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Marcus (Heartbreakers & Troublemakers Book 5)

Page 15

by Hope Hitchens

  If there was one good thing I could say about the guy, just one; he had chosen probably the best possible woman he could to be the mother of his child. Yeah. That fucker. It’s always the guys that don’t deserve it. Guess we had more in common than I thought.

  It wasn’t just that he and Adina had a child. They had a history. He had had a relationship with her. He was the guy she started her family with, the man she thought she’d marry, probably. She was only just getting comfortable calling me her boyfriend and letting me see her naked.

  And now I wasn’t allowed to hit him.

  I’d been jealous before, but never of another guy because of a woman. I didn’t think that Adina still wanted him. She didn’t. It was him. They had been together a long time, and now I felt like everything he did for her, I had to do it better.

  He obviously did something right if she was with him in the first place. She wouldn’t have Jaden if they hadn’t gotten together. I hadn’t lived the sort of life that I could plan in advance for for a long time. Prison had been a long, quiet five years where I had gotten to think. Yeah, kids did cross my mind, but only when other inmates talked about theirs.

  I’d never really wanted them, I guessed, but Adina had one. She was a mom before she was going to be anything I wanted her to be, and I was going to be too. Not a mom, but a… not dad, but I was going to help her if she’d let me. If she wanted me to. That was what I had on Jared; I was still here. She was mine, and I could see Jaden whenever I wanted.

  Today was one of those weird days when I wasn’t working, but she was. It had happened just once before where I didn’t have a shift when she did. One of the perks of being her boyfriend was her leaving me in her house alone, not because I wanted to sniff her panties or anything. I liked her coming home to me. I liked being there when she came back to her house and wanted to relax after work.

  That was what boyfriends did, right? It was the weekend, so I was in the house alone. I wouldn’t have hated having Jaden with me. I liked him. It was hard not to like babies when they were like that, always happy to see you and cute, even when you were changing their shitty diaper, or they were throwing up on you.

  Another perk of being her boyfriend was she basically let me do whatever I wanted. Eat her food, sleep in her bed, basically make myself at home if I wanted to. Which I did. I had been spending a lot of time in her apartment. I was using her laptop, looking for part-time job listings so I could fill some of the extra free time I had with something that was making me money.

  I had gotten the one job, right? Maybe I wasn’t such a fuck-up after all. I was on her bed sending my resume to a person who was looking for a person with drywalling experience when I heard the front door unlock.

  “Babe?” she called. I stopped, hearing her voice.


  “Where are you?” she asked. She popped into the doorway, smiling when she saw me. “Hey,” she said coming up to the bed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Looking for part-time work,” I said kissing her.

  “Any luck?” she asked, looking at the computer screen.

  “We’ll see,” I sighed. “How was work? You ran a little long.”

  “I know, sorry. I had to pass by the store to pick some stuff up.” She climbed up on the bed behind me, wrapping me in her arms. “Can you do something for me?” she asked.

  “What is it?”

  “Come with me,” she said, tugging my arm. She pulled me into the living room. There was a bag on the floor, and something that I knew was a toolbox, but I had no idea why Adina would have it. She didn’t own one of those. I knew; I had had to bring my own in to use when I was putting the nursery together. Four things that looked like picture frames leaned against the wall behind the sofa.

  “What’s all this?”

  “I have some pictures that I want to put up on the walls,” she said. She knelt down on the floor and picked one up. I joined her so I could see it. It was black and white. A baby—Jaden. Smaller than he was now, asleep on his back on a fluffy blanket, wrapped up like a burrito. Huh, looked like he had always had all that hair.

  “How old was he here?”

  “Newborn. Still under a month. My parents were with me right after he was born. They paid for this corny photo shoot for me to have, probably because they were feeling sorry for me since I was alone. I never did anything with the pictures for the same reason I never bothered with the nursery. Since I’m not moving out now, I think they should go up.”

  I reached for another one. This one was black and white too, but it was both of them. She was lying on her back, and Jaden was asleep on his belly on her chest. I couldn’t help smiling as I looked at it. I liked it, like it calmed me down looking at it. She looked peaceful, and in love.

  “Was Jared there when he was born?”

  “He had to be there to sign the acknowledgment of paternity stuff and the birth certificate. He wasn’t there for the delivery, though. My parents were. They live in Puerto Rico, but they came to be with me when Jaden was born. Jared came after.”

  “Is he in any of these pictures?” I asked, looking at the third one. It was the two of them again, Adina’s back was to the camera, but her head was turned, kissing her son on the cheek, asleep on her shoulder. The last one was just Jaden, a close-up of his face, awake, lying on a blanket or something, looking off somewhere, not posed or anything. Candid. He was a cute baby. All my younger siblings had taken months to get cute. Kevin hadn’t grown hair till he was like two years old.

  “He didn’t come to the shoot. He was working. I don’t think he wanted to be in them,” she said.

  “But you wished he was?” I asked. She looked down at one of the shots of her and Jaden together.

  “When my mother told me she had booked a photographer to come take pictures of us, she gave me the address of her portfolio. I almost told her to cancel the shoot because of how upset the family shots made me,” she said, sighing. “I was a mess. I’m surprised any of these shots even came out decent.”

  “You don’t think that would have been a lie? If Jared was in them and he had no intention of being there for you and Jaden the way you wanted?”

  “Two-parent household. Married parents. It’s what I had, and what I wanted for my son. Is that such a novel idea?”

  “It’s not the only way to have a family,” I told her. “Why would you want Jared with you if he didn’t want to be?”

  “I wanted to believe that he wanted me, so I did,” she said. “I thought the alternative was so horrible. It was easier to be hopeful than to accept that he really didn’t want me. Are your parents still together?”

  “We all have different dads, and lived with none of them,” I said wryly. “No. My parents are not still together. We all grew up with my mom. Are you scared?”

  “Scared of what?”

  “What could happen if Jaden grows up without his dad? Exhibit A, right here,” I asked, joking, but also serious.

  “Are you?”

  “I’d be worried if any kid grew up saying they wanted to be like me,” I said, honestly.

  “You had a… difficult past,” she said. “But look at you now.”

  “Last I checked, I have to re-register to vote in the next election because I’m on probation,” I said.

  “You were there for me when Jared was being an asshole,” she said, “you’re sweet, and you’re considerate.”

  “I wanted to fuck you. That’s when you attack. Your guard was down. How else was I supposed to get you to sleep with me?” She smiled and pushed my shoulder.

  “I’m not afraid,” she said. “You’re gentle with him, and whatever you did in the past, you aren’t doing now. You took your second chance and made it count,” she said, smiling. I smiled back feeling a little proud. Her stamp of approval was the only one I wanted. “Can you help me put them up?” she asked.

  “I do your nursery, and suddenly I’m doing this too?”

  “No. That was a job
. You’re doing this because you’re my boyfriend, and as my boyfriend, you have the honor of hammering and mending things for me,” she said, smiling.

  “The honor, huh? What’s in this for me?”

  “The pleasure of helping me,” she said, kissing me.

  “Not enough,” I said. It was, but I felt like I could get my dick sucked out of this, and I was curious.

  “Well what do you want?” she asked.

  “After I put these up, we go to the bedroom, and you do everything I ask you to. Whatever I want,” I said.

  “Deal,” she said. She picked one picture up, the one of Jaden on his own, awake. “I want this one here, like this,” she said, standing and holding it up against the wall. “Will you need my help?”

  “Only when we’re placing them on the wall. Is this all of them?”

  “They were my favorite out of all the ones that were taken,” she said. Where were those? I wanted to see the rest. She stood and leaned back against the couch looking at me.


  “I want to watch,” she said smirking. “Take your shirt off.”

  “Take yours off,” I told her. I took mine off. She took her jacket off and pulled her t-shirt over her head. She was wearing one of those bras she told me she didn’t like, the ones she had to wear because she was breastfeeding. She walked up behind me and flattened herself up against my back, wrapping her arms around me. Her hands started fumbling with the button and zipper on my jeans.

  “You’re going to do that as I work?” I asked. She found my cock and squeezed it in her hand.

  “Do you want me to stop?” she asked. No. Anything I wanted. She’d just promised me anything I wanted once I was done here. It was four pictures; I could do this in my sleep. She was making me hard.

  “What’s in the bag?” I asked.

  “Hooks and nails and things. I asked for stuff I needed to hang photos, and the man at the store gave me that,” she said.

  “Do you have a ruler?”

  “No,” she said.

  “Painter’s tape? Do you know what kind of walls you have?”

  “Uh-uh.” She cupped my balls, giggling when I groaned. The girl killed me. I didn’t think it was an act. She was really that timid and shy and wild and sexy all at the same time.

  “Looks like we can’t get started on this till tomorrow then,” I said. Her fingers were rubbing over the ridge on the underside of my cock, then over the tip.

  “Well what should we do now?” she asked innocently. I had a few ideas. I turned around and lifted her up, so she could wrap her legs around me. I carried her back into her bedroom, tossing her onto the bed and moving the laptop out of the way, so it wasn’t destroyed by accident.

  “Where do you keep your vibrator?” I asked her, opening up one of the drawers on the bedside table. I knew she had one. Every woman had one.

  “The other side,” she said. I walked around to the other side of her bed, the side she slept on. In the drawer was a bright pink, smooth smallish vibrator. Like a modest vibrator; the type I imagined a mom would use. A little smaller than your average sized cock.

  “Take everything off,” I instructed her. Everything. She wasn’t that weird about it now, not like the night at the hotel. She kept saying she still had to lose weight from her pregnancy, but I didn’t know what she was talking about. I just wanted her. All of her. “Slide all the way back and open your legs up.”

  She sat with her back against the headboard, her legs spread wide, naked. She was pink, swollen and wet right in the middle of them. Maybe this was a bad idea; I wouldn’t last if this was how hard I was just looking at her. I wanted to see her, though. She was so beautiful, everywhere.

  “I want to watch,” I told her, telling her what she’d said to me earlier. She flushed, and the color went all the way to her chest. “Remember? Anything I asked.” She bit her lip and looked at me.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Use this,” I said, handing her the vibrator. She looked as horny as I felt. I wanted to watch her come. Watch as that little toy pushed her over the edge. She took it and slowly brought it to her pussy lips, running it up and down between them. I heard the little buzz as she turned it on. Her eyes shut, and she sighed.

  I watched her run it over her clit. The buzzing got louder—she’d upped the speed. A small moan escaped her lips. My dick was so hard it was throbbing. I was naked watching her on the bed, trying to jerk slow enough to not explode everywhere.

  “Uh… Marcus,” she moaned, rolling the pink toy over her clit. That was it. I had to touch her. I moved forward on the bed, leaning in to kiss her flushed cheek and down her neck. Her free hand reached for me, feeling over my back down to my ass. I settled between her legs and gently took the toy from her, using my mouth instead.

  She gasped feeling me lick her. Her fingers got lost in my hair and her moans intensified. I lowered the vibrator setting and placed its tip right at her entrance, covering it in her juice before sliding it inside her. She groaned, tugging lightly at my hair, pulling me into her.

  I took that as a sign to go faster. I sucked on her clit, fucking her with the toy. The toy wasn’t big, but it was big enough. She panted, feeling me pick up speed. I heard her moan my name and drag her fingers across my scalp.

  Her back bowed, and she cried out as she came. She pulled my hair hard enough for me to feel it. She tried to close her legs around me, but I held them open. I kept licking till she was spent. I turned the toy off and searched the drawers for a condom.

  “Was that good?” I asked. She looked at me with half-lidded eyes, smirking.

  “Nope. Didn’t feel a thing,” she teased.


  “No. What else have you got?” she challenged. I climbed back onto the bed and pulled her to me, so she was flat on her back. I hitched one of her legs over my shoulder and let her feel my cock against her before pushing inside.

  “Use the vibrator on your clit,” I instructed. She turned the machine on and shuddered when it hit her clit. I wanted to keep my speed steady, control when she got to come. “No turning it up,” I instructed. She started to unravel beneath me.

  I was hitting her deep with how open I had her; that sweet, hot place deep inside of her. She wasn’t turning the machine up, but I didn’t have as much self-control as she had. I picked up speed; her moans made it impossible to take her slowly. She looked so sexy. She was squirming and panting. Her eyes were closed, and she was flushed pink. Her tits bounced as I rocked her body.

  “Marcus, I’m coming,” she moaned. I watched her body seize and shudder as she came around on my cock, not letting myself come until her body relaxed. I leaned over, and two strokes in I nutted hard, into the condom. I covered her body with mine and kissed her neck, down to her leaking nipples. That would happen sometimes when she came. No complaints from me.

  “I’m sorry,” she sighed, “what a mess.” She tried to sit up, but I didn’t want her to. “Stop it, Marc.”

  “Why? Doesn’t it hurt when they get full?”

  “So what? You wanna help me out?”

  “I could if you’d stay still,” I said, nipping one of her nipples and making her squeal. She didn’t understand how hot I thought she was.

  She made me put a towel down before she let me touch her tits again.



  I went home. I hadn’t been all weekend. Jonny might have told me that he had invited our mother over, but I couldn’t be sure. He might have also told me that I needed to shop for food for the house because he was still living there and wasn’t allowed to leave and I spent such little time there but, again, I couldn’t be sure.

  I had been a little tied up. Looking for jobs online was time-consuming and boring, but there was no way I could have gotten through a weekend alone with Adina without fucking her as often as I could fit into those forty-eight hours. Almost seventy-two hours since it was Monday.

  Jared was dropping Jaden
off that evening. I had enough home training to not try to jump him again, but this was just better. This was how you stayed out of trouble; by not tempting yourself. I didn’t need to lose any more points to him.

  He had already given Adina her son—the love of her life. We weren’t competing, really, but I couldn’t pretend that there wasn’t a standard I had to live up to now. What the fuck could I give her that could come close to that? Another kid? Who said she even wanted one? Did I want one?

  I wanted to make her happy. Jared had given her her son, but I’d seen her nearly break apart from sadness because of him. Had he always treated her like shit? I didn’t know, but he was now, and that canceled out everything else. Whatever he had done in the past that made her happy didn’t matter anymore. He couldn’t have loved her enough if he was jerking her around like this. I couldn’t imagine a time coming when I would do something to Adina that I knew would make her that miserable.

  You had to be crazy to do shit like that. One of those psychos that tortured people because it got their dick hard. Of all the assholes in the fucking city…

  I just had to be better. Lucky for me, but not that lucky for Adina, Jared hadn’t set the bar that high.

  I heard more than one voice inside as I unlocked the door to my place. I walked in and saw Jonny by the wall charging his ankle monitor, and our mother on the other chair.

  “It’s about time you showed up. My PO thinks you moved out. You’re never here when he comes to do a sweep.”

  “What? He needs me to vouch for your good behavior? Hey, Mom,” I said, going over to kiss her on the cheek.

  “Hey, mom,” she said imitating me. “When were you going to tell me that you had Jonathan?” she asked.

  “Ugh, this is just like when he was born. Was he the only reason you would have come to see me?” I asked, with my hand over my chest. I was just teasing her. Jonny had been a sick kid when he was born. I’d taken the one-two punch of no longer being the baby and having less attention on me badly for a little while when I was a kid until Willow was born and it happened to Jon.


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