced evacuation probably wouldn’t do much to increase the appeal of the place.

  “Luke, you take Pete and make sure everybody’s out. Shep, come with me for the assessment. You all know the drill.”

  He and Cody Shepherd, a young guy in the last stages of his fire and paramedic training, headed into the door closest to where he had seen the smoke.

  Somebody had already been in here with a fire extinguisher, he saw. The fire was mostly out but the charred curtains were still smoking, sending out that inky-black plume.

  The room looked to be under renovation. It didn’t have a bed and the carpet had been pulled up. Everything was wet and he realized the ancient sprinkler system must have come on and finished the job the fire extinguisher had started.

  “Is that it?” Shep asked with a disgruntled look.

  “Sorry, should have let you have the honors.” He held the fire extinguisher out to the trainee. “Want a turn?”

  Shep snorted but grabbed the fire extinguisher and sprayed another layer of completely unnecessary foam on the curtains.

  “Not much excitement—but at least nobody was hurt. It’s a wonder this place didn’t go up years ago. We’ll have to get the curtains out of here and have Engine Twenty come inside and check for hot spots.”

  He called in over his radio that the fire had been contained to one room and ordered in the team whose specialty was making sure the flames hadn’t traveled inside the walls to silently spread to other rooms.

  When he walked back outside, Luke headed over to him. “Not much going on, huh? Guess some of us should have stayed in the water.”

  “We’ll do more swift-water work next week during training,” he said. “Everybody else but Engine Twenty can go back to the station.”

  As he spoke to Luke, he spotted Jan Pendleton standing some distance away from the building. Even from here, he could see the distress on her plump, wrinkled features. She was holding a little dark-haired girl in her arms, probably a traumatized guest. Poor thing.

  A younger woman stood beside her and from this distance he had only a strange impression, as if she was somehow standing on an island of calm amid the chaos of the scene, the flashing lights of the emergency vehicles, shouts between his crew members, the excited buzz of the crowd.

  And then the woman turned and he just about tripped over a snaking fire hose somebody shouldn’t have left there.


  He froze and for the first time in fifteen years as a firefighter, he forgot about the incident, his mission, just what the hell he was doing here.


  Ten years. He hadn’t seen her in all that time, since the week before their wedding when she had given him back his ring and left town. Not just town. She had left the whole damn country, as if she couldn’t run far enough to get away from him.

  Some part of him desperately wanted to think he had made some kind of mistake. It couldn’t be her. That was just some other slender woman with a long sweep of honey-blond hair and big blue, unforgettable eyes. But no, it was definitely Laura, standing next to her mother. Sweet and lovely.

  Not his.

  “Chief, we’re not finding any hot spots.” Luke approached him. Just like somebody turned back up the volume on his flat-screen, he jerked away from memories of pain and loss and aching regret.

  “You’re certain?”

  “So far. The sprinkler system took a while to kick in and somebody with a fire extinguisher took care of the rest. Tom and Nate are still checking the integrity of the internal walls.”

  “Good. That’s good. Excellent work.”

  His assistant chief gave him a wary look. “You okay, Chief? You look upset.”

  He huffed out a breath. “It’s a fire, Luke. It could have been potentially disastrous. With the ancient wiring in this old building, it’s a wonder the whole thing didn’t go up.”

  “I was thinking the same thing,” Luke said.

  He was going to have to go over there and talk to Mrs. Pendleton—and by default, Laura. He didn’t want to. He wanted to stand here and pretend he hadn’t seen her. But he was the fire chief. He couldn’t hide out just because he had a painful history with the daughter of the property owner.

  Sometimes he hated his job.

  He made his way toward the women, grimly aware of his heart pounding in his chest as if he had been the one diving into Cold Creek for training.

  Laura stiffened as he approached but she didn’t meet his gaze. Her mother looked at him out of wide, frightened eyes and her arms tightened around the girl in her arms.

  Despite everything, his most important job was calming her fears. “Mrs. Pendleton, you’ll be happy to know the fire is under control.”

  “Of course it’s under control.” Laura finally faced him, her lovely features cool and impassive. “It was under control before your trucks ever showed up—ten minutes after we called the fire in, by the way.”

  Despite all the things he might have wanted to say to her,
he had to first bristle at any implication that their response time might be less than adequate. “Seven, by my calculations. Would have been half that except we were in the middle of water rescue training when the call from dispatch came in.”

  “I guess you would have been ready, then, if any of our guests had decided to jump into Cold Creek to avoid the flames.”

  Funny, he didn’t remember her being this tart when they had been engaged. He remembered sweetness and joy and light. Until he had destroyed all that.

  “Chief Bowman, when will we be able to allow our guests to return to their rooms?” Jan Pendleton spoke up, her voice wobbling a little. The little girl in her arms—who shared Laura’s eye color, he realized now, along with the distinctive features of someone born with Down syndrome—patted her cheek.

  “Gram, don’t cry.”

  Jan visibly collected herself and gave the girl a tired smile.

  “They can return to get their belongings as long as they’re not staying in the rooms adjacent to where the fire started. I’ll have my guys stick around about an hour or so to keep an eye on some hot spots.” He paused, wishing he didn’t have to be the bearer of this particular bad news. “I’m going to leave the final decision up to you about your guests staying here overnight, but to be honest, I’m not sure it’s completely safe for guests to stay here tonight. No matter how careful we are, sometimes embers can flare up again hours later.”

  “We have a dozen guests right now.” Laura looked at him directly and he was almost sure he saw a hint of hostility there. Annoyance crawled under his skin. She dumped him, a week before their wedding. If anybody here had the right to be hostile, he ought to be the first one in line. “What are we supposed to do with them?”

  Their past didn’t matter right now, not when people in his town needed his help. “We can talk to the Red Cross about setting up a shelter, or we can check with some of the other lodgings in town, maybe the Cavazos’ guest cabins, and see if they might have room to take a few.”

  Mrs. Pendleton closed her eyes. “This is a disaster.”

  “But a fixable one, Mom. We’ll figure something out.” She squeezed her mother’s arm.


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