Book Read Free

The Heart of Fire

Page 7

by Michael J. Ward

  Highwayman’s coat

  Ghost rider’s spurs

  Gloves of the night fiend




  +1 speed +1 magic

  +1 speed

  +1 brawn

  Ability: fear

  Ability: reckless

  Ability: fiend’s finest

  With the way clear, you follow Eldias up the stone stairs that lead to the church. Turn to 168.


  Jolando’s safe house is an elegant-looking mansion on the east-side of upper town. However, its outward appearance is sadly deceiving. Once past the front door the interior is an empty shell, crawling with rot and mould – and the occasional rat.

  It appears that Jolando’s belongings amounted to little more than a pallet bed, a chamber pot and a rusted old trunk. Opening it up, you discover that the trunk is empty – but this will provide a useful area for you to store items safely.

  You may store any extra backpack items or items of equipment in the safe house during act 1. If you swap equipment (weapons, backpack items etc.) during a quest or while exploring Carvel, you may put the item you are replacing in your safe house by turning to this entry number. This will prevent it from being destroyed. You can only keep a maximum of four objects in your safe house:

  You can only re-equip items from your safe house when you visit this entry number between quests. When you are done, return to your previous entry number.


  The armour and weapons are coated in dirt and grime, but it is clear that these were once prized treasures belonging to a great hero. With your only exit closing rapidly behind you, there is no time to waste.

  You may grab any two of the following items:

  Great divider

  Shadow-dyed cloak

  Trollskin gloves

  (main hand: axe)



  +1 speed +1 brawn

  +1 magic

  +1 armour

  Ability: bleed

  Ability: wisdom

  Once you have made your decision, turn to 95.


  The sheet of parchment has a pattern drawn on it, with the words ‘A stitch in time saves nine,’ across the bottom. Next to the parchment are nine squares of cloth with the numbers one to nine stitched on them. This looks like some form of puzzle.

  The pattern shows an arrangement of squares. You assume you need to place the nine pieces of cloth on the pattern, so that a number is in each square. There is only one of each number, so the pattern should finish up with the numbers 1 to 9 arranged within the grid. Then the symbols will give you a three digit number.

  ‘Look Maxi! Someone wants to play!’ The child’s voice squeals with excitement. ‘They think they’re cut from the same cloth as me, but I bet they can’t make me a number of three. Each stitch adds one or they’ll come undone. Get it right and they’ll run and run. So, what’s my answer?’

  If you are able to solve the puzzle then turn to the appropriate entry number. Otherwise, after much head scratching, you decide to give up on this foolish task. You leave the room via the half-open door. Turn to 391.


  ‘Hello me dear, a new face round here if I’m not mistaken,’ the woman looks up from the barrel tap, flashing you a toothy grin. ‘I’ve a good memory for a face and a smile. So what’s it to be, me sweet?’ She slams the newly-filled mugs onto the bar, sending bubbles of froth floating through the smoky air. ‘Don’t keep a lady waiting, mind.’

  Will you:

  Ask about local rumours? — 5

  Ask what she knows of Carvel? — 82

  Ask what she knows of Durnhollow? — 38

  Ask if she remembers a witchfinder with gold teeth? — 18

  Turn your attention back to the taproom? — 47


  ‘Oh, that one.’ You catch the flicker of a smile from beneath the man’s hood. ‘I sent her packing with the rest of her half-breed crew. I had to teach one or two of them a lesson, mind.’ He tilts back his flask, emptying the last of its contents into his mouth. He screws up his face as he swallows. ‘Yeah, don’t you be worrying about them. They’re barred from the coaching inn – no food or ale means they’ll have moved on pretty swift.’

  Will you:

  Ask the vagrant to share his story? — 127

  Return to the town? — 199


  Anna lets out a sigh. ‘Jolando was hired to steal a relic from the church vault. It should have been an easy enough task for someone with his skill. But when he arrived at the vault, someone else was already there . . .’ The healer pauses, scratching her chin thoughtfully. Clearly she is still trying to make sense of the thief’s words. ‘He said it was a dwarf.’

  Your eyes widen with surprise. ‘I thought they were wiped out long ago, that they destroyed each other in their constant wars and bickering.’

  ‘Well, not quite,’ replies Anna. ‘But none have been seen in Fenstone Moors for hundreds of years.’

  ‘So, what happened?’

  Anna removes her glasses, rubbing at her tired eyes. ‘There was a struggle. Jolando tried to stop the dwarf from taking the relic. The noise drew the attention of the bishop, who discovered them both there inside the vault. Then the dwarf produced a staff – a charm – and broke it in two, releasing its magic. Both the bishop and the thief were struck by a curse. The dwarf escaped unharmed.’

  ‘What do you know of this relic?’ you ask, absorbed by the story. ‘What does it do?’

  ‘I don’t know.’ Anna shrugs her shoulders. ‘Some inquisitors found it in a set of ruins to the south. They thought they were protecting it by bringing to Carvel – no doubt to take it apart and study. But the Wiccans believe it might be something powerful. A weapon that could help them win their war.’ Anna drops her gaze. ‘I should not have got involved in this. It’s all getting too dangerous.’

  Will you:

  Ask about what is in the casket? — 26

  Ask about the statue above the door? — 98

  Thank Anna and leave? — Return to the map


  You descend the stairs, worried that the creaking from the wooden boards will alert others to your presence. However, the persistent banging coming from the zombies outside has probably masked much of the noise. The front door gives a shudder as something heavy slams against it. You doubt it will hold for much longer.

  Turning to the side door, you see that it is slightly ajar. Flickering shadows dance in the space beyond, cast by a lantern or a fire. Steeling yourself for what you might find, you push open the door, wincing as it gives a grating squeal. Turn to 347.


  The trader rubs his hands together excitedly. ‘So, yer got any of dem bones for me today?’ If you have goblin bones, you can trade these in for 10 gold crowns each. If you have troll bones, you can hand these over for 20 gold crowns. If you have giant bones, the trader will give you 30 gold crowns. Remember to cross these items off your hero sheet once they have been traded in.

  You may now view the charm-maker’s wares (turn to 59) or continue exploring the lower town (turn to 36).


  You notice that Benin does not have a pack with him, only the clothes on his back and a plain-wood staff. From his belt hang a number of pouches and gourds.

  ‘I assume you’re not here just for the sight-seeing?’ you ask, looking around at the bleak landscape. ‘Are you collecting herbs?’

  Benin pretends to be brushing dirt from his robes, but you can tell he is deliberating over his answer. He finally gives a sigh. ‘I’m on an errand for the church. You could say I got the short straw; I used to play in these hills as a child so I know them well.’

  He avoids your questioning stare, squinting back towards the mountains, which rise like dark thorns against the rising sun. ‘I don’t have much time. Others are depending on me.’

  Will you:

  Ask Benin abou
t his magic? — 80

  Examine the remains of the creatures? — 133

  Continue on your journey? — 157


  Ahead of you, Eldias has already reached the stone well. The witchfinder has swapped his pistols for a pair of magical swords, which he spins in a rapid whirlwind of steel, slicing through the cadaverous monsters that stand in his way.

  Wiping the rain and sweat from your eyes you hurry onwards, your gaze lifting to the church on the hilltop. Ghostly lights are flickering from within, the reverberating hum of the organ reaching a sinister crescendo.

  Suddenly you are hit by something hard and powerful, which sends you sprawling backwards, sliding across the wet stone. Groggily, you lift your head, stars spinning before your eyes. It is some seconds before you can properly focus on the whirling colours and shapes that are lurching towards you.

  It’s something big – very big.

  Rain is spraying off its broad shoulders, forming a cloak of sparkling droplets. It is a half-giant, nearly seven feet tall and almost half as wide, clutching a meat cleaver in one hand and a front door in the other. Its dull, blank expression makes it obvious that this is another zombie – that, and the gooey mass of innards that are hanging out of its bloated, diseased body. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Blood ’n’ guts: The zombie’s trailing guts can be a help and a hindrance. At the start of each combat round, roll a die. If the result is or then you get tangled up in its stringy guts and must reduce your speed by 1 for that combat round. If the result is or more, then Gutless gets tangled up in his own guts, reducing his speed by 1 for that combat round.

  Undead: You may use your ashes, holy water and holy protector abilities against this zombie.

  If you manage to defeat this loathsome creature, turn to 234.


  ‘Forget these, let me show yer ma finer goods.’ The trader pushes aside his grisly collection of bone charms. He then produces a leather case, which he opens out to reveal an exquisite set of necklaces and rings. This new collection is fashioned from wood and stone, inset with gems and carved with runes. ‘See, I tells yer I ain’t no charlatan. These are the real deal.’

  You may purchase any of the following for 50 gold crowns:

  Wanderer’s wytchstone

  Puritan’s band

  Epona’s blessing




  +1 magic

  +1 brawn

  +1 armour

  Ability: charm

  Ability: charm

  Ability: charm

  When you have made your decision, you may ask the trader about his job offer (turn to 70) or turn your attention back to the street (turn to 36).


  Quest: Menace from the deep

  Through the veil of falling snow, you finally catch sight of the logging camp – four stone cabins, arranged within a clearing. Behind them the forested hills give rise to the impressive Valhalla mountain range, their lofty peaks lost to the clouds.

  ‘Be on your guard!’ snaps the gruff voice of the captain as he marches to the front of the group, his boots crunching through the snow. He is a heavily-built veteran, muscles bulging beneath his leather tunic. He turns to look back at your rag-tag band, his eyes squinting in the bright light. With a grimace, he works a roll of tobacco around his mouth before spitting juice into the snow. ‘Goblins are dangerous. Let’s not have any foolish heroics . . . I’m looking at you, Vas.’

  A shaven-headed woman, her features as hard and sharp as the mountains, gives a snort. She whispers something to her companion, a tall skinny man with a rat-like face. He sniggers, drawing out his broadsword with a ring of steel.

  ‘Just another gobbo hunt,’ he grins, patting the blade. ‘When we get to see some real action, Cap’n?’

  ‘Shut that greasy mouth of yours, Surl or I’ll shut it for yer,’ growls the captain, stabbing a fat finger in the air. ‘I’m not having any talk back on this mission. You got that? Same goes for the rest of you noobs.’

  You glance around at the gathering – a dozen mercenaries and adventurers, recruited from Carvel for what was described as a ‘simple’ mission. There have been reports of goblin raids from the north. The logging camp was attacked recently and, seeing a chance for some local fame and fortune, Captain Sanders has put together a group to investigate.

  ‘Right, now move it,’ he growls, turning and starting down the slope. ‘And stay frosty, people. Surl, go scout. Vas, I want you out on that left flank.’

  His two regulars move quickly and efficiently; the rat-faced man scuttling towards the camp while the woman hurries into the trees, a knife in each hand. They are soon lost from sight.

  Shoving through branches, you arrive at the edge of the camp. Surl is already waiting there, crouched beside an overturned cart. The camp is clearly deserted, its contents ransacked. You see boxes and crates smashed open, doors banging to and fro in the wind, sheets and clothing poking out of the snow.

  ‘Don’t smell no stinking gobboes,’ says Surl, snorting and then spitting over his shoulder.

  ‘I think we’re too late,’ sighs one of the group.

  The captain turns and grabs the person who spoke, a boyish-looking mage in grey-woollen robes. ‘Then you can join Surl and go search those cabins. Rest of us will stay ’ere. Now get moving.’

  If you have the word sure blade written on your hero sheet, turn to 93. Otherwise, turn to 214.


  You duck under the opening, to find yourself in a musty-smelling hollow. A thin shaft of light seeps through a crack in one of the walls, illuminating the thick stone slabs that have been used to support the earthen structure.

  In the centre of the dark cave is a stone bed, carved with intricate runes. Around it you can see smashed pottery, a splintered chest and some scattered remnants of rusty armour. This place has evidently been looted by thieves.

  You are about to leave, when you hear a wheezing groan close to your ear. Quickly you spin around, just in time to avoid the edge of an axe blade as it whistles through the air.

  ‘Leave me in peace!’ rasps a voice.

  You watch with revulsion as a mould-covered skeleton, clad in tattered leather and chain, lurches out of the dark. As it swings its axe once again, you notice that the skeleton is wearing a glowing medallion around its neck. Perhaps this is the source of its unnatural life. You must now fight:

  If you manage to defeat the skeleton warrior, turn to 74.


  ‘Yes, the forest of thorns.’ Lazlo tilts his head to one side, regarding you with another smirk. ‘You mentioned it quite a few times during your delirium. Have you been there? I must say, it is a place that . . . stays in the memory.’

  ‘You mean it is real?’ you ask, surprised. ‘Where?’

  ‘To the west of here, past the Pilgrim’s Road – if road you could call it. The forest is old – and impenetrable. Many have tried to fell those trees, to clear a safe passage through. But all have failed.’ He turns to gaze upon a large tapestry hanging on the far wall. It shows a young man in white robes leading knights across barren moorland. Shafts of sunlight break through the dark clouds to fall on his staff, which is raised before him. ‘They say Allam had dreams . . . visions of that place. Some believe that was the very reason he was so eager to come to these forsaken lands, to find something . . . hidden away in that forest.’

  ‘And what happened?’ You reach for your throat, remembering the strange beast that attacked you in the dream.

  ‘He had another of his grand visions,’ shrugs the man, turning back. ‘He took a handful of his best knights and went south. They were ambushed by stone trolls. Allam didn’t survive.’ He shakes his head, giving an amused snort. ‘So much for being a prophet. He never saw his own death coming.’

  Will you:

  Ask what he knows of Allam? — 21

  Ask what he thinks about prophets? — 149
br />   Enquire as to your whereabouts? — 9

  Ask about Carvel’s ‘masked crusader’? — 39

  State you wish to leave? — 167


  ‘We just abandoned the camp,’ sighs one of the men, as you edge into the circle of listeners. ‘More than my job’s worth to defend it from the likes of goblins.’

  His nearest companion, whose arm is bound in a sling, scowls as he glares into his mug. ‘They just came out of nowhere,’ he mutters. ‘We didn’t stand a chance.’

  You catch the eye of the man next to you, who has been listening to the story intently. ‘What happened?’ you ask, dropping your voice to a whisper.

  He grimaces. ‘Goblins come down from the mountains,’ he says. ‘Raided the logging camp at the end of the Pilgrim’s Road. These men did the right thing, downing tools and making a run for it. Goblins are like wolves, cowardly until you face them as a pack.’

  The wounded logger beats his fist on the table. ‘Where was the inquisition anyway?’ he growls. ‘I thought they were meant to be protecting us.’

  ‘Yeah,’ sniffs the original speaker. ‘Left my best sword behind too. Been in my family for as long as I remember. It better still be there, guarded by me sweetheart’s smile – unless one of them stinkin’ green-heads got it now.’


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