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Forced to Cooperate

Page 20

by Piper Stone

  “I expected you would call,” Lorenzo stated with no emotion. “I heard.”

  “I’m certain you did. The press is going to glorify this as an end of an era. I have little time and I need your help.”

  “Anything to push back against the assholes trying to take over. This Killer H has already reached Chicago. People are scared and our business is being pushed. That can’t happen.”

  I rubbed my eyes before answering. “I need a certain level of protection. I also need any names that you can find. I’m certain you have people working in your organization who are loyal to the Solntsevskayas.”

  “Yes, I suspected as much. You’ll get all the help I can provide. Are you calling Dominick?”

  “Next on my list.”

  “Stay in contact. We can’t let this thing get out of hand,” Lorenzo commented before ending the call.

  He was right about that.

  I made contact with Dominick, repeating the same request. Whether our combined power and influence would be enough was the question that remained. This plan of attack had been in place for months, maybe years.

  I was in no mood for small talk, but I would have answers from Willow. Then she’d learn the rest of the story. If my trust was misplaced, I would have no other choice but to consider her an enemy once again.

  In my heart, I didn’t want that to be the case. I cared for her too much, but business was business and I couldn’t be blinded by love or anything else.

  When the SUV stopped in front of the house, I took a deep breath, turning toward her. “We’re going to have a frank conversation.”

  “That’s when I’m going to learn what secret you’ve been hiding?” Willow asked almost casually as she unfastened her seatbelt.

  “You’re going to learn as much as I can tell you.” I climbed out of the vehicle, one of my soldiers assigned to watch the house already headed in my direction. “What is it, Thomas?”

  “You’re not going to like this, boss. I tried to stop her, but she refused to listen,” Thomas said in a chopped tone.

  “What’s going on?” Willow asked, flanking my side.

  “Tell Aleksei what it is,” Maksim instructed.

  “Mrs. Chimenski came by. She was upset and—”

  The door being flung open interrupted Thomas’ admission. As I turned my head, it seemed all time stopped, panic settling in. The little boy came bounding out, wrapping his arms around my legs.


  * * *

  I paced the floor in my office, the anger affecting my breathing. Perhaps my very sanity. I’d done everything to keep Dimitri away from this bullshit, protecting him, as I’d done for years. Now this... betrayal by his own grandmother. “What the hell did she say again?”

  Thomas moved from foot to foot, obviously nervous I’d blame him for this crap. While I wanted nothing more than to lash out, my soldier had likely been in a situation that he had zero idea how to handle.

  “Mrs. Chimenski was beside herself, almost hysterical. She was speaking in Russian, so I didn’t understand the majority of what she said other that she refused to keep Dimitri any longer. She was very afraid.” Thomas looked from Maksim back toward me, his breath shallow.

  I didn’t blame her given the reports spewing across the news media like wildfire.

  “There is nothing you could have done, Thomas. That much I know. I appreciate you waiting with Dimitri until I arrived.” I heard giggling laughter coming from the living room where I’d asked Willow to keep him until my business was concluded. I was firmly convinced getting my son and Willow out of the country was the only choice I had.

  “What do you need now, boss?” Maksim asked.

  “Make arrangements for tomorrow for the private jet.”

  “You’re leaving?” He seemed surprised.

  I shook my head. “For Dimitri and Willow. I’m sending them to my house in St. Lucia. I will need at least four of our best soldiers as protection.”

  “I’ll be happy to go, boss,” Maksim stated.

  “No. I need you here, but Thomas, Dimitri seems to like you.” I gave the soldier a hard look, but one of respect.

  “I’d be honored, boss.” Thomas offered a slight smile.

  “I’ll make the arrangements,” Maksim stated before motioning for Thomas to leave us alone.

  “Tell no one,” I commanded.

  “Wait just outside. We need to coordinate activities,” Maksim directed Thomas.

  I stood with my arms folded, knowing Maksim had additional information.

  Maksim approached, glancing over his shoulder one time before speaking. “Willow’s parents were killed in a horrific car accident.”


  “While there was a police investigation, it died. Went nowhere. From what I could tell after asking around, there was evidence of tampering, but the case was closed and locked away.”

  As I’d suspected, but who made that request? Peter? At that point in time, he wouldn’t have had the clout or influence. Another piece of the puzzle. “Good to know. Keep digging.”

  “Will do, boss.”

  After Maksim left my office, I leaned over my desk, planting my palms on top. Everything had gotten completely out of hand. I’d promised Dimitri’s mother that nothing would happen to him. Nothing. Now this. I’d also done everything to keep his existence a secret, protecting him from my enemies. Karma was challenging me.

  I raked my arm across the top, pitching everything to the floor. The loud crash did nothing but fuel my rage. The bastards actually thought they would best me. They had another damn think coming. I closed my eyes, trying to formulate yet another plan. At least I could control my son’s destiny.

  As long as I could keep him alive.

  For the first time in years, tears slipped down my face and even though I furiously wiped them away, I knew there was more to come. This wretched game had already taken a significant toll.

  After wiping my eyes, I walked over the mess and into the hallway, my entire body shaking from hearing the continued lilting giggles that only a four-year-old boy could do. He was innocent in all of this, his precious life surrounded by lies.

  As well as danger.

  But he didn’t know that his father was a brutal killer. He had no idea that his mother had been the sole reason for living.

  Now Willow.

  She was just as important to me as Tatiana had been, both beautiful women challenging and precious. I refused to allow anything to happen to a woman I’d grown to adore. There was no rhyme or reason and the timing was horrific, but the majority of us are never given a second chance. The beautiful gift was something I would never take for granted.

  I walked quietly toward the living room, leaning against the doorframe. Neither Willow nor Dimitri knew I was close. I’d tried very hard to be a good father to my little boy, making certain his life was filled with educational toys and trips to glorious locations, ice cream parties and time spent with friends. I’d enjoyed nothing more than reading to him at night before tucking him in, his little face a wonderful reminder of his mother’s love. I wasn’t certain I had the capability of keeping him in a bubble. He deserved so much more.

  “Would you read dis?” Dimitri asked, handing Willow a book. I couldn’t help but stare at his little hands and my mind reeled from hearing the excitement in his voice. Every day was a gift to him. He had no idea of the horrors of the world.

  “I would love to read to you!” Willow’s expression, her entire demeanor had changed, excited about a period of time spent with my child.

  I waited for a few minutes as he actually curled against her side, so comfortable in her presence. I loathed the fact I’d have to interrupt for any reason, the guilt kicking my ass. When I walked into the room, I crouched down, holding out my arms. “Come to Papa.”

  Dimitri frowned at first then he was the fresh burst of energy that greeted me every morning, jumping off the couch and flying into my arms. As he nestled his little head against
my chest, I locked eyes with Willow.

  She had tears in her eyes, a knowing smile on her face.

  “Would you do Papa a big favor?” I asked, finally easing his head back so I could look at him.


  “Would you go up to your room and play for just a little while so I can talk to Willow?”

  Dimitri wrinkled his nose, slowly glancing in her direction before nodding his head vehemently. “O-tay, Papa.”

  I heard his little footsteps as he ran toward the stairs, and even thought I should remind him there was no running in the house, I couldn’t bring myself to chastise him. My heart was heavy as I rose to my feet, moving to sit on the other side of the couch.

  She seemed more casual than before, her leg curled on the cushion, her gaze locked on me and the book still in her hand.

  “I’m certain you have several questions,” I offered first.

  “I don’t even know where to begin, but I understand both you and your personality more now that I know. The locked room. That’s his?”

  “Yes. Now, you can understand why I’ve been so private about aspects of my life. Dimitri is very important to me and if anyone knew of his existence, they would use him against me.”

  Willow brushed her hand along the back of the couch, her expression contemplative. “I understand, but you can’t keep him locked away.”

  “I’ve come to realize that, but right now, he’s a target and I can’t afford to have him placed in the middle of this bullshit I’m having to deal with.” I felt my throat tightening, heard the ragged breathing sounds.

  “That’s why you want me to leave. Right?”

  I nodded, finally able to look her in the eyes. “It’s important that you’re both out of harm’s way. I’m arranging for the jet to take you to a house I own in St. Lucia. Several of my most trusted men will be going with you.”

  “How long do you plan on keeping us there?”

  “Until it’s safe.”

  “Which could be never, Aleksei. I don’t want to live my life in a glass cage either,” she said with discord in her tone.

  “You’re not going to have to. I’m bringing in certain people to help me. We will beat this.”

  “This,” she scoffed. “You make it sound like a single incident. If this other Russian mafia family is trying to take over, don’t you think they have dozens, hundreds of ways of destroying you, like insinuating your father is responsible for murder?”

  I took a deep breath. “Absolutely, which is why I have to use every method of caution.”

  “Tell me about Dimitri’s mother. Was she killed by some enemy?”

  I suddenly felt the need for a drink. My entire body ached as I moved to a standing position, my legs like lead weight as I walked toward the bar. “Nothing so dramatic. She had cancer, the disease taking her within months of her diagnosis. She was so young, so vibrant and I loved her.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I shut down after that, spending what energy didn’t go into business to care for and protect Dimitri.” I poured two bourbons, watching intently as the liquor flowed into the glass. As I handed her the drink, I could see she was still uncertain of everything.

  Including me.

  “That I can understand. He’s magnificent,” she whispered, allowing another smile.

  “He’s his mother, one happy little boy. Sadly, he doesn’t know the family he was brought into.”

  “A good family with values, a father who loves him. That’s what he needs, Aleksei. Stop being so hard on yourself.”

  I walked toward the back doors, staring out at the pool. “I thought I could wrap my world in the two of them, building this house for Tatiana the way she described. She came from the old country not long after my family moved. I’d known her since high school. She truly believed in goodness, including within me.” I had to laugh. “Unfortunately, things didn’t work out as I’d hoped.”

  “The playroom?” She seemed embarrassed to ask.

  I was able to laugh easily. “She specified every piece. Her trust in me was without question, her desire to submit so intense, just as much as our love. She truly gave me an understanding about relationships.”

  “That’s why you don’t sleep in the master bedroom.”

  I half laughed, nodding once again. “Very astute. I couldn’t after she died. I have an intercom system in the room downstairs when Dimitri is home.”

  “You miss her,” she whispered, obvious agony in her voice.

  “Every day, but I’m ready to move on. And I want you in my life.” I noticed how many emotions rolled through her, replacing every ounce of fear. “I hope you still want to be in mine.”

  Her lower lip quivered before she answered, “Yes, very much so.”

  I let out a long breath. “I’m glad.”

  “I’ll go to St. Lucia with Dimitri, but I need to know what you’re going to do.”

  The question was valid.

  “I’m going to find out who’s really behind what’s going on. The mayor was killed for a reason and my guess is knowledge that he had. I won’t know until I’m able to talk with my father.”

  “What if your father really did kill him?” she asked hesitantly.

  “Then he had his reasons, but I’m beginning to think someone is playing Peter as much as he’s attempted to play my family.” I shifted until I could look at her directly. “What did your brother have on you? I need the truth.”

  She groaned, her hand immediately beginning to shake.

  “No more secrets between us, Willow.”

  She took several gulps of the bourbon then gently eased the glass to the table. “I told you that I was discouraged about having boyfriends while I was in college. Of course I dated, had a few flings, but nothing serious.”

  “All right.”

  “When I returned to town, I was determined to convince Peter to allow me to go to medical school. I had no idea how much was left in the trust, but I was prepared to work very hard, no matter what I had to do. As you can imagine, he was angry with me. I had no understanding then of why. That’s when I met Angelo. He was older, sophisticated, and I adored him instantly.”

  I allowed her to talk, curious as fuck as to where this was going.

  “Anyway, Angelo was a knight in shining armor, slowly convincing me that I could do other things in my life. Everything was amazing for a few months until I had the suspicion that Peter had convinced him to date me. I had no proof, other than seeing them together once. When I confronted Angelo, his entire personality changed. He became nasty, horrible to me.” Willow stopped and took another sip, laughing softly to herself.

  “He abused you.”

  “Slowly at first, begging forgiveness. You’ve heard this before. I bought it for a few months, until the incidents continued to get worse. One night after he’d punched me in the face and tried to strangle me, I’d had enough. I followed him to a bar and I...”

  I walked closer, easing next to her. “You handled the situation.”

  I heard the racking sob as she nodded over and over again.

  “You did what you had to do,” I offered, taking her hand into mine.

  “I thought so, but you see, my brother had to help me out of a jam. He paid off the customers in the bar, cleaned up the body, and made it look like it never happened. So I could have a life, or so he said.”

  “What an asshole. He blackmailed you.”

  “Yep, and I allowed that to happen. If only I’d gone to the police.”

  I kept my rage in check, but I knew that Peter and I would meet again. And this time, the man wouldn’t survive. “You reacted to a horrible situation. Peter used that as an opportunity for you to be kept in line. He took your life away from you.”

  “I know that now. I was devastated by what had happened, praying every night I could take back what I’d done,” she whispered, her shoulders stiffening. “You really believe that Peter has some connection to this mafia family?”

; “My father is never wrong.”

  “Why do they want to hurt you?”

  “Power. Greed. Money. America is a location where anything is possible. They no doubt noted the relative success my father has had in building an empire and they wanted in. The only way they can do that is by overthrowing what already exists. Because of Peter’s lineage and the fact he was in a position to provide exactly what they need, the Solntsevskayas were able to find safe harbor as they were building their army. Perhaps the signs were all there and both my father and I chose to ignore them. Complacency. Arrogance.” I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Decency. You live by a code. It would appear my brother does not.”

  I brought her hand to my heart, admiring her more and more. “As I said, the hunger for power is substantial.”

  “You have to find out who’s behind this. You must protect your family.”

  “You’re part of my family now.” Saying the words was stimulating in every manner and I meant them.

  A warm blush crept along her cheeks. “I don’t know if I can ever live a normal life, but I refuse to be the woman I was turned into. I’ll do what I can.”

  “As long as you and Dimitri are safe, that’s all that matters.”

  Willow leaned against me, resting her head on my shoulder. I understood games well, had lived through various attempts on both my father and my life. I also appreciated the lure of money, but I was fed up with following anyone’s rules but my own.

  The last phase was in preparation.

  I only hoped I’d remain alive to continue protecting my family.

  And the woman I loved.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The truth.

  My father had once told me that only in truths can you find answers as well as solace. I honestly never truly understood the meaning until now. All I wanted at this point was to find the truths, even if the answers were painful. I’d instructed Maksim to look into our own soldiers, determining their loyalty. I was no fool. At least a few were now working with the other Bratvas, used as spies or worse.


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