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The King 0f Fire: Dragon Shifter Romance

Page 7

by Brittany White

  “Is there anything I can do or say to make you stay?” I asked quietly hoping my emotions would not betray me. The last thing I wanted was for her to see me vulnerable.

  “I wish I could stay with you, Mishal. I really do, but I need to go back home and be near my sister. I need to get back to be an adult instead of hiding in this place. Your people do not seem to like me or want you around me anyway and I do not want to cause any problems between you. I hope you understand and do not think ill of me,” she said, her voice shaking with emotion.

  I stepped closer to her and reached my finger out as a tear streamed down her face.

  “If this makes you sad, why are you doing it? You told me yourself you do not get along with your family except for your sister and there are airplanes. She could visit here, and you could go visit anytime as long as you came back to me,” I said hoping she would see it the same way I did.

  “Mishal, I cannot stay here. I have a life to get back to, a job to do and a sister that needs to know I am safe. Like you said, there are airplanes I can visit you here and you can always come where I live. I leave the day after tomorrow and I would like to spend what time I have left here with you,” she said, placing her hand on my cheek.

  I closed my eyes relishing the touch of her hand and the feel of her skin against mine. I did not want that time with her to end. I placed my hand over hers and held her hand to my cheek for a few moments.

  “You can stay as long as you like, my dear,” I told her.

  She gave me a look that told me I should not go there again but said nothing. Inside I was screaming, desperate to find a way to get her to stay but on the outside, I was calm and unflinching as each word she spoke drove the knife deeper into my heart. It felt the same as when Amina passed away. My heart was shattered but I was not going to let June know that it was. I pulled her back against me as I laid back on my pillows and tucked her to my side. I held her there for hours as we talked about things other than her leaving.

  We had laid together for hours and I tried to restrain myself from doing the things I wanted to do to her, but my resolve was quickly weakening. As she rambled on about what her life was going to be like once she returned home, I gently grabbed her face and pulled her to me, pressing my lips to hers. She resisted a bit at first but melted into me as I deepened the kiss. My hands roamed her body as I kissed her softly and she moaned softly in my ear.

  Her moans spurred me on and made me want her more than I already did. I spent the next several hours giving her as much pleasure as I possibly could without pleasing myself. I hoped that she would decide to stay but if she did not, I would let her go without another word. I was going to spend the last bit of time I had with her showing her how much I cared. I just hoped it would be enough to change her mind.



  I had left Mishal in the treehouse still sleeping from hours of pleasure and headed for the city to catch my flight. Walking away from him was the hardest thing I had ever done, but I had to do it to save him the embarrassment that being around my family would cause him especially if they ever found out what he was. I was sure Sam would somehow turn him into a specimen for her scientist friends.

  Tears flowed from my eyes the entire way to the airport and as I boarded the plane. I had never wanted to leave him, but I felt I had no choice in the matter. My family had never been the type to be accepting of anything I did and that included relationships. I was not going to put Mishal through that no matter how much it hurt me to walk away from him. I stared out the window of the plane until I could not hold my eyes open anymore and drifted off into a fitful sleep.

  I checked into the airport hotel after a thirteen-hour flight, as I did not want to go back to Sam’s place right away. I was still a bit miffed at her for the way she embarrassed me in Tokyo. I knew I had promised her that I would come and watch old movies with her again, but I was not ready just yet. I did not want to hear her say I told you so because I would have to tell her she was the reason I left, nothing else. I clamored into my room and dropped my bags on the floor before I collapsed on the bed.

  I knew I needed to call Samantha and let her know that I was back in town, but I needed just a few minutes of peace before the chaos started. I made my way to the shower and let the hot water wash over me, relaxing my tired and stiff muscles. I checked my phone when I got out of the shower and was surprised to see a text from my sister. I hesitated to open it but decided I should see what she wanted. What I found was no surprise:


  I just spoke with Ming who told me you left yesterday and should be back in the states by now. Are you back? Why did you not tell me you were coming home? Please respond to this. I know you are still mad at me for my behavior in Tokyo, but I want to know you are safe. If you are back, you should come here so we can watch old movies like always. I love you, June.


  I clicked off the screen and threw my phone on the bed without responding to her text. Damn Ming for telling her that I left. It was none of her business and they helped her treat me like a child. Anger welled up in me as I thought of Ming telling my sister that I had returned to the states. I considered sending her a scathing text message or calling her, but I knew that would not do any good and it would just cause drama with my sister that I really did not need.

  I curled up in the bed under the covers and tried to go to sleep, but every time I closed my eyes Mishal’s face was all I saw. I felt badly for the way I left, and I knew he would most likely hate me, but I did what I thought was right and fair for him. I finally drifted off into a fitful sleep and let the dreams of Mishal take me over.

  Days had passed since I returned home, and I had stayed at the airport hotel. I avoided my sister’s calls and texts and only left my room to eat and the airport restaurant. I knew I was going to have to talk to my sister at some point, but I still was not ready yet. I was lounging on the bed stuffing my face with popcorn as a movie played when my phone rang. I looked to see it was my sister for the thousandth time. I rolled my eyes and clicked the button.

  “What the fuck do you want, Samantha?” I questioned, angry, Sam never knew when to leave well-enough alone. I knew she wouldn’t stop calling until I picked up. I was mad at myself for giving in.

  “Excuse me? What the hell June? What makes you think you can talk to me like that after not speaking to me for weeks?” she asked.

  “I can speak to you anyway I want, Sam. You are not my mother,” I said trying to keep my emotions in check. “Did you want something important?”

  “I just wanted to talk to my little sister and make sure she was okay, is that such a bad thing?” Sam asked me.

  “It is when you embarrassed the shit out of me in Tokyo and made people think I am not capable of taking care of myself,” I snapped.

  “Oh June, really? You are going to be a drama queen about that when all I was doing was checking on you?” she asked. “That is pretty childish of you, don’t you think?

  “Fuck no I do not think so! You made me look like I was incompetent and could not do anything for myself. You were trying to mother me and that is not your fucking job Sam!” I screamed as tears streamed down my face.

  “Wow calm down June. The only reason you have a problem with the fact I checked on you is because I did so in front of that man,” she accused.

  “No, Samantha I assure you it is more than that. Yea, that did embarrass me quite a lot, but the fact that you did it at all was mind blowing to me. You do not need to keep trying to do mom’s job for her. If she cared anything about me like you seem to think she did, she would do it her damn self, don’t you think?” I said.

  There was silence on the other end of the line and for a moment I thought she had hung up.

  “Sam?” I asked.

  “I am here, June. Listen, I am getting another call. When you want to be an adult and talk to me about this, you know where I live,” she said before she ended the call.

  I threw my phone
to the empty side of the bed and continued watching the movie while I tried to get thoughts of my sister out of my head. I was tired of being treated like a child when I was an adult and if she could not treat me as such, I was not going to go around her. Once the movie ended, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth to get ready for bed. As I was brushing my teeth, I heard a noise in the other part of the room, so I quickly rinsed my mouth and checked it out.

  I turned the corner from the bathroom and froze in place.

  “Mishal?” I breathed. “How did you find me? What are you doing here?” I asked.

  I had so many questions and my mind raced. All of them pelting me at once. He stood by the balcony door and stared at me with a stone-faced expression. I knew he was upset with me for the way that I left, and I was very surprised that he went to the trouble to find me.

  “How could you do that to me, June? How could you promise to spend what time you had left before your flight with me and then leave without giving me the chance to say goodbye? It is boggling to me that you think that kind of behavior is acceptable. You do not just walk out on someone that you care about without giving them the chance to say goodbye,” he ranted.

  “I could not stay and face you, Mishal. If I would have stayed and told you goodbye, I never would have left, I would not have had the strength to leave. It was hard enough to do so without you there,” I admitted.

  His eyes softened and his body relaxed as he stepped closer to me. I stepped back, being careful to keep a bit of distance between us so I did not end up in bed with him again. We had not made love, but the pleasure we had given each other meant more to me than sex with anyone else ever had.

  “I thought you were coming back here to be with your family?” he asked. “Or was that lie too?

  “Mishal, I have not lied to you one time since I have known you. I am going to see my sister I just needed time to cool off before doing so. The way she handled things in Tokyo really pissed me the fuck off,” I said.

  He grinned and chuckled, and the sound sent electricity through my body. I had missed the sound of his laugh and I knew that I was depriving us both of what we were meant for, but I could not help but want to protect him from my family.

  “I have missed that sound,” I said softly.

  He covered the space between us in just a few steps and took my face in his hands, pulling my face close to his.

  “Then come home to me, June. Come back with me now,” he pleaded.

  His face was so close his breath tickled my cheek. I knew I needed to put some distance between us, but I could not help but want to be near him. He lowered his mouth to mine and kissed me deeply before releasing my face from his grasp. He started to move back away from me, and I grabbed him pulling him to me again. My lips crushed against his and I wrapped my arms around his neck keeping him tight against me. His arms looped around my waist and he held me tight as our lips moved together in a steady rhythm. I pulled back long enough to look at his face relishing his handsomeness.

  “Stay with me tonight, Mishal. Please. I need to feel you against me, I need to feel your warmth,” I begged.

  He leaned his head down and pressed his lips to mine again, wrapping his arms tight around me. I knew then that he was going to stay with me, and I could not wait to feel his skin against mine or the warmth of his body. The hardness of his erection was pressed against me as he kissed me deeply and I slid my hand over the front of his pants to get a good feel of it. He groaned at my touch and I smiled as he pressed it harder against my hand.

  “Someone is happy to see me,” I teased.

  “You can say that again,” he replied. “I cannot wait until the day you decide to be mine.”

  “Why is that?” I asked him as I swiftly unzipped his pants.

  “Because, the day that you agree to be mine, I am going to fuck you so good and hard that you forget your own name and scream mine for hours,” he bragged.

  I did not know what to say to him. I was speechless for the first time in a long time.

  “What is the matter? Is that not something you want?” He asked.

  “I never said I did not want it, you just took me by surprise is all,” I said as I slid my hand over his erection again.

  He leaned down and softly growled in my ear, arousing me more than I already was.

  “Careful my dear, you might cause me to lose control and fuck you right here and now,” he murmured in my ear.

  I grinned and moved my hand away giggling as he began to pout. I had to laugh at the expression on his face and I pulled him to the edge of the bed as I made my way over to it.

  “Why the face? I thought you did not want me to make you lose control?” I asked him, smiling.

  “You really shouldn’t, but it would be a lot of fun,” he whispered against my ear.

  His mouth met mine in a passionate kiss and for a moment I considered giving myself to him completely, but I knew that was not the right thing to do. I needed him to see I was not what he needed, that he did not deserve to have to deal with the crazy that I called family. I had no idea how I was going to do that with him making me so wet I wanted to climb him like a tree. His fingers slid under the fabric of my panties and slowly circled my pulsating clit.

  “I do not have to fuck you now, but I can damn sure make you want me to,” he growled as he circled faster.

  I moaned softly and leaned back, wiggling out of my shorts and panties. Mishal eagerly pushed me back onto my pillows and lapped at the wetness between my legs with his tongue. I moaned at the sensations he was causing, and I tangled my fingers in his hair. I knew that I wanted it to always be this way with him, but I also knew it could never be. I just had no idea how I was going to make him see that we would never be.

  The real question was, did I want to make him see or did I want to make it work? I was not sure I would ever know the answer.



  I had pleasured June until she needed sleep and I watched her as she drifted off. I thought about giving her a taste of her own medicine and disappearing on her like she had me, but I decided against it. I knew that I was going to have to go back to the treehouse and the kingdom I was slowly building, but I knew I had to try and convince June to come back with me. I needed her. The kingdom needed her. I understood why she had wanted to go back but I was confused when I found her in a hotel room at the airport instead of her sister’s house.

  I understood why she did not want to go there either with the way her sister treated her at the volcano, but what I did not understand was why she did not want to come back with me if she was not going to go to her sister’s house or anything. I knew I needed to ask her, but I did not want to get anything started. I wanted to enjoy my time with her because I did not know exactly how long I was going to be there.

  I was brought from my thoughts by a soft pecking sound on the window. I turned to find Kyal on the balcony. I slowly slid my arm out from under her head and tiptoed to the balcony door.

  “Kyal, what are you doing here?” I asked as I slid the balcony door open.

  “I am so sorry to bother you, but you are needed back in Tokyo. There has been an uprising,” he said.

  “What do you mean uprising? There is not enough of us left to cause an uprising, Kyal. I do not understand what you mean by uprising,” I replied.

  “With all due respect Sire, I do not have time to explain what is going on. I just need you to come back with me, if it was not urgent, I would not have bothered you,” Kyal said, frustration laced in his tone.

  I turned to look at June still sleeping, and I knew I could not do to her what she had done to me.

  “You go on ahead Kyal, I will catch up to you. I have to leave her a note and explain why I left,” I explained as I headed back into the room.

  Kyal nodded and shifted into his golden yellow dragon as he jumped from the balcony. I hoped that no one saw him, or we would have a problem on our hands. We did not need any attention brought to us, tha
t would not end well. Some humans accepted us, but others did not, and it was never easy to tell who was going to be accepting and who was not.

  I sat at the desk at the end of the bed and took a pen and piece of stationery with the airport heading on it and wrote June a note.

  My Darling June,

  I am so sorry I had to leave this way; it was not how I intended to do so. Kyal brought word that something is going wrong at the treehouse and he needed me to return. I promise you that I will come back and maybe them you will be ready to come back with me. I will think of you each day that I am away from you. Forget me not.

  All My Love,


  I read the note three times before I decided it was good enough and I folded it in half, placing it on the pillow beside her. I watched her sleep for a few minutes before I leaned over her and kissed her softly on the cheek. My heart was hurting at the thought of leaving her behind, but I knew I had to do what was needed for the kingdom to flourish once again. I tied my clothes to my foot and stepped out on the balcony. I stepped up onto the railing and looked over the edge. I closed my eyes, held my arms out and fell forward off the balcony.

  I shifted seconds after my feet left the balcony railing and blue smoke billowed from my nostrils as I flew over the city below. I was not sure if anyone could see me or not, but the city looked like it was mostly asleep, so I was not worried too much. I knew I had taken a risk coming to find her, but half my heart was empty without her and I needed to know if she would return with me. I decided that once the uprising was dealt with, I would return and ask her again. I hoped her answer would be yes.

  It had been months since I had returned to Tokyo and Kyal had been right. I returned to find a shit storm in progress and all hope seemed lost. Dragon shifters from the enemy side that had survived the war had caught wind that we had gotten free and established a home close to the volcano. They had made an appearance at the treehouse while I was with June and tried to talk what men I had into joining forces with them.


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