Melting The Ice
Page 3
Everything he had ever wanted in life flashed before his eyes in an instant. Lani’s equally horrified gaze met his as the sound of “Police! Nobody Move!” penetrated. With the music so loud, no one had heard the sirens. The rest of the evening had passed in a sickening blur of events. Cian considered himself to be a pretty tough guy, but being arrested for the first time in his life had damn near brought him to tears. Hearing his rights being read to him while he was being handcuffed and led from the house had been like an endless nightmare. Blinding lights from news cameras and reporters’ voices yelling over each other greeted him as the police offers pushed him through the throng. Lani Mason and her dumbass hockey player boyfriend hosting a party that had been busted for drugs resulting in their arrests was big news. Cian had never been so humiliated and scared in his entire life.
To get out of jail, he had been left no choice but to call his parents since they were the only people that had access to his money. Clayton and Denise Secord were understandably shocked by the turn of events but knowing that Cian was only guilty of having bad taste in his female companions, they had quickly arranged to have the bail money wired to Max. His best friend had shown up at the station with an attorney and bailed him out. He hated Max’s name being brought into the debacle but Max had insisted that’s what friends were for and stuck by him while they ran the media gauntlet outside the station. Cian had always enjoyed a love-love relationship with the media and had enjoyed all the media attention when he attended events, basking in the limelight. Now the media that had once loved him, yelled questions at him about his alleged drug use and alcoholism, his taste in women and anything else they could say to get a reaction out of him. He was a hard-nosed hockey player and wasn’t accustomed to turning the other cheek. If he had been on the ice, the gloves would have been dropped and somebody would have been getting their head knocked in but there was nothing he could do or say that wouldn’t make the already bad situation worse. Reporters and camera crews camped out in front of the building that housed the penthouse he had recently purchased. When he had left the apartment, he was stalked by so many reporters he had felt like the leader of a parade.
His every move had been documented, photographed and splashed across the tabloids with incendiary headlines and he had started to unravel under the intense scrutiny. Even after his attorneys were finally able to get everything straightened out and he’d been cleared of all charges, the media had continued to hunt him. No one believed he was innocent. In fact, him being cleared of the charges had increased the media attention and provided the reporters with additional angles to talk to death. He’d been portrayed as a celebrity athlete that thought he was above the law and had bought his way out of trouble. Sports bloggers had shredded his character, pushing for the Blaze front office and the NHL to launch an investigation. Only the fact that the hockey commissioners and team management had the results to all of his clean random drug tests over the years and personal knowledge of his character kept him from being suspended for his stupidity. Lani had somehow or another managed to get her own charges dropped and was making the rounds of the talk shows, stoking the fires of innuendo. He’d tried hiding out at his parents’ home in Hartford, Connecticut but the media had easily found him and continued their harangue. His parents had been supportive but couldn’t handle the media attention his presence brought to their home. He was ashamed to face his parents after his widely publicized stupidity so when they suggested he go stay in West Virginia at Jay’s home, he had readily agreed. No one knew where he was with the exception of his coach, agent, family and Max.
He pulled the SUV to a stop at an imposing set of wrought iron gates with “The Shambles” scrolled across them and dialed the number Jameson had provided him. The phone rang several times before a soft-feminine voice informed him she wasn’t available and to leave a message. He slammed the phone shut and pushed the button on the intercom system. Nothing happened. He tried again but still no response. He dialed Jay’s mom again but only heard the woman’s voice telling him she wasn’t available. No shit, he thought, wondering what the hell he was supposed to do now. He pondered the towering gates and high stone walls. He’d known Jameson’s family had money but he had never expected anything like this. No wonder Jay and Chase were tooling around Baton Rouge in Jay’s Benz picking up all the honeys. Jay was filthy, stinking rich. He dialed Jay’s number; laughing to himself at all the shit he was getting ready to dish out.
Chapter Four
“One more!” Macy laughed loudly, slamming the shot glass upside down on the bar. Ava slammed hers down right beside it and motioned to the bartender for another, knowing she would regret it come morning. Right now, though, she was sure it would be worth the headache. They hadn’t been out together in months and they were having a blast doing vodka shots, dancing on the packed dance floor and shooting pool in the back room with several local guys they had known forever. Hal’s Place, the best of the local watering holes, was busy as always on a Friday night. If Hal hadn’t known them all their lives and saved their barstools while they danced, they would never have been able to find a free seat. All the barstools and tables surrounding the dance floor were occupied, the dance floor was packed and even more people were bellied up to the bar. Between the loud rock music with its pounding bass being blasted through the building and the voices of the crowd trying to be heard over it, it was impossible to hold a conversation in anything approaching a normal tone. Macy was standing beside her barstool dancing for all she was worth, wriggling her ass and wailing out the words to Nickelback’s “Figured You Out” with no regard for the actual tune. Ava laughed, thinking of the fun she would have tomorrow reminding Macy of the little song and dance show she had performed. Hal poured their shots himself but kept them on his side of the bar.
“Gimme your keys, Ava.” Hal said loudly to be heard over the driving beat of the music, holding his hand out.
Ava snorted and looked at the bar owner as if he were crazy. “No way in hell are you getting the keys to my Range; give up on that pipe dream.” Hal grinned unrepentantly and shrugged.
“Keep them; but you’re not getting another drink until they’re in my possession.” Hal stated, leaving the shot glasses firmly ensconced on his side of the bar. She huffed and narrowed her eyes, her bottom lip stuck out in a mock pout.
“How the hell are we supposed to get home?” She demanded her tone haughty. Hal was not the least fazed by her show and continued to regard her with the patience of a saint.
“I’m sure y’all can spring for a room next door and sleep it off.” She scowled while Hal smiled pleasantly. With a loud sigh of defeat and a dramatic eye roll she dug in her pocket and laid the key to her Range Rover in his outstretched palm.
“Fine!” She grumbled. “Now stop holding our drinks hostage.” Hal laughed and shook his head, carefully sliding the shots across the bar before moving down the bar to wait on another customer that was waving to get his attention.
“Thanks, Hal!” Macy called happily after him, still shaking her ass to the beat. They picked up their shots, clinked the glasses together in a quick toast and tossed back the smooth vodka. “Let’s dance!” Macy whooped, pulling at her arm trying to pull her from the barstool. Ava laughed and shook her head, not budging from her seat.
“I don’t wanna dance!” Ava complained and spotting a guy they both knew from school, grabbed his arm to get his attention. “Chris! Dance with Macy!” She used her other hand to shove Macy at him. He grinned and shrugged before pulling Macy behind him onto the dance floor to disappear amidst the crowd of writhing bodies. Ava idly watched the dancing crowd and gossiped with Hal, catching up on all the local drama. For such a small town, there always seemed to be something going on. Between the buzz and jet lag, she found she was actually grateful Hal had confiscated her keys. She wasn’t in any shape to drive and Macy was even worse. Weariness was starting to set. Just as she was giving serious consideration to leaving a message with Hal for Macy letting her
know she was already at the hotel when someone sat down on Macy’s empty stool. A couple of hours had passed and the bar had become even more crowded making Macy’s stool one of the few open. She turned her head to inform the interloper the seat was saved but found herself caught by thickly-lashed eyes so deep and dark they appeared almost black. Those long lashes should have made the man’s face look feminine but in this case, the opposite was true. His ridiculously handsome face was graced with a square jaw, covered by a heavy five o’clock shadow, a thin, straight nose, and full, sensuous lips that made her instantly think of how they would taste. Mink brown hair waved around his ears, barely touching the collar of the pale blue dress shirt he wore untucked with jeans. He was most definitely Ava’s definition of tall, dark and handsome. Only a few seconds had passed while she catalogued his features but it felt like she had been staring for a very long time. Those full lips turned up in a smile, showing straight, white teeth against his golden-tanned skin, making him even more devastatingly handsome.
“Mind if I set here?” His deep voice rumbled out of his chest, those big brown eyes gazing into hers with obvious appreciation. She returned his smile with a flirtatious one of her own.
“And if I do mind?” she leaned slightly towards him so he could hear her question over the music and the crowd. He took a long drink of the Corona Hal had served him, sucking a drop off his bottom lip and grinned broadly at Ava.
“That would truly be a shame.” He teased, smiling that megawatt smile the entire time. “Wouldn’t you like to get to know me a little better before you give me the boot?”
She chuckled and pretended to give his question serious consideration. “Honey, it wouldn’t be hard to get to know you better than I do considering I don’t even know your name.”
He thrust out his hand, his eyes making his intentions clear. “I’m Cian…” He started to introduce himself but Macy interrupted them by wrapping her arm around Ava’s neck and planting a loud, smacking kiss on her cheek.
“I’m so glad you’re home!” Macy crowed, motioning for Hal to give her a beer. “I’m thinking we should do this more often.” Ava laughed derisively, taking a sip of her own drink.
“I’m thinking we’ll remember why we don’t in the morning.”
“Nah.” Macy chortled as a big, blonde athletic looking guy came up behind her.
“Macy, are you and your friends gonna join us?”
“Come on!” Macy motioned to Ava. “They’ve got one of the big round booths in the back.” Macy finally noticed the guy that Ava had been chatting up. Her eyes widened comically as she looked him over in all his glory. “Well, hello there.” Macy’s tone and lascivious grin left no doubt what she was thinking.
He returned Macy’s smile and turned an inquiring look on Ava. “Shall we?”
She considered the consequences for about half a second before shrugging, “Sure, why not?” Ava smiled. “Macy this is my new friend, Ken.” She slid off the stool and put her big hand in his. “He’s going to join us.”
Chapter Five
After calling Jameson, Cian had driven the winding road back into town and checked into the small hotel, glad to see it was clean if plainly furnished. It was only for one night so it would do. Jay had told his mother to expect him tomorrow and had been unable to do anything besides leave a message regarding the change in plans. Cian was tired from the travel but restless and far from ready to go to bed at barely 10 o’clock. He idly flipped through channels while he drank half the six-pack he had bought, finally admitting defeat at finding anything worth watching on television. A long, hot shower helped relax him but if anything, he was even more wide awake afterwards. He could hear the faint sounds of music coming from the bar that was across the parking lot from the hotel; Hal’s Place was what the bright neon sign had read. When it became apparent he wasn’t going to sleep, he dressed in a pair of well-worn jeans and a pale blue dress shirt, rolling up the sleeves and leaving the tails out. With his wallet and key card shoved into his pocket, he let himself out of his room and headed for the bar, looking for something to relieve his boredom. He briefly gave thought to what could happen if he were recognized but quickly shrugged off any concern. West Virginia was not a state where hockey was popular so he was fairly sure him being recognized was a real long shot.
Thanks to his misguided love life, he had been cooped up too long and the need to get out was almost overwhelming. He paid the cover at the door and pushed his way through the crowd to grab the only open seat at the bar. He had ordered a beer and took a long drink, turning to look over the crowd when his attention had been snagged by the beautiful woman on the adjoining stool. Her sparkling baby blue eyes had looked him over thoroughly while he had done some perusing of his own. She was seriously hot with her curvaceous body filling out snug jeans, a low-cut, sleeveless red shirt that left a hint of tanned midriff bare and matching stiletto sandals. Long, shining dark curls fell in artless disarray around her shoulders and diamond hoops flashed at her ears. He had smiled and flirted with her shamelessly, even more so after they had moved to a huge circular booth at the back where they had been forced into close quarters. They had talked a little but between the loud crowd, louder music and the continuous flow of alcohol, the conversation had consisted mostly of flirtatious comments between dances and shooting pool in the backroom.
He had attempted to correct Ava several times that his name wasn’t Ken, but it didn’t seem important since they would probably never see each other again after tonight. He guessed she was a few years older than him, not because she looked older but more in the way she carried herself. She wasn’t self-conscious in the way some of the younger women he’d dated had been. He liked older women; he’d dated a few older women before and in his opinion the sex had been some of the best he’d experienced in his twenty-seven years. He and Max had discussed older women one night over too much alcohol and his crazy best friend had said older women were better in bed because they knew exactly what they wanted and generally were not shy about letting a man know. He’d laughed when Max said good coaching was the key but it was true. If his instincts hadn’t failed him, Ava looked like she could be one hell of a coach. They danced several times, not really paying attention to the beat of the music as they rubbed up against each other at every opportunity. In the booth, they set hip-to-hip, whispering naughty suggestions in each other’s ears.
A couple hours later and Cian knew he was drunk and so was Ava. It was 1:00 am and the bar was still packed. He pulled Ava onto the dance floor when a slow song started, his arms encircling her waist to pull her in close. She smiled up at him through her lashes, her hands sliding up his muscled arms to lock behind his neck. Her blue eyes smoldered when his hands slid dangerously close to her ass; he moved in closer. His gaze settled on her lips, watching her tongue slip out to wet them before they turned up at the corners in a slow, sexy smile. Her heavy-lidded blue eyes beckoned him closer without a word and being unable to help himself, dipped his head to lightly brush his lips across hers. His tongue teased at the seam of her lips until she parted her lips and met his searching tongue with her own. At her response, he took the kiss deeper, slanting his mouth across hers for deeper penetration. Her fingers clinched in the hair at his nape while she sucked his tongue deeper into her mouth and ground her stomach against the bulge in his jeans. His hands slid to her ass, caressing and squeezing the rounded globes before dragging his mouth from hers. Their eyes locked, hers dazed, his heavy with lust, both of them breathing like they’d ran flat out for miles. He unlocked her hands from behind his neck and keeping one hand in his, headed for the main entrance, pulling her behind him.
She allowed herself to be pulled along by the big, handsome man, loving the way he kissed and how his body felt rubbing against hers on the dance floor. His body was hard all over; no give anywhere. She watched his tight ass while he maneuvered through the crowd ahead of her, trying to come up with some reason she shouldn’t go with him besides the main one; she didn�
��t know this guy. He was a guest at the hotel and said he would only be there for one night so it was a pretty safe bet she wouldn’t have to worry about running into him. He was just passing through. She smiled to herself when she realized she had firmly placed that fact in the pro column on her mental list. He was also pure eye candy and she had always been a sucker for a pretty face; at least for the short term. She wasn’t looking for a relationship of any kind and if she were, it wouldn’t be with someone like this guy. He was too good-looking and would bring nothing but trouble. But for one night, he was absolutely perfect. She was still looking down, lost in her thoughts when they exited the bar. Before she realized what had happened, she found herself pressed up against the outside wall of the bar being kissed senseless. She moaned low in her throat when she felt one of his hands slide down her side. When his hand caressed the cheek of her rear and slid down to lift her leg up over his hip she sighed happily and ceased to think at all.