Book Read Free


Page 13

by Zondervan

  “Now everyone just act normal,” Paige directs. “Pretend as if the cameras aren’t running.”

  I try to distract myself from the camera guys by continuing to take photos with my own camera. As I snap one of Eliza and Taylor, I notice how natural Taylor looks although Eliza seems to be posing. I guess that shouldn’t surprise me, since she is a model, and, as I recall, this is exactly how she acted when we taped a show in her apartment during Fashion Week.

  Just like it did then, it still kind of irks me. And it irks me that it irks me because I know I should get over it. Not only that, I remember my promise to her in New York, and that reminds me that I should really be praying for this girl. Because the more I’m around her, the more I see that her head’s a little messed up. I could chalk it up to the poor little rich girl syndrome. But even if that’s the case, I know that God loves her as much as anyone else.

  As I snap another posed shot of Eliza, I try to see what’s behind those pretty blue eyes, perfect nose, and up-tilted chin. What makes this girl tick? I remember the time she fell apart in the women’s restroom, sobbing because she wasn’t as sought after as Taylor for modeling opportunities. I also remember my challenge to her, suggesting she do something important and valuable with her life—like feed starving children in Africa. Unfortunately, she still seems to be stuck on the fashion track.

  The trip to Bordeaux seems to whiz by and as we’re getting off the train, Paige and I realize that we didn’t make any arrangements for a car to get us from the station to the chateau in Margaux—about a thirty mile trip.

  “It might be tight, but you can ride with us,” JJ offers as the film crew’s van pulls up.

  “I have réservation for a car,” Gabin tells Paige and me. “You can ride with me.”

  “Some of you can ride with me.” Eliza directs this to Dylan. “I had the Fiat dropped off here this morning.”

  I can see the dismay in Eliza’s eyes when it’s JJ who, urged by Taylor, accepts the offer of a ride. Meanwhile Gabin, Dylan, Paige, and I go in Gabin’s rental car. The plan is for us to follow Eliza, but she drives so fast that Paige begs Gabin to slow down. “We know where Chateau Bertrand is located,” she assures him in French. “And we have a map. What does it matter if we’re late?”

  “And if we slow down we can actually see the countryside,” I point out. “Because Taylor wasn’t exaggerating. It’s gorgeous.”

  “I can stop,” Gabin offers, “if you like to photograph.”

  I take him up on this offer several times, which slows us down even more. But, really, what’s the hurry

  ? “Maybe we should stop for lunch,” Dylan suggests as Gabin comes into a small, quaint town.

  “Excellent idea,” Gabin tells him. “And we can check the map.”

  Paige gives Eliza a call, leaving a message that we decided to stop for food. We find a sweet little bistro and as we wait for our orders, the guys consult the map, I switch camera cards, and Paige checks her phone messages. “What the—?” she says suddenly.

  I look up from my camera to see that my sister looks seriously disturbed. “What’s wrong?” I demand. “Is it Mom?”

  “No.” She shakes her head. “It’s Benjamin.”

  Both guys look up from the map. “Who is Benjamin?” Gabin asks.

  “Benjamin Kross,” I fill in for him. “Paige’s, uh, friend.”

  Dylan smiles. “And the star of one of America’s hottest teen reality TV shows. Well, your show excluded, of course.”

  “Of course.” Paige makes a face.

  “So what’s up with old Benjamin Kross?” Dylan asks with interest.

  “He’s lost his mind.” Paige holds up her hands helplessly.

  “What’s going on?” I persist.

  “He’s coming here.”

  “Here?” I stare at her. “Here as in France here?”

  She just nods.


  “To see me.”

  “I still don’t get it,” I tell her.

  “Neither do I. Somehow he got the impression that I invited him to join us.”


  She looks down at her phone. “Seriously. His first text says: Thanks. I’ll call you when I’m in Bordeaux.”

  “He’s coming to Bordeaux?” I’m trying to wrap my head around this. “When does he plan to arrive? We’re only here a few days. What time is it there anyway? Isn’t it like the middle of the night? How is this even possible?”

  “His last text was sent around three in the morning, saying he’d booked a flight that leaves at six forty a.m, and that he was going to take a nap before heading to LAX.”

  “This is nuts,” I tell her.

  “He’ll arrive in Bordeaux tomorrow morning.”

  “What made him think you’d invited him?” I ask.

  “You mean besides his overactive imagination?”

  “He must be in love with you,” Gabin offers.

  Dylan laughs. “Of course. Why else would someone do something so crazy?”

  “Are you in love with him?” Gabin asks Paige.

  “No,” she says quickly. “Of course not.”

  Then Dylan tells Gabin about Benjamin’s recent scandal and how his costar and former girlfriend died as a result.

  Gabin shakes his head. “That is horrible.”

  Paige tries to tell the story a bit more fairly, explaining about how Mia had been drunk and initiated a fight. Gabin nods, as if he understands. “I hear of this before. Lover disputes in cars…dangereux.”

  “And it seems that the court agreed that Benjamin’s blood alcohol levels, combined with the other evidence the police gathered, do back up his statement, and show that he was not legally at fault,” Paige continues in a weary tone. “Although Mia’s family might still push for a civil suit…but all the charges have been dropped. I guess he feels free to travel.”

  “I still don’t get him inviting himself to Bordeaux,” I persist. “Like who does that?” Then I get a flashback—I remember how Eliza had Paige’s phone. “Hey, wait a minute,” I say suddenly.

  “What?” Paige asks.

  I remind her about how Eliza supposedly “found” Paige’s phone. “When I first came into the car, she appeared to be texting someone,” I explain. “At the time I assumed it was her own iPhone. But then I saw the daisy on the back and realized it was your phone.”

  Paige has her phone out. She’s probably checking sent texts and suddenly she lets out a little gasp. “Eliza texted him on my phone,” she announces in a stiff voice. “She pretended to be me and invited him to join us at Chateau Bertrand, and she even gave him her phone number so he could call for directions. It was sent at nine forty-two in the morning.”

  I do the mental math. “That would’ve been one forty-two am in LA. Pretty late.”

  “Obviously, Ben was still up.” Paige looks at me with troubled eyes.

  “Why would Eliza invite this Benjamin?” Gabin asks.

  “Maybe because she wants to meet a celebrity?” suggests Dylan.

  Just then our lunch arrives. I exchange glances with Paige, then look over at Dylan, hoping she’ll get my hint and that I can fill her in later. So even though Eliza didn’t push my sister off the train, it looks like she’d like to throw her under one before our visit to Chateau Bertrand is over.

  After lunch, Paige and I go to the restroom and I explain my theory. But she’s not buying it. “That seems kind of crazy,” she tells me as she washes her hands. “It’s possible that Dylan nailed it when he said Eliza probably just wants to meet a celeb. That makes sense. Remember how she wanted to hear more about Benjamin when we were in New York?”

  “That could be true,” I say, “but I can tell that she’s into Dylan and that she’s jealous of you.”

  Paige shakes her head. “I don’t think so, Erin.”

  “Then why would she use your phone like that, Paige? She could’ve just been open about it and asked you to invite Benjamin, you know, for the fun of it.
Instead, she went behind your back and set it up.”

  “I don’t know.” Paige turns and smiles at me. “Maybe we’re making too much of it, Erin. C’est la vie.”

  “Okay.” I nod. “This is your life. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  Paige laughs. “Really, what’s the worst that could happen? Benjamin shows up and we all have a few laughs about it. Who knows, maybe he and Eliza will hit it off.”

  “You wouldn’t mind?”

  She shrugs. “Not really.”

  I decide that Paige could be right. I probably am making too much out of it. Really, who cares if Eliza manipulated things to get Benjamin to hop a plane to France? Maybe it will make for an interesting show. So while Gabin drives with Paige reading the map for him, I watch for signs and eventually we find our way to Chateau Bertrand. A winding tree-lined driveway takes us up a hill where vineyards seem to stretch out for miles. We pass some stone buildings and finally pull up in front of what looks like a castle with high stone walls and rounded turrets. I think I understand why Eliza suffers from “princess syndrome.”

  “Wow,” Paige gasps. “Is this the right place?”

  “It is.” Gabin nods as he parks the car, then stares at the building with a slightly surprised expression.

  “Eliza’s parents are quite wealthy,” Dylan says.

  “Ya think?” I climb out of the car and look at the amazing structure. It appears to be four stories high—maybe more since the turrets are above the fourth row of windows. “This place is amazing.”

  “Hey, it’s about time,” Eliza says as she comes out a tall front door. “Welcome to Chateau Bertrand.” She heads straight for Dylan. “I just spoke to my mother and she’s looking forward to meeting you tomorrow evening. She hopes you’ll share some of your designs with her fashion show. I gave the coordinator Heather’s cell phone number. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “That’s fine.” He nods. “Nice digs you got here.”

  “Let me give you guys the full tour,” Eliza offers as she links arms with him. “What took you so long to get here?”

  “Didn’t you get my message?” Paige asks as she picks up the pace to keep up with Eliza as she leads Dylan down a walkway.

  Gabin and I hurry to catch up with them and, as I walk, I extract my camera from my bag, getting ready to get some shots.

  “I got your message almost two hours ago,” Eliza tells Paige. “I thought you’d be here before now. Did you get lost?”

  “We were a little lost,” Dylan admits. Paige is on his other side now and he links his other arm with her. Flanked by two beautiful blondes, Dylan looks like he’s king for a day. “But it was a good kind of lost.”

  “Yes,” Paige nods. “Bordeaux is such a beautiful part of the world. And this estate is absolutely magical, Eliza.”

  “A weekend in the country can be so refreshing.” Eliza seems to tighten her grip on Dylan and I wonder if there might be a tug-of-war before long.

  We turn a corner coming around to the back of the house where a beautiful pool with fountains looks inviting.

  “Hey, you made it,” calls Taylor as she and JJ come over to greet us.

  “Fran and the camera crew are already here,” JJ informs us as he gets his camcorder ready to start filming. “They’re getting situated in their rooms right now. The plan was to shoot some film after you guys arrived.”

  “Sounds good,” Paige tells him.

  JJ looks at Eliza. “I told Fran and the crew about your mother’s request that the name and location of the chateau not be revealed on the show. And that’s fine.” He directs his camera at her. “Any accidental references will be cut.”

  “Thank you.” Eliza pauses at a table near the pool where cold beverages are set up in elegant-looking pitchers and glasses. She invites us to help ourselves. “My parents don’t mind sharing their home with guests, but they do appreciate their privacy.”

  “This place seems pretty private to me,” I say as I look around. “Unless you’re worried about helicopters.”

  Eliza looks up at the clear blue sky and laughs. “Well, I’m not expecting any paparazzi if that’s what you mean.”

  “I be not so sure.” Gabin gets a serious expression. “If paparazzi know there are two beautiful American TV stars, two fashion models, one famous American designer…your privacy…it might not be so much.”

  I almost add that there will be one more celebrity joining us—one who really could attract some unwanted media attention. But I will leave that to Paige to bring up.

  Chapter 15

  We’re finishing up our drinks when Dylan thanks Eliza, once again, for inviting all of us up here. “I had no idea it was such a lovely place,” he says with real admiration. “I’ll be sure to convey my compliments to your mother.” He waves his hands toward the seating area near the pool, complete with a huge stone fireplace and comfortable furnishings. It’s really like a huge outdoor living room. “Such an attention to detail.” He smiles. “As a designer, I can truly appreciate the beauty and style.”

  “And the crew and I appreciate your hospitality,” JJ says as he directs his camera to Eliza. “Very generous.”

  “Speaking of hospitality…” Paige begins slowly. “I hope you have plenty of room…since you have another guest coming.” Her eyes twinkle. “But, of course, you know that.”

  Eliza smiles but looks caught slightly off guard. “Who do you mean?”

  I know JJ’s camera is already running, but I also know this could get really good—or bad, depending on how it goes. I scramble to get my camcorder out too. As I power it up and remove the lens cover, there’s this dead air space, kind of a pregnant pause, like Paige is in no hurry to answer Eliza. Fortunately, it can easily be cut. I suspect Paige is simply trying to give both JJ and me the chance to get this down on film. Finally I’m up and running and zoomed in on my sister.

  Paige looks evenly at Eliza, her lips curved into a pleasant camera smile. “Well, Eliza, it seems that Benjamin Kross has accepted your generous invitation to join us here at the chateau. His flight arrives tomorrow morning. I assume you’ll be in touch with him in regard to his travel arrangements from Bordeaux. I mean since he is your guest.”

  Eliza’s neck flushes ever so slightly. “Oh, I hope you don’t mind that I asked him,” she says lightly to Paige. “I just thought it would be such fun to have him with the rest of us.”

  “Oh, I’m sure it will be fun,” Paige says equally lightly.

  Taylor chuckles as she sets her glass down. “This promises to be a very interesting weekend. I know I’m looking forward to meeting the notorious Benjamin Kross.”

  Paige clears her throat. “Ben has certainly made some stupid mistakes, but I wouldn’t call him notorious.”

  Taylor smiles apologetically. “Sorry, Paige. I guess I take some getting used to. I have a tendency to speak without thinking sometimes.”

  “And Taylor is a tease,” Dylan tells Paige.

  “An outspoken tease,” Taylor admits. “Especially when it comes to serious things like alcohol and addiction.”

  Eliza turns to Taylor with a worried expression. “Taylor Mitchell, please tell me you’re not going to lecture the poor boy about rehab or AA or anything else. That would be so rude.”

  Taylor laughs. “I can’t make any promises.”

  I try not to chuckle as I focus on Taylor. “Hey, I think that’s a great idea,” I tell her. “A little rehab probably wouldn’t hurt old Benjamin a bit.”

  “Right…” Paige rests her forefinger alongside her chin. “Rehab in the Vineyard. That makes a lot of sense. Now if we could just come up with a fashion angle, we could include it in our show.”

  “It could be called Stylish Rehab in the Vineyard,” Taylor suggests. This is followed by a few more lame jokes and it becomes apparent that everyone is pretty much okay about Benjamin’s surprise visit, which makes me think I probably did blow it out of proportion.

  It’s not long before Fran and the re
st of the crew join us and, with cameras rolling, Eliza continues our tour of the property. Like a rich girl who’s used to being a rich girl, she is rather nonchalant, bordering on bored, as she tells us about the several acres of botanical gardens as well as the two hundred acres of ancient grapevines. “Ours is considered a small winery,” she explains as we continue on. “If any of you would like a tour of the vat rooms and wine cellars, our property manager, Henri, will arrange it.”

  “I’d enjoy that,” Dylan says.

  She turns and smiles so brightly at him that I’m surprised he doesn’t reach for his sunglasses. “I’ll speak to Henri for you.” We pass by a long one-story stone building. Eliza explains that it’s an old farmhouse with three large bedrooms—and where Fran and the film crew are staying. “It’s not terribly fancy,” she says. “But I think you’ll be comfortable.”

  Next we return to the front part of what I’m calling “the castle” in my mind and since chateau is French for castle, I can’t be too far off.

  “The main house was built in the sixteenth century,” Eliza continues. “Someone began restoring and updating it about ten years ago, and my mom’s taken it from there. The work is mostly done now.” She leads us through a grand entrance with polished stone floors and a massive stone staircase. “As you can see, my mom isn’t trying to be historically accurate with the interior design.” She motions toward a large open living area off to one side. It’s surprisingly modern with a large leather sectional and contemporary chairs. Although the colors feel like they came straight from the vineyard—shades of olive green, gold, and burgundy.

  Eliza leads us through a large dining room. This also has a contemporary feel with a long sleek wooden table and upholstered chairs, not to mention a killer view of the gardens. “My mother decided to go for comfort instead of history. Although some of the bedrooms have more of an old-world feel.” She introduces us to Henri, explaining that he’ll show us to our rooms. “Paige and Erin will be in the Françoise Room,” she informs Henri, then turns to smile at us. “I hope you don’t mind sharing.”


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