reading, 122
wedding, 121–122
Jefferson, Mary (TJ’s daughter). See Eppes, Maria Jefferson
Jefferson, Peter (TJ’s father), 30, 39
athleticism, 33
builds Shadwell, 1
death of, 25
education of, 26
executor for William Randolph, 45
library of, 4–5, 8, 10–12, 26, 27,
purchases books for TJ, 22
Jefferson, Randolph (TJ’s brother), 11
Jefferson, Thomas (TJ) literary life
almanacs, 2, 37, 53, 88, 98–100, 166–167, 186 283
Annapolis library, 267–270
attends the theatre, 102–103, 106, 285–286, 321–322, 334
attends William and Mary, 43–56
bibliomania, 375, 425, 566
biography writing, 478–494, 581–612
book buying in Europe, 330, 367, 371–374
book buying in Paris, 282–285
book buying in Philadelphia, 191–199
book buying in Williamsburg, 199–204
bookplates and, 5–7
chapbooks and, 15–17
character sketches, 32, 107, 265, 310, 393, 596
childhood reading, 15–19
circulating libraries and, 166, 172, 218, 471
collects Virginiana, 26, 202, 233
correspondence, 418–431, 532–545. See also under names of individual correspondents
drafts legislation, 108–109, 162–163, 165, 167, 171, 207–209, 213–221, 270
education, 11, 19–25, 30–60
educational theory, 213–219
equity commonplace book, 92
finds publisher for David Ramsay, 326–330
great library, 4, 7, 50, 117–118, 122, 138, 140, 173, 183, 257, 443, 546–563, 573–574, 581
impressions of the French Revolution, 375–376, 377, 378, 393, 426, 611
joins Small’s Williamsburg circle, 57–72
legal commonplace book, 49, 86, 89, 90, 92, 290
Library Company of Philadelphia and, 192, 195–196, 218, 550
Library of Congress and, 4, 24, 27, 35, 72, 84, 443, 550, 546–563, 571, 577
library organization, 10, 126, 126, 257–259, 561–563, 567–576
literary commonplace book, 23, 39, 41, 63, 82, 83, 86, 135, 184; 86–87, 89, 91, 92, 134, 135, 139
literary criticism of, 304–308
literary patronage, 495–511
memorandum books, 2, 86, 97–101, 106, 109, 245, 264, 275, 282, 285, 298–299, 312, 340, 383, 441
opinion of Patrick Henry, 75–80, 161
ownership inscriptions, 4–8, 24–25, 27–29, 35, 69–70, 84, 140, 144
poetry of, 314–315
Poplar Forest Library, 544, 554–555
public libraries, proposal for, 218–219
reads law under Wythe, 57–60
received honorary degree, 371
recommends books to others, 122, 130–131, 221–222
retirement library, 7, 39, 564–580, 581, 582, 588
salons of Paris and, 294–298
scientific writings, 432–436
scrapbooks, 504–505
Shadwell library, 1–14, 22, 26, 34, 70, 104
table-books, 98–99
travel writing, 93–96, 318–321, 340–368
University of Virginia and, 613–627
University of Virginia library and, 601, 628–644
visits library of Rhode Island College, 396
Account of Louisiana, 487–489
Act for Establishing Religious Freedom, 297, 526
Anas, 404–417, 479, 484, 504, 612
“Appendix to the Notes on Virginia Relative to the Murder of Logan’s Family, ” 438
Autobiography, 17, 50, 55, 76, 78, 189, 203, 374–379, 484, 588, 595–612
“Bill for Amending the Constitution of the College of William and Mary, ” 213, 216–218, 599, 613
“Bill for Establishing a Public Library,”213, 218
“Bill for Establishing Cross Posts,” 220
“Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom,” 204–206, 453
“Bill for Proportioning Crimes and Punishments,”209
“Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge,”213–214, 220, 615
“Bill for the Revision of the Laws,”207
Declaration of Independence, 96, 174–190, 195–196, 198, 205, 223, 264, 268, 311, 366, 376, 377, 379, 451, 453, 526, 532, 598–599, 611, 625, 627, 640
Declaration of the Causes and Necessity for Taking up Arms, composed, 169–171
“Dialogue between My Head and My Heart, ” 12, 332, 335–339, 453
Essay on the Anglo-Saxon Language, 580
“Explanations of the 3 Volumes Bound in Marbled Paper, ” 404–405, 612
Farm Book, 86
“First Annual Message,”472–474
Garden Book, 86, 93, 97, 212, 253, 345, 408, 423
“Hints to Americans Traveling in Europe,” 340–343, 348, 354, 359, 367, 396, 485
“Instructions to Express Riders between Richmond and Cape Henry,”226
“Instructions to Lewis,” 484–486
“Kentucky Resolutions,”442
Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, 581–594, 587, 588, 619
“Life of Captain Lewis,” 478–494
Manual of Parliamentary Practice, 95, 110, 444–448, 526–527, 528, 588
“Mazzei letter,” 429–431, 439, 544–545
“Memoir on the Megalonyx,” 434–437, 448
Message …Communicating Discoveries Made in Exploring the Missouri, Red River, and Washita, 491
“Notes and Proceedings on Discontinuing the Establishment of the Church of England,”204
“Notes of a Conversation between A. Hamilton and Th:J.”,406
“Notes of a Tour into the Southern Parts of France, ” 340–341, 344–345, 349, 350, 354
“Notes of a Tour of English Gardens, ” 318, 320, 366
“Notes of a Tour through Holland and the Rhine Valley, ” 358–359, 363–368
“Notes of Proceedings in the Continental Congress, ” 178
“Notes on Commerce of the North States, ” 271, 275–276
Notes on the State of Virginia, 40, 72, 96, 99, 106, 110, 176–177, 201, 212, 215, 253, 259, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 271, 282, 292, 296, 302, 303, 318, 322, 327, 405, 433, 434, 437, 457–458, 467, 468, 526, 587, 611
Observations on the Whale-Fishery, 276, 369
“On the Writings of the Baron d’Holbach on the Morality of Nature and That of the Christian Religion, ” 582–583
“Parliamentary Pocket-Book, ” 444
“Philosophy of Jesus, ” 583, 585–587
Proceedings and Report of the Commissioners for the University of Virginia, 618, 619, 620
Proceedings of the Government of the United States, in Maintaining the Public Right to the Beach of the Missisipi, 530–531, 537, 538
“Report of Committee to Prepare a Plan for a Militia, ” 161
“Report on Commerce, ” 526
“Report on Copper Coinage, ” 526
“Report on Desalination of Sea Water, ” 526
“Report on Fisheries, ” 526
Report … on the Subject of Establishing a Uniformity in the Weights, Measures and Coins, 395, 526
“Resolutions of Congress on Lord North’s Conciliatory Proposal, ” 171
Summary View of the Rights of British America, 153–160, 162, 167, 185, 194–195, 526–527
“Syllabus of an Estimate of the Merit of the Doctrines of Jesus, ” 477, 542, 583, 585–586, 619
“Thoughts on English Prosody, ” 29, 87, 304–308, 580, 608
“Virginia Resolutions on Lord North’s Conciliatory Proposal, ” 165, 167, 171
Jefferson Literary Society, 639
Jesus, of Nazareth, 25, 477, 581–594
“Sermon on the Mount, ” 31, 182, 590, 591
Jodrell, Richard,
Persian Heroine, 318
Johnson, Benjamin, 503
Johnson, Edward, Wonder-Working Providence, 539
Johnson, Samuel, 201, 306, 312, 313, 406
Dictionary of the English Language, 313
Lives of the Poets, 287, 292
Rasselas, 451
Jones, Joseph, 234
Jones, Mr., 631
Jones, Thomas, British Language in Its Lustre, 49–50
Jones, William, 399
Poeseos Asiaticae Commentariorum, 200–201
Sacontalá, 399–400
“Very Ancient Chinese Ode, ” 580
Jonson, Ben, Every Man in His Humour, 607
Jouett, John, Jr., 231
Journal of the House of Commons, 550
Journals of the House of Burgesses, 80
Joutel, Henri, Journal Historique du Dernier Voyage que Feu M. de LaSale, 633
Judith, 580
Jupiter (TJ’s slave), 18, 70–71, 159
Justinian, Institutes, 58, 64
Juvenal, 565
Kalidasa, Sacontalá, 399–400
Kames, Henry Home, Lord, 176
Elements of Criticism, 92, 123, 609
Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion, 92
Historical Law Tracts, 90–92
Principles of Equity, 92
Karamanli Ali Pasha, Bey of Tripoli, 464
Keats, John, 568
Keir, James, 54, 62
Kennett, Basil, Antiquities of Rome, 8
Kennett, White, Bibliothecae Americanae Primordia, 502, 540
Key, Sarah, 638
Key, Thomas Hewitt, 623, 626–627, 635, 637–638
Kimber, Edward, 44
King, Cyrus, 555, 556
King, Rufus, 408, 410
Knox, Henry, 392, 416
Koenig, Armand, 367
Kohle, Pastor, 221–222
Koran, 9, 258, 315
Kotzebue, August von, Almanach Dramatischer Spiele, 636
Krumpholtz, Johann Baptiste, 334
Kuster, Ludolf, De Vero Usu Verborum Mediorum apud Grecos, 427
Lackington, James, 318, 628
Laclos, Choderlos de, Les Liasons Dangereuses, 295
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de, 345
banquet at the University of Virginia, 624–625
correspondence with Jefferson, 348–349, 392, 528
French Revolution and, 376–377, 379
presents books, 145, 632
triumphal tour through the United States, 624
writes letters of introduction for Jefferson, 294
Lafitau, Joseph-François, Moeurs des Sauvages Amériquains, 538–539
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, Mechanique Analitique, 371
La Motte, Jeanne de Saint-Rémy de Valois, Comtesse, Mémoires Justificatifs, 559
Lampredi, Giovanni Maria, 68
Langdon, John, 417
Langland, William, Vision of Pierce Plowman, 129, 201, 522–523, 532
La Rochefoucauld (-d’Enville), Louis Alexandre, Duc de la Roche-Guyon et de 294, 302
Constitutions des Treize États-Unis de l’Amérique, 281
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, François Alexandre, Duc de, 422
Laval, Antoine François, Voyage de la Lousiane, 371
Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent de, 302
Law, Thomas, Second Thoughts on Instinctive Impulses, 581, 582, 608
Laws of Virginia, 26
Lazarillo de Tormes, 398
Lear, Tobias, 416–417
Learned Pig, 312–313
Ledyard, John, 298–300, 384, 414, 482, 484
Lee, Francis Lightfoot, 174
Lee, Henry, Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States, 570
Lee, Richard Henry, 108, 151, 163, 168, 171, 178, 189, 195, 198, 224
Lee, Thomas Ludwell, 207–208
Lee, William, 444
Legrand, Jacques-Guillaume, 601
Leland, John, 474
Lemprière, John, Classical Dictionary, 568
Lenclos, Ninon de, 608
Le Prince de Beaumont, Madame de, Moral Tales, 476
Lesage, Alain René
Diable Boiteux, 397–398
Gil Blas, 266–267, 609
Lescallier, Daniel, Baron, Enchanted Throne, 579
Lettice, John, 129
Lever, Ashton, 324
Lewis, Meriwether
character of, 481
expedition of, 478–493
Indian vocabulary of, 518
Jefferson’s biography of, 478–495
Jefferson’s instructions to, 413, 484–487
returns to Washington, 493
serves as governor of upper Louisiana Territory, 493
serves as presidential secretary, 465, 472, 483
suicide of, 493
Lewis, Monk, Tales of Wonder, 554
Lincoln, Levi, 464–465, 475
“Farmer’s Letters, ” 465
Letters to the People, by a Farmer, 465
Lingard, John, History of England, 632–633, 640, 643, 644
Littleton, Thomas, Tenures, 64–65
Liverpool Royal Institution, 572
Livingston, Edward, 530, 531, 538
Livingston, Robert, 178
Livingston, William, 598
Review of the Military Operations in North America, 41
Livy, 127, 139, 472, 599
History, 352
Lloyd, Robert, 95
Locke, John, 9, 10, 21, 176, 179, 370, 386, 500, 554
Extracts from Locke’s Essay on the Human Understanding, 500
“Letter Concerning Toleration, ” 204
Two Treatises of Government, 113, 179
Logan, Chief, 99–100, 131, 146, 186, 437–438
Logan, George, 421–422
Logan, James, 68, 550
Loganian Library, 550
Lomax, Judith
Notes of an American Lyre, 145
“Written at Monticello, ” 145–146
London Sporting Magazine, 504
Long, George, 623, 626, 632, 637, 639
Longinus, De Sublimitate, 492
López de Gómara, Francisco, 389
López de Sedano, Juan José, Parnaso Español, 330
Lord’s Prayer in above a Hundred Languages, 584
Lorenzana, Francisco Antonio, Historia de Nueva Español, 521
Louis, Antoine, 335
Louis XVI, King of France, 293
Lubin, Eilhard, 374
Ludwell, Philip, 104
Luzac, Elie, 83–84
Lydgate, John, 523
Lyly, John, “No Place Commends the Man Unworthy Praise, ” 506
Lyric Harmony, 139
Lyttelton, George Lyttelton, Baron, 319
Dialogues of the Dead, 181
MacDonald, Alexander, Galick and English Vocabulary, 142
Machiavelli, Opere Inedite in Prosa e in Verso, 68, 70
Macpherson, Charles, 135–136, 142–143, 146
Macpherson, James, 133–135, 142–144
“Conlath and Cuthona, ” 135, 143
Fingal, An Ancient Epic, 133–135
Fragments of Ancient Poetry, 133
Poems, 133
Temora, 133, 135, 137
Madison, Dolley, 465, 509, 561
Madison, James (1749–1812), 35, 53, 128, 200–201, 212, 303, 432, 444
Madison, James (1751–1836)
acquires books and papers for Jefferson, 422, 424, 428
acquires books from the Byrd library, 261
advice to Jefferson regarding the “First Inaugural Address, ” 472
appoints George Watterson Librarian of Congress, 561
character of, 265
correspondence with Jefferson, 205, 256, 267, 268, 269, 310, 267, 330, 401, 423, 436, 530, 599
drafts U.S. Constitution, 283
embargo and, 505
elected president, 503
friendship with Jeffer
son, 265–266
inaugurated president, 509–510
library of, 282–283, 573
loans Jefferson a copy of Paine’s Rights of Man, 400
opposition to Hamilton, 395
receives copy of Notes on the State of Virginia, 241
serves as secretary of state, 464–465, 505
serves in U.S. House of Representatives, 394
serves in Virginia House of Delegates, 204
serves on University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 617–618, 629
travels with Jefferson to New York, 401–402, 635
travels with Jefferson to Virginia, 396–398
writes letters of introduction, 534
Magruder, George, 546
Magruder, Patrick, 546, 548, 561
Mahomet II, 144
Main, Thomas, 516
Malesherbe, Chrétien Guillaume de Lamoignon de, 356
Mansfield, Jared, 600
March, John
bookbinding skills, 472
Jefferson patronizes his bookstore, 471–472
Marius, 323
Marks, Anna Scott Jefferson (TJ’s sister), 11, 517–518
Marmontel, Jean-François, 250, 300–302
Contes Moreaux, 222
Fausse Magie, 285–286
Memoires, 595–596
Moral Tales, 301
Oeuvres Posthume, 596
Silvain, 285
Zemire et Azor, 285–286
Marmontel, Marie Adélaide Lerein de Montigny, Madame de, 302
Marshall, John, 455, 459, 644
Life of Washington, 404, 417, 597, 643
Martens, Georg Friedrich de, 84
Martin, Benjamin, Philosophical Grammar, 35
Martin, Luther, 437–438
Martyn, Thomas, 129
Maryland Gazette, 81, 88
Mason, George, 207–208, 214
Mather, Cotton, Magnalia Christi America, 482
Mather, Increase, 119
Matthieu, J. D., Dialogue Rustiques, 35
Maury, James (1718–1769), 30–42, 46, 47, 101, 267, 389
“Dissertation on Education, ” 35–36, 38
Maury, James (1746–1840), 32, 33
Maury, Matthew, 31
Maury, Walker, 46
Mazzei, Marie Hauteville “Petronilla”
Martin (Mrs. Philip Mazzei), 148
Mazzei, Philip, 147–149, 153, 211, 222, 294, 300–302, 377, 429, 438, 573
McClurg, James, 128–129, 179
Experiments upon the Human Bile, 140
McCulloch, William, 192, 194
Mclane, Mrs., 410
Meik, Thomas, 278
Meikleham, Septimia A. Randolph, 420
Memoires de l’Amerique, 502
Mémoires de les Expèriences Aerostatiques, 287
Mercer, John Francis, 604
Metastasio, Pietro
Adriano in Siria, 544–545, 608
Opere, 544
Michael (Wythe’s slave), 491
The Road to Monticello Page 95