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Vikings Unleashed: 9 modern Viking erotic romances

Page 72

by Kate Pearce

  He cupped her ass, loving the way her flesh filled his hands, then trailed his fingers up her spine as she lay on his chest.

  “That was fun,” he murmured wryly. “You’re bossy.”

  She buried her face in his neck.

  “I can’t hear you.” He laughed as she mumbled the same thing again.

  Her eyes slowly slid into view. “I can’t believe I said that,” she said. When he slid a knuckle under her chin and lifted her face all the way up to his, he saw she was blushing.

  “I liked it.” He rubbed his hand along her jaw and into her hair, bringing her in for a slow, sweet kiss. “I had a whole night planned for you back at my farm. Oil, hot springs bath, gifts. A formal pledge of betrothal.”

  She giggled. “And instead you got a fight, a chase, and crude demands.”

  “It was perfect.” He hesitated before picking up their quarrel again, but they needed to know where they stood. He needed to know. “Are you still scared?”

  She settled her head on his chest and laid her hand on his stomach. “Petrified. Mostly because I’m going to get yelled at by my CO and I’d prefer if you didn’t try to kill him.”

  He grunted. “Perhaps I shouldn’t be there when that happens.”

  She smiled against his skin. “Perhaps.”

  “And us?”

  “I wanted an adventure. This isn’t quite how I envisioned it, but…yes. I want us. I…I love you.” The hesitation wasn’t borne from doubt, but care, and it warmed his soul.

  “I will make you happy, Ashleigh. For your entire life.” He said the words gravely, but as he did, a lightness floated into his voice. He could picture them on his farm together in their old age, with children and grandchildren and a legacy that would make her proud. It wouldn’t be hard to devote himself to pleasing this woman. Even if she was bossy. “And next week I’ll stand by you as we deal with the fall out. I can make a significant morning-gift.”

  “That won’t be necessary, Reinn. It’s the twenty-third century.”

  He didn’t follow. “Well, on the twenty-third century on this planet, a husband proves he can provide for his wife.”

  She made a noncommittal hum. “Do you have a data link at your farm?” She had a determined look on her face, one he’d already come to recognize. “There’s no reason to wait. I’ll call my CO tomorrow.”



  Ashleigh bit back a smile at Reinn’s stern look. “Yes.”

  “This conversation is better held in person. And after we’ve had a few days—”

  “Of wild monkey sex? Yeah, I bet that would be better for you.” She propped her hands under her chin and gave him her best don’t bother look, even as he scowled. “The sooner I tell him, the better it will be. My career, my decision.”

  “I don’t like that.”

  She winked. “Get used to it.”

  He gave her a long look. “And if they send you back to Earth? If you wait until we’re betrothed, then the trade agreements should protect you more.”

  “If they want to send me back, I’ll go. But I’ll come back. The more I think about it, though, the less likely that seems. I’m not abdicating my responsibilities here. Just…complicating them.” She pushed herself up, pulling the sheet with her. “Now, I need to have a quick wash up, and then we’ll go back to the celebrations, yes?”

  She left him sputtering and slipped down the hall to the common bath. Energy conservation was a big deal on the Flats, so the bathing water came from a solar heater attached to the outside of the home. She turned that knob, waiting for the basin to fill with the sun-warmed liquid. It wasn’t quite as amazing as the hot springs water that supplied her bath at the inn in Ny København, but it still had that special Midgard tingle that she’d quickly come to love.

  When she was finished, she carried a small bowl and a clean washcloth back to Reinn. She handed it to him, then went to her bag. “I have a gift for you,” she admitted.

  “When did you buy that?” He sat up.

  “A couple of days ago.”

  “When you were mad at me for not calling?”

  “The heart wants what the heart wants.”

  “And your heart wants me.” He grinned and reached for her. “I like the sound of that.”

  She brought the small leather pouch with her, holding it out for him as she settled on her knees between his legs. Inside was a comb, and she hoped she’d correctly interpreted the significance of the gift. She’d been in the market and had overheard a conversation between two vendors. As she couldn’t very well come out and say that she had a special love herself, she’d waited until the end of the day, then gone back and picked out a comb that made her think of him. The edge was decorated with a sword, which she had yet to see him use, but she’d heard he was quite skilled. And trailing up the hilt were vines, for the farmer in him.

  He held it in his hands, not saying anything, long enough to make her worried.

  “If it’s not to your liking…” She shrugged. “I’m sure I could use it.”

  “It’s wonderful.” He looked up at her, surprise written on his face. “It’s just that for us, a comb is a—”

  “A special gift for a lover. For a husband.” She smiled. “I know.”

  He set the bowl and the comb on the floor beside the bed and rolled her underneath him.

  It took them until dusk to rejoin the party and they walked back to the square holding hands. Ashleigh felt like she was floating on air, and every time her shoulder brushed Reinn’s bicep, a little thrill fluttered through her chest.

  The joy of their private afternoon fled when she saw the shuttlecraft sitting in the middle of the square, however. The visitors must have just arrived, because Bern was hustling up the lane toward them, all out of breath.

  “Reinn, come quickly,” the older man called.

  Before they rounded the shuttlecraft, she knew who she’d find. Captain Reynolds stood toe-to-toe with Navena, who was politely repeating that she didn’t know where Lt. Tavistock was.

  “I’m right here,” she said, forcing her voice to be clear and without concern. She hadn’t done anything wrong. Selfish, maybe, but not wrong.

  Reynolds turned on his heel. “A word in private, Lieutenant?”

  “Yes, sir.” She nodded toward the shuttlecraft and stepped inside. He followed, hitting the button to close the hatch behind them. She didn’t look back at Reinn, not needing the fury that would surely be on his face etched in her mind.

  Her commanding officer had just crashed their summer solstice celebration. Literally. With a fucking shuttlecraft. It was beyond offensive, and she was the reason for it. A sick feeling flooded her gut. So much for pledging to always be on his side. She’d gone about this all the wrong ways.

  Her boss stared at her for a minute before raising an eyebrow. “Well?”

  “Yes, sir?” She stood at attention despite the fact she wasn’t in uniform. Maybe he wouldn’t notice her post-sex glow and her crazy Viking hair.

  “Nice hair.” He didn’t say it like he actually liked it.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You’ve done a good job of connecting with the locals.” And he didn’t say that like it was a good thing.


  “Don’t play dumb, Lieutenant.”

  “My apologies, sir.”

  “For being dumb or for sleeping with a fucking Viking? Because that was pretty dumb as well. I knew you were too young for this mission. Too green. I didn’t realize you were fucking stupid as well.”

  She held his gaze as he blustered. The cursing was a good thing. When he got scary quiet and failed to find any appropriate words, that was when one needed to really worry.

  “Well? What do you have to say for yourself?”

  “I have started a relationship with Reinn Ragnarson, it’s true. It’s still quite new. I was planning to contact you tomorrow, as soon as I could get to a data link.”

  “Convenient, that you were planning
to tell me tomorrow. His father told me this morning. That was fucking embarrassing, Tavistock.”

  Ah. It all made sense now. “Again, I apologize, sir, but technically speaking, I was not in a relationship with Ragnarson this morning.”

  “Are you calling the King of Midgard a liar?”

  “Not at all. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding. Or misinformation shared. I’m not sure.”

  “You know he told me about this over a beer? Like it wasn’t a big deal?” He started pacing back and forth. “He told me in front of fucking Jacoby.”

  “I regret that embarrassment, sir. But flying a shuttlecraft here. Landing it in the middle of the square. Sir, I realize that you are upset with me, but that was surely upsetting for this community.”

  “I don’t give two flying fucks if they’re upset!” She waited for him to realize what he’d just said, and when he did, he scowled. “Damnit.”

  “Yes, sir. Might I suggest that we move the craft somewhere else?”

  “No, you may not. What are your intentions with this Viking?”

  “May I speak freely?”

  “Sure, why the hell not?”

  “It’s more his intentions that are the issue, sir. He’s asked for my hand in marriage.”

  “Jesus Christ.”

  Ashleigh maintained a neutral face, although it was hard. Sure, Reinn was kind of crazy. But he was her kind of crazy.

  “And let me guess, you’re going to accept.”

  “Love makes us do crazy things, sir. Will that be a problem?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe not. Does his father know yet?”


  “Excellent.” He stalked over to the door, tapping the release button, and the hatch swung open. She followed him off. Reinn was nowhere in sight, and her stomach lurched.

  The captain barked an order to the private standing beside the craft, and the sentry scurried inside. Ashleigh had stopped listening. Where are you? Her heart ached. She’d just laid it all out on the line for her boss, he better not be having second thoughts about her, even if she was unfortunately attached to some bumpkins.

  And then he was there, with Bern, who was carrying a tray laden down with mugs and bottles of mead, and her heart soared.

  He stepped forward, eyes steely, hand extended. “Welcome to Aulbjerg. We weren’t expecting you.”

  Her boss shook Reinn’s hand and stepped closer, dropping his own voice as he said…something. Reinn flicked his eyes in her direction, then back at the man in front of him. He nodded and muttered a response.

  She scowled. She’d been handling it. Why did men always feel the need to have private conversations, like a wink and a nod was somehow better than a group discussion, clearing the air?

  Her boss stepped back and lifted his voice. “People of Aulbjerg, I apologize for interrupting your celebration. It was rash and uncalled for. If we could add a little something to the festivities, I’ll have this monstrosity moved and we’d like to stay.” He waved his hand and the private brought forward a large box labelled with the name of a pastry shop from the city. “I understand this shop is a bit of a national treasure. We’ve been lucky enough to have some of their tarts over our time in Ny København.”

  Cake. Ashleigh bit back a laugh. He had the growl of a pitbull, but the captain could be a true diplomat when needed. Who didn’t like sugar?

  No one in Aulbjerg, it turned out. A great cheer went up, and as the shuttlecraft fired up, the partying resumed.

  For everyone except Ashleigh and Reinn. He watched her carefully as everyone moved away and she returned his steady, guarded gaze.

  “Min elskede,” he started, his tender words confirming he wasn’t pissed. But maybe she still was. Sort of. “You’re such a hothead. Do you think I made a secret deal for your hand in marriage?”

  “Did you?”

  He laughed. “No. I would, except then I’d fear we wouldn’t get back to all that wild monkey sex you promised me.”

  “I don’t recall that being a promise.” She let a small smile slip through. “More of a caution.”

  He shrugged that off as if he’d take it either way. “What did you say to him?”

  “I told him we’re in a relationship.”

  “He told me that he’d break my kneecaps if I hurt you.”

  It was her turn to laugh. “I’d like to see him try.”

  Reinn stepped closer, sweeping her into his arms. “If I hurt you, I’d let him.”


  Her first look at Reinn’s farm was, unfortunately, in the dark. The party had gone late into the night, long after the sun had set on the longest day of the year. Now they were alone, and Reinn was hurrying her through the beautiful living space.

  “Hold on, I want to see this place I’m going to call home,” she murmured, tugging on his arm.

  “You’ll have your entire life to explore. There’s a kitchen and a fireplace and a bunch of places to sit. None of them are nearly as interesting as the bedroom, I promise.” He leaned in and kissed the corner of her mouth.

  “You didn’t get enough this afternoon?” She shifted, trying to catch his lips, but he moved too quickly.

  “I told you. I have gifts and oil and a hot springs bath. I’m going to make love to you until dawn. Then we shall take a nap, and do it all over again.” He kissed his way down her neck. “And tomorrow you can set about making this house our home.”

  “Until dawn?” she breathed, tipping her head back as he reached the pulse point in the hollow of her collarbone. “You aren’t tired?”

  He pressed his hips into her belly, and her sex pulsed as the thick length of his erection made itself known between them. “Do I feel tired?”

  “Hmmm, I’m not sure.” She shrieked as he hoisted her over his shoulder and stalked through the single story farmhouse. She vaguely noticed a large dining space between the common room and the kitchen, and then they were heading down a hallway. Dim lights lit up as they moved through each space, then faded away again, a clever motion-sensor energy conservation device that Ashleigh would have wanted to ask more about if she didn’t think she might get spanked for it.

  Reinn’s hands were hot, possessive brands on her hip and thigh. Ashleigh clung to his back as he moved them purposefully to his room. Their room. Sweetness and light, she couldn’t wrap her head around that.

  It had been a long time since she’d had a place of her own, and even then it had been her mother’s home, not hers.

  He set her down more gently than she expected. None of the bed tossing of earlier. This time they stood together in the middle of a large bedroom with a wall of windows, that when Reinn turned her slowly, wrapping himself around her from behind, she realized she was actually looking at sliding doors. And on the other side was what looked like a natural hot spring pool that overlooked the lake, surrounded by solar lights.

  “Oh,” she said, a single word infused with wonder.

  “I built the house around this bath,” he said quietly.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Even more so through your eyes.” He pressed a kiss to her temple. “I’m surprised you didn’t notice the stack of gifts on the bed.”

  She blinked in that direction, then laughed. “I was wondering why you didn’t toss me down somewhere flat.” The bed was more like the one at the inn in the city, a tall four poster bed, made from heavy dark wood and draped in raw canvas drapes. Private, intimate, and entirely masculine. A bed built for sex.

  A nervous shiver worked its way through her body. So much of their connection was physical, and she’d agreed to marry him anyway. She was out of her mind.

  “Open them.” He nudged her forward. Four boxes lay stacked two-high. The first one held another amber bottle of oil. She glanced back at Reinn over her shoulder, and the sight of him lazily undressing behind her stole her breath. “Keep going,” he said, his voice rough and raspy.

  She licked her lips as she opened the larger box beneath the oil. A dark purple d
ress, shot through with gold thread. “Wow,” she whispered.

  “I like the one you’re wearing just as much. It touches me that I didn’t need to ask you to don the clothes of my people.”

  The next small box was light as air, and she opened it with great curiosity. Inside lay a simple leather necklace with a bone pendant. Reinn leaned over her and took it from her fingers, bringing it up to her neck. “I made this for you. It will look beautiful when you are wearing nothing else.”

  Before she could open the final box, Reinn started to undress her. “I’m not done,” she laughed.

  “Trust me, I’m helping.”

  She let her hands fall to her side as he took a creative approach to removing her dress, starting with a thorough exploration of her breasts. Her head tipped back against his shoulder as he gently teased her nipples before pulling the garment over her head. He kissed the bare skin at her neck, then tugged her loose shift down her body instead of up.

  Ashleigh groaned as her breasts popped free and Reinn left her arms trapped in the confines of her underdress stuck at her waist. He snagged the bottle of oil and poured some in his other hand, just enough to make his skin glisten.

  “I’ve wanted to do this for weeks,” he growled. “Watching you across the room, all straight-laced and proper. I was the only person in the room who knew just how hot you could get underneath that uniform, Lieutenant. The way you ground your ass against me that first night…do you know how tempted I was to drag you into a dark corner and fuck you senseless?”

  “I would have let you,” she whispered, cheeks burning.

  “People would have heard you.” His voice worked its way under her skin and heated her from the inside out. “You can’t keep quiet when I’m fucking you.”


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