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The Sound of War: The Song of the Eagle

Page 8

by Ginkel-Weigel, Patrick

  Reen nibbling a piece of grilled rabbit. He gives a piece also Beron. He extends his prisoners even some water. Reen looks "well, we're frankly, no slave traders. seriously in Berons eyes We are death dealers". "Please what? Are what"death dealers. "We sell you. And a whole momentum of other men that we have picked up on the streets and fields. But not to work. But to die".

  "To die? I do not understand". "Were you my boy ever on Arax"? 'No. "But I know stories about Arax". "You know, everything you have read about it and heard is true, only that are the stories an understatement". "I saw people on Arax were barbarians". "Yes, that is my boy. And they are my best customers." "What happens there with us"? "Pushing you a sword in the hand and the Araxi train with you." "You fight with us"? "No, fighting, you die. You will see"never better swordsman.

  While Berons future appears uncertain, the future Princess Sewens is already a done deal. Her father is committed to the goal to marry his daughter. For this, he has picked out a very special groom. His daughter know yet who it will be. But Sewen loves another man already.

  And as often as she can, the Princess spends time with her riding instructor Nandor. Then she ride the horses. Or train jumping. And at night the Princess in Nandors modest apartments sneaks. Sewen know that she drives a risky game. Her father can never know about their love affair. But she let itself does not dictate her life.

  Also on this night, the Princess in Nandors House sneaks. "Sewen, I you never expected". "My father works very much in the last few days. The occasion was favourable. Or do you see today me n r"? "I have a cunning piece Princess". Sewen attacks her lover game in the step.

  "I am my sweet Nándor today night in a good mood. I have a math problem for you". "Let's hear my Princess". "If you have ten gold pieces and this one give me, what do you do then"? "Nine pieces of Gold Princess". 'No. You can then"the full program. "Your high well born, I'm afraid I don't have a gold piece for you". "You are a poor, penniless Hick. That excites me".

  Princess Sewen has a strong libido. And Nandor explained her gladly willing to give what she needs. But he knows that this could cost his head. The future Queen gives herself regularly their instructors in his humble abode.

  The behavior of the Princess is not only unseemly. There are also eyes within the palace walls where their nightly excursions not to be missed. Especially her brother Elvon regularly sees how she sneaking out of her Tower. And he is thrilled just as little of it as his mother. As so often, Nandor and Sewen spend the night together. Even though the weather in Sparos is always cool, especially at night. In the stables, it is usually toasty warm and at home when Nandor anyway.

  The next morning, the family at breakfast sitting together. Sewen as so often running late and is also tired. "Sewen sweetheart." I love you all. But in the future you will have to learn to be on time. And appropriate respect to show". "Yes Dad". "You will soon be a Queen. No Princess, not a girl. A Queen, a woman with a lot of responsibility. A mother to a whole Kingdom. You understand"? "Yes Dad". "Well, then come cursed again just in time for dinner and let not all on you wait". "Yes father, I have you understood".

  "Very well. I don't want to repeat myself again. And I won't do it. I have to do other things at the moment. The Kings of the free realms will arrive soon. All six". "Really all RaVoN"? 'Yes. Doria Laronia, Emor Conreba, Baldus of Ryo, oleanders of Aeris, Atolla Maros and Randy from Jahro. All under one roof at a table".

  "What's father"? "About my son break not the head 's". "If all seven of the Kings come together, it can go only to a war against the Empire". "You're smarter than there usually are boys your age. At your age I spent half a day with bow and arrow, with horse riding and sword fighting. And to want to impress young girls". "I read much father". "And I've been watching much." Elvon sees in his sister's and she looks back as him. 'My eyes see more than that many spies and Whisperer'.

  The family breakfast in silence to end. The Princess cares after breakfast once again put it down himself. RaVoN, however, must still really relax before the high visit arrives. That's why he goes today by his bodyguard on the hunt. Preferably, he hunts with bow and arrow. He tends to skin the imposed game itself and to disassemble. "A King must control at least one ordinary job" --he always says this sentence to Elvon. In his case, it's that the Fleischers. Elvon wants to learn the art of forging. But today he will accompany his father on the hunt.

  Because he must talk about something to do with his mother. "Mother, Sewen came home late". "Now I took your sister slept poorly". "You sneak up often from her mother's room. Has it escaped you"? "Spy you on your big sister afterwards"? "Of course, she is my blood. And a Princess". "You should stop your excursions mother." "Or I'll do it." "You're growing up so fast Elvon. You're talking almost like a King. But you're not there yet. I'll do what I think is right". "What would dad do"? "Dare to tell not your father. You Los may be an avalanche. And avalanches are unstoppable." "Well, then mother care you".

  Lord Barbon and & VOC accompany the King along with six armed men on the hunt. While RaVoN since childhood to hunt, it is the first time for RaVoN. The King finds out quickly how nervous is the man from Conreba. "Hunting man ever on your island or live alone by the fishing" -Lord Barbon quips. "Indeed there are mostly only small game and small animals. Birds, rabbits and the like. The fish make up really the majority of". "It sounds terribly" -Lord Barbon responds. 'We have excellent wine. And not this swill that referred you here as wine". Lord Barbon disintegrates wide frightened eyes. Was that just an insult? The King laughs loudly. "Good young lad countered. The man is right. Our wine is no good. But our mead is really good. And the pies are excellent. Where have you been drinking so far the best wine Mr Voc"?

  "On EMBA reen my King". "EMBA-reen? How come after EMBA-reen"? "Love my King." She moved me to EMBA reen. Eight years that is now". "The love. I can no longer hear this nonsense". "My daughter is me in the ears. Love, love, I want romance. We need to connect the houses of Union with blood. This is the best way to protect us from immoral activities of the Empire. Understands your Mr VOC". "I think so". "Stop" - said Lord Barbon. "Look, a black deer my King". "Which served to the Royal meeting, believe me". "Around 70 metres are my King". "Rather 80 meter Mr Voc" - replied Lord Barbon. "And if my wife asks there were 100 meters, so that this is clear".

  With a quiet hand sets the King arrow and bow to. "Have you ever killed a living creature &"? "None of that would have earned it". "Not an animal"? "No, not a". "Look, this black deer there is a noble creature. A magnificent animal. It has not deserved death. We on the other hand already. But I'm going to kill it to feed my family and guests. Do you think this a crime & VOC, unfair"? "No, my King. To feed themselves it is wild to be deposited"no wrong. "Perhaps you may not have right. But if I have it, I will honor it for that. I thank nature for the fruits of that presents them to us. Be it vegetables, meat and grain. "It is important that one is aware of his doings". The King his spans and shoots his arrow with ease. Accurately hitting the deer in the head. The noble animal falls over dead instantly.

  "You see &. I killed a black deer. That's why I feel no remorse. But I have respect for this animal. Because, you see, sometimes we have to make sacrifices to protect the survival of others. Sometimes we have to do things that contradict our own nature". "I understand my King". 'No. Which ye do not. "But soon you will understand it."

  Chapter 8 - the Pact of the Kings

  & VOC was Lord Barbon to chosen in the stables of the King to help. "When we host it you and your Lysander, you can make off also its filth" - Were Lord bar bons words. And what does the voice of the King is done. But for & this is not a punitive labor. So he can spend time with Sun arrow. And pets him God knows better than people.

  And he has access to Ahmed, the Royal riding instructor. A good guy and even something Nándor is younger than &. But & thinks he's a fool. That he has a so intimate relationship with Princess Sewen is not only foolish, but also deadly. The instructor asks & VOC about riding out to help him. The horses nee
d their daily exercise and an extensive ride is the best. Also Princess Sewen helps him. And two men of the city guard. Currently there are 12 with Sommerpeil horses to ride it that applies.

  It's a beautiful day to ride. The Sun is shining and a light wind roams across the meadows of Sparos. Twice the guards and the Princess ride with. The last ride is reserved & and Nandor. & Uses the opportunity to speak with Ahmed. He trots on summer arrow over the fields. The JayDee Stallion enjoys every step in freedom. Golden lights almost his fur and also his face seems to glow. Nándor is sitting on a Brown-and-white horse, which seems to enjoy the trip as well as Sun arrow. Side by side they stroll along the river.

  "Do you like your work in the barn" - Nándor & asks. "Of course. Animals are generally rather than people. You are kind, honest, and not so devious". "Since you're probably right &". "And animals are smarter than people. "It is a shame that not they rule over the world, but our dull race". "Now, horses are smart, but as far as I would go then." "People do constantly dumb things Nandor. Especially when they are in love". "Hahaha... & VOC. Love is by no means stupid. You show us everything else is as indifferent. Therefore, lovers make the monkeys. Because you have everything else appears indifferent".

  'You have a very special relationship with Princess Sewen'. Nándor persists with his horse and turns to &. "What want to say so? Indicates your something unseemly"? "You see Nandor, my horse is smarter than I am. And yet I see the sparks that dance between you and the Princess". "Talk Conrebe, what do you want from me". "I have no interest in harming you or to tell you. I just wanted to point out you, that your secret is probably not as secret as you think it. Such a relationship is not only foolish It is deadly". 'Then do me the favor it and speak it anymore'.

  However, Nándor can't. In the afternoon he will meet again with Princess Sewen. This time in the catacombs of the Castle, like so many times. "Your look is grieved Nandor. What is going on". "& VOC has spoken to me on our relationship. He know of, he says he can see the love between us". "What will he do now? What does he want"? "He says he wants nothing. To warn"except us. "Everyone wants something in this place. I don't trust him". "Tomorrow the King receives a visit. It's your future husband would also be doing". "Not sad I am Ahmed". "It will probably be our last meeting his Princess. If you look in your heart you know it's true". "I don't want to hear that her fool"! "And yet it is the truth". Nándor and Princess Sewen love one last time. In the are catacombs of the Castle, where your ancestor is buried.

  In the evening, the King must once again long awaiting the arrival of his daughter. It always annoys him when the family with dinner must wait for them. But when she finally shows up he is happy. He could be her long time never nasty. For their father the sun always rises when she enters the room. King Ravon by Sparos sits with his family on the terrace. You can enjoy the mild climate of Sparos as well as dinner under the starry sky of White Hall. The arrival of most of the Kings of the Union is expected for tomorrow. RaVoN is tense, but he tries to make normalcy reign for his children and his wife. He wants to push the gathering war intellectually as far away as possible.

  But as the King in the distance, he sees anything unusual observed. He considers it a message, an omen. But he doesn't know whether it will or not bring disaster. Even his family can see it. Three star discolor clearly by white bluish shimmering in a shining black. Ravons woman Talwen considers it an astrological feature and would like to discuss this tomorrow with the scientists of the Palace.

  "Look dad! The stars are black" - called the young Prince Elvon. "Yes my boy, they will". "What it probably be like my husband". "I don't know. "But it bothers me." "View only father, the star, fall out of the sky"! "That's impossible! What happens just RaVoN"! "I have no idea. "But I was hoping the wine would have been bad." "No, I see it as well. Scientists will know it. You will know what it is". "But there are only these three as father" -Elvon noticed. "Yes. "And I'm glad that not all the stars from the sky fall".

  But RaVoN not considers this to be a special feature of the stars. He considers it a divine sign. Because the stars which have colored black, falling slowly, but clearly visible from the sky. And not only the King of Sparos sees how the stars from the sky fall. Can be seen as the heavenly bodies fall down every man, every woman and every child. And everywhere the animals start to cry and whimper. There is something in the air. And it can clearly be felt.

  No one knows what does that mean. RaVoN considered strenuous. Symbolize the three star the free realms of the Union? But there are seven lands, not just three. Or are they for the Empire? RaVoN must discuss this with the scholars. After dinner, he meets with Lord Emoz, his science adviser.

  "Lord Emoz, tells me you saw the stars fall so as I saw it"? "I have that my King". "And what do you say? What say"your books? "Now my King, the Scriptures are as divided. What has thrown exactly the Sternenfall can not be clarified. "But then when stars in the past from the sky fell, sweeping changes took place". "Far-reaching changes? "But something accurate to say you can't me do." "No King RaVoN, I can't do that". "I'm as smart as like before". "I know only so much last time as stars of the sky fell, was the Kingdom of Pexantis and the wild boar of Baccus disappeared for all time. This is my King over 120 years ago."

  But even though the stars of the sky fell the morning brings a new day to Sparos. As the sun rises and the morning light tenderly kisses the sky, shake the Earth from white mountain. Loud rumbling can be heard and the inhabitants of the city feel like shaking the ground beneath their feet. Frightened, the Shoemaker and the blacksmith in puzzle whether this was an earthquake and the ground beneath them would just open up. But that's not the case. The eyes of the guards at the gates of the city see dozens banner which rise above the hills in front of them. There are the banners of the House Doraine. King Doria by Laronia Announces shaft with his powerful rider. 100 men on heavily armored Laronen steed. The armoured horsemen of Laronia is considered to be one of the deadliest combat units in the world. Known throughout the world as the horseman of death.

  RaVoN and his family got up very early. Full of anticipation, they expect their guests. The King and his family watch from the balcony of the Dorias arrival. "Love, the banner of Laronias view. Doria is outside your gates" -the Queen calls to their King. "Come on Sewen view's friends." There he is Doria Doraine, King of Laronia. Your future husband". "Father, I don't want to marry but him"! "Child, you don't know him. It says Doria is a very handsome and impressive man" -Queen Talwen replies.

  And in fact. Doria Doraine, King of Laronia is the most coveted Bachelor in the free lands of the Union. Tall, with long chestnut hair, yellow glowing eyes and broad chest. He wears a suit of armor that is gold as well as the banners of his house. And a blue horse emblazoned on his armor. He is considered as formed, but also impulsive and youthfully exuberant. His reputation precedes him far.

  The Royal couple is trying very hard to get her daughter Doria. Because a blood link between both houses would strengthen the Union. Other connections are planned. Weddings that are designed to enhance the free kingdoms to its foundations. As the Royal family receives the young King from Laronia in her Palace. Not the throne of Ravons, it in the Hall of Kings.

  "Doria King by Laronia." Greetings guest and friend in our House. And your men as well. May I present you, my wife Talwen, son of Elvon and my daughter Sewen'. "Princess Sewen. My King, you lied to me. The Princess is still much nicer than you have described you to me". The King pleased smiles, his daughter smiles as well, but from embarrassment. And you have to admit that your parents were right. Doria has a very impressive appearance.

  Princess Sewen faces her future husband. She wears a dark red dress that will bring out its elegant pale skin and her jet-black hair. "I am your acquaintance to make King Doria. I hope everyone had a pleasant journey" -the Princess speaks. "Do not be fooled by my fine armor Princess." My good manners of my youth. I'm a hardened Warrior, and not shy away from uncomfortable travel. And this trip was truly long and uncomfortable. B
ut when I see your smile she was worth it'.

  King Ravon can accommodate Doria and his companions befitting in his palace. And while the sun set over the fields around white mountain countries arrive the Kings of the free kingdoms gradually in White Hall. They all came.

  Doria Doraine, King of Laronia. Emor Badoz, Prince of the free Conreba of the island. Baldus Wenda, King of Ryo and 71 of the oldest of all monarchs. Randy Canardis, King of Jahro. Atolla Janda, Queen of Maros. The King of Aeris arrives last. Oleanders Arelis, called Dragon's heart.

  King Ravon by Sparos has managed to unite all the leaders of the free kingdoms to his big Board. Forever, there is no dispute and no fighting between the free kingdoms of the Union and their homes. The threat of the Empire is too large. Only together they can be against it.

  While the preparations for the evening feast, the instructors of the King, Nándor celebrates its own Festival. First, he visited several taverns in white mountain. He knows that he will lose Sewen today. Another man, a Prince or a King. No matter what, the young girl for love sayings has vowed. What matters this even if a King before her kneeling to make her the Court.


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