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The Heart of Fire

Page 65

by Michael J. Ward

  Congratulations! You have now reached the end of this adventure and have earned yourself the title The Dark Angel. You may now turn to the epilogue.


  Legendary monster: Nephele, Princess of the Damned

  The serpentine bridge winds between a range of dark peaks, formed by the gigantic stalagmites spearing up out of the lake. As you pass round the last jagged tip, you feel a savage blast of wind against your face. Ahead, hovering above the last span of the bridge, is a pale-skinned woman clad in blue-crystal armour. A tattered cloak hangs off her shoulders, its edges lined with hoarfrost.

  You advance warily, boots crunching through the slippery ice that coats the stone. The woman is watching you, eyes burning with a white fire. Her black hair has been scraped back from her brow, frozen into twisted bands.

  As she floats closer, you recognise her face – it is the Lamuri princess from your vision; the one who was betrothed to Cernos and slain by the rune-sword, Ragnarok. Her dark spirit must have become trapped here after Barahar was defeated.

  You raise your hands in an appeal of mercy, hoping to parlay with her – perhaps win her aid. But your movement draws an immediate scowl from her pale-blue lips. She points, and a blast of icy wind knocks you both off your feet.

  ‘No, wait!’ you implore, scrabbling across the frozen stone. ‘I know what happened . . . Barahar took your life. I saw it!’

  ‘You cannot reason with a demon!’ growls Virgil. He pushes back his coat, drawing a pistol. Before you can stop him there is a deafening crack of gunfire. The bullet tears a bright strip through the air, but never reaches its target. A layer of ice quickly settles around it, crushing it to dust.

  Virgil lowers his pistol with a disgruntled frown. ‘Witchery . . .’

  You lurch to your feet. ‘Wait! Listen to me. We are looking for Cernos!’ You put deliberate emphasis on her lover’s name. ‘Perhaps you might help us . . .?’

  ‘Cernos has already crossed!’ she snaps icily. ‘I knew he would come, to seek the broken blade. He will avenge us. He will bring this world to ruin, to suffer the pain that we have suffered!’ Nephele drops to the bridge, the air around her bristling with frost. ‘You will not stop us!’

  The princess summons a frozen dagger to each hand then races forward, howling like a banshee. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Aura of frost: Each time your damage score/damage dice causes health damage to Nephele, her frosty aura inflicts 2 damage to your hero, ignoring armour. (Note: if your blow reduces Nephele to zero health, you do not take damage from this ability.)

  Creeping chill: You must lose 2 health at the end of the first combat round. This damage increases by 1 each round. (At the end of the second round, you would lose 3 health and so on.) This ability ignores armour.

  If you manage to defeat this cold-hearted sorceress, turn to 543.


  You dive through the archway, rolling across the uneven surface of books and broken rock. Above you the giant eel arches its long body, stretching back to reveal bloated scaly flesh glowing with arcane runes. Then it proceeds to make a disturbing series of choking sounds, the ribbed folds beneath its lower jaw bulging and contracting. The noise intensifies.

  Suddenly the head jerks forward, belching a storm of pulpy missiles in your direction. You dodge out of the way, hearing the dull splatter of paper and digestive fluids break against the wall. As the creature’s head rears back to take another shot, you beat your wings and take flight, aiming yourself at its scaled body. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Pulped fiction: At the end of every combat round, the wyrm spews paper bullets in your direction. Take a speed challenge. If the result is 19 or lower, you are hit by the pulp and must take 5 damage, ignoring armour. If the result is 20 or more, you dodged the pulp.

  If you manage to defeat this over-sized trash compacter, turn to 554.


  For defeating Erkil, you may now help yourself to one of the following special items:

  Runeplate pauldrons

  Erkil’s hacker

  Ironbeard band


  (left hand: axe)


  +2 speed +2 armour

  +2 speed +4 brawn

  +2 brawn

  Ability: last defence

  Ability: compulsion

  Ability: counter

  As a warrior, you may also take the following:

  Titan stone


  +1 speed

  Ability: titan career

  The stone is carved with powerful runes, allowing you to transform yourself into an elemental titan. While this item is equipped, the titan has the following special abilities:

  Stone skin (co): Instead of rolling for a damage score, you can activate stone skin. This lowers your speed by 2. Stone skin can be removed at any time by winning a combat round, and choosing not to roll for damage. While in stone skin:

  If an opponent wins a combat round, roll a die. On a or result, their blow glances off your stone skin and they do not roll for damage.

  You cannot use any abilities other than trample (see below). Passive abilities that have already been applied (such as bleed) will continue to damage opponents.

  Trample (co): Instead of rolling for a damage score, you can trample. Roll 3 damage dice and apply the result to each of your opponents, ignoring armour. You can only use trample once per combat.

  If you are hexed then you have gained an extra reward, turn to 615. Otherwise, return to the quest map to continue your journey.


  Determined not to let the imp escape you sprint after it, beating your wings to give you added momentum.

  ‘Wait! Let it go!’ shouts Virgil. ‘It’s a shadow scamp. You’ll never catch it!’

  Ignoring the witchfinder’s protests, you continue your dogged pursuit of the thief. Just as you are about to finally grab a hold of it, there is a loud popping sound and it vanishes – only to reappear several metres ahead of you. The imp glances over its shoulder, giving another titter of laughter. You realise that this wily rogue will be harder to catch than you first thought.

  To catch up with the thief, you will need to complete a speed challenge:


  To catch a thief


  If you are successful, turn to 860. Otherwise, turn to 736.


  Team battle (advanced): Krakatoa

  (NOTE: You must have completed the team battle Issakhar to access this challenge.)

  The ground buckles as a fist of rock punches up through the red granite. You pull Virgil away from the grasping fingers, noticing that their knuckled joints are riddled with carved runes. The hand makes another futile grab then disappears back through the hole, taking more of the ground with it. A bellowing screech comes from below, causing the hall to shake and tremble.

  ‘Keep moving!’ You stagger towards the open doorway, stone and dust showering around you. Another booming roar rattles your teeth, moments before the ground explodes once again. This time two fists break through, ripping apart the stonework and taking hold of the crumbling rock. The floor tilts, throwing you onto your stomach. The doorway – and your freedom – slope out of sight. You are sliding backwards, scrabbling for a handhold. Next to you, Virgil mutters something under his breath – a curse, or a prayer, perhaps.

  Then the last of the granite breaks up and you are falling.

  Directly below you is an island, dominated by some giant of a monster. You glimpse molten-glowing eyes and a body of black stone. Your wings stretch outwards, catching the thermals as you drop through the raining stone. You manage to slow your fall, wings beating furiously as you tumble down onto the island, sweat and dust stinging your eyes.


  You look around frantically for the witchfinder. Then you catch sight of him – a pair of legs, kicking desperately from the jagged hole above you. Virgil is c
linging to the edge.

  You are about to go to his aid when a giant column of rock stomps down inches from your face. Bubbling lava spills from the cracks in the black rock, seeping around boulder-sized toes. You scramble backwards, eyes lifting to the colossus that towers into the haze.

  The demon is nearly twenty foot tall, its open chest a raging furnace of flame. The creature lifts its huge fists above its head, preparing to bring them down and crush you. Even with your agile reflexes, you doubt you could avoid such an attack. You watch helpless as they prepare to descend, mouth still agape at the enormity of this hellish apparition.

  Then something drops from above, cutting a frenzy of vivid white lines. Virgil has landed on the monster’s nearest shoulder, stabbing his blades furiously into the rock. Molten liquid gushes from the wounds, venting hissing columns of steam. But his efforts appear in vain.

  KRAKATOA CRUSH! With a roar like an avalanche the giant lurches back, swatting the witchfinder away as if he was nothing more than a pestering gnat.

  In a tumble of coat tails, Virgil goes flailing over the magma lake, grasping for his hat as it is lifted away.

  You spring to your feet, wings snapping outwards once again. Running to the edge of the island, you hurl yourself across the broiling, rock-encrusted waves. You snatch Virgil seconds before he hits the magma.

  Then a huge fist comes sweeping around from out of nowhere. You feel the force of the blow against your side, smashing you and Virgil across the lake towards a curved wall of rock. You brace for impact, crashing straight through the black stone and out the other side, onto another floating island. When you finally slide to a halt you see Virgil hovering several metres away. Currents of air ripple around his body, supporting him as he floats above the lapping waves. Slowly, his body is lowered to the rock. His eyes are closed but he is still breathing.

  Before you can reflect on this apparent miracle, the ground heaves and rolls. You twist around to see the giant pulling itself onto the island, its upper body dripping with rivulets of magma. You draw your weapons, wondering desperately how you can overcome such an immense adversary. Turn to 610.


  A streak of crimson flashes through the air, blowing a fist-sized crater in the ground ahead of you. A woman’s angry curse follows. You spin around, to discover a slender figure watching you from amongst the rubble, her scarlet cloak and armour dazzling against the soot-grey backdrop. Beneath the woman’s raised hood you glimpse a narrow face, framed by short copper-red hair.

  The woman draws back her bow, a crackling arrow of fire forming in its arch.


  The shaft leaps from her bow with a sizzling roar. Its aim is true and would have taken you straight in the chest – were it not for your preternatural foresight. You twist aside, letting the bolt punch another hole in the charred debris.

  ‘Well, if that’s how it’s going to be!’ You start forward, hands reaching for your weapons . . . but then you hesitate. There is something familiar about the woman’s face, the way she holds herself, the ring gleaming on the chain at her neck.

  ‘Joss . . .?’

  The woman answers with a bitter scowl. ‘I know you, betrayer. You’re the one who murdered my Adam!’

  Another bolt streaks through the air. You leap out of its path, feeling the heat of its passing against your face.

  ‘He was not your husband,’ you implore angrily, remembering back to your fight with the metal golem. ‘The toymaker had taken him – turned him into a monster!’

  For a moment there is silence. You realise that the woman is sobbing, her shoulders quivering. ‘You left me. Left me . . . if only you knew what you did, what I had to endure . . .’ She stops abruptly, her face hardening once again. As she raises her bow, her eyes blossom into orbs of crimson fire. ‘You made me into this. YOU!’

  ‘Joss! You have demon blood, I see it. We both do. But don’t give into the rage. You can fight it.’

  She throws back her head with a wild, hysterical laughter. ‘Rage is all I have, fool. It’s all you left me with!’

  The ranger looses another arrow, then another – her hand moving blindingly fast. Left with no other choice, you throw yourself into a charge, dragging your weapons free with a sharp hiss of magic. Whatever happened to Joss in the shroud, it is clear she has now become a vessel for something darker and more powerful. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Blood hail: For each double that you roll for Joss’s attack speed, you must automatically take 10 damage from the archer’s arrows.

  Blood thief: Each time you take health damage from Joss (including from her blood hail ability), she heals 4 health. This ability cannot take Joss above her starting health of 80.

  If you manage to defeat this demonic archer, turn to 598.


  Congratulations, for defeating Nephele while hexed you have won the following rare item:

  Prowler’s handguards


  +1 speed +4 brawn

  Ability: sneak, prowler set

  (requirement: hexed)

  Once you have updated your hero sheet, return to the quest map to continue your journey.


  The passage soon branches into multiple aisle ways, each crammed with shelving. As well as the customary books and carved tablets, you also spot bottles and jars, and casks filled with different-coloured crystals. Whenever you stop to take a closer look Virgil ushers you on, casting worried glances at his surroundings.

  ‘Do not tarry,’ he says. ‘This place reeks with demon taint. Bad things happened here . . .’

  All you can smell is musty dirt and old leather, but you decide to keep that to yourself. Eventually you come to a junction, where another aisle crosses your own. If you have the key word barrier on your hero sheet, turn to 619. Otherwise, turn to 868.


  Searching the cave, you also discover one of the following rare treasures:

  Widow’s needle

  Carapace crest

  Spider grips

  (left hand: sword)

  (left hand: shield)


  +2 speed +3 brawn

  +2 speed +2 armour

  +1 speed +2 brawn

  Ability: piercing

  Ability: webbed

  Ability: sure grip

  (requirement: rogue)

  (requirement: warrior)

  Before you leave you help yourself to a trophy, to celebrate your victory over the spider. (Make a note of Anansi’s eye on your hero sheet, it does not take up backpack space). If you have the glaive of souls equipped, turn to 450. Otherwise, return to the quest map to continue your adventure.


  The ledge overlooks the main chamber of the volcano. Below you, through the sulphurous haze, you see bright tracks of lava cascading down into the lake.

  The air here feels thin, as if the heat has seared it of all oxygen. You struggle for breath, putting a hand to the wall to steady yourself.

  ‘Riven,’ says Virgil, hoarsely. ‘The curtain here is thin . . .’

  You note the witchfinder’s haggard demeanour, his scarred face glistening with sweat. Other than a shortness of breath, you don’t seem to be suffering as badly as your companion.

  ‘Is it your wound?’ You look to his arm, where the ugly welts coil like red serpents.

  He shakes his head, waiting out a dry, hacking cough. He wipes the spittle from his mouth with a shaking hand. ‘The space between . . our world and the shroud . . .’ he rasps. ‘Dangerous. Possible anomaly . . .’

  You turn your attention back to the ledge. It climbs steeply around the face of the rock, leading up to the building on its summit. Black smoke plumes from the four chimneys, jutting from its domed roof.

  ‘What is that place?’ you ask. ‘We saw it from the bridge.’

  ‘The crematorium,’ Virgil wheezes. ‘A sacred place to the dwarves.’

  ‘Would they have put the sword ther

  Virgil looks doubtful. ‘Ragnarok . . . is cursed. They’d give it greater protect—’

  Suddenly the air bends and distorts above you, sending rippling waves washing against the rock. At the centre of the disturbance, a black hole rips open – rapidly getting wider and wider. A howling, freezing gale blasts you to your knees, deafening you with its dirge-like scream.

  But that is nothing to the staggering roar that follows, an air-shredding landslide of elemental fury. You manage to raise your head, eyes watering from the chill wind, to see a ruined tower of black stone spinning out of the hole. Its walls and crenellations are frosted with ice, trailing white smoke as it careers straight into the side of the outcropping . . .

  The explosion hurls you high into the air, sending you tumbling and spinning through a hailstorm of ice and rock. You try and open your wings, to slow your descent, but something slams into your stomach, Ripping you over through the dust. A rock perhaps, or a body. You have lost all sense of direction, of whether you are facing up or down. There is only the wind, tearing at your body with its icy fingers, and the thunderous din of rocks breaking and smashing against each other.

  The cold rapidly turns to heat, engulfing you in a stinging cloud of steam. In alarm, you realise you must be dropping towards the lake. All around you, there is a dull thud of debris hitting into something soft, viscous . . . like lava.

  Then the mist clears and for the briefest of seconds you see an expanse of charred rubble racing up to meet you. Somehow, you manage to spread your wings, feeling the air push hard into the stretched membranes. But it is too little, too late. You slam into the ground, the sudden shock of pain dragging you straight into unconsciousness. Turn to 861.


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