as editor of Aurora, 440
opens bookstore in Washington, D.C., 471
publishes Tracy’s Commentary, 529, 558
Dufief, Nicolas Gouin
plan for Library of Congress, 549, 552
sells Franklin’s library, 549
sends catalogue of Franklin library to Jefferson, 550
supplies books to Jefferson, 471
Dufresnoy, Nicolas Lenglet, Geography for Children, 35
Duhamel du Monceau, Henri Louis, Practical Treatise of Husbandry, 68, 70
Dumont de Montigny, Mémoires de la Louisiane, 40
Duncan, William, Elements of Logick, 52
Dunglison, Robley, 572, 623, 626–627, 637–638, 640
Commentaries of Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels of Children, 623
Dunlap, John
Jefferson considers as publisher of Notes on the State of Virginia, 270
Jefferson patronizes his bookshop, 191, 195
publishes Declaration of Independence, 195
publishes Pennsylvania Packet, 194
publishes Summary View, 194–195, 270
Dunmore, John Murray, fourth Earl of
character of, 150
convenes House of Burgesses to present Lord North’s proposal, 164–165
dissolves House of Burgesses, 152
flees Governor’s Palace, 199
gubernatorial responsibilities, 150
Jefferson’s opinion of, 168
library of, 150, 199
prorogues House of Burgesses, 150
Dupont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel, 459
Duport, James, Metaphrasis Libri Psalmorum Graecis Versibus Contexta, 584
Durand, Jean Nicolas Louis, Recueil et Parallèle des Édifices de Tout Genre Anciens et Modernes, 601
Du Roi, August Wilhelm, 221–222
Eaton, Amos, Geological and Agricultural Survey of the District Adjoining the Erie Canal, 573
Edgeworth, Maria, 62
Modern Griselda, 470
Moral Tales for Young People, 470
Parent’s Assistant, 470–471
Rosamond, 470
Stories for Children, 470
Edgeworth, Richard Lovell, 54–55, 62
Edinburgh Review, 579
Edwards, James, 372, 373
Edwards, Jonathan, Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew Indians, 374
Eliot, John, Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblium God Naneeswe Nukkone Testament Kah Wonk Wusku Testament, 374
Ellis, William, London and Country Brewer, 10
Ellys, Anthony, Tracts of the Liberty, Spiritual and Temporal, of Protestants in England, 113
Elmslie, John, 486
Elstob, Elizabeth, Rudiments of Grammar for the English-Saxon Tongue, 60
Emerson, William
Doctrine of Fluxions, 53
Principles of Mechanics, 53–54
Emmett, John Patton, 624, 635, 637
Encyclopedie Methodique, 205–206, 310, 424
Enville, Louise Elisabeth de la Rouchefoucauld, 333
Epictetus, 117, 126, 586, 587, 632
Epicurus, 586
Epistolae Veterum Graecorum, 373–374
Eppes, Elizabeth Wayles, 255
Eppes, Francis, 147, 196–197, 265, 389, 470, 599–600, 608
Eppes, Maria Jefferson (TJ’s daughter, a.k.a. Mary)
arrives in Paris, 352
attends school in Philadelphia, 411–412
birth of, 209
childhood, 253
contracts the whooping cough, 290
correspondence with Jefferson, 145, 398–399, 402
Cutting’s impressions of her, 386–387
death of, 506
gives birth to Francis, 470
leaves France for Virginia, 383
meets John and Abigail Adams, 352–353
reads Spanish, 385, 389, 398
receives books, 399
requests books from Jefferson, 398
Erasmus, 23
Espagnol, 357
Ethis de Corny, Louis Dominique, 378
Euclid, 536
Euripides, 608
Hecuba, 91–92
Evans, Theophilus, 49
Everett, Edward, 619
Fabbroni, Giovanni, 211–212, 233
Fables of Pilpay, 425
Famous History of the Seven Champions of Christendom, 15
“Farmer’s Letters” (Lincoln), 465
Farneworth, Ellis, 124
Farquhar, George, 222
Faujas de Saint-Fond, Barthélemy, Description des Experience de la Machine Aérostatiques, 286
Fauquier, Francis
“Account of an Extraordinary Storm of Hail, ” 61
character of, 60–62
death of, 102
library of, 61
meets Franklin, 66–67
musical interests, 62, 103–104
social activities, 60, 62, 81
Stamp Act and, 75, 80, 82
weather records of, 48, 64, 187
Félice, Fortuné Barthélemy de, Leçons de Droit de la Nature et des Gens, 268
Fénelon, Adventures of Telemachus, 24, 122, 277
Fennel, James, 437
Fenno, John, 412
Gazette of the United States, 439
Ferguson, Adam, Essay on the History of Civil Society, 113, 180
Ferguson, James
Astronomy, 122
Lectures, 122
Few, Francis, 507–508
Fielding, Henry
Tom Jones, 69, 278, 557
Works, 123
Fleming, William, 133
Flood, Henry, 606–608
Florian, Jean-Pierre-Claris de
Arlequinades, 334
Deux Billets, 334
Galatée, 334
Florus, Rerum Romanorum Epitome, 23–24
Floyd, William, 541
Fontaine, Francis, 31
Fontaine, Jean de la, Fables Choisies, 385
Fontaine, Mary Anne, 31
Foote, Samuel, 307
Fortescue, John, Difference between an Absolute and Limited Monarchy, 59–60
Fortescue-Aland, John, 59–60
Foulis Press, 117–118, 126–127, 567
Foulke, John, 286
Foundling of Belgrade, 577
Foxcroft, Thomas, 67
Franklin, Benjamin
anecdotes, 188, 390–392, 570, 596, 598
appointed commissioner to negotiate treaties of amity and commerce, 270, 356
Autobiography, 390–392, 595, 596, 611
Congressional committee work, 169, 171, 178, 181, 605
contributions to Declaration of Independence, 181, 187–188
correspondence with Jefferson, 210
death of, 611–612
“Dialogue between the Gout and Mr. Franklin, ” 332
efforts to overturn the Stamp Act, 81
elected president of American Philosophical Society, 432
establishes Library Company of Philadelphia, 195
Experiments and Observations on Electricity, 127
Fourth of July celebrations, 300
friendship with Jefferson, 188, 260–281, 390
friendship with Mazzei, 147
friendship with William Small, 54, 63–64, 66
honorary degree, 371
leaves Paris, 291, 293–294
library of, 424, 427, 549–550, 572
literary personae, 528
member of Houdetot’s salon, 296
receives a copy of Notes on the State of Virginia, 243
receives a copy of Summary View, 160
receives volumes of Encyclopedia Methodique, 310
“Silence Dogood, No 4, ” 532
use of ivory table-book, 98
visits Williamsburg, 66–67
Way to Wealth, 158
Franklin, William Temple, 611
Freneau, Philip
National Gazette, 412–413, 440
Rising Glory of America, 451
Time Piece, 500
Frost, J. T., 546–547
Froullé, Jacques François, 282, 328–329, 423–426
Fry, Joshua, 40–41
Fulbecke, William, Parallel of Conference of the Civil Law, the Canon Law, and the Common Law, 204
Fulton, Robert, Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navigation, 573
Gage, Thomas, 163
Galileo, 463
Gallatin, Albert
attitude toward embargo, 505
correspondence with Jefferson, 489, 530
Jefferson appoints treasury secretary, 464
opposition to Hamilton, 464
Treatise on Internal Navigation, 573
Galt, John, Entail; or, The Lairds of Grippy, 576–577
Galvan, William, 225–226, 229
García de la Huerta, Vincente Antonio, Obras Poéticas, 330
Garcilaso de la Vega
Commentarios Reale, 330
Florida, 330
Gardiner, Peter, 106
Gavin, Anthony, 19, 24–25
Master Key to Popery, 24–25
Gavin, Rachael, 24
Gay, John, 21, 127
Gazette of the United States, 401, 412
Geismar, Baron von, 221, 365
General Collection of Treaty’s, 199
Genet, Edmund Charles, 413, 414–415
Genghis Khan, 426
Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité, Comtesse de
Tales of the Castle, 399
Théatre á Usage de Jeunes Personnes, 304
Geoffrin, Marie-Thérèse, Madame de, 296
Geographiae Veteris Scriptores Graeci Minores, 374
Geoponica, 425
George II, King of Great Britain, 26
George III, King of Great Britain, 56, 81, 104, 108, 153, 157, 183, 311
Gerry, Elbridge
correspondence with Jefferson, 433, 462–463
meets Jefferson in New York, 96–97
serves in Continenal Congress, 167
serves as vice president, 540–541
signs Declaration of Independence, 189–190
Gessner, Salomon, Death of Abel, 9
Gibbon, Edward, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 143–144, 398
Gibbs, James, Rules for Drawing the Several Parts of Architecture, 10
Giles, William Branch, 422
Gilmer, Francis Walker
accepts chair in law at the University of Virginia, 639
character of, 621
edits Captain John Smith’s True Travels and Generall Historie, 621
friendship with Jefferson, 34
impressions of Monticello, 525
Sketches of American Orators, 621
travels to Great Britain on behalf of the University of Virginia, 621–624, 626, 628–629, 631
Girardin, Louis Hue, 502, 540, 603–604
History of Virginia, 604
Gleim, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig, “Falle doch auf Doris Augenlieder, ”168
Goethe, Faust, 575
Goldsborough, Robert, 552, 556
Goldsmith, Mr., 304
Goldsmith, Oliver, Hermit, 476
Gordon, Nathaniel, 517
Graham, Richard, 50, 57
Gravier, Jean, 529–531
Gray, Francis C., 557, 559–560, 602
Gray, Thomas, 129, 306, 363
Green, Jonas, 88
Gregory, John, Comparative View of the State and Faculties of Man, 399
Gregory, William, 95–96
Grétry, André-Ernest-Modeste
Aucassin et Nicolette, 285–286
Richard Coeur de Lion, 334
Silvain, 285–286
Grimm, Friedrich Melchior, Baron von, 299
Grindle, Mrs., 493
Grotius, Hugo, 21
Annales et Historiae de Rebus Belgicis, 370
De Jure Belli ac Pacis, 83
Droit de la Guerre, et de la Paix 83
Grounds and Rudiments of Law and Equity, 86
Rights of War and Peace, 492
Guardian, 26
Guarini, Battista, 608
Il Pastor Fido, 282
Gudin, Paul Philippe, L’Astronomie, 573–574
Guicciardini, Francesco, Della Istoria d’Italia, 68, 70
Gunn, James, 408–409
Gurdon, Thornagh, History of the High Court, 110
Gurney, Anna, Saxon Chronicle, 628–629
Gwatkin, Thomas, 132
Hafiz, “Persian Song, ” 201
Hakewill, William, Modus Tenendi Parliamentum, 110
Hall, Francis, 570–571
Hamilton, Alexander
affair with Maris Reynolds, 440
appointed treasury secretary, 392
character of, 393
depiction in The Anas, 406–409
duel with Aaron Burr, 490–491
Jefferson’s relationship with, 393–395, 401, 403, 416–417, 422, 429
opposed by Albert Gallatin, 464
opposition to Genet, 413, 415–416
Hancarville, Pierre Fraçois Hugues d’, 335
Händel, George Frideric, 62
Hanmer, Thomas, 105
Hansford, Theodore, 632
“Happy Fireside, ” 506
Hargrave, Francis, 425
Hariot, Thomas, Admiranda Narratio, 371
Harlan, Richard, Fauna Americana, 571
Harrington, James, Commonwealth of Oceana, 264
Harrison, Benjamin, 163, 169, 189–190
Harrison, Joseph, Attorney’s Pocket Companion, 70
Hartley, David, Observations on Man, 61
Harvey, Edward, Manual Exercise, 162–163
Harvie, John, 30, 34, 44
Harwood, Edward, Biographia Classica, 140
Hatsell, John, Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons, 527
Hawkins, John Isaac, 596
Hay, George, 530
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 426
Hemings, James, 260, 271, 275, 352, 383, 389
Hemings, Robert, 389
Hemings, Sally, 352, 383, 441–442
Henings, William Waller, Statutes at Large, 428, 540
Henley, Samuel
friendship with Jefferson, 130, 201
helps found Virginia’s Philosophical Society for the Advancement of Useful Knowledge, 129
library of, 128–130, 172, 200, 353, 523
as professor at William and Mary, 128
returns to England, 172
scholarly activities, 129–132, 321
Hennepin, Louis, New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, 631
Henry IV (King of France), 68, 124
Henry VIII (King of England), 73, 82
Henry, Patrick
compared to Jesus, 583
depiction of, in Jefferson’s Autobiography, 76–77, 597
elected to Continenetal Congress, 163
Jefferson’s testament to his eloquence, 76–78
leadership in American Revolution, 136, 151, 159, 161
Liberty-or-Death speech, 161–162, 164
meets Jefferson, 43
serves as governor of Virginia, 223
Stamp Act and, 75, 79–80
Heraclitus, Epistolae Veterum Graecorum, 373–374
Herculus and Antaeus, 69
Herodotus, 28, 69, 135, 264, 318
Hewes, Thomas, 486
Heyne, Christian Gottlob, 565
Hickes, George, 60
Hidalgo, Juan, Romances de Germanía, 330
Hill, Henry, 174
Hillhouse, Augustus, Essay on the History and Cultivation of the European Olive-Tree, 573
Hilliard, William, 629–633
Hilliard and Cummings, 629–631
Hippocrates, Epistolae Veterum Graecorum, 373–374
History of Fortunatus, 15–16
History of Parismus, 15
History of Tom Thumb, 15, 16
Hogeboom, Corne
lius, 410–411
Hogendorp, Gijbert Karel, Count van, 236, 267–269
Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry, Baron de, 581–582
Bon Sens, 581
Christianisme Dévoilé, 581–582
Système de la Nature, 581
Système Social, 582
Tableau des Saints, 582
Holmes, Abiel, 503
American Annals, 502–503, 540
“Home, ” 506
Home, John, Douglas, 102–103
Homer, 42, 77–78, 135, 139, 507, 510
Iliad, 118, 135, 255, 525, 565–566
Odyssey, 565
Hoole, John, 201
Hopkins and Earle, 527
Hopkinson, Francis, 17, 194, 242–243, 266, 286, 310, 331
Hopkinson, Mary Johnson (Mrs. Thomas Hopkinson), 266
Horace, 23, 34, 128, 330
Odes, 23
Satires, 23
Horrocks, James, library of, 199–200
Houdetot, Elisabeth Françoise Sophie de La Live Bellegarde, Comtesse d’, 295–297, 306, 345
Houdon, Jean Antoine, 322
Howe, Richard, 197
Howell, David, 268
Hudson, John, 374
Hulbert, John, 555
Hume, David, 21, 27, 632–633
Essays, 78
History of England, 72, 82–83, 632–633
Humphreys, David, 287–288, 311, 321
Poem, on the Happiness of America, 288
Hunter, Robert, 69
Husayni, Abu Talib, Instituts Politiques et Militaire de Tamerlan, 426
Hutcheson, Francis, 9, 21
Hutton, Catherine, Miser Married, 607
Inchbald, Elizabeth, 607
Independent Chronicle, 457
Ingersoll, Charles, 553–554
Irving, Washington, 616
Isocrates, 632
Izard, Ralph, 410
Jack the Giant Killer, 15
Jackson, Jonathan, 284
James, John, Theory and Practice of Gardening, 9
Jefferson, Anna S. (TJ’s sister). See, Marks, Anna S. Jefferson Jefferson, Elizabeth (TJ’s sister), 11, 15
Jefferson, Isaac (TJ’s slave), 120, 122, 127, 232, 350, 606
Jefferson, Jane (TJ’s sister), 10–11, 87, 93, 174
Jefferson, Jane Randolph (1720–1776, TJ’s mother), 10–11, 174–175
Jefferson, Jane Randolph (1774–1775, TJ’s daughter), 174
Jefferson, Lucy (TJ’s sister), 11
Jeferson, Lucy Elizabeth (1780–1781, TJ’s daughter), 253
Jefferson, Lucy Elizabeth (1782–1784, TJ’s daughter), 253, 290
Jefferson, Martha (TJ’s daughter). See, Randolph, Martha Jefferson
Jefferson, Martha Wayles Skelton (TJ’s wife), 143
correspondence with Jefferson, 4, 120, 196
courtship with Jefferson, 119–121
death, 254–255, 259
depiction of, in Jefferson’s Autobiography, 604
friendship with William Small, 132
gives birth, 121, 209, 252–253
illness, 198, 253–254
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