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Can't Be That Other Woman

Page 9

by Ambria Davis

  Only the Lord knows how much I really did want him to stay, but I knew that he couldn’t. I’m sure that he had to go run home to his girlfriend, which was the reason why I wasn’t trying to get my hopes up high. If only things could’ve been different, though.

  After taking a quick fifteen-minute shower, I brushed my teeth and tied my scarf around my head. I then cleaned up my mess and headed back to my room. Before going to my room, I headed to check on Daija. Her light was still on, so I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. A few seconds later, she came to the door, looking like a zombie.

  “Hey sis,” she said, forcing a smile. I was caught off guard when she pulled me in for a hug.

  “What’s wrong, Daija?” I asked her. Daija was never like this. I knew something was wrong just by the way that she was talking.

  “Nothing, I’m just feeling bad. I think I caught a bug or something,” she said, shrugging her shoulder.

  “Oh. Well, what did you do today?”

  “Actually, I didn’t do anything. I stayed in the house all day and watched TV.”

  “Oh okay. How were the boys?”

  “They were fine. They barely came out of the room. They played that game all day.”

  I figured that,” I said, before we both became silent. I stood there looking at my little sister. Something was indeed wrong with Daija, because she looked pale, considering her natural complexion, and her clothes looked much too big. “Are you sure that you’re okay? You know you can tell me anything, Daija. Look at me Dai, I’m your big sister, and I’m always here for you, baby girl.”

  She looked as if she wanted to say something, but she didn’t. I noticed her eyes were wet and her lips were trembling, but I decided not to speak on it, since she didn’t want to. I’m sure when and if she wanted me to know, then she was going to tell me. Until then, I was going to leave her be.

  “Okay. Well, I’ll be in my room if you need me,” I said, yawning. I looked at her one last time, before I left and headed to my room.

  When I walked in my room, the lights were off. The only light showing was the little light from the TV. I knew his ass wasn’t staying, I thought, as I removed my nightgown and walked over to the bed. I pulled back the covers and attempted to get in, when I stopped.

  “Let me find out, you doing all of this for me,” Onijae said, causing me to jump.

  “Damn, you scared the shit out of me!” I said holding my chest. “Why are you still here?”

  “What you mean?” He asked sitting up. “I told you I was staying the night with you.”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t think that you were actually serious, Onijae,” I said, walking over to cut on the light.

  “Damn!” he exclaimed, the minute the lights came on. I saw the lust in his eyes and then noticed that I was still in my panties and bra. I immediately grabbed my gown to put it back on.

  “You don’t have to act like that. I won’t bite you unless you want me to.” He flashed his killer smile.

  “Boy shut up,” I said, laughing myself.

  “Now come on, so I can get some sleep. I’m tired as hell. They really wore my ass out today,” he said, lying back in the bed. Turning around, I turned the lights off and proceeded back over to the bed.

  “You can take your gown off. I won’t do anything to you. I promise.”

  “Okay,” I said, before taking the gown off again. Then I hopped in the bed, making sure to stay a few feet away from him.

  “Stop running from me,” he said, pulling me closer to him.

  “I’m not running from you, Onijae. I’m just trying to give you some space, that’s all.” I lied, because I was indeed running from him.

  “Uh-huh. You can tell that lie to yourself, but I know what’s up.” He chuckled and pulled me closer.

  “Whatever boo,” I said, before it became quiet. A few minutes later, I was met by the sound of him snoring lightly. Even though I didn’t want to admit it, I smiled, knowing that he was actually here with me. I know he had a girlfriend, but right now, none of that really mattered, because he was here with me. After laying there staring into space for a few minutes, I became exhausted. Turning around towards him, I placed my head on his chest and eventually dozed off.

  * * *

  The next morning came faster than I had anticipated it would. I was all giddy and ready to play the devoted girlfriend, until I turned around and noticed that the side, which Onijae once occupied, was now empty. Sitting up, I looked around the room to see if he was anywhere else, but he wasn’t. I then pulled back the covers and prepared to get up, when I noticed my phone flashing a new message. Grabbing it, I unlocked it and noticed that it was a message from him, telling me that he had to go, but he would see me soon. I started to text him back, but thought different. I don’t know why I was fooling myself. I’m certain that he had to go running to home to his girl, which pissed me off. The nigga didn’t even have the decency to wake me and tell me goodbye. Instead, he played my ass and I was hurt behind that shit.

  “Oh well,” I said, powering my phone off. My whole day was completely ruined and I didn’t want to be bothered with anyone. I had plans to get up and make everyone breakfast, but I guess they’ll have to eat cereal. I was in my bed and that’s where I planned to stay for the rest of the day. I didn’t have time to be playing with him, because I had exams tomorrow and for the next two weeks. Graduation was only a few weeks away and I wasn’t going to let anything or anyone stop me from walking across that stage.

  * * *

  Chapter 14


  The next few weeks came around faster than I wanted it to come. I’d been so busy studying and taking exams that I barely had time to do anything. The only things I did was study at night, go to school the next day to take my exams, then come home and study some more. I couldn’t even spend time with Delaney and we went to the same school. Yes, things have indeed been a hassle, but overall, it’s been great as well. I couldn’t wait until it was time for graduation though. I was going to be on the first thing smoking to school. Only thing good about the past few weeks was that my mother and family had a chance to meet my best friend. That almost went off without a hitch and I’ve met my new boo. Just thinking about him, I couldn’t wait until we could chill again. He was caring, attentive and funny as hell. He made sure to treat me right and never once did he try to disrespect me. I only hoped that it stayed that way, because I really wanted us to work out. I was tired of trusting dudes and not getting further than three weeks with them. I hope he plays his cards right, because I damn sure wanted him to stick around for a while.

  “What are you over there thinking about?” Delaney asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

  “Girl nothing,” I said, smiling a girlish grin. I couldn’t help it because I was definitely feeling an awesome type of way.

  “Nah, bitch. What happened? I know damn well you ain’t all damn happy because we today were our last day of school,” she asked, getting a bit closer to me. We were sitting at a table in Chick-fil-A, waiting on our order. Since we had early release and it was the last day for seniors, we decided to hang out, before Delaney was schedule to go to work at four.

  “If I tell you, you better not tell my brother either, bitch,” I said, looking around to make sure no one I knew was there and could hear me.

  “Bitch please. When have I ever told anyone anything you’ve told me? As a matter of fact, bitch, fuck you. I don’t even want to know anymore, since you pulling a bitch card like that,” she said, getting up from our table. She walked over to the counter and grabbed our bags, before walking back over to me and handing me mine. I thought she was going to sit down, but she didn’t. She took her food and headed straight for the car. Oh shit, I thought as I got up and followed her out of the door to the car. When I got in the car, I sat there, not even trying to start the car. I was looking at her, but she had her head down into her phone, so I reached over and took it out of her hand.

  “Tracy, give me
my phone back. I’m not playing with you!” she said, with an attitude. I looked at her and rolled my eyes, before placing the phone in my purse and sitting it on the passenger’s side floor.

  “You really need to lose the attitude. I only said that, because the dude I’m messing with works in my brother’s shop. I didn’t want you to accidently spill the beans when y’all together or whatever,” I said, explaining myself to her. I couldn’t believe she had gotten mad in the first place, but I couldn’t let her stay mad, especially over some bullshit like this.

  “Well bitch, that’s all you had to say. You were playing me like I was a bitch who runs her mouth all the time,” she said, seeming a bit relaxed now.

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever. You shouldn’t have gotten all amped up anyways,” I said, as I started the car.

  “Wait, which one is it?” she asked, as I backed out of the parking spot.

  “Girl, it’s Devin.”

  “You talking about the light-skinned cutie with the braids?”

  “Yeah, that’s him.”

  “Oh girl, I wouldn’t blame you. If you hadn’t banked that, I surely was going to,” she said, laughing.

  “Bitch please, like my brother would even allow it,” I told her. If she didn’t know that Onijae was territorial, she was surely about to learn it.

  “I’m tired of telling you that I don’t run to Onijae’s beat, and I damn sure don’t care about how he feels. If you don’t know, you already have a sister-in-law. Your brother just wants me to be the other woman,” she said, sounding a little sad.

  “When was the last time you talked to him?” I asked her.

  “I haven’t talked to him since the day of the barbeque,” she said, looking down. I could tell that he had her feeling some type of way, but I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t wait until I saw his ass, because I was going to give him a piece of my mind.

  I grabbed my phone out of my purse, preparing to make a call when it began ringing. I got all happy-go-lucky when “My Booskie”, with emoji faces flashed across the screen. I didn’t want him to know that I was happy, so I took a few seconds longer to answer the phone than usual.

  “Hello,” I said, answering the phone.

  “Damn shorty, why you took so long to answer the phone? Let me find out you done kicked a nigga to the curb already.”

  “Boy, shut up. I was getting my food,” I said, smiling like a schoolgirl.

  “From where? You didn’t go to school today? Don’t be missing school, before you make me tell your brother on you.”

  “Boy please. For your information, we had a half a day today. For your information, today was our last day of school and you can tell my brother whatever you want. I’m seventeen years old and he ain’t my damn daddy.” I said, snapping on him. “Besides, how will you explain to my brother about knowing I didn’t go to school anyway?”

  “Damn, lil mama. I was just fucking with you. You don’t have to jump down a nigga’s throat.”

  “I wasn’t jumping down your throat. I was just letting you know. Anyways, what are you doing?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “I’m just chilling, that’s all,” he replied, sounding high or some shit.

  “Where are you, Devin?”

  “I’m at the shop, why?”

  “Nothing, I just asked. You miss me?”

  “You already know I miss you. I wish I could see your ass right now.”

  “I wish I could see you too.” I said sadly, and then I thought of something. “Where my brother at?”

  “He up in the back room…why?”

  “Nothing, let me call you right back,” I said, hanging up the phone before he could say anything. I immediately called my brother’s phone to see what was up with him.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?” he said, answering the phone on the first ring.

  “Boy bye. What are you doing?” I asked him.

  “I’m doing what I do every day all day. Now what do you want?”

  “Well, if you insist on cutting straight to the point. I saw this dress I wanted for my graduation party, and I was wondering if you wanted to buy it,” I said, coming up with the first lie that popped up in my head. I knew damn well that I didn’t see or find a dress, and I damn sure wasn’t buying one this early. Besides, I wanted to shop in Miami for a dress anyway.

  “I knew damn well you weren’t calling me, just to call me. Your ass always wants something,” he said, fussing as usual. I rolled my eyes, because he wasn’t doing nothing but wasting his breath. Just like Omari, he was going to give me anything I wanted. That’s the perks of being the last child, and especially being the one and only daughter.

  “Whatever Onijae. Are you going to buy the dress for me or nah?” I said, cutting him off. I really wasn’t trying to hear his mouth. I was only using his ass to get to see my baby anyways.

  “Don’t get smart with me, Tracy. How much is it?”

  “Five hundred dollars,” I said, lying through my teeth again.

  “Girl, you better go ahead somewhere. I’m not giving you five hundred dollars for no damn dress. I’ll give you two-hundred and fifty dollars, but that’s about it. You better get Mama and Daddy, or Omari to give your ass the rest.”

  “But Nijae, Daddy’s going to make me clean up or something. You know I can’t be doing none of that,” I said, practically crying like a baby. I was really giving him everything.

  “Yeah and that’s good. Your ass isn’t too good to be cleaning up. They have your ass spoiled like that, that’s why you don’t like doing shit now. Come get the money and your ass better hurry up before I change my damn mind,” he said, and hung up.

  “Bitch ass nigga!” I screamed at the phone. I turned to see Delaney laughing at me.

  “What the hell you laughing at?”

  “Your spoiled ass. I pray for the man who has to deal with you after all of this. You gon’ break the man’s pocket and run him dry.”

  “Bitch, shut up. I had plans on splitting the money with you, but I changed my mind now,” I said, poking my tongue out of her. The look on her face was priceless.

  “You gon’ do me like that?” she asked, faking as if she was actually hurt.

  “Nah, you know you my boo. We gon’ go shopping tomorrow, but for now, let me go see my nigga,” I said, heading towards my brother’s shop. I was so excited to see Devin. I hoped like hell that I could contain myself, because I wasn’t trying to get us busted, especially not this early in the game.

  * * *

  When I arrived at the shop, I pulled around into the parking lot that was reserved for customers, but I didn’t get out right away. Instead, I cut the car off and sat there. I pulled down the visor to check my little makeup, before adding a little lip-gloss to my lips. Once I was pleased with how I looked, I got out and waited for Delaney.

  A few minutes later, we were walking up to the door as if we owned the place. I mean, I know I was. I was trying to make my man see me, before I entered the building. When we opened the door, I didn’t expect the whole barbershop full of niggas, who were now looking at both Delaney and myself. I tried playing it off as if it was nothing, when a light-skinned dude pulled me by my arm.

  “Say, lil mama, what’s your name?” he asked me.

  “First of all, don’t be pulling on me like that and secondly, my name damn sure ain’t little mama. So leave me be,” I said, scrunching my nose up, while pulling my arm from out of his hold.

  “Damn, little mama, you cold. Make me have to tame you.”

  “Nigga, I ain’t no animal. You better go home and try that shit on yo mama,” I said, getting in his face. I didn’t care if he was a man or not, he wasn’t about to play with me like that.

  “What did you just say?” he asked, getting up from his seat. The nigga had to be six-feet plus, but still that didn’t scare me, nor did it make me back down.

  “Nigga, you heard what the fuck I said, don’t think I’m scared of your ass,” I said again. I wanted him
to know how much he didn’t scare me one bit.

  “Yo, what’s good?” I heard from behind me. I turned to see Devin standing there with this ill mug on his face.

  “Nigga, you don’t have shit to do with this. This between me and shorty, who apparently can’t keep her mouth closed,” he told Devin with a mug of his own.

  “Apparently, you don’t know who this is, or else you wouldn’t be talking to her like that. You see I’m making the shit easy on you. Now, if I go call my boy Jae out the back, your ass will most definitely be grass,” Devin said calmly, with his arms folded across his chest. If you asked me, the nigga was a little too calm for me.

  Right on cue, I spotted the door to the back part of the shop open. I watched as Onijae came swagging out of there with a smile on his face. I became disgusted when I noticed Bianca following behind him. I looked over to Delaney, who had this look on her face that I couldn’t read. It took him a while, but once Onijae spotted us standing there, the smile he once had was gone. He was not looking at me, and refusing to look at Delaney. I know he knew he was fucked, which is why I didn’t say anything.

  “Call me when you get home, baby,” Bianca said, giving my brother a kiss on his cheek. She looked at both Delaney and me, before she smirked and walked out of the door. I wanted to run behind her and smack the fuck out of her for being a stupid bitch, but I thought about it and decided that I was going to get both her and my brother back. They didn’t know it now, but Delaney and I were going to be laughing in the end.

  “What’s going on here?” he asked, referring to Devin and the dude who was engaged in a stare-off battle.

  “Why don’t you let ol’ boy tell you?” Devin said, nodding his head towards the dude.

  “Talk to me,” Onijae said giving dude his attention,

  “Nigga, you too sensitive for me, but check it out. I was chilling when I spotted these two ladies walking through the door. I thought for sure that today was my lucky day and you know me, I couldn’t let them pass by without speaking. I grabbed shorty and tried to holler at her, but she got all ignorant, and started acting all crazy and shit. Taking ‘bout my mama and shit. Then this nigga come in here, trying to play Captain Save a Hoe—” he said, ranting and raving. He was so busy explaining himself to Onijae, that he didn’t see when Devin cocked his fist back. Before he could get another word out of his mouth, Devin punched him in it.


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