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The Heart of Fire

Page 47

by Michael J. Ward

And then there is the bridge.

  Its vastness stretches out before you, spanning an immense lake of steaming magma. The rock is featureless and black, smooth as glass. Low walls run either side, lined with hundreds of grinning skeletons, staked on dark spears of rock.

  You look to Avian, struggling for words, your gut twisted with fear and revulsion. The mage is kneeling next to something carved haphazardly into the stone at his feet. He traces it with a finger, his own expression paling.

  ‘What does it say?’ you rasp.

  ‘It’s dwarven,’ states Avian plainly. His finger tracks back across the angular writing as he steadily translates it. ‘Abandon all hope, those who enter . . .’

  Your eyes flick to the staked skeletons, contorted into agonised shapes.

  ‘Wise words.’ Virgil moves past you, his brow raised as he studies the city. ‘This place is clearly riven. Perhaps we should reconsider . . .’ He looks back at Avian. ‘Barahar met his end here. Ragnarok was broken. What makes you think Cernos can make it through?’

  ‘I’m afraid we can’t go back.’ Avian raises his staff, its tip blossoming into a sphere of white light. Somehow its radiance seems to push away the heat and the pervading sense of dread. ‘Much rests on the success of this mission. Yes, Virgil, Tartarus is indeed riven – and as such, will likely be infested with anomalies. There will also be the spirits of Ragnarok to contend with. We must stay together and remain strong. Fear will make us weak.’

  Will you:

  Ask what ‘riven’ means? — 645

  Ask about magic anomalies? — 891

  Ask about Barahar? — 882

  Ask about Ragnarok? — 865

  Continue your journey? — 766


  The succubus is a powerful adversary, blasting you with her dark magics while her mind-numbing powers sap at your strength, making your movements sluggish and weak.

  Scar-face falls quickly, his blow missing its mark and leaving him open to the creature’s magic. The ensuing bolt of fire spears the tigris as surely as any steel, dropping him to the ground with a mournful cry.

  ‘You cannot defeat me!’ snarls the voice in your ears. ‘This marsh is mine!’

  Alone, you are forced to defend yourself against the witch’s onslaught, giving ground to her powerful magics. Then, when all seems lost, you find some hidden reserve of strength – a bitter fury that floods through your body, helping you to shrug off her debilitating spells. The witch senses this change, pausing in her attack.

  ‘Demon blood!’ the voice whispers.

  Then you fly forward, driving your weapons into her tattered robes. There is a deafening shriek as a black wind pours out of the wound, blowing you backwards. You tumble over onto your stomach, looking up in time to see the creature’s mildewed robes flutter to the ground. There is no sign of a body, only a thin maggot-like worm, dragging itself across the stones. You clamber to your feet, marching forward to drive your weapons into its weakened form. There is a piercing, eldritch screech. Then there is silence . . .

  At last the succubus’ power has been broken – and the marsh is now safe for the Shara Khana to cross. However, it feels a hollow victory, knowing that your tigris companions gave their lives to achieve this end. Turn to 748.


  For defeating Ixion, you may now help yourself to one of the following special items:

  Ixion’s shackles

  Circle of sacrifice

  Chained heart




  +2 speed +3 magic

  +1 magic

  +1 speed +1 magic

  Ability: immobilise

  Ability: penance

  Ability: channel

  If you are hexed then you have gained an extra reward, turn to 808. Otherwise, return to the quest map to continue your journey.


  ‘You’re a bold one – a fighter,’ remarks Yootha, her eyes roving over your possessions. ‘But fancy weapons and armour don’t impress around here.’ She reaches for the nearest shelf, taking down two bottles and a small leather pack. ‘This is the jungle, honey; you’ve got the heat and the snakes . . . not to mention the blood-sucking leeches, the killer ants, the cannibal monkeys, the jaguars, the spiders, the . . .’ She stops herself, putting a hand to her mouth and stifling a horsey-sounding laugh. ‘Oh, listen to me. Don’t want to get you worried now.’ She pushes the bottles and pack in your direction with a sly wink.

  You may purchase any of the following items for 25 gold crowns each:

  Snakebite shake

  Traveller’s tonic

  First aid kit

  (1 use)

  (1 use)

  (1 use)




  Use any time in combat to

  remove one venom effect from your hero

  Use any time in combat to restore 6 health

  Use any time in combat to

  remove one bleed or delirium effect from your hero

  When you have made your decision, you may ask to see the Lamuri artefacts (turn to 612), ask about the jungle (turn to 520) or continue your journey (turn to 571).


  As you approach the hostel-owner, you notice a board attached to one of the veranda posts. A dozen sheets of parchment are pinned to it, showing individual portraits of different people.

  ‘I’m Bertie,’ says the elderly man, grinning up at you with red gums and a single, yellow tooth. ‘They once called me Black Beard, the scourge of the seven seas.’ He pats his pirate hat smugly.

  ‘And what happened to the beard?’ you ask, frowning at his remarkably hairless chin.

  ‘Made a promise to a young lassie,’ he sighs. ‘I shaved it off for a kiss. And it never grew back. I suspect foul play.’ He feels along his chin, making an ugly grimace. ‘Mermaids, pah! Never trust anyone that’s got more flippers than legs. That’s my motto – you’d do good to listen.’

  Will you:

  Ask what services he can offer? — 625

  Ask about the people on the noticeboard? — 454

  Bid farewell and continue on your journey? — 571


  You emerge on a narrow bridge, spanning a dried-up river bed. On the other side the bridge ends in a raised rectangular courtyard, its stepped walls covered in impressive carvings. As you make your way along the bridge, you hear a distressed cry coming from up ahead. It sounds like someone in pain.

  Quickening your pace, you hurry into the courtyard to discover the aftermath of a battle. Over a dozen bodies lie sprawled across the dusty stones, most lying in twisted contortions of agony. All are undead – dressed in gold helms and breastplates. The groaning is coming from the far side of the court, where one of the undead appears to be still moving. It squirms on its stomach, clawed fingers grasping for the dagger protruding from its back. As you pass the other bodies you see that they all have various puncture wounds, oozing a thick green poison. This does not look like the work of a demon.

  You silence the distressed undead, then study your options. To your left, another bridge leads to a pagoda-style shelter, where a series of statues are arranged around a circular font. To your right, a similar bridge leads through into another ziggurat, this one taller than the last.

  Will you:

  Enter the ziggurat? — 626

  Cross the bridge to the pagoda? — 613


  Intrigued by this strange temple, you make the decision to fight your way to its summit. However, you have barely placed a foot on its lowest step before another jagged stone comes hurtling through the air, staggering you as it cuts across your chest. It is closely followed by a veritable hailstorm of missiles as the squirrel monkeys pelt you with whatever debris comes to hand. You cower beneath the onslaught, forced to rely on your armour to soak up the bludgeoning hits.

  As you stumble onwards, determined to reach the summit, the black-faced monkey
s spring forward to bar your way. Several are clutching fan-shaped leaves which appear to have been stiffened by some type of resin, turning them into sharp knives. Their leader, scarred and battle-worn, throws up his arms, baring his teeth in a fanged snarl. You sense this is a signal of some kind – as there is a sudden halt in the stone rain as the squirrel monkeys scamper higher up the stairs. Then, with a blood-chilling howl, the langurs press their attack, their leaf daggers cutting ribbons from the mist. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Leaf blades: The langur’s attacks cause piercing damage, ignoring your armour.

  Angry mob: Take a speed challenge at the end of each round. If you get 16 or less then your hero is hit by the squirrel monkeys’ stones, taking 5 damage, ignoring armour. If you get 17 or more then you have avoided the stones. If the squirrel monkeys are defeated this ability no longer applies.

  In this combat you roll against the langurs’ speed. If you win a combat round, you can choose to apply your damage to the langurs or the squirrel monkeys. If you defeat the langurs, any remaining squirrel monkeys will automatically flee, winning you the combat.

  (NOTE: You cannot heal after this combat. You must continue this challenge with the health that you have remaining. You may use potions and abilities to heal lost health while you are in combat.)

  If you manage to defeat the first wave of defenders, turn to 687. Otherwise, you have failed to assault the temple. Restore your health and turn to 449.


  You hurry into the tent, wondering if there might be vital supplies here that you could use. However, as your hand reaches out to pick up one of the bottles a whip cracks around your wrist, jerking you backwards.

  ‘Look but don’t touch, honey.’

  A woman is standing at the mouth of the tent, her tanned skin covered in snake tattoos. She flicks her wrist, dextrously releasing the whip. You see that it is made from strips of bark, wound tight around a leather grip. ‘Hmm, you’re a little bald for a tigris.’

  Before you can retort, the whip cracks again. You sidestep quickly, the edge of one strip nicking blood from your cheek.

  ‘Still, that’s a nice skin you’re wearing, little cub,’ she grins, looking you up and down. ‘Mind if I take a piece, just as a memento, hmm?’ The whip cracks again, accompanied by the woman’s mocking laughter. You must now fight:

  Special abilities

  Bark whip: For each result you roll for your hero’s attack speed, before or after a reroll, you must automatically take 4 damage, ignoring armour.

  (NOTE: You cannot heal after this combat. You must continue this quest with the health that you have remaining. You may use potions and abilities to heal lost health while you are in combat.)

  If you manage to defeat this whip-cracking fiend, turn to 720. Otherwise, turn to 664.


  You withdraw your weapons, watching as thick welts of blood soak through the archer’s tunic, staining it a deeper shade of red. A soft whimpering comes from her lips, then she slides to the ground, her accusing stare forever frozen in death.

  You kneel beside the woman’s corpse, your eyes flicking to the wedding band glittering around her neck. Whatever demon of rage had finally consumed Joss, you pray that she can now find peace.

  You may now help yourself to one of the following special rewards:

  Sanguine surcoat

  Crimson cover

  Scarlet sabatons




  +2 speed +4 magic

  +2 speed +2 brawn

  +2 speed +3 brawn

  Ability: dark pact

  Ability: bleed

  Ability: haste

  (requirement: mage)

  (requirement: rogue)

  (requirement: warrior)

  If you are a rogue, turn to 846. Otherwise, turn to 855.


  You slip past the door to emerge in a small cobwebbed chamber. A gold sarcophagus rests open on a stone bed, its top piece overturned and lying on the ground. It is surrounded by the skeletal remains of adventurers and tomb robbers.

  Inside the sarcophagus lies a linen-wrapped corpse, with runic stones sewn into the cloth. As soon as you enter, gagging on the rotting air, the corpse jerks into life, its hands scrabbling to find purchase on the sides of its coffin. Then, with a choking gasp, the corpse starts to rise, its head snapping around to glare at you between its mouldy bandages.

  ‘Trespasser!’ it wheezes. ‘You defile the hall of sacrifices!’

  The runes flare with magic, surrounding the mummified corpse in a flickering cloud of dark light. Too late, you realise you have awoken a lich – a powerful undead mage. You quickly draw your weapons, determined not to become the next skeleton to adorn its tomb. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Rune master: Roll a die at the end of each combat round: or The lich heals 4 health. This cannot take the lich above its starting health of 90.

  or The lich strikes you with lightning. This causes 1 damage for each point of armour you are wearing.

  or The lich curses you, reducing your speed by 2 in the next combat round. If you are hexed, you are immune to curse and may ignore its effects.

  If you manage to defeat this undead mage, turn to 666. You can flee this combat at any time by leaving the tomb and returning to the cobwebbed tunnels, turn to 889.


  Congratulations! You have created the following item:

  Self-published grimoire

  (left hand: spell book)

  +2 speed +3 magic

  Ability: dark pact

  If you wish to create a different spell book, you can start the process again (turn to 850). Otherwise, you may now leave the chamber and continue your journey. Turn to 866.


  Virgil leads the way, taking the stairs two at a time. As the forge comes into view, you see the sprites gathered around a circular hearth, its flames heating the underside of an immense black cauldron. The pot jumps and lurches in an effort to free itself from the flames, the iron chains that bind it rattling and clinking with each sudden movement.

  The larger guardian points a glowing finger in your direction, hissing something to its fellow sprites. They respond instantly by charging forward, their thin bodies blazing with fury. While its minions move to attack, the larger sprite turns and dives into the cauldron, sending waves of molten liquid lapping over its sides.

  ‘We must hurry!’ gasps Virgil, drawing his pistols. ‘Their leader will grow more powerful the longer we delay!’

  You must defeat the four deadly sprites before you can take on their leader. (Keep a record of the number of combat rounds it takes you to complete this combat.) It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Blistering heat: At the end of every combat round, each surviving sprite automatically inflicts 1 damage, ignoring armour. If you have the fire shield ability you can ignore this damage.

  Fan the flames: When a sprite is reduced to 20 health or less it immediately returns to the cauldron to regain its strength (unless its health is zero). Roll a die:

  or The sprite regains 10 health and increases its magic by 3.

  or The sprite regains 5 health.

  or The sprite increases its magic by 3.

  Each sprite can only visit the forge once.

  Body of flame: The sprites are immune to backdraft, fire aura, sear and searing mantle.

  Forge master: If you have the word fire quencher on your hero sheet, the fire sprites start with 30 health instead of 40. If you have the word wind breaker on your hero sheet, you can add 2 to the result of the fan the flames ability (the maximum result being 6).

  In this combat, choose one of the sprites to attack. If you win a combat round, you may strike against your chosen sprite (or multiple sprites if you have an ability that lets you do so). If you lose the combat, your chosen sprite will strike against you as a single opponent.

p; If you manage to defeat these high-spirited sprites, turn to 792.


  As your hands settle around the shaft of the spear you cry out in alarm – you feel some ancient evil reaching forth, grabbing you and pulling you down into the weapon’s darkness. You try and release your hands but they are stuck tight to the runes, which are leeching your energy, tugging at your very being. In desperation, you attempt to lock wills with the dark entity, calling on every last reserve of mental strength to push the force away.

  Then, all of a sudden, you feel a change. The barrier you were pushing against starts to recede, drawing itself back to whence it came. Warily, you lift up the spear, realising that the spirit’s attempt to take you over has failed. However, in touching the spear, you have become hexed. The effects are as follows:

  Hexed (pa): You can only use a maximum of eight special abilities in a combat (including modifier and passive abilities). No more than eight abilities can ever be played in one combat – you get to choose those that are activated/used and those that are not – even those that would ordinarily happen automatically. You must remain hexed until you find a cure for your affliction.

  If you wish, you may now equip and wield the black spear of Mortzilla, the glaive of souls (NOTE: this item can only be equipped if you are hexed. If you are cured, the item will break and must be removed from your hero sheet):

  Glaive of souls


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