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Hating Gunner (Grimm Brothers MC Book 2)

Page 2

by Roxanne Greening

  Screaming, I came hard. My pussy continued to clench and unclench on nothing, just begging for Gunner’s dick, begging for him.

  Pulling my hand out of my panties I sighed in frustration. I may have just gotten off, but I wanted Gunner here with me. I wished he was pressing me into the bed with his weight and that his heated flesh was rubbing against me.

  I blinked and soon realized that someone could be looking for me if I didn’t hurry. I quickly buttoned my jeans and walked to the door. I took deep calming breaths, hoping no one would notice my flushed face and heavy breathing.

  I then opened the door and screamed. Suddenly a hand was pressed against my mouth to silence me. Then I was pressed against the wall next to my door.

  Heated breaths caressed my face and neck as he leaned in close. His lips brushed my ear as he whispered into it.

  “Thinking about me while you got yourself off darlin’?” Gunner asked.

  I was at a loss for words. I could only stare at the man in front of me. His fingers circled my wrist that I just used to pleasure myself. He brought it close to his face, but I tried to tug it away in embarrassment while my cheeks pinkened. He wouldn’t, would he?

  He then opened his mouth and sucked my fingers coated with my juices. He sucked them gently, and I watched with my eyes wide open wondering. Then he pulled them out with a popping sound.

  My clit started throbbing again, and my legs automatically squeezed together trying to alleviate my new desire. My breaths were leaving me in hard pants.

  Oh god, was this really happening?

  “Next time I’ll be the one getting you off,” Gunner whispered in my ear.

  Before releasing me completely, he leaned in and pressed his lips giving a little nip where my neck and shoulder met. My knees then shook fighting to keep me upright.

  I could only stare after him as he walked away. His broad back and cocky swagger did nothing to cool the fire in my blood.

  Chapter 4


  Three Months Ago.

  They were selling pussy. From what I could see it was a willing partnership. Reyes would not approve, but that wasn’t why I was here. I’m pretty fucking sure it was a front for a much larger problem.

  Looking over at Cassie I growled in frustration. If she bent over one more fucking time, I was going over this bar top and show her what happens when you teased a man.

  She’s probably never had a man with all the guys around here chasing them off. I’m sure boys flitted around her like bees to a flower? Flower really? When did I grow a pussy?

  Another beer was placed in front of me, and I was reluctant to drink it. Drinking it meant I’d be washing Cassie’s taste away and that wasn’t something I wanted to do.

  “How are you, sweetheart,” Topher asks Cassie.

  “I’m good,” she tells him while casting me a covert glance. I winked at her, and her cheeks started to turn red.

  It was laughable really, she was in a clubhouse filled with bikers who fucked whoever and wherever they liked. And she was blushing?

  “How about a Sam Adams,” Topher asks.

  I watched in amusement as she paused and stared at him like a school-marm. She was ready to send him to the principal’s office.

  “Please,” he tells her.

  “Of course,” she replies with a big smile.

  She slowly lowered herself to the ground, squatting and looking at me from the corner of her eye. She knew I wasn’t kidding when I told her I would fuck her in front of everyone. Bending over and showing me her ass was a surefire way to find herself in that exact position.

  “Cassie?” a female voice shouts to my left.

  “Soraya?” Cassie says in surprise.

  “What are you doing here,” they shout at the same time. Both start to laugh.

  “You first,” Soraya tells Cassie.

  “NO, you first!” Cassie tells her.

  “Believe it or not, I’m here with Sammy,” Soraya tells Cassie.

  “Sammy’s here?” Cassie asks in confusion.

  “Yeah. Sammy has it out for…” she trails off and looks at her feet.

  “My dad,” Cassie spat.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry. I had no idea you would be here,” Soraya tells her.

  “Don’t worry about it, Zane is off on a run,” she tells Soraya with a wave.

  Turning I looked at Soraya and take in her appearance. Her long red hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and her blue eyes sparkled while her lips turned down into a frown.

  “I’m not here for him,” she replied sheepishly.

  “Sure, you aren’t. Not that I blame you, “Cassie tells her.

  Anger coursed through me, was she hot for Zane?

  “I thought you would be long gone,” Soraya tells Cassie.

  “I told you he’s like my brother. You can have him,” Cassie tells her friend with a wave of her hand and a small laugh.

  “Geesh, I’m not here for him,” Soraya laughs.

  “Uh-huh,” Cassie replied.

  I felt relief and cursed myself. I was ready to go fuck up a brother over her.

  “Soraya, this is Gunner,” Cassie points to me.

  I look over at Soraya who appeared to be studying me.

  “Hey,” she smiles.

  “Not interested,” I tell her.

  “Wasn’t offering,” she laughs, “I like you.” She looks me up and down and nods like she was giving me her stamp of approval.

  “Where’s Sammy?” Cassie asks. Her voice was filled with loathing.

  “Over there,” Soraya points over her shoulder with her thumb.

  Turning I looked in the direction she pointed and took in the scene. A chick was climbing Sal like a monkey in heat.

  She was trying to undo his pants, and he was ignoring her like she was an annoying wasp looking for a new home.

  I watched as Sammy’s eyes cast towards us and locked in on me like a heat-seeking missile. She smiled and licked her lips.

  Don’t get me wrong, she was pretty enough with her brown hair cut to look like a pixie and her toned body. Although, nothing stirred below the belt, not even a twitch.

  “I’ll kill her,” Cassie whispered.

  I wasn’t sure if she was referring to Sammy’s newfound target, me, or her father.

  Chapter 5


  Three Months Ago.

  Red hot anger ran through my veins like molten lava. Sammy’s been wanting my father for years. A shudder of disgust moves over me.

  But now Gunner? Her eyes moved over him slowly as she made her way through the throng of people. Would Sammy really go after him?

  I know my father wouldn’t fuck her. It wasn’t an age problem for him. My issue with their age difference kept him from doing it.

  That and I once I pointed out that we were similar in age and it would be like fucking me. My dad shuddered and shouted to never say that again and something like now I can never fuck a woman close to your age.

  Then, I wondered if Gunner would fuck her? Sammy was an attractive woman, and I loathed her at this moment for holding something I didn’t dare to go after. Sammy had a no holds barred kind of attitude.

  “Cassie,” Gunner growled.

  Pulling my eyes from Sammy’s rapidly moving form, I looked into his eyes and gasped. He wasn’t paying her any heed, and if the look he was giving me was anything to go by, he wasn’t interested in anyone or anything but me.

  “Did you need something?” I asked him breathlessly.

  Soraya, the bitch, laughed and pulled her stool closer to Gunner. She sat down and put her head in her upturned palm. Just sitting back and enjoying the show.

  “Yeah, but nothing I can have now,” he tells me huskily.

  I gulp loudly. My throat was working hard as I fought to wet it’s now dry interior.

  “Oh, I really like you,” Soraya announced.

  “Soraya!” I grumbled loudly.

  Just as Soraya went to open her mouth, Sammy pla
nted herself between Soraya and Gunner. My eyes widened and then narrow into little slits as Sammy walked her fingers up his chest. Each heated step of her fingers was followed intently by my eyes.

  “Sammy,” I snapped.

  Her eyes barely left Gunner as she looked my way. I watched in frustration as her eyes went right back to him.

  “Cassie,” Sammy said.

  Her voice held a note of loathing, similar to the way I felt for her; feelings mutual bitch. I snarled and grabbed a glass.

  “What can I get for you?” I asked her hostility.

  “Yeah, get the fuck away from us and do your job!” Sammy snarled.

  “Sweetheart, I suggest you move the fuck on,” Gunner tells her quietly.

  “You heard him,” Sammy tells me with a laugh.

  Gunner’s hand latched onto her wrist and pulled it away from him. Returning it to her side.

  “I was talking to you,” He tells her coldly.

  I felt the bite of his frosty words as she looked between us.

  “Her? Lily White? Really, when you could have someone experienced?” Sammy asks him.

  My face turned bright red as she announced I was still on the greener side of things. I had no idea how to make a man feel good, and men like Gunner, have been around a lot. I was nothing compared to the women he was used too.

  “Sweetheart shut that pretty mouth and move the fuck on,” he tells her darkly.

  Something in me warms even as the bite of her words cut deep. She may have just destroyed what little road I paved between Gunner and me.

  I watch as she walks off with a huff and quickly turns away. I couldn’t bring myself to look at Gunner. Thank god Topher held up his empty bottle and pointed for another.

  I walked over to Topher and gave him a smile as I popped the top off another Sam Adams.

  “You okay, sweetheart?” Topher asks.

  I gave him my sweetest smile.

  “Yeah, I’m okay,” I lie.

  He nods, and I go about cleaning the cups. I was pretending that I didn’t want to run over to Gunner and straddle his lap and kiss him until the world melted away.

  Chapter 6


  Two Months Ago.

  She was out to kill me. If that skirt got any shorter, I was going to drag Cassie’s ass out of this place and fuck her until neither of us could walk.

  “What do you have for us?” Ryan asks.

  Pressing the phone closer to my ear, I turn away from Cassie’s inquisitive eyes.

  “They have a brothel of sorts set up,” I tell him quietly.

  “Fuck!” Ryan growls.

  “I’m sure there’s more like this is just a cover,” I tell him honestly.

  “Tell me pussy isn’t why you want to stay,” Ryan snaps.

  “Fuck you, man. I’m telling you there’s more to it than that,” I snap at Ryan.

  “Sorry,” Ryan grumbles.

  “Bianca giving you a hard time?” I ask him.

  “You don’t know the half of it,” Ryan growls.

  I feel for the man. Ryan is our VP and Bianca is our president’s sister.

  “I’m going to keep digging,” I tell him.

  “I’ll bring this shit to Reyes, but he’s going to be pissed,” Ryan tells me.

  Tell me something that I didn’t know.

  “This chick, please say that it isn’t Cassie,” Ryan begs.

  “Sorry, I can’t,” I tell him with a laugh.

  “Fucker, I hope you know what you’re doing,” He tells me in a sharp voice.

  “Got no fucking clue,” I tell him honestly.

  Chapter 7


  Two Months Ago.

  I was going to combust under pressure. I hadn’t touched myself since that night two months ago. Gunner keeps whispering naughty nothings in my ear whenever he gets the chance, and by nothing, I mean filthy nasty something.

  These things had my heart gallop and my pussy clench with the need to be filled. I wanted to beg Gunner to do all those nasty things he promised.

  “Cassie, you hoo, you in there?” Soraya asks while she snaps her fingers in front of my face.

  “Sorry,” I mumble.

  We were out having lunch, and I was a horrible friend trapped in my own head. Soraya went on and on about how she didn’t want Zane.

  I knew that she wanted that man almost as bad as I wanted mine.

  “He just gets under my skin!” Soraya cries.

  “Yeah,” I mumble.

  “So, what’s up with you and Gunner?” she asks me.

  “Nothing, a big fat nothing!” I tell her grumpily.

  “He hasn’t made a move?” She asks with shock in her voice and on her face.

  “Nope!” I sigh.

  “Have you tried anything?” she asks me seriously.

  “No!” I tell her loudly causing a few heads to turn our way. I blush heatedly at the curious looks we were getting.

  “Why not?” She asks me like it was a no-brainer.

  “I don’t know what to do,” I tell her sheepishly.

  “Get into something sexy and flaunt that body, baby,” she tells me with a laugh.

  “I don’t own anything sexy,” I reply with a deep sigh. My whole body sighed as if to say really? What’s wrong with you?

  “We need to go shopping,” Soraya tells me animated and bouncing in excitement.

  I wish I felt half of what she did, but all I wanted to do was beg for a hole to open and swallow me whole. Topher was my shadow today, and he would be in the store with us. Could it get any more humiliating?

  I watch as Soraya places two twenties on the black tray. Our bill was only twenty-five, but we both understood the need for tips.

  Being a server didn’t pay much, and they count on our tips. Turning, I gave Topher a small wave only to find my shadow had multiple. Zane was now with Topher.

  I was official humiliated.

  Soraya grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.

  “I’m not taking no for an answer,” she tells me firmly.

  I laughed her off and shook my head trying unsuccessfully to remove my wrist from her hand.

  “No,” I tell her.

  “You need to do this. I promise it will not only make you feel good, but you will have Gunner panting after you,” Soraya tells me with a wink.

  I thought the same thing about the skirt I put on earlier today. Gunner proceeded as if nothing had changed. I almost felt like I was wearing sweatpants with stains on them. I had to look at myself after our first encounter.

  I thought maybe he wasn’t interested anymore. Then he leaned over and told me he wanted to lift my skirt over my hips and fuck me until I didn’t know my own name.

  I walked or more like was dragged past a laughing Topher and a quiet Zane. Neither came to my rescue, some guards they were. I bet if they knew what we were up too, that would change fast.

  Opening my mouth to do just that, I was silenced by a squeeze on my wrist and Soraya giving me a look.

  “Don’t even think about it,” she snapped at me.

  My eyes widened at her sour tone when just moments ago she was all over the place laughing and getting all dewy-eyed about Zane.

  “I’m sorry Cassie, I just want to help you,” Soraya tells me quietly, her voice full of remorse.

  “I know honey,” I tell her with a pat on the back slowly turning it into gentle circles to show my support.

  Zane was literally tearing my friend apart with the hot and cold act, kind of like Gunner. I cast a look behind me that could have melted a lesser man, but Zane just gave me a wave and a smile. He was an asshole.

  The little shops Soraya wanted to take me wasn’t far from the restaurant we were eating at. I loved Chili’s and was thankful that it was connected to the mall. It made shopping and eating go together hand and hand. It was perfection I tell you.

  I dig my feet in as we come to the entrance of the first place. Soraya wasn’t taking no for an answer.
br />   Victoria’s Secret loomed in front of me, but Soraya was acting like a yeti looking for food after a deep slumber. I looked around at the window displays and turned the brightest shade of red I think I ever have.

  All the mannikins had lacey things on. Some had underwear and bras on while others had lingerie with thongs. They left nothing to the imagination.

  “Oh no,” I tell her.

  “Oh yes,” she replies pulling on me harder.

  “They will rat me out,” I tell her casting a look over my shoulder hoping for some help. Although they both had their thumbs up and smiles on their faces.

  I knew they were interested in all the lacey things the store had to offer. Maybe Zane believes we were here for Soraya.

  Her strength astounded me when she pulled me harder and basically had me running into the store.

  “Oh, this was meant for you,” she tells me holding up a light blue thong.

  I cringed at the side of it. Honestly, I was looking for more in the black, reds and maybe even navy-blue variety.

  “No,” I tell her snatching my wrist from her grasp and rooting around in the nearest bin. I had to admit the store smelled amazing. I loved the mixture of scents and how they weren’t so overwhelming.

  “I was thinking this,” I tell her holding up my prize.

  Lace black boy shorts with a bow in the back as if to say here’s your gift now come unwrap to claim your prize.

  She laughs and nods her head in approval.

  “How about this?” She asks holding up a red garter with black trimmings.

  “OH, wow,” I tell her as my eyes went huge.

  I could see the look on his face as I stepped out of my short skirt and pulled off my top to reveal this little number.

  “Yes,” I tell her finally getting into the excitement that this trip was offering.

  Soraya’s eyes got big, and she pointed behind me. Turning, I gasped. It was the sheerest material I’d ever seen. Reaching for it, I pinch it gently between my thumb and forefinger rubbing it gently. Who knew something could be so soft.

  The navy-blue material was a baby doll gown with a black lace trim. It had a matching thong that had me entranced. It was perfect! Just the right kind of sweet and naughty.


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