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Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 06] Druid's Gold

Page 28

by Griff Hosker

  “Well we know where she is going. Some of the prisoners we took told us of an island, Manavia. She has a base there.”

  “A job for the Classis Britannica then?”

  “No. She can fester there. The warrior elite have been destroyed and now that we know of the threat of deserters the Governor has ordered a sweep of the places they inhabit to round them up. No decurion our eyes are now on the north. The Emperor has decided that we need to bolster the north. The Ninth is going to regain the land we lost and you and your ala will be helping me.”


  The Dubris pulled into the small port south of the Liger. After the crew had anchored the ship just off the beach they had their throats cut and were thrown overboard to be swept out to sea. As Decius went ashore to hire a new crew, who would know nothing of the predecessors he reflected that they probably had enough gold to start a new life but Africa might be just too far with only ten of them left. He would have to start again. Centurion was healing but Decius knew that he needed his lieutenant fully fit if he was to create the kingdom which was his dream. As he waded ashore with Tiny watching his back he couldn’t get the image of his brother out of his mind. It would be just like the patriot to follow Decius and fulfil his promise. Well he would make the job more difficult. He had hidden before and he would hide again.


  It was the time of the burning of the bones at the farm close to Morbium and Livius, Rufius and Cassius had been invited to join the feast. Marius and Drusus had been tasked with raising and training more Explorates in anticipation of the spring campaign in the north. Ailis had accepted, after the stories she had heard from Rufius and Livius of the bravery of her boys, that they would be following in their fathers’ footsteps and joining the army. She was mollified by the fact that both Livius and Rufius looked to be as fond of the boys as Gaelwyn was and she knew that they would be cared for. It did not stop her worrying about them but she realised that worrying was a mother’s lot.

  Gaius could not have been prouder as he heard of his boy’s exploits and even Decius Gaius looked a little envious as they recounted the battles in which they had participated. “It is good to know that Marcus’ Horse is not forgotten and the standard and sword rode again.”

  “It was not just that Gaius. The Brigante all knew, feared and respected the name. Marcus Maximunius would have been proud.” He looked around. “Where is he? I thought he would have been here.”

  Gaelwyn shook his head sadly. “He is not a well man and I fear the Allfather is calling him. I would see him sooner rather than later if you wish to tell of the battle for he will not survive Yule.”

  Livius looked at the fire, its flames flickering and dancing, mesmerizing him and making him remember the deeds of Marcus’ Horse and the warriors he had fought alongside, Decius, Macro, all gone. The others were equally lost in thought. Suddenly Livius looked over at Gaius, “That will make you the last of the Pannonians who rode with Ulpius, saved the Queen and held the sword.”

  Gaius’ grey head nodded and looked at Ailis who held his hand gently. “Aye. We have passed on the standard and now new warriors will emulate our deeds.” He ruffled his son’s head. “You boys have high standards but from what I have been told you will gain as much honour as any.”

  Both boys stood proudly at attention. “That we swear, on the Sword of Cartimandua.”

  The End

  Historical Note and Glossary of people and places in the novel

  The Isle of Man was indeed invested in about 60AD by the druids and priests escaping the Roman Holocaust on Mona. As there was a whole culture and infrastructure on Mona one can only assume that this continued on the Isle of Man. This culture may well have lasted into and beyond the Irish and Viking invasions of the ninth and tenth centuries. Those new cultures would, in all likelihood have blended into the Druidic culture which prevailed. The Druids were an Iron Age culture and left little in the way of archaeology. The Romans liked to build in stone, the Iron Age in wood.

  The Exploratores were very much as described although in reality they operated individually or in pairs rather than the sections I describe. As they only came to the fore at the start of the second century I have assumed that there would be a transition from the cavalry they were to the spies they became. As Marcus’ Horse is a fictitious ala I felt happy to disband it and use the survivors to begin the Exploratores. There were Gallic alae, Batavian and Tungrian cohorts in Britannia throughout the period but as evidence for locations and officers is vague I have used them generically.

  Eboracum did suffer burning and raids by Brigante right up to the building of Hadrian’s Wall in about 120 A.D. The Ninth Legion is last heard of in Britannia in about 108 A.D., roughly when this novel is set and they were at Eboracum. The legion then disappears from history. The rumours vary from slaughter in Scotland or Dacia to disbanding for some misdeeds.

  I have used the place names from the Ordnance Survey map. The fort at Ambleside is called Glanibanta although I know that locally it is called Galava. I have done this for consistency- if I am wrong at least I am consistently wrong.

  The Sword of Cartimandua will continue to inspire me to write stories and there will be number out before summer.

  Griff Hosker March 2012

  Glossary of places and people

  Fictional characters are in italics


  Gaius' wife


  Ardoch in Perthshire


  Morwenna's acolyte


  Caledonii warrior and Morwenna's lover

  Aula Luculla

  Wife of the ex-governor



  Belisama Fluvius

  River Ribble


  Birrens north of Carlisle


  River Firth


  Brigante trousers




  medical orderly


  Decius Sallustius henchman

  Centurion Cursus

  First Spear Batavians

  Centurion Lartius

  First Spear Ninth Legion


  River Clyde


  Brigante chief





  Decius Lucullus Sallustius

  Sallustius' nephew





  Dunum Fluvius

  River Tees




  Irish leader of Morwenna's mercenaries

  First Spear

  The senior centurion in any unit


  Ex Brigante scout and uncle to Ailis

  Gaius Metellus Aurelius

  Ex- Decurion Marcus' Horse





  Julius Demetrius

  Decurion Marcus' Horse

  Livius Lucullus Sallustius

  Sallustius' nephew


  Pumsaint gold mine in west Wales




  Morwenna's nurse


  King of the Caledonii


  Morwenna's acolyte


  Former Decurion Marcus' Horse




  Isle of Man

  Marcus Aurelius Maximunius

  Former ala commander


  Hard Knott Fort






  Fainch's daughter


  Emperor of Rome


  Brigante chief


  Roman Fates


  Brigante Chief


  Roman award for bravery

  Porta Decumana

  The rear gate of a fort or camp

  Prefect Fulvius

  Prefect Ninth Legion



  Sergeant Cato

  Horse trainer Marcus' Horse

  Seteia Fluvius

  River Mersey


  General of Brigante rebels


  River Solway


  River Tay


  Decius Sallustius' bodyguard

  Titus Didius Blaesus

  Tribune of the Ninth

  Tribune Didius

  Tribune Ninth Legion


  Roman inch


  River Wear

  vicus (plural-vici)

  the settlement outside a fort

  Northern Britannia

  Table of Contents



  Part One The Gold

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Part Two The Deserters and the Irish

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Part Three The rebellion

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  Historical Note and Glossary of people and places in the novel

  Glossary of places and people

  Northern Britannia




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