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All By Herself

Page 25

by Tasha Blue

  He should have felt more guilty than he did when he arrived to meet Brooke at the theater after coming from Carla's bed, but as soon as the sulky blonde began to complain about the location of the seats and the temperature of the air in the room. Any shred of guilt he had vanished and as he watched the performance unfold on stage, his mind was still in Carla's apartment thinking of a much more exciting show.

  Over the following weeks, Daniel saw more and more of Carla. He started inventing reasons to see her just because his time with Carla in her bakery or at her apartment was about the only time that he felt his life fell down for the moment. He was very skilled at presenting a confident and controlled facade to the world, but it was only with Carla that he truly felt calm.

  At four months pregnant, Carla was still incredibly slim and barely showing at all. Daniel's attraction to her was growing stronger every time he laid eyes on her bright smile and beautiful eyes. He loved spending time in her company, with her understanding ways and kind words. One night after weeks of restraint, the two-time only event happened again.

  Daniel had been visiting Carla to talk about making plans to buy things for the baby when she felt a cramp in her back and he massaged it for her. His hands moved over her bare skin in a rhythmic motion and with each stroke, heat enveloped them both, and in minutes, they were locked in each other's arms, twisting and turning with one another in her bed, clinging to one another until they both came, lost in their passion and growing emotion.

  Lily was the only person that Carla could talk to about her encounters with Daniel. Lily was utterly captivated by the developing bond between them, and practically screamed in frustration every time Carla said that nothing between her and Daniel had changed.

  "You should stop hooking up and start, you know, being together." Lily urged her. "You clearly can't keep your hands off each other. Why not make it a permanent arrangement?"

  "I don't know." Carla sighed. "I don't think he wants that."

  "Do you want that?" the girl asked, in exasperation.

  "I don't know." Cara sighed honestly with distant eyes.

  "How can you not know?" Lily demanded impatiently. "You spend so much time with him now. I can always tell when he visits because you're in a better mood whenever you've been with him. He has stepped up to pay for everything and he's helping out. What's the issue?"

  "He has a girlfriend." Carla told her.

  "What?" Lily exclaimed. "Since when?"

  "He told me about her last week." Carla sighed. "He said he's been struggling to tell us about each other. He finally came clean."

  "Oh, how noble, after sleeping with you, like, a bazillion times. Oh God! And I was defending him!" Lily said, making a disgusted face. "That's super sleazy."

  "It's not like that. He started dating her after the wedding."

  "So the other times he slept with you, he’s been cheating on this girl?"

  "I didn't know about her. You know I wouldn't do that."

  "I know that, but obviously he's a cheater."

  "I don't think he's serious about her,” Carla said with a shrug. "I told him I wouldn't date him, so it's not like he's cheating on me, and they aren't really serious."

  "Does it matter if they're serious?" Lily asked with a frown.

  "No, I guess it doesn’t. You’re right. He's a player. I don't want to put my trust in someone like that."

  "I'm sorry, Carla,” Lily said sincerely. "I thought he was going to be good for you, but maybe you were right."

  "Maybe so." Carla sighed.

  In truth, Carla had listened to Daniel tell her more than once, since his admittance of her, about how unhappy Brooke made him and she had no idea why he was with the girl.

  Perhaps it was because his colleagues, perhaps it was because Brooke was beautiful, or perhaps it was because having a girlfriend made it easier for Daniel to keep his distance from her.

  Carla wondered sometimes if Daniel was using Brooke as an excuse not to get closer to her, but she wasn't about to have that conversation with him any time soon. Things were good as they were.

  Daniel was being supportive and she enjoyed his company and now that she knew about Brooke, any more passionate encounters were off, so she didn't have to wonder about whether anything more would develop between them. Things were as simple as they could be under the circumstances.


  Daniel and Carla spent a day together, shopping for things for the baby. Carla was in her sixth month of pregnancy and although she had a clear baby bump swelling beneath her clothes, Daniel was still enormously attracted to her.

  His feelings had only intensified during the time that they spent together over the last four months. He found Carla to be the kind ear for his troubles that he'd been searching for and Carla grew to care deeply for him as he made good on his promise to take care of her.

  That day, they were strolling around together through the town when they decided to pop into an expensive department store to take a look at the baby clothing. He was holding an infant’s pajamas up to her belly, laughing and smiling with her, and he couldn't resist her beautiful glow. He leaned in to kiss her mouth softly and just as he did, a shrill shrieking caused them to both jump and turn around.

  Brooke was standing there with her hands on her hips and her eyes glowering with rage. She cast a furious glare at Daniel, but then she fixed Carla with the most evil stare. Her eyes traveled over Carla's features, over her closeness to Daniel and then settled on her swollen stomach and the female lawyer sucked in an angry breath through gritted teeth and then all hell broke loose.

  "Who is she?" she seethed, dramatically throwing out an arm and pointing an immaculately manicured finger at Carla. Carla was sure that this outraged woman must be the girlfriend.

  Daniel held out his hands to placate Brooke and his voice was calm and patient in reply. He was like the man with a loudspeaker who tries to handle a hostage situation. He chose his words carefully and kept his voice low as he tried to handle the hysterical woman.

  "Brooke, calm down,” he said gently. "Let's go outside and I'll explain everything."

  "You selfish, scheming bastard!" Brooke hissed. "Have you been sleeping with this slut behind my back all this time? How many women do you have? I should have known that a rich guy who kept it in his pants was too much to ask for. Every one of you thinks he's God's gift to women!"

  The whole store stopped to turn and stare at the screaming woman and while Daniel kept his cool and didn't flinch in the face of the woman's wild hysteria, Carla grew more embarrassed and angry.

  "Stop this, Brooke." Daniel ordered sharply. "You're making a scene."

  "I'm making a scene? You think I'm making a scene?" she shouted incredulously, raising her voice even louder. "Well I have every right to raise my voice when you've been keeping a woman on the side! What, am I not attractive enough for you? Is my Cornell degree not impressive enough? Or, is it just the fact that you knocked up some cheap floozy that has you walking around the town with her? Could you possibly be any more brazen?"

  "I could explain myself if you would step outside,” Daniel told her in a firm voice. He gestured to the door, but Brooke was firmly planted and glaring daggers at Carla.

  "And who do you think you are, you desperate skank?" Brooke spat viciously. "Got yourself a lawyer, have you? Did you get yourself knocked up to tie down a good thing? Do you think he'd take a second look at you if you weren't pregnant?"

  Carla felt the tears of shame and hurt stinging in her eyes and she bristled angrily, barely stifling the tirade of anger that was building in her, but Daniel held her back by firmly taking her hand. Then he stepped up to Brooke and spoke to her one last time in a voice, which was strong, commanding, and unfaltering.

  "I find a spoiled ivy-league brat much less appealing. You are embarrassing yourself and me. Don't you dare suggest that she is exploiting me before taking a look at yourself: diamonds, dinners, expensive vacations. Talk about being brazen. Why don't you g
et off your high horse and leave this store before you make a bigger fool of yourself?"

  Brooke's eyes became wide with insult and her face contorted into a furious scowl, and she decided to take her leave, but not before fixing Carla with one last deathly stare, as though trying to remember every detail of her face for when they next met.

  After she had left, Carla found that she was shaking from the confrontation and Daniel put a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

  "I'm sorry you had to see that. She is a dramatic woman."

  "I guess you never told her about me, huh?" Carla breathed.

  Daniel let out a guilty sigh. "I was trying to avoid a scene just like that. I suppose it's better that it's done. No more secrets now."

  "Aren't you going to miss her?" Carla asked him with concern.

  The lawyer shook his head and laughed a little. "God, no."

  The two stood for a moment in the middle of the store, overcoming their shock and then Daniel took Carla by the hand and led her to the department store café for a calming cup of tea and a chance to talk. He bought them both a drink and then sat down with her at a table in the corner of the store. Carla was still angry from the embarrassment.

  "She called me a slut," she said with a deep frown.

  "She had no right,” Daniel told her firmly. "It's my fault. I didn't tell you about Brooke until far too late when things had gone much further with us. I put you in a compromising position and I can't apologize enough. It will never happen again."

  "You let her go so easily,” Carla said softly. "Did you not care about her at all?"

  "You make it sound like I used her." Daniel said.

  "Didn't you?" Carla pressed honestly.

  The lawyer sighed heavily, shrugged, and lifted his hands in a gesture of acceptance.

  "Yes." he confessed. "I guess I did."

  "What did she give you?"

  "Routine,” Daniel told her. "You know, when you hit thirty and you're still single and everyone you know is married and everybody is asking you when you're going to be next, it's comforting to have someone to hide behind. Of course, when choosing a woman to take that role, it always made more sense to choose someone like myself. Unfortunately, I don't get along very well with people like me."

  "You felt on display when people were judging you for being on your own.” She smiled sympathetically at him. "I get that."

  Daniel found himself smiling. "You do, don't you?" It was meant as a compliment. Of all the people in his life who had careers just like his, and social lives just like his, and clothes just like his, it was only to Carla that he felt a true connection and a sense of security.

  They were both vulnerable in the same way and it was only through meeting Carla and recognizing her fears of loneliness and of losing all she had built, that he began to recognize that same vulnerability in himself.

  They finished their day quickly after that, and Daniel took her home in a taxi, but didn't go up. Carla said goodbye to him in the cab, went up to her apartment, and fell down on her bed with a long sigh. She detested knowing that there was someone out there who hated her. Carla had never had enemies and she did not realize until the next day just how fierce an enemy she had made in Brooke Dawn.

  Carla was at work the next day, serving as usual, when one of her regulars, Mrs. Shields, laid down a white flyer on her counter. Mrs. Shields was a plump and motherly woman with chubby cheeks and a wild grey perm.

  She always looked windswept, as if she had just wandered in from a storm and she always wore a heavy coat, even in the summer months. Today her face was filled with friendly concern for the nice young woman who had always been so kind to her.

  "Carla, honey, have you seen this?"

  Carla picked up the flyer and read a message that made her feel sick to her stomach. The piece of paper stated that Carla's bakery did not meet basic hygiene standards and had a whole list of hateful bullet points with false accusations under the accusing headline. Carla had an idea that she knew just who was behind it.

  "Where did you get this?" she asked emotionally.

  "They're being handed out all over the area." Mrs. Shields told her. "I don't know who is printing them."

  "I do." Carla retorted. "Mrs. Shields, I hope you know that none of this is true."

  "Of course I do, honey,” Mrs. Shields assured her. "This place is always spotless."

  As soon as Mrs. Shields left, Carla retreated into the kitchen to wipe away a few tears. Nobody had ever made a target of her before, and Carla was hurt. She'd worked as hard as she could to make her business a success, and to face this attack was a hard blow. Lily followed her into the kitchen with concern and took the flyer from her hand to find out what had made her boss cry. When she read the hateful words, she grew enraged.

  "Was this that blonde bimbo who blew up at you at the store?" she demanded. "Who the hell does she think she is?"

  Carla wiped her eyes, took the flyer from Lily, and crumpled it in her palm. She sniffed, took a few deep breaths and composed herself, tossing the flyer into the trash.

  "She's a woman who's been hurt." Carla replied. "This will pass."

  The very next thing Carla did was to call the Department of Health inspector to her kitchen. She had no qualm whatsoever about allowing her kitchen to be inspected and by the following afternoon she had an up-to-date certificate to pin up in her window, citing her excellent hygiene standards.

  "That should put people's minds at ease," Carla said to Lily.

  However, the very next day, another of her regulars, a young and slim yoga instructor, came up to the counter. She was very upset and confronted Carla.

  "Carla, is it true that you don't really use organic ingredients?" she demanded. "I've heard that you're making untrue claims about your ingredients and you know that I love this place because you're fair trade. Is it true that you just use regular ingredients?"

  "No, it's not!" Carla gasped. "I get all my ingredients organically and ethically. I pride myself on it. Where did you hear that I was lying?"

  "There's a woman at my gym who's been telling everyone that Carla's Cakes is a sham." the customer told her. "I was shocked. I told her that I'd always had great service here, but I don't want to buy from you if you're just another unethical chain keeping animals in cages. I'm a vegetarian and I only eat dairy that is organic. I only eat cocoa that's fair-trade. It's a matter of principle, Carla. I don't want to be lied to."

  "I'm not lying!" Carla defended herself tearfully. "Tell me, was this woman blonde and really beautiful?"

  The customer nodded uncertainly. "Do you know her?"

  "Yes, I do." Carla said. "She has a personal vendetta against me. Please don't stop coming here, Trish. You know I value your business and that I uphold the principles you stand for. I have the paperwork that shows where I buy all my ingredients. I can get it right now."

  Suddenly Trish was contrite and the tone of her voice became kinder.

  "No, I trust you, Carla, she said apologetically. "I'm sorry to have come in all guns blazing, but a lot of corporations make false claims about these things to attract customers. I always read the fine print and it's simply because I love this place so much that the rumor upset me."

  "Well, it is just that." Carla told her with a smile. "A rumor."

  In the weeks that followed, Carla had a steady stream of customers coming in to complain or question and when some familiar faces stopped walking through the door, Carla felt her heart break and the next time that Daniel came to see her, she found herself sobbing on his shoulder.

  "She's ruining my business!" Carla wept. "She's out to get me!"

  Daniel held her in his strong arms and did his best to soothe her. He felt such guilt for having caused conflict for Carla who was innocent in all of it and who had worked so hard to become successful.

  "I won't let her get away with it." he promised.

  "What are you going to do?" Carla asked him tearfully.

  "What I'm best at. I’m going t
o sue the hell out of her."

  "Sue her?" Carla repeated. "For what?"’

  "Libel, slander, loss of earnings and emotional trauma." Daniel retorted. "Because that's exactly what she has done."

  "I don't want to sue anyone..." Carla faltered. "I just want her to leave me alone."

  "Trust me, Carla." Daniel warned, "That woman is like a dog with a bone. She won't let go. Her ego has been bruised and she's out for blood. She works with big clients and she knows what makes a business go down. She's building a mob mentality against you. There's no smoke without fire and soon people will stay away just because they've heard one too many stories about this place."

  Carla began to cry heavily at the thought of her business falling to pieces and turned into Daniel's shoulder to weep. He stroked her hair tenderly and comforted her with promises.

  "I'm not going to let it get to that point," he vowed. "I am filing a motion today. I will run her into the ground. I will make her pay for this."

  "But this is our fault!" Carla retorted. "We cheated. She's acting out because she's hurt."

  "She's acting out because she's not used to not getting her way." Daniel retorted. "She's poison. Don't feel any pain for her, Carla, because she's not hurt, she's insulted and none of this is your fault. I cheated. You didn't know about her because I kept it from you. I am the only person to blame in all of this, but I will not let her hurt you or your business. You have my word."

  Carla had been made promises by other men before, but when Daniel made promises to her, she believed him. She nodded and sighed.

  "What do you need me to do?" she asked him.

  "I need access to all of your records." he told her. "I can prove that every one of these claims is a false accusation. When that's done, I will have a hard case that everything that has been said is libel and slander. Then, all I need to do is trace the rumors back to her and she's done. She is not a well-liked woman. I'm sure there are plenty of people dying to throw her under the bus."

  "I don't want you out for blood, Daniel." Carla told him earnestly. "I'm not looking for a fight."


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