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White Lies and Other Half Truths

Page 15

by Barbara Tiller Cole

  He looked up into her warm, emerald pools of love and heard her say, “Oh, Please, William, Please, make me yours.”

  He lowered his mouth again to suckle her nipple and nibble at her tip. He opened her legs again, and moved in and out a little several times to accustom her to the rhythm. And at the same time she lowered her arm to grasp his bottom as he thrust into her depths.

  Elizabeth gasped and he stopped. She said, “William, I am well, it was just a quick sting, but it feels so good to have you deep inside of me. Is this it, are you finished?”

  “Oh no, love, the best part is yet to come.” And he began to pull back.

  “Do not leave me yet, William!” Elizabeth gasped.

  “I am not leaving, my heart. We have only just begun,” as he pulled out almost to the entrance and then plunged back in again.

  “Oh yes, do it again, William!”

  And do it again, he did. He pulled out almost to the brink, and entered her fully, again and again; slowly at first, then picking up the pace. Her left leg was just on the outside of his shoulders, allowing her to open more fully. His knees were on the lower part of the chaise and his arms on each side of her head as he built the pace slowly, slowly as his thoughts ran away with him. Oh, God she is so wet. And the he smell is even better than my wildest dreams, lavender and tanginess. I am inside her, feeling her warm lushness. Plunging into her depths, filling her luscious river of pleasure. I must go slowly, I want her to find her pleasure, to crest with me and it will require all the restraint I have ever learned.

  They whispered words of love and of desire as he plunged again and again into her depths. He moved his body onto her even further to reach her mouth for a deep kiss. His tongue and his manhood keep pace, depth and rhythm with each other.

  Elizabeth could no longer feel any pain, just fullness and liquid pleasure. With each entry back into her womanhood, she felt more and more complete. Her hips began to keep time, meeting his hips with each thrust. It was maddening. She held onto his bottom, pulling him into her with each of his strokes, as her tongue circled his. His tongue, moving into her mouth, kept the rhythm of their sex.

  Their breathing increased, their moans became more boisterous, their pace faster and faster. Elizabeth kept time with him, meeting his every stroke. He was the master conductor in this orchestra of love and she was the concertmaster, the first violinist, and he was stroking her brilliantly. And then the crescendo of their passage picked up as they headed towards the finale. The timpani were rumbling as their passion ignited. Then, like a cymbal crash, they reached their thunderous conclusion together. Elizabeth was screaming his name on a high note, and Darcy releasing his thunderous applause within her depths.

  As Darcy lay upon her in his exhaustion, she rubbed his lower back in a circular rhythm. He lowered her legs and they wrapped around him, her feet resting on the lower part of his buttocks. She liked the feeling of his heaviness, as he lay upon her and inside her.

  They lay contented for a few minutes until Darcy moved slightly on his side against the arm of the chaise and pulled her against his chest, her head tucked into his neck. “I love you, my wife. I know there has yet to be a formal ceremony, but you are my wife. We are bound together fully in the eyes of God, my love.”

  “And I love you, my husband. I am bound to you in the eyes of God. From this day forward, for better or worse.”

  “Are you well, my Lizzy?” He rubbed her brow and moved her chin up until they were gazing into each other’s eyes.

  “I am quite well. You may think me very wanton, for I did not remain still and quiet. But I do believe that I will quite enjoy being your wife, William,” Lizzy shared as she giggled lightly.

  “I would not have you any other way. I know I will enjoy being your husband, my love. But, as much as I would like to stay here with you all day, we have been gone a very long time. Let me use this cloth under us to clean you up as we must to be on our way soon,” he frowned as he was worried for her.

  Fortunately, Elizabeth anticipated his concern. “William, never regret this day. I will not. This has been everything wonderful. So much more than I had ever, ever imagined it could be. I am very, very happy indeed. I know we must leave. I do not believe I have bled much at all. So please do not worry so. This has been too wonderful for you to fret.”

  Darcy pulled her to him one last time before they were to ready themselves for their departure. “Oh my beautiful, Luscious Lizzy, my wife,” and kissed her deeply and firmly on the mouth.

  “William, I thought you said that it took you quite awhile to recover, my love? I believe you have already recovered quite well... And, as you say, I will never become truly accomplished unless I practice...”

  And practice they did.


  Curiosity killed the cat is from Shakespeare.

  *This saying originated with the French, and has been traced back to the early 1500's. In the United States, this idiom was made popular by the poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in his poem, "The Student's Tale" from "Tales of a Wayside Inn" (verbatim wording: "All things come round to him who will but wait.")

  It's reminiscent of "Patience is a virtue."

  "The ability to wait for something without excessive frustration is a valuable character trait. The proverb has been traced back to 'Piers Ploughman' (1377) by William Langland and is similar to the Latin, Maxima enim..patientia virtus (Patience is the greatest virtue) and the French, Patience est une grant vertu. (Patience is a great value.) Some ten years after Langland, Chaucer wrote in 'The Canterbury Tales' (1386) that 'Patience is a high virtue.' Sometimes followed by the wry rejoinder 'but virtue can hurt you.' First cited in the United States in 1724 in the 'Works of Thomas Chalkley' (1766)..."

  Chapter 15

  8 December 1811

  Darcy and Elizabeth had a wonderful, intimate conversation on their way back to Longbourn. They talked of their upcoming life together. They discussed their hopes and dreams. They spoke openly about the possible consequences for their actions that day, but agreed it was so close to the wedding that no one would ever need know if their interlude had consequences, as their wedding was less than three days hence.

  Both agreed that they loved children, and hoped for at least three. Darcy was certain that the first would be a boy, while Elizabeth reminded him that her mother had only given birth to girls. Darcy assured her that the Darcy seed for generations had always given way to firstborn sons. They smiled. They held hands. They stopped several times for a kiss or two. They rejoiced in their love for each other.

  When they arrived at Longbourn, they discovered that the Matlock’s were due for tea in an hour. Elizabeth retired to her chamber to bathe and change her clothes. She also arranged with her father for Darcy to use his chamber to refresh himself. As Darcy had suggested to her, Elizabeth took a very warm bath to lessen her soreness, although she was not nearly as sore as she had thought she would be. Must be all the walking I do, she leaned back in the tub, and thought with a smile.

  By the time that Elizabeth entered the main parlour, her family and William were all gathered there. Her mother had a smile on her face. Elizabeth had never seen such an expression from her mother, and wondered what had occurred to cause her mother to look as though she felt--dare say--content?


  Flashback, Mrs. Bennet’s Chambers, earlier that day

  Mr. Bennet approached Mrs. Bennet’s chambers and knocked.

  “Who is it?” Fanny asked.

  “It is I, Mrs. Bennet; I had a need to speak with you about a few matters. Might I come in?”

  She rose from her bed where she was resting and went to open the door.

  “Why of course, Mr. Bennet, please come in,” she said, motioning to the two chairs in front of the fireplace. “Please do sit down, and tell me what this is about.”

  Mr. Bennet pulled the article that Edward had sent him out of his pocket, and handed it to her and said, “Before I speak, I would like for y
ou to read this article. It was in yesterday’s London paper, my dear.”

  Mrs. Bennet perused the article and looked at him in shock, “Dead, Mr. Collins is dead? What a rake, what a scoundrel he was! To be caught in such a situation! But what… oh my word… Thank heavens Mr. Darcy offered for Lizzy when he did, to think she could have been bound to such a man!”

  “Elizabeth would never have been bound to Mr. Collins. I would never have allowed it,” Mr. Bennet returned.

  “Of course you would have considered it! With the entail you would not have wanted us to be thrown into the hedgerows. She would have had to marry Mr. Collins!” Mrs. Bennet’s voice was beginning to rise. Mr. Bennet took that time to pick up her hand and kiss the back of it.

  Mr. Bennet is kissing my hand and being considerate of my feelings! Is it possible that he actually does care about me? I do appreciate him letting me know of Mr. Collins’ death.

  Fanny smiled at him and coyly responded, “So what distant relative is to inherit Longbourn now, Mr. Bennet? Who is next to throw us out into the hedgerows?”

  “Mrs. Bennet, we need to talk of many things…” Mr. and Mrs. Bennet continued to talk for some time.


  “Elizabeth, you look quite well this afternoon. Did you and Mr. Darcy enjoy your ride together, my dear?” Mrs. Bennet asked.

  Elizabeth could not remember the last time her mother had directly addressed her. She answered, as she approached Darcy and sat beside him, “Yes, ma’am, we had a very nice ride today. Thank you.”

  Darcy added, “Mrs. Bennet, your husband was so kind to loan us the use of his curricle for our ride and picnic. We had quite a lovely day.”

  Mrs. Bennet observed the couple and flushed a little. She saw in Darcy’s eyes a look so pure, so adoring, almost private in nature, and she was grateful that he truly loved her daughter. She also looked at Elizabeth for the first time in a long time, really looked at her, and saw how beautiful she really was. She saw Elizabeth’s face was lit up as she gazed at her betrothed. Mrs. Bennet saw all the joy her daughter felt reflected in her countenance.

  Mrs. Bennet realized, maybe for the first time, that the reason she had never felt tender feelings for her second daughter was due to her jealousy. The only time she remembered her husband looking at anyone with the same look Darcy shared with Elizabeth, was the day his second daughter was born. Observing the young couple in front of her, obviously in love and anticipating their upcoming marriage, Fanny thought of her own marriage. Before her thoughts would proceed further down that road, Fanny brought her mind back to the present.

  “Mr. Darcy, I understand your family is to arrive here shortly for tea. I am sure you will be glad to see them. I understand your sister will be with them. Has it been awhile since you have seen her, sir?” Mrs. Bennet asked.

  “I was able to see Georgiana for a brief time on my trip to London. She remained with my Aunt and Uncle, as I was only there for a few days. She will be travelling with them after the wedding to Matlock, as they plan to return there before the holidays. Elizabeth and I hope all of them will be able to join your family in visiting us for Christmas,” Darcy explained.

  “Elizabeth, that will be a very large party for you to attend to so soon after becoming Mistress of Pemberley. You must be sure to ask me for help, or from your new aunt, should you need it. I know you have assisted your father for some years with matters for the estate, and have assisted me in handling special events here at Longbourn, but Pemberley is so much larger. I am glad your first social event will be with family. Perhaps, it can help hone your hosting skills, before Mr. Darcy has other large parties for you to oversee. You know I am very proud of you, as you have always been so clever and attentive. I am sure you will do fine,” Mrs. Bennet stated.

  Where is my mother and what have you done with her? Elizabeth thought.

  “Thank you, Mama. I appreciate your confidence in me. I will let you know if there is anything you can do to assist me,” Elizabeth said, still somewhat in shock of her mother praising her.

  “Mrs. Bennet, Elizabeth is perhaps the brightest, liveliest and yes loveliest,” Darcy gazed at Elizabeth as he said this, “woman of my acquaintance. I have no doubts about her ability to serve as Mistress of Pemberley. While I have entertained very little since I became master of the estate, perhaps with Elizabeth at Pemberley, she will breathe new life into the estate as she has renewed mine,” he said as he turned back to smile at Elizabeth.

  “If there were any doubt at all, I am sure that Mrs. Reynolds will be there to assist her in any way. After all, she has been the overseeing the staff there since I was four,” Darcy offered.

  “Mrs. Reynolds is still there! She was so kind to me when I visited your home, Mr. Darcy. In fact I remember fondly, having a conversation with her about the recent birth of her son. I discovered I was carrying Jane while at Pemberley. Mr. Bennet and I have fond memories of our trip there together.”

  “Mrs. Bennet, I knew that Mr. Bennet had visited Pemberley, but I did not realize you had been there as well!” They continued to talk of Pemberley until the Fitzwilliam party was announced.

  Mr. Hill announced to those in the parlour, “Lord Edward Fitzwilliam, Earl of Matlock, Lady Matlock, Viscount Mark and Lady Harriet Fitzwilliam, Colonel Fitzwilliam and Miss Georgiana Darcy.” The Bennets and Darcy rose to greet their guests. After all the introductions were out of the way, every one introduced to Darcy’s betrothed as well as the rest of the Bennet family, the large group divided into smaller pairings as tea was served.

  Darcy arranged for Georgiana to join him and Elizabeth, so they could get better acquainted, and Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam joined them as well. He was most interested to acquaint himself with the woman that had stolen Darcy’s heart. After the initial greetings and agreement to call each other by their first names, Elizabeth said, “Georgiana, I am so happy to meet you! William has said so much about you. He tells me you are a very accomplished musician, and that you love to play the piano and the harp. I hope I will be able to hear you play while you are here for the wedding.”

  “My brother says that nothing gives him greater pleasure than to hear you play and sing,” Georgiana said softly, struggling to maintain eye contact with Elizabeth. She continued to look down at her lap every few words.

  “I assure you he has exaggerated my talents, no doubt for some mischievous reason of his own,” Elizabeth laughed, as she smiled and cocked her head to the side and looked at Darcy.

  Darcy smiled and patted her hand just once since they were in company, and said, “No, my dear, what I said was true! I dearly love to hear you sing and play.”

  “And Darcy never lies! He always tells the complete truth. Is that not true Darcy? Disguise of every sort is your abhorrence. Is that not what you always say?” Colonel Fitzwilliam chuckled.

  “Oh, but colonel, I believe I must disappoint you. You see, on the first night of our acquaintance, he has admitted to telling a white lie. You did ask me for forgiveness for that unkind remark did you not, dear sir? Or did you truly find me only tolerable, and not handsome enough to tempt you?” Elizabeth turned to ask Darcy.

  Richard and Georgiana looked at Darcy, a little shocked as his cheeks flushed close to bright red, and then they looked to Elizabeth. As she had a mischievous look about her, they lightly laughed. “Darcy you did not say such a thing to the woman you are now to marry, did you? I would imagine it took more than just a simple apology to get past such a remark!” Fitzwilliam questioned.

  Darcy, definitely embarrassed that Elizabeth had brought up one of the two white lies that started their trek towards walking down the aisle, decided to tease her back, “Elizabeth, my dear, you would not like for me to recount all of the events of that evening where I apologized to you, now would you?” Darcy said this as he cocked his head and raised his eyebrow in her direction.

  “Oh, it is to my disadvantage that he knows as much about me as he does. All right, William, you have had your retribution
. I concede, sir. I believe William was in very poor spirits the first evening we met, and was trying to get Mr. Bingley to leave him alone and not require him to dance. He told me he had not really looked at me until after he said what he did. Then, he hoped I had not heard what he said. But, I believe he suspected that I had, as he apologized to me before I brought it to his attention. Did you not, William? There, am I forgiven for embarrassing you in front of your family?” Elizabeth fluttered her eyelashes at him as she asked.

  Laughing, Darcy said, “You have all the forgiveness you will ever require, and my heart as well, my love,” and he kissed the back of her hand.

  Georgiana and Richard were both a little shocked, as they had never seen Darcy tease or show affection in such a manner.

  Tea was announced and distributed amongst those attending. Mr. Bingley arrived to visit Jane, and was introduced to all that were in attendance. Richard moved to visit with Bingley, and Georgiana tentatively moved to meet Jane.

  Darcy invited his aunt and uncle to visit with him and Elizabeth for a while. Lord Matlock shared his sincere best wishes, and his gratitude, that Darcy and Elizabeth’s fathers greatest wish was to come true. Aunt Cassandra, as she insisted that Elizabeth begin to call her that even before the wedding, had a lovely conversation about wedding plans and her memories of Darcy as a child.


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