Her Alien Protector: The Guards of Attala: Book Two

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Her Alien Protector: The Guards of Attala: Book Two Page 12

by Mira Maxwell

  “I’ll help you find them again,” I finally say. My voice is gruff, full of emotion. I don’t sound like myself and I know that this is affecting both of us.

  Somehow I get my feet moving. Margo has gone quiet behind me again and the silence burns.

  It takes us another hour before we reach the guard post. Margo whispers, “Thank fuck,” behind me, thinking I can’t hear her but she often forgets the enhanced senses feature of our treatments. Knowing that even after all of this she’s as feisty as ever makes me yearn for her all over again. The intensity of what I feel for her has multiplied ten-fold since I first saw her on the bridge of her ship all those long days ago.

  The guard post is constructed like a huge square built with the wood of the catalpa trees. We have outposts in the surrounding vicinities of the city. Guards rotate through stations at these posts, making sure our enemies don’t encroach on our territory or manage a surprise attack.

  It’s still quiet when we approach the fort and the back of my neck tingles from the strangeness of the situation. There should be guards up on the wall and manning the entryway. Today, all is quiet.

  “It’s so quiet,” Margo says, voicing my thoughts. “Is it abandoned?”

  “I didn’t think so.” I scan the area all around but there’s no sign of anyone…or anything. “Stay here while I go inside and check it out.”

  “Ah, hell no,” she says, shaking her head vehemently. “You’re not leaving me out here all alone. This is creepy. Why do I feel so nervous?”

  “Because I’m nervous. That’s what happens when fated mates consummate their relationship. We can feel what the other one is feeling.”

  “Shit. Will that go away or will I always know what’s going on with you? Even when I’m back on Earth?”

  “I don’t know. We’re in uncharted territory, you and I.”

  She puts her hand on the back of my arm and follows closely as we walk closer. Then I stop, changing my mind. “I want to get a look from up above before we go in. Follow me.”

  We backtrack up the side of some of the jagged cliffs, making sure to stay undetected to anyone or anything keeping watch in the area. Margo follows quietly behind me but I know she’s uneasy about the situation. It’s a little unnerving to be so connected to someone, to be able to feel exactly what she’s feeling. Apparently it’s also possible to read my mate’s mind and communicate telepathically. I haven’t reached into her mind yet to see if this is true, I don’t know how she would feel about it.

  We get to a vantage point where I can see above the walls into the fort.

  “Well that’s not good,” Margo says, crouching just behind me. She’s looking down into the fort where it has clearly been overrun by the Salthu. “Do you think it was deserted and they moved in? Or do you think there was a fight?”

  “It would be hard for them to defeat a fort full of warriors. I don’t know what happened here.”

  The Salthu are milling around in the fort as if they belong here and have been here for a long time. I get the impression that they’re living here now.

  “Do you think there’s any way we can get one of those trucks so we don’t have to walk all the way back?” Margo asks. I look back at her with amusement. She gives me a guilty smile and shrugs her shoulders. “I’m tired, walking through the snow for hours is exhausting.”

  I keep forgetting how hard this must be on her. Her body wasn’t made to survive in this environment like Attalan bodies.

  “I can try.” The trucks are parked close to the gate at the front of the compound. From the looks of it, they’ve been sitting there for quite awhile. The Salthu have always been more primitive; preferring large animals for traveling versus vehicles. “I don’t see how I could get it out of there without them noticing, but it’ll move much faster than they’d be able to anyway. Hopefully they won’t feel the need to follow us.”

  “No, let’s leave it. I’ll be fine to walk and I don’t want to risk something happening to either of us at this point. We’re so close to getting back, I’d rather get there without incident.”

  “I can do it, Margo. If we can think of a distraction behind the fort, I can sneak in and take the truck. They’re quiet. No one will even notice it’s gone if they don’t see me drive out with it.”

  “Okay, but what sort of distraction besides me running back there and waving my arms in the air?”

  And then it hits me and I can’t believe I haven’t thought of it before. “You’re going to wait for me away from the fort. I’ll create a distraction and then drive the truck out to get you. Be ready for me.”

  “I can help you, I don’t need to just sit and wait for you.”

  “I know you can, but I need you to stay here and be safe.” I’m already moving, effectively shutting down any more discussion about it so we can get moving. I want to get out of here and get back to the ship before nightfall.

  I can feel Margo’s frustration with me but there’s nothing I can do about wanting to protect her and keep her from harm. The guilt inside of me over breaking my oath is already less. I regret how I acted toward her this morning. I should have held her close and let her know how much she means to me. Even if we can’t be together forever, I need to let her know how I feel about her now. She’s my calm even in the middle of battle.

  “Stay put,” I tell her using my mind. I’m far ahead of her now, almost to the gates. Her response to hearing me in her mind is an audible gasp. I knew she was going to come further than I wanted her to, though. She’s as stubborn as they come.

  When I get to the gate, it’s closed but it isn’t locked. I’m able to push it open a crack and slide through. There’s no one in the immediate area but I stay against the wall until I’m standing in front of the snow vehicles. My plan centers on our weapons and supplies being in the same place as when we occupied the fort. If they’ve taken everything my diversion tactic will fail.

  Keeping to the shadows, I crawl into the back of the snow truck closest to the gate. The weapons I was hoping for are still strapped against the side of the vehicle and I breathe a sigh of relief. Grabbing the shoulder cannon, I load it with a missile and prop it up against my body, aiming for the mountains directly behind the fort.

  “It’s almost time,” I say to Margo, again through our telepathic connection.

  “How are you doing that?” she says.

  “I’ll explain later.” And with that, I fire the missile through an opening in the back of the truck. I watch until it embeds itself deep into the mountain, waiting to hear the boom that will dislodge the snow and cause an avalanche.

  Confident that all of the attention is behind me, I start the truck. It starts right away, the engine quiet, the only sound giving me away is the crunch of the snow under the huge snow tires. I go slowly through the gates, pushing them open. Once I’m free of the fort, I drive forward to where Margo’s waiting for me in the snow. She jumps in the passenger seat just as the ground starts to shake.

  “That was definitely a good distraction but it just might backfire. They’re all probably going to be fleeing the fort as well if enough snow falls.”

  “That’s true. I didn’t think that far ahead.” Hitting the accelerator, I increase our speed and we start flying across the open space in front of us. “What do you think of our lift back?”

  “It’s amazing!” she says, smiling at me while hanging on to the handle above her head. It isn’t a smooth ride by any means. “If our circumstances were different, I’d ask for a chance to drive it myself.”

  My heart pounds, her enthusiasm infectious. Her smile lights up her face making her eyes sparkle. I want to put my lips all over her body and hear her moan with pleasure again.

  “If we were in a different situation, my mate, I would give you anything you asked for.”



  We fly through the snow, making it back to the ship in record time. I’m so happy to see the beautiful Sparrow, I practically fall to my knees
and kiss her. Being so close to being sold at a slave market has given me a new perspective on life.

  Things could always be worse.

  We board the ship together but it’s quiet. I expected the other warriors to be here but so far there’s no sign of anyone. I walk through the ship and find their gear is still here but the actual guards are gone.

  “It’s possible they’ve gone out on a scouting mission,” Lodyn says, coming up behind me. “Some of the men might have returned back to the city now that the immediate threat is over.”

  “Okay.” I cross my arms over my chest and gaze up at him. Knowing we’re alone on the ship has caused the sexual tension to saturate the air around us. “When they get back I’ll try starting up the ship again. Hopefully it’s fully charged and ready to go.”

  “We can give it until first thing in the morning. It’s better to wait for full light.” He mirrors my posture, leaning against the side of the corridor.

  “And what happens then? You go back to the city with your guards or you help me find my team?”

  “I’ll complete the mission that was given to me. That means making sure you’re safe while on our planet.”

  “And then sending me on my way.”

  He drops his head in frustration. “I don’t want to send you anywhere. I want to keep you right here, with me. I just don’t know how to make that work. I can’t offer you any kind of a life here. If I defect with you, we’ll be on the run, exiled into an unforgiving wilderness on a planet that you were not made to survive on.” He has moved closer to me and I’ve never seen him more animated. Between the two of us there’s an emotional overload happening in this small corridor. The problem is that we can’t relieve the tension by giving ourselves space. Our emotions and feelings travel with the other one no matter where we go now.

  “I can’t help how I feel about you. And I know how you feel about me, that’s what’s making this so hard. We both want each other so much but we’re fighting it and that just doesn’t feel right to me.” I put my hands on his chest in order to feel his heart beating. Touching him in any way makes me calm. I never dreamed a connection like this was possible. “There’s a constant fight inside of us. Wouldn’t it be nice to stop fighting it and give in to what our bodies want?”

  I honestly don’t know what has come over me. It must be the connection that is formed when you mate because I’ve never been one to beg. Suddenly, it’s as if I’m going to combust if I can’t feel him inside of me again. I crave the intimacy of our connection enough that I’m so close to telling him that I’ll help my team finish the mission and then stay behind with him when they leave. The only problem with that is finding someone to fly the ship.

  “Don’t think like that unless you mean it,” he says, gripping onto my arms, piercing me with the intensity of his gaze.

  “I do mean it. It’s crazy but I mean it.”

  As soon as the words leave my mouth, he’s kissing me, hot and heavy from the moment our lips touch. We’ve been holding back our passion and suddenly it’s flowing freely from us, like a dam breaking and water pouring through.

  Lodyn lifts me and carries me into the sleeping quarters. He tosses me down on the bed and pulls my pants clean off of my legs before throwing them behind him. He spreads my legs and gazes down at me before kneeling between my legs.

  “I could lick your cunt every day and never have enough.” He runs his hand through my cunt, this small touch making me more wet than I’ve ever been before. I can’t tear my eyes away when his mouth dips down and I feel his hot tongue slide through my lips. I’m already so sensitive I’m ready to come with just a few more licks.

  He’s setting a frantic pace with his tongue, licking me with a ferocity that communicates how much he wants me. The orgasm hits me fast this time, one moment I’m enjoying every lick of his tongue and the next I’m gripping his hair in my hands, riding my hips against his face while I shout my pleasure to the ceiling.

  Lodyn stands up when I’m finally quiet. My desire hasn’t been sated yet, though, not even a bit. I need him inside of me just as much as I did a few minutes ago. I sit up on the bed and watch as Lodyn strips out of his clothes. I pull my shirt over my head and toss my bra on the floor with it.

  His body is perfectly sculpted, I can’t help but stare. He has such toned, carved muscles I can’t help but be self-conscious about my curvy body. Maybe that’s one of the things I love about being with Lodyn…he’s so large he makes me feel small.

  He stalks toward me, letting nothing stand in his way. There’s excitement coursing through my body as he comes to me and pulls me to him. Somehow he maneuvers us so he’s sitting against the wall on the bed and I’m spreading myself for him as I climb onto his lap.

  Unable to control my eagerness, I lift myself so the head of his cock is pressing at my entrance. I easily slide down on his cock, impaling him inside of me. I can’t stop the sounds that escape my lips while I’m stretched wide and his cock goes so deep it’s almost uncomfortable.

  “Move whenever it feels good, you’re in control,” he says. His muscles are so tense through his body. He’s showing such restraint when I know how much he wants to fuck my brains out. It warms my heart how conscious he is of making sure I’m comfortable and happy. He would never hurt me and it’s knowing this that makes me feel so safe whenever I’m with him.

  Using his shoulders for leverage, I move my hips up and let myself slide up his cock before slowly bringing myself down again. He feels amazing. It’s just the long length of him that pushes me to my limits when he’s so far inside of me. Adjusting my hips, I lean back a little more and try it from this angle. He’s able to slide a little further inside now without it feeling uncomfortable.

  I’m riding him easier now. Every time he thrusts into me my body trembles with the desire that courses through me. He starts thrusting harder and the intensity of it makes me think we might break the bed in half. My breasts are bouncing, almost uncomfortably, so I move Lodyn’s hands from my ass to my breasts. He grips me, massaging me, taking away any discomfort I might feel.

  His cock starts to pulse inside of me and my cunt is flooded with his warm seed. He flips me on my back and plunges into my depths again.

  “You can go again already?” I ask, panting from the exertion.

  “I can last all night with you, my mate.” He smiles, a look of determination settling over his face. He’s rocking his hips and thrusting into me in such a way that my clit is fully stimulated. It doesn’t take long before that familiar feeling starts to build in my core. Somehow this orgasm is more intense than the last and it goes on for so long it’s almost more than I can take.

  I’m yelling loudly, unable to show any restraint. Every inch of my body is so sensitive. As he continues to thrust I feel every inch of him as he massages the walls of my cunt with his thick cock.

  “Lodyn, I don’t think I can keep going. I’m so sensitive.” He kisses my lips, dipping his tongue into my mouth while we breathe heavily from our lovemaking.

  “I’m going to show you pleasures you have never experienced before, my love.” He brushes the hair off of my forehead and kisses me sweetly. It’s the first time he’s called me his love and it sends a rush of warmth through my body. I kiss him back, showing him that I love him too.

  Somehow his cock starts to pulse again and when he reaches down with his fingers and massages my clit, another orgasm spreads like wildfire through my body.

  “That was…” I’m at a loss for words.

  He kisses me again and says, “I know. It will only get better and better for us.”

  “I don’t know how it’s possible to get better than that, but I’m up for it.”

  I giggle, Lodyn laughs his deep rumbling sound, both of us on a high from the pleasures our bodies have just experienced.

  We lie together on the bed, dozing in each other’s arms.

  “Do you have family on Earth?” Lodyn asks after we’ve been quiet for some time. His emotions
are clear to me. He’s worrying that I’ll be unhappy if I choose to stay here with him instead of going back home.

  “My team is the closest family I have. I don’t remember my mom and I lost my dad right before I enlisted in the military. It’s what made me choose to join this mission in the first place. I figured I didn’t have anything to lose and I wanted to help people if I could.”

  “You lost your family before your planet started to die?” He’s thoughtful, running his fingers through my hair.

  “Yes. Quite awhile before, actually.”

  “You are strong, my mate,” he says. “I am proud that you were chosen for me.”

  “Oh.” His words surprise me. Based on his emotions lately it’s like he’s been on a perpetual rollercoaster. Wanting me one moment and then letting his oath and his duty take over the next. But finally admitting that he’s actually happy that he has been given a mate even with our complicated circumstances? It fills me with joy. “That’s nice to hear,” I finally say. “I’m glad we found each other, too.”

  He leans down and kisses me again. There’s more heat and yearning in his kiss, which surprises me. Apparently he has one impressive sex drive with an equally impressive amount of stamina. When I trail my fingers down his chest they brush over the head of his erect cock. I can’t believe that he’s hard again. He doesn’t need much for recovery time, that’s for sure.

  I let him roll me on my back as he slides between my legs again, plunging his cock inside of me without hesitation. Every touch is more sensitive than the last. Somehow my body isn’t tired either and as he slowly thrusts in and out of me, I’m quickly experiencing that familiar sensation. Our bodies crave each other. It’s like we’ll never get enough.

  He lifts his body off the bed, positioning his knees under my ass while he holds my hips, pulling me tightly to him. He has easy access to my clit from this position and as his thrusts become more aggressive, his fingers caress me perfectly. It doesn’t take long at all before I’m crying his name as my orgasm peaks, a masculine growl escaping his lips as he chases his pleasure as well.


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