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Vikings Unleashed: 9 modern Viking erotic romances

Page 90

by Kate Pearce

  “Not her. The one who ensnared me with her kisses.”

  An expression of discomfort crossed the captain’s face. “Science Officer Frey is confined to her quarters until we reach Alpha Three.”

  “I want her.”

  “She is not available.”

  “Then we have nothing more to say to each other.” Einarr turned away and lay down on his bunk, his gaze on the shining white ceiling.

  “What do you mean?” Travis blustered. “I am authorized to negotiate with you.”

  Einarr didn’t bother to reply. Either they wanted to talk to him and they fetched his female, or he’d go and find her himself.

  After another muttered conversation, the captain left. Brown sighed and sat down again.

  “You’ve done it now, mate. The captain doesn’t take kindly to anyone undermining his authority, and he’s already got it in for our Science Officer.”

  Her name was Frey…like the goddess.

  Closing his eyes and radiating a sense of complete relaxation, Einarr sought Frey in his mind. She wasn’t in pain, or in fear of her life. That was good. She was, however, angry and frustrated. He felt the same. Having her in his arms had felt right somehow—as if she belonged there. He didn’t question such feelings. They came from the Gods and the source of his magic. She called to his blood. That was enough.

  Smiling, he remembered how her lips felt and the way she’d stroked and sucked his tongue into her mouth. How would her lips feel parted around his thick rod? How would his mouth feel against the wetness of her lower lips as he plunged his tongue inside her?

  His cock stirred and he cupped a hand over it.

  “Stop it, Viking.” Frey’s voice echoed in his head.

  He ran a finger along the hardness of his shaft as she responded to him. The thought of having her, of finally possessing her flesh, was the only thing that made sense to him in this frightening world. “I’m thinking how I’m going to make you scream when I put my mouth on your cunt and plunge my tongue deep inside you.”

  “You’re not going to do anything of the kind. You’re in the brig.”

  She sounded…disappointed.

  “Do not doubt me. Frey, I will have you naked and under me before very long. You’ll scream for me. I know it.”

  “When I’m locked in my cabin?”

  “If you want me, I’ll come to you.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  He wasn’t sure what her words meant, but he knew she doubted him. And, in truth, he wasn’t sure he could magic himself to her side in this strange, cold metal ship, but he would certainly try if she needed him. And if he couldn’t get out, perhaps he could make sure she came to him.

  He opened one eye and glanced over at Brown. Perhaps it was time to be diplomatic.

  “Tell your captain that I am willing to speak to him, but only if the woman Frey is present.”

  Frey stood up as her cabin door was unlocked. She tried to look calm as Ross came in, his weapon out and armed. This whole situation was crazy and not how she had envisioned meeting one of her mates at all. Her birth mother had told her that meeting her First Male had been unforgettable and that even though he’d later deserted their family, she still loved him. Frey hadn’t understood or accepted any of that until the thought of not seeing the Viking again made her want to scream and pull out her hair. Which was a ridiculous way to feel about someone you had only just met—even if they had shoved their tongue down your throat and made you want to throw off your clothes and simply fuck them forever.

  “Tecky? Come on, you’re wanted.”

  She followed him down the passageway, aware of a second armed security guard behind her. They halted at the holding room next to the brig, and Ross held onto her arm.

  “Go in slowly and keep your hands visible. The Viking and Captain Travis are already at the table.”

  Frey did as she was told, blinking at the stark lighting of the cell and the minimal furnishings. Her Viking sat on one side of the table, his wrists shackled, his fingers linked together. He looked up as she entered the room, his icy blue gaze fixing on her. She couldn’t look away. After a long moment, he stared down at the scarred white table top, and she was able to breathe again.

  “Tecky.” Captain Travis gestured for her to sit beside him. “I’ve already told our guest that I am willing to answer any questions he has. He insisted that you were present for his debriefing.” He fixed her with a compelling stare. “I expect you to follow my lead and only answer when I give you permission to speak. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Captain.” Frey took a seat.

  Being so close to the Viking meant she could finally study the intricate leatherwork of his jerkin and the tattoos that encircled his wrist and moved up his left arm before disappearing within his sleeve. Runes marked the sides of his shaved scalp and his crow-colored hair was woven and plaited together into one single braid. Her fingers curled and uncurled. Did he ever untie his hair? How would it look flowing freely over his shoulders?


  She jumped and returned her attention to Travis.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Pay attention.”

  “Yes, sir.” It was proving hard to do that when all she wanted to do was leap over the table and grab any part of the Viking she could get her hands on and lick him…

  “I would like it if you did that. You could start with my cock.”

  His thought floated over to her, and she realized he was staring at her mouth. She licked her lips, and he straightened in his seat. This was ridiculous. Her career was on the line and she was simpering like a teenager at the local bad boy.

  “What is your name?” Travis asked.

  “Einarr Bloodaxe.”

  “What is the last thing you remember, Einarr?”

  “Before waking up here?”

  At Travis’s nod, the Viking leaned back in his chair, which creaked ominously.

  “I was with my brother. We were attempting to evade our enemies.”

  “And what happened?”

  “I’m not sure.” Einarr shrugged, the motion as powerful as a panther’s. “One moment we were running, the next…we were caught within the ice.”

  Frey stared hard at him, aware that although he was telling the truth, he wasn’t revealing everything. He didn’t look directly at her but she knew he was as aware of her as she was of him. She’d heard stories about how it felt to “meet your mate,” but she hadn’t imagined it would be so…powerful and primitive. If it were up to her, she’d drag him off to her cabin, get him naked and keep him there forever.

  His knee bumped against hers under the table and she jumped. Travis shot an irritated glance at her and she realized he’d been speaking.

  “Anything to add, Science Officer?”

  “Only that I have informed FREN and Alpha Base Three about your present condition, Einarr, and have asked for information about the other ship. Due to interference from the eclipse and the current positions of the planets Thor and Odin, I haven’t received a reply yet.”

  He nodded. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Travis cleared his throat. “Do you wish me to explain where you are now?”

  “That would be helpful.”

  Einarr looked and sounded far more relaxed than he felt. Frey had a sudden image of a caged feline pacing back and forth waiting to strike. Should she warn the captain?

  “I won’t hurt them unless I have to, Frey.”

  His thought came through clearly to her. It was disconcerting to have someone reading her mind so easily.

  “You are currently on a space ship bound for Alpha Base Three, a research lab on one of Odin’s moons.”

  Einarr’s smile was dismissive. “I do not understand most of your words. I also do not understand how we appear to be sailing though the night sky. I thought at first that I was dreaming—perhaps I still am.”

  “You were encased in ice for a very long time,” Travis said caref
ully. “Things have changed. Technology has advanced our understanding of our world and the universe around it.”

  A slight crease appeared between Einarr’s brows. “How long was I asleep for?”

  Travis took a deep breath. “About four thousand Earth years.”

  “Four thousand? When most men are dead at five and forty?” Einarr shook his head. “This is impossible. It must be the work of the Gods.”

  “I assure you that it is not only possible, but true. You are living proof of that. When we get to Alpha Three, there will be a team of experts available to help you adjust to your new life. No one expected you to wake up at this point. We still don’t understand why you did.”

  Einarr half-smiled, the shock still reverberating in his eyes. “The Gods called me.” He nodded at Frey. “She called me with her blood.”

  Travis shot her a look. “Are you suggesting Science Officer Frey somehow brought you out of the ice?”

  “Aye. Otherwise, why else would I be here?”

  Silence filled the small space as Captain Travis swung his attention back to Frey.

  “Would you care to elaborate on this, Tecky?”

  She stared into his eyes. “I did nothing that wasn’t authorized by FREN, sir. You can ask them to confirm that when we reestablish contact. Our guest is obviously disoriented and seeking solutions within his own understanding of his religion and culture.”

  “I am not,” Einarr interrupted her. “I know what is right.”

  “Captain…” Frey ignored him and tried to keep talking. “I did nothing wrong.”

  “Except join your blood to mine when I was still trapped within the ice.”

  “I did not! I—”

  Travis held up his hand. “This is not an appropriate time to discuss the reasons why this happened. Our focus now is on getting Einarr safely to Alpha Three without further injury to him or this crew.” He turned to the Viking. “You will remain in the brig under the care of our medical team until we dock at Alpha Three.”

  “I will not.” Einarr said.

  Travis, who was in the process of getting to his feet, stiffened. “Then you want me to get the doc to knock you out for the remainder of this journey? I can do it, you know.”

  “I want to stay with Frey.”

  “That’s not possible.”

  “Then I will not cooperate with you.” Einarr smiled and lifted his manacled hands. There was a flash of bright light and the metal rings flew off and clattered to the floor.

  Weapons clicked and locked ready to fire, surrounding him.

  “I am certain you do not wish to harm me, Captain. In truth, I suspect that your overlords wish very much for me to stay alive.” He glanced around the tense circle of armed men. “I wish to be given the freedom of the ship and access to Frey’s company and quarters. If you agree to this, I swear on my Gods that I will not harm your crew or damage your ship.”

  Travis didn’t lower his weapon. “I cannot give one of my crew into your hands. I will not have my science officer held hostage to your demands.”

  “She will not consider herself my hostage.” Einarr ripped the needle out from his arm, stood up and held out his hand. “Tell your captain that you come to me willingly, Frey.”

  She took a step toward him, her expression troubled. Her slim fingers slid into his, and he squeezed them hard.

  She faced the captain, her chin held high. “If it means the rest of the crew are safe, I’m willing to stay with him, sir.”

  “Are you sure about this?” Travis asked again.


  Travis continued to ignore Einarr and spoke directly to the female. “If we receive fresh information or instructions from FREN, you must promise to obey any orders.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  “You are responsible for the good behavior of this man.”

  “I understand.”

  Travis stared into Einarr’s eyes. “And if you hurt her, you’re dead regardless of what Alpha Three or FREN think. You got that?”

  “Yes, Captain. You have my word.” Einarr studied the other man for a long moment. “On my honor, after sleeping for four thousand years, I do not wish to die just yet.”

  “Good.” Travis nodded brusquely. “Keep it that way.”

  Einarr remained on his feet, his hand gripping Frey’s until the shackles were removed from his ankles and the room emptied. His own weapons had been taken from him earlier. He felt naked without his axe and dagger.

  “Answer me this, Frey,” Einarr commanded. “How is it that your blood called to mine, and yet you deny it?”

  She sat down at the table and he followed her, still grasping her wrist. She heaved a sigh and lowered her gaze.

  “I suppose it depends on how you look at it.”

  “What exactly does that mean?” Einarr frowned at her even though she was avoiding looking at him.

  “I was given new codes to input in the probes FREN inserted in the ice. Somehow, I picked up a droplet of ice that looked like a ruby. I thought it might be rust or frozen blood from where the probe had touched your scalp, but I had no idea how it got out. I balanced it on my finger and it seemed somehow to prick my skin and I began to bleed.” She finally looked up at him, her brown gaze worried. “I put my finger in my mouth to suck off the blood. That’s all I did, I swear it.”

  “My blood to your blood. It was enough,” Einarr said firmly.

  “But it doesn’t make sense.”

  “It does to me.”

  “How? How the heeze can that wake you from a four-thousand-year sleep?”

  He smiled down at her. “Because you are my female, and obviously it was Fated.”

  “That we’d be on the same ship during an eclipse with planets named Thor and Odin and that one drop of our blood would mix?” She frowned at him. “You do know that is ludicrous, right? And, that the odds of it happening are too small to even calculate. Not that you could even calculate this…”

  She drew a shaky breath. Before she could continue, Einarr put his finger over her lips. He’d noticed that she tended to talk a lot when she was nervous. The fact that he made her nervous amused him greatly considering he was the one facing an existence that made no sense.

  “It happened, Frey. I am here. You cannot doubt my presence.”

  She nodded as he brushed his finger over her full lower lip and her mouth opened slightly. He wanted to ease his finger between her lips and have her suck on it until he could persuade her to take his cock there instead.

  Heat shot through him as she sighed a curse and leaned into him. “This is ridiculous, you know.”

  “What is?”

  “This whole situation.”

  He pushed his chair back and stood up. “You don’t wish to help me?”

  “I wish…” Her gaze devoured him, making his cock harden in a sudden aching rush. She straightened her shoulders. “I’ll show you around the ship, okay?”

  “I am at your disposal.” He bowed.

  His woman was amusing. They both knew she would allow him—nay, welcome him—into her bed, yet she held him at bay. She couldn’t fool him. The very air throbbed with the force of what was between them. He only felt this way when he used his magic during a secret ritual or was in the presence of the Gods.

  She’d called him back to life. He had yet to understand the Gods’ purpose in using her to do so, but he was more than willing to go along with their plans. He was also anxious to hear of Aki’s fate. Receiving that information rested on his ability to behave himself. He’d learned early in life that he could only control his own fate and that worrying about others did nothing useful. In his present circumstances, such hard-earned patience was very necessary.

  Any other man from his village finding himself suddenly aged four thousand years and traveling through the stars would probably have gone mad and hacked his way out of the place. It was only his belief in his Gods and his knowledge of the magical arts that kept him on an even keel. He could only hope tha
t if Aki was awake, he had reacted in the same way.

  But would Aki awaken without the lure of a female’s blood? Despite being twins, Aki’s temper was far worse than Einarr’s. He hoped with all his heart that his brother remained frozen.

  Opening the now unlocked door, Frey stepped out into the passageway, nodding at Brown who had stationed himself outside. Einarr paused to appreciate the rear view of his woman in the strange blue garb that covered her like a second skin and displayed the length of her legs and nicely rounded arse. Her red hair was tied back at the neck, displaying the soft skin of her throat. He yearned to set his teeth in that soft hollow and hold onto her while he fucked her from behind…

  Her skin flushed pink, and he fought a smile. Soon he would be inside her. He couldn’t wait… It was strange. Other things in his world might have changed beyond recognition, but the mating of a man and woman, the need to be fucked and touched, remained the same.

  He followed her along to the place where he’d found food the previous night. Four new faces gawked at him as Frey introduced him and then offered him something to eat before they moved on.

  One of the men came forward and gazed appreciatively up at Einarr.

  “You’re a big guy. You ate all my bread, didn’t you?”

  “Aye, it was very good.”

  The man grinned. “Thanks, I made more. Would you like a sandwich?”

  Einarr glanced at Frey who nodded. “You’d probably like it. Do you have any meat to put in the middle, Heald?”

  “I have sliced pigcow.”

  “Then we’ll take two of those.” Frey touched Einarr’s arm. “Come and sit down while Heald makes the sandwiches.”

  He followed her to one of the tables set close to the clear rectangles showing the stars. While she took a seat, he walked over and placed his palm on the transparent surface. The distortion told him whatever the substance was, it was thick. Did it keep out the blackness much as a strongly made longboat kept out water? A wash of longing for the sea and the simple comforts of home came over him and he briefly closed his eyes.

  “Are you okay, Einarr?”


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