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The Heart of Fire

Page 36

by Michael J. Ward


  ‘Sweet children,’ echoes a woman’s voice, soft and seductive. ‘Your memories were . . . most nourishing . . .’ You both spin around, to see a black hooded figure standing in the shadows.

  ‘Who are you?’ you demand angrily, squinting in the murky half-light.

  The woman pulls back her hood to reveal a hideous, monstrous face. The flesh is white and scaly, like a fish, protruding outwards into a lipless sucker-like mouth. ‘I have fed on your minds,’ whispers the voice in your head. ‘Now, I will feed on your flesh!’ If you have the word scars on your hero sheet, turn to 463. Otherwise, turn to 505.


  The female warrior takes up one of the bowls, then gestures for you to remove your clothing. Feeling somewhat bashful, you raise your hands and back away – but the disapproving stares from the other warriors forces you to reconsider. Not wishing to offend, you remove your armour and watch as the female dips her fingers into the bowl and proceeds to paint the glimmering runes across your skin.

  If you wish, you may now learn the brigand career. The brigand has the following abilities:

  War paint (mo): The runes on your body give you greater protection and strength. You may raise your brawn or armour score by 3 for one combat round. You can only use war paint once per combat.

  Pillage (pa): Each time you win a combat, roll two dice and automatically receive that amount of gold as a reward. This is in addition to any other gold or treasure you might receive.

  After thanking your fellow warriors, you turn your attention back to the cave. Turn to 485.


  As your blows rain down on the giant, Black Patch runs in behind, his sharp claws slicing across the back of the hunter’s legs. With a groan of pain the giant staggers sideways then topples forward, no longer able to support himself. He crashes through one of the wooden huts, the splintered wood staking him like a bed of nails.

  Searching the body, you find 50 gold crowns and one of the following rewards:

  Nelson’s column

  The nosepicker

  Scarlet hunter

  (main hand: club)

  (left hand: wand)

  (left hand: dagger)

  +1 speed +3 brawn

  +2 speed +2 magic

  +2 speed +2 brawn

  Ability: knockdown

  Ability: bleed

  Ability: critical strike

  (requirement: warrior)

  (requirement: rogue)

  With the giant defeated, victory is now looking assured. Turn to 466.


  Your choice was a bad one. The metal monster cuts and dices your soldier to pieces, stomping their remains into the ground as it continues to advance. (Remove your soldier from your hero sheet. Then return to 208 to fight this monster yourself.)


  The monkey temple has bested you. Remember, you can attempt this difficult challenge at any time during Act 2 of your adventure. If you wish to try to assault the temple again, turn to 596. If you wish to continue your journey across the dark interior, turn to 667. If you have already completed the dark interior, you may return to the quest map instead.


  The accursed spear quivers and shakes, its runes suddenly emitting a blood-red glow. From the corpse a spectral light rises up into the air, forming the ghostly shape of a spider. Then it sweeps towards the spear, spiralling around the blade and shaft. The runes flash and spark as the spear continues to tremble – then, with a screeching cry, the spirit-light is gone, absorbed into the weapon’s dark runes.

  Congratulations, you have gained the spirit of the spider. (Make a note of this on your hero sheet.) You may now return to the quest map to continue your adventure.


  You send your paper soldier forward. The rock monster attempts to smash it with its mighty boulder-fists, but the paper soldier simply folds beneath the blows, rising up again afterwards to press its attack. You notice that its paper cuts are not penetrating the beast’s rock armour, but your soldier is holding its attention, allowing you to move behind it and deliver a fatal, killing blow. Congratulations, you have chosen well and defeated the rock monster. (Remove the paper soldier from your hero sheet.) Then turn to 444.


  The white tigris grunts, turning his back on you. ‘This skin not worthy of the Sheva. Take this one to the marsh. We are done here.’

  The white tigris depart in silence, heading back into the dark forest. Scar-face walks over and places a paw on your shoulder. ‘You kin now. I believe the great spirit, Shonac, sent you to fight for us.’

  The leader, Grey-hair, watches you from the rock shelf. ‘We welcome you to Shara Khana, bright claw. The journey across the marsh has many dangers. Prepare yourself, we leave at first light.’

  Will you:

  Ask about the name, Shara Khana? — 358

  Ask about Shonac, the great spirit? — 334

  Leave for the marsh? — 722


  You believe that the demon speaks the truth – without its aid, the thorn monster will continue to regenerate, wearing you and your companions down with its relentless attacks.

  ‘I will be damned for this,’ you bellow, bringing your weapons down on the first of the demon’s restraints. Ventus and Bea race to your side.

  ‘What are you doing? Stop!’ Bea pulls on your sleeve, trying to drag you away. You ignore her protests, moving quickly around the dais to smash the remaining iron rings.

  ‘One God protect us,’ growls Ventus. ‘Hold now! This is madness!’

  ‘No,’ snarls the demon, its breath quickening with excitement. ‘This is your salvation!’ Turn to 393.


  Bertie shakes his head sadly. ‘Them pictures are those that have gone missing – out in the jungle. A few of ’em were explorers, looking for lost cities and treasure, but the rest are just kids – eager for adventure. Come here with their backpacks and a compass and think they can just go off in the jungle like it’s some walk in the woods.’ He jerks a thumb towards the assortment of faces, all beaming back at you with innocent smiles. ‘Those come from the families. They get likenesses done, just in case anyone finds them . . . like there’d be anything left to find.’

  You can’t help but be concerned by the sheer number of missing persons displayed on the board. Bertie pushes his hat back to wipe at his brow. ‘I knows what brings them here – and what leads them where they shouldn’t.’ He glances around quickly, then beckons you to step closer. ‘There’s a story amongst the backpackers, more a legend they say, about a place they call “the cove”. It’s meant to be paradise, secluded – perfect white beaches, coral reefs, clear blue waters, you get the picture. There’s meant to be a map that shows the way. You need the map to find it – and that map gets passed on, from traveller to traveller. Sounds simple, don’t it? You find the map, you find paradise. But you see, I ain’t never met anyone who ever saw it with their own eyes. Like I says, it’s just a legend.’ He glances back at the board with a sigh. ‘It’s a shame, but least I make ’em pay up before they leave. Just a precaution, mind.’

  Will you:

  Ask what services he can offer? — 625

  Bid farewell and continue to your journey? — 571


  Your weapons and magic blast away at the knight, reducing the monster back to its starting state – a mound of dirt and armour, writhing with maggots.

  Using the tip of your weapon, you poke through the fetid remains. You find 30 gold crowns and one of the following items:

  Grub’s glory

  Maggot finger

  Coif of waning

  (main hand: sword)



  +1 speed +2 brawn

  +1 magic

  +1 speed +2 armour

  Ability: crawlers

  Ability: wither

  (requirement: mage)

  Ability: dominate

  Not wishing to tarry here any lo
nger, you leave the hilltop and return to the mire. Turn to 375.


  Your choice was a bad one. The metal monster cuts and dices your soldier to pieces, stomping the remains into the ground as it continues to advance. (Remove your soldier from your hero sheet. Then return to 208 to fight this monster yourself.)


  You crawl forward to take one of the eggs. However, the moment your hand passes over the nest you hear a loud screech from above. A shadow falls across the ledge, growing bigger by the second. Frantically, you twist around to see a giant bird swooping in to attack. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Razor beak: The quetzal’s attacks have the piercing ability and ignore your armour.

  If you manage to defeat this bird of prey, turn to 509.


  You notice a number of items snagged in the weed-choked waters. Using Boom Mamba’s staff, you are able to fish them out of the pool. As well as a pouch containing 40 gold crowns, you also find one of the following rewards:

  Shocking scales

  Rain dance

  Lightning loafers




  +1 speed +1 magic

  +1 armour

  +1 speed +1 magic

  Ability: shock!

  Ability: Call of nature set

  (requirement: druid)

  Ability: lightning

  When you have made your decision, you return to the courtyard. Turn to 510.


  The ruins are eerily quiet, the only sound coming from your heart hammering against your chest. It is some minutes before you realise you have been holding your breath since arriving here – the air is sickly-smelling and heavy with decay.

  You quicken your pace, wishing to return to the jungle as soon as possible. However, you are brought up short by a peculiar sight – a pillar of stone rumbling towards you. Its angular body is made up of three rotating cubes, each engraved with a different animal icon. As the totem continues to thunder closer, you realise that it has you in your sights – and it isn’t slowing. It’s time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Power cubed: While all three cubes have health, the totem can roll 3 dice for its damage score (adding its magic as normal). Once a cube is destroyed, this ability no longer applies.

  Snake cube: While the snake cube has health, the totem has the venom special ability. Once inflicted with venom, you will continue to take damage even if the snake cube is destroyed.

  Spider cube: While the spider cube has health, the totem has a speed of 7. Once the spider cube is destroyed the totem’s speed is reduced to 6 for the remainder of the combat.

  Jaguar cube: While the jaguar cube has health, the totem inflicts 2 damage at the end of every combat round, ignoring armour.

  Enchanted rock: The cubes are immune to bleed, lightning and venom.

  In this combat, you roll against the totem’s speed. If you win a combat round, you can choose to direct your damage against one of the cubes. Once all three cubes are reduced to zero health, you have won the combat.

  If you manage to defeat this totemic terror, turn to 621.


  Your choice was a bad one. The rock monster smashes your soldier to pieces, then continues to stomp towards you. (Remove your soldier from your hero sheet. Then return to 427 to fight this monster yourself.)


  There is a bright flash of light and suddenly you find yourself looking upon a spear of purest gold, its runed blade flickering with a spectral light. You reach out and put a hand to the weapon, feeling its power course through your body, filling you with the magic of the ancestors. If you wish, you may now take:

  Ancestral spear

  (main hand: spear)

  +2 speed +3 brawn

  Ability: spirit hunter career

  By equipping this item, you automatically learn the spirit hunter career. (Note: As soon as the ancestral spear is unequipped or you learn a new career, you lose the abilities associated with the spirit hunter career. If you do not take the spear, then you must leave your main hand equipment slot blank until you can find a new weapon.)

  The spirit hunter has the following special abilities:

  Spirit mark (co + mo): When your damage score causes health damage to an opponent, you can also mark them with an ancestral rune. In subsequent combat rounds, the mark allows you to increase your damage score by 2 against this same opponent for the remainder of the battle. Allies also benefit from this modifier. Spirit mark can only be used once per combat.

  Spirit ward (mo): Cast this spell any time in combat, on yourself or an ally, to raise armour by 6 for one combat round. Spirit ward can only be used once per combat.

  The font’s magic has also cured you of your hex. You can now access all of your abilities once again. With your work here done, you leave the pagoda and continue your journey. Turn to 668.


  ‘Spirit walk is test. We all get spirit walk in my tribe to prove we one with the ancestors. It prove we better than them.’ His fingers trace one of the runes carved into the staff. ‘Elders choose spirit walk for us when we come of age. They give me the hardest spirit walk. I not go back till it done or Boom Mamba shame family, shame ancestors. I not want to bring shame.’

  Will you:

  Ask how he got his name? — 204

  Ask how he can help you? — 257


  As you back away from the witch, your foot knocks into something. You glance around quickly to see Scar-face spread-eagled on his back, a knife wound to his chest. Lying next to him is a black-bladed dagger, still glistening with blood.

  ‘No!’ You step away from the body, your eyes fixed on the dagger. It is the same one from your dream . . . the one you used to kill Virgil. ‘I didn’t mean . . . I didn’t know it was him!’ you protest.

  Scowler gives a roar of anger, spinning on the demon. ‘Witch! I make you bleed!’

  The woman’s laughter rings in your ears. ‘Oh yes. Remorse. Fear. Anger. All my favourite appetisers!’

  Scowler drops onto all fours and charges the robed creature. Determined not to lose another of your companions, you draw your weapons and enter the fray. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Mental daggers: You must lose 2 health at the end of each combat round.

  Delirium: If you take health damage from the succubus’ damage score, you are immediately inflicted with delirium. If you win a combat round, roll a die. If the result is or then your attack misses its mark and you cannot roll for damage. If the result is or more, you can roll for damage as normal.

  Revenge of the tigris: Scowler adds 2 to your damage score for the duration of this combat.

  If you manage to defeat the succubus, turn to 585.


  You awake to find yourself lying on your back. Above you, white clouds drift by at a leisurely pace, while a chill wintry breeze rustles the stems of long grass.

  Somehow, you are back on the Fenstone Moors.

  As you rise groggily to your feet, you knock into a bottle lying in the grass. It is empty but looks to have contained a healing tonic. You turn around to see Anse standing on a nearby hill. His gaze is levelled on something in the distance. Joining him, you see the tower in the valley below, surrounded by broiling black cloud.

  ‘The others!’ You gasp, looking to Anse. ‘Polk, Joss . . .?’

  The paladin shakes his head, his eyes unreadable behind the band of white cloth. ‘It was too late for them,’ he whispers at last. He pats you on the shoulder, then turns and walks away.

  You stand alone, watching as the tower is finally engulfed by the maelstrom. There is a pulse of dark light, then everything seems to implode inwards, as if pulled back into some other space, leaving behind an empty moorland. There is no evidence, no trace, that the tower was ever there.

  (Return to the quest map to continue your adventure.)

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  With the spider queen defeated, you are free to search her lair. Amongst the webbed skeletons you find a pouch of gold (you have gained 100 gold crowns) and a book of strange runes, bound in leopard skin. You may now take the following item:

  Book of Omega


  An ancient Lamuri

  spell book

  If you are a rogue or a warrior, turn to 840. If you are a mage, turn to 685.


  You step warily through the smoke, hunting for your next enemy – but all you find is charred debris and bodies sprawled in the dirt. Just as you begin to wonder if you are the only one left, a crack of thunder shatters the silence.

  A gunshot.

  It is followed by a wet-sounding snarl, filled with fury – and pain. Then another blast of gunfire brings silence once again.

  You hurry in the direction of its source, your feet knocking into the body of a tigris. A smouldering hole has been punched straight through the beast’s chest. It is the Sheva leader – his scowl of defiance still fixed on his face.

  Boots crunch through the wreckage. A black-bearded hunter comes to a halt on a pyre of broken wood, his body silhouetted by the bright flames licking at his back. He holds a double-barrelled shotgun in each hand, their gaping nozzles still steaming with black smoke.


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