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Page 26

by Janet Elizabeth Henderson

  Damn, he needed to get inside her. She pulled her lips from his again.

  “That means taking us all on. Jack and Sophie too.” She looked at him, anxiety in her eyes.

  “I spent the past three weeks decorating bedrooms for Sophie and Jack. One is bubble-gum pink and covered in glitter. The other is full of video games and workout gear.” He kissed her nose. “You’re mine, Isobel Sinclair. And those kids are mine. Never worry about that.”

  The depth of emotion he saw in her eyes humbled him. His woman. His. And he was never letting her go.

  “I’m not pregnant,” she whispered against his mouth.

  Disappointment washed over him. “Do you want to be? Because I want to be inside you right this minute.”

  She smiled at him and melted his heart. “Let’s get settled first.”

  Aye, he liked the sound of that. “I don’t have a condom here.” Which meant he had to drag Isobel through the building, past his grinning team, and out the back door to his house at the end of the garden—all the while sporting a hard-on from hell.

  She put her hand in the pocket of the denim jacket she wore and pulled out a little foil packet. “I came prepared, for a change.”

  He grabbed the condom and kissed her hard.

  “It was Mairi, wasn’t it?” He put her on her feet and started pulling off her jeans.

  “Yeah,” Isobel said with a giggle, because they both knew her chances of remembering were slim to none.

  Callum stripped her of her jeans, shoes and underwear in record time before sheathing himself and lifting her again. When he had her pressed between his chest and the wall, the way he liked it, he stroked her hair. “I promise you foreplay the next time.”

  “You keep saying that,” she whispered against his mouth, “but it never happens.”

  “I’ll work on it.” He reached between them and lined himself up with paradise.

  They groaned as he slid into her wet heat. Muscles tensed as he fought for control, Callum rested his forehead on Isobel’s. They stood like that, joined, together, complete.

  “Never leave me again,” Callum whispered.

  “Silly man, I didn’t leave you this time. I just needed to sort out my head.”

  “Are you done with that?”

  “Yeah.” She clenched around him, and they both moaned. “I fell in love with you in Arness.” Isobel confessed.

  Callum felt a warm glow spread throughout his body. “I’ll always love you, Isobel Sinclair, and I’m going to spend a lifetime showing you that you made the right choice this time.”

  “Are you saying I broke the Sinclair curse?” She smiled, teasing him.

  “Aye, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Now give me your mouth, woman. I need to taste you.”

  And Isobel did just that.


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  Invertary Books

  Lingerie Wars, Invertary Book 1

  Goody Two Shoes, Invertary Book 2

  Magenta Mine, Invertary Book 3

  Calamity Jena, Invertary Book 4

  Bad Boy, Invertary Book 5

  Here Comes The Rainne Again, Invertary Book 6

  Caught, Invertary Book 7

  Benson’s Boys

  Reckless, Benson’s Boys Book 1

  Relentless, Benson’s Boys Book 2

  Rage, Benson’s Boys Book 3

  Other Books

  Mad Love, London Book 1

  Laura’s Big Break, London Book 2



  I GREW UP IN SCOTLAND, but after I met my Dutch husband in America we decided to move to New Zealand and that’s where we’ve settled. We bought a patch of land that we’ve filled with other people’s unwanted animals—we didn’t advertise for them, they found us! So far we have three miniature horses (we took in two and were surprised eleven months later when a third appeared—yep, we know nothing about horses), three anti-social alpacas, a grumpy cow, one pet sheep who wants to live in the house, a crazy goat who keeps eating my manuscripts and an escape artist chicken who breaks into our house through the cat flap. And that’s just the pets who live outside the house—don’t even get me started on the demented, farting dog who keeps burying my shoes! On top of this I have two small girls, one DIY obsessed husband (I said “obsessed” not “skilled") and a 92 year old neighbour who thinks she lives with us.

  In between cuddling animals and herding kids, I write books. If you’d like to sign up for my newsletter, which happens sporadically – usually when books are being released – click on this link. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy my books!

  You can use this contact form to get in touch or email me at


  I COULDN’T PUT TOGETHER ANY of my books without my good friend and professional nit-picker, Liz Dempsey. Liz is my final proofreader, the one who gets to go through my manuscript after it’s been edited and proofed and she still manages to find things everyone else has missed! Without her, all of my characters would have random ages and their hair colour would change depending on my mood. So this book is for you Liz. Thank you for putting up with my “sex filled” writing and my last minute changes. You are truly a star! Xx


  I WANT TO THANK THE Blatchford Group. An amazing company in the UK that works with amputees to make sure they get the best prosthetic limbs to suit their needs. Their Blatchford’s Linx system was awarded the Gold Medal Award in Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Products category, and the Best in Show Award at the Medical Design Excellence Awards in 2017. Not only that, they took time out of their important work to answer the many questions of a completely ignorant writer. And for that I am eternally grateful. Their information was invaluable to me in writing this book. Any mistakes, or liberties I’ve taken for the purposes of the story, are completely on me and not due to anything they told me. If you’re interested in their work, you can find them here at

  Copyright © 2017 by Janet Kortlever

  ISBN 978-0-473-40987-6

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful privacy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior permission can be obtained by contacting the author through her website. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  Author’s website:




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