Book Read Free

Black Kat

Page 8

by H. N. Sieverding

“That’s not how it is.”

  “How the fuck is it, then?” Sam’s voice was low, but there was fury underlying it.

  “Not like that.”

  Then, a silence set in, and the boys didn’t talk for several minutes. Sam broke it when a goal was made, both of them cheering.

  As he walked in the door, Nick heard the shouting. He smiled when he saw them together. Taking off his coat, he looked tired. He slowly made his way into the kitchen.

  “Hey, buddy,” Nick greeted Robby.

  “They stole the television.” Robby was eating an apple, a sour expression on his face.

  “Sorry, buddy.” He ruffled Robby’s hair then began a conversation with him about school.

  A few minutes later, the back door flew open. Gwen stormed in, followed by Joan.

  “I’m not going back!” Gwen was angry, her voice loud as she argued with her mother.

  “I told you, Gwen,” Joan lectured as she followed on Gwen’s heels. “You can’t listen to those girls.”

  “I’m tired of being called the fat one! Of having you constantly agree!” Gwen was crying, her hair pulled up in a bun and still wearing her leotard from ballet. She threw her coat over a chair and her bag on the floor next to it. “I can’t please you! I can’t!”

  “I don’t call you fat!” Joan placed a hand on her chest, wearing a horrified expression.

  “Yes, you do! I hate you! I hate ballet!” Gwen threw her point shoes at the older woman then stormed up to her bedroom.

  Both Morgan and Sam watched her flight, a slightly confused look on their faces.

  “Gwen! Get back here, right now!” Joan rushed up the steps, her short, tight curls bouncing. She was a bigger woman, built like a farm girl and athletic in nature.

  Nick went out to the living room, scowling as he looked up the stairs. His hands were in his worn jean pockets.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Sam pointed.

  “Something about ballet class.” Nick sighed then glanced at Morgan. He could see the antsy look in the boy’s eyes. “Hey.” He tapped Morgan’s shoulder. “Why don’t you go calm that girl down?” Sam immediately glared at his father, a slight curl to his lip. But despite the anger, Nick continued to address Morgan, “Tell her she’s not fat. She needs to hear she’s pretty from her boyfriend.”

  With that, Sam leapt from the couch and stormed upstairs. Morgan groaned.

  When Morgan didn’t get up, Nick motioned toward the second floor. “Go!”

  As Morgan rounded the staircase, Joan was knocking at Gwen’s door, and Gwen was shouting back at her.

  “Let me talk to her.” Morgan gestured to the closed door.

  Joan looked surprised, scanning the boy’s slender frame. She then moved to the side.

  Morgan knocked. “Gwenie?”

  “Go away!” she shouted.

  “Can I come in?” He jiggled the handle, but it was locked.


  Morgan sighed, pulling out his wallet. Joan looked at him in confusion as she watched him grab his school ID. He slipped the card between the door and the frame, jimmied it a little, and tripped the lock. Shoving open the door, he strode inside.

  Softly shutting it behind him, his gaze fell on the girl standing by the window. He chuckled when he saw her attire, but Gwen shot him an angry glare. She was standing in her panties and a tank.

  Trying to ignore the teasing flesh, Morgan spoke, “You okay?”

  “I hate ballet. I’m not going back.” She quickly pulled on her jeans.

  “What happened?” He locked the door again and walked over to her. His hands cradled her hips, his touch making her smile. She tried to hide it, but she couldn’t help it. He kissed her neck, and her tears broke. “The girls were being bitches again?”

  “Am I fat, Morgan?” She turned in his arms, wrapping hers around his neck. Her sad eyes begged him for a compliment, his baby blues looking at her with great love.

  “No, you’re hot.” He leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “Meaty in all the right places.”

  “So, I’m fat?” She pulled away, anger in her voice.

  “No.” He watched her wipe at her tears. “You’re just different than they are.” He drew her close again. “They’re jealous because you’ve got a rack that makes guys drool.” He bit her ear playfully. “Those flat-chested little whores.” His words made her laugh. “Getting all jealous of my girl.”

  She was smiling outright now, though it was fragile. She searched his eyes for more reassurance. “Mom thinks I’m fat, too.”

  “Fuck all of them.” He squeezed her hips then let his flat palms rest against her backside. “I’m the only one that matters, right?” He tickled her tummy, making her bust out in laughter. “The hottest player on the Black Kats?”

  “Morgan?” Pushing her lips together, she sent him a sideways look. “Why can’t Mom just support me? Why does she have to push me all the time? I love skating. I do. I just can’t live up to what she wants.”

  “Stop caring about that.” Morgan cradled her face, his thumb briskly rubbing her cheek. “You’re a beautiful, curvy, sexy woman.” They chuckled with the words, Gwen picking at his messy hair lovingly. “Who cares that you’re not shaped like the other skaters. Or look like you’re a ten year old like all those girls in your ballet class. You skate better than anyone I know. Even if you were twenty pounds heavier, you’d still rock that shit.”

  “I would.” She smiled shyly as she traced his collar, her cheeks reddening.

  “So, drop all this weight stuff. You’re not fat.”

  “Look at you.” Her admiring eyes scanned his face. His swollen nose. His black eye. “Sam beat the piss out of you.”

  “It’s fine.” Morgan wrapped his arms around her middle. “Me and Sam are cool now.”

  Gwen laughed. “I doubt that.”

  “Seriously, we’re good.” Sighing, Morgan leaned forward and gave her a kiss. “He’s just gonna be all up in your shit now.”

  “As long as I can keep you, I don’t care.” Her voice was sweet as her eyes met his.

  “I love you, babe.” He leaned in and started kissing her.

  Grinding into her hips, he shoved her up against the dresser. Morgan’s hunger for her was getting stronger every moment they were together. Though he was going slow for her, he pushed a little more each time. His hand slipped down her stomach and into the front of her jeans. As soon as it entered her panties, she moved away.

  His surprised eyes met hers. After an awkward few seconds, she mustered up something to say. “Can we take a drive or something? I want to get out of the house.”

  “Sure.” Morgan nervously ran his hand through his hair then watched her slip on a sweater.


  Back at home, Gwen was coming from practice with her mother. Tonight was New Year’s Eve, and Gwen and the boys were still on Christmas break. Gwen was spending the holiday with Morgan. She was supposedly staying at Hailey’s afterward, but she had other plans.

  Joan didn’t like Hailey. She was twenty-two, and her reputation wasn’t exactly squeaky clean. There had been a few times where Hailey had taken Gwen to the Kats’ games, but Gwen wasn’t allowed to stay overnight, always having to drive home after. That often limited the ones she could attend.

  The ride was quiet until her mother spoke up hesitantly, “So, Gwenie, honey…” She licked her lips nervously. “About the party tonight.”

  “What?” Gwen’s eyes were slightly dazed because she had been lost in thought before the interruption.

  “The Kats have some older boys in there, so, I want you to make sure you make good decisions.”

  “Mom…” Gwen laughed. “I’m not going to get all smashed if that’s what you think.”

  “Well…” Joan forced a sigh. “I think we need to have the talk now.”

  “What?” Making an overly annoyed face, Gwen shook her head. “Mom, I do not need that talk. I learned about all that stuff in school when I was, like, thirtee

  “Good.” Joan let out a small exhale, a slight relief in her voice. She glanced at Gwen, who was making a sideways smile and avoiding eye contact. “You may think you’re a big girl, but you’re still young. I’ve been around for a while. I know more about this than you. I had your—”

  “I know, Mom. You got pregnant when you were fifteen. I’ve heard this story before.”

  “Just promise me you’ll be good at the party. I’m giving you some freedom. Don’t make me regret it.”

  “You won’t.”


  “Maybe you should have this talk with Sam. He’s the one that’s messing around.”

  “I have.” Joan’s tone was stern. “And this isn’t about your brother. This is about you and Morgan. And you have to think about the future. Morgan’s almost eighteen, and he’ll be graduating in a few months. Things change after high school.”

  “Me and Morgan aren’t going to change.”

  “Morgan is destined for great things. He has been since he was a kid.”

  “I know, but—”

  “And,” her mother interrupted, “You’ve been really lucky so far. Kent’s never let Morgan leave Vinton to play hockey. But there is a big chance he’s gonna leave here next year. I heard Augusta State is trying to recruit him.”

  “No. He didn’t tell me that. He would tell me if they were.” Gwen sounded scared, even though her answer was firm. “He said he was gonna play with the Kats until he graduates from Wartham. Then, he’s probably gonna work with his dad. He didn’t say anything about going to Augusta State.”

  “And what if he does? That would be a great opportunity for him, and he should take it if it was offered.”

  “He wouldn’t.” Gwen swallowed hard, her eyes glassy. “Augusta is on the other side of the country. I’d never see him. He’d never move that far away.”

  “He loves hockey, Gwen.”

  “Not as much as me.”

  “Even if he doesn’t go to Augusta, a lot of things could happen in the next few years. He could change schools, play for another team. He’s gotten a lot of offers. He probably just didn’t tell you because he knew you’d be upset.”

  “He’d tell me.”

  “Well, he hasn’t, baby. At the supper club last night, Kent gave me the names of at least ten colleges trying to snag that boy. And Augusta is something he’s seriously thinking about. If he takes it, you have to be prepared for him to leave.”

  “He said he was staying.”

  “I’m not saying he won’t. I’m just saying you have invested your whole heart into this relationship. Right now, you can’t see past the weekend. You’re not thinking realistically. Sure, you think you’re going to marry that boy and settle down, but maybe that won’t happen.”

  “It will. Morgan promised.”

  “He loves hockey, baby.”

  “So?” Gwen held her bag tighter as she tried to argue her side. She knew her mother was right, but she didn’t want to believe it.

  “So?” Joan let out an annoyed sigh. “If he goes, he won’t live here anymore. He’ll have an apartment off campus, and he’ll only be back for holidays.”

  “Then, I’ll go to Augusta State, too.”

  “You don’t graduate till next year, Gwenie, and Augusta is very expensive. You couldn’t afford it.”

  Biting her lip, Gwen didn’t want to cry, so she glared out the window.

  “Come on, sweetie. I wasn’t trying to upset you. I’m just asking you to be careful. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Just think about it.” Joan’s tone was softer now as she parked in the driveway.

  They went inside, and Gwen rushed up to her room. Morgan was coming home in a few hours, and she couldn’t wait to see him. Tonight, she was going to stay at his house. Morgan’s parents didn’t care about stuff like that and had asked on a few occasions if she was staying the night. The Robert's often criticized their liberal, free style of parenting.

  Gwen was very nervous, but she was excited as well. She spent some time in the tub, soaking herself in yummy scents, and emerged from the bath smelling like strawberries. She shoved her recent purchase for the party into her duffle bag and threw on jeans and a sweater.

  She glanced out the window and saw Hailey’s little blue car outside. Grabbing her things, she jogged down the stairs. She shouted to her parents in the living room, “I’m leaving!”

  “Wait one minute there, young lady!” Joan swooped in and stood in front of the door.

  Gwen sighed then readjusted the strap of her bag. “What?”

  Joan surveyed her daughter’s Kats sweater and jeans. As if approving, she smiled, “Have fun, sweetie.” She gave Gwen a hug and kiss.

  “Later, Mom.” Gwen quickly darted out the door and jumped into her friend’s vehicle. They went back to Hailey’s apartment and changed.

  Gwen put on a very short, black and red checkered, schoolgirl skirt, and a tight Kat’s T-shirt. It was cut down the front at the collar, her cleavage peeking out. Morgan’s number and name was printed on the jersey-like material. She topped off the look with long, white, knee-high stockings.

  She did herself up, curling her long, black hair and wearing much more make-up than before. She now looked much older than she usually did, that good-girl appearance totally covered.

  Gwen was all giggles as she prepared with Hailey. After, the girls headed to the party. It was one put on by the city, not a normal house party. There were hundreds of people there, Gwen and Hailey blending into the crowd. Hailey was scoping out the Kats, her mission pretty determined. They found the boys all in a group near the back. They were conversing with fans, many young women hitting on them.

  Gwen made a sour face when she saw Morgan laughing and signing a girl’s chest. He was surrounded by a few players, but she didn’t see her brother. The thought made her smile. Sam would flip if he saw what she was wearing.

  “See ya, girl.” Hailey hugged Gwen then went to greet the players. Suddenly, Gwen felt silly in her clothes. Several pairs of eyes were glued on her, men turning to stare. She had been hoping to capture Morgan and hadn’t really thought so much about the attention from others. The constant staring.

  Drawing in a deep breath, Gwen made her way through the crowd to Morgan.

  When a few of the other players’ gazes snapped to the sexy Kats’ fan, Morgan’s did as well. He eyed her from top to bottom, not seeming to recognize her. As she got closer, he finally did and a dumb expression filled his features.

  Gwen pulled at the sides of her collar, a sexy tone to her voice, “You wanna sign mine?”

  “Umm…” Morgan stumbled, his stare glued on her breasts.

  “Please?” Holding her hands behind her back, she cooed as she leaned forward a little.

  “Sure.” Morgan chuckled and slowly signed his name on her cleavage. Lifting her shirt, he gazed at her hard stomach. “And the twenty-three goes here.” He slowly drew the number symbol followed by his digits.

  “And here.” Gwen laughed as she turned around and smacked her butt. “I got some of those cute little boy short things that the Kats’ girls wear.” She smiled sweetly as she wrapped her arms around his neck and cuddled closely. “With your number on them and everything.”

  “Holy shit, that’s awesome.” Morgan squeezed her bottom. He whispered teasingly in her ear, “Can I see them later?”


  Cupping her cheek roughly, he kissed her. His embrace was tight, which she loved. After a good greeting, the pair joined the others. There wasn’t a lot of chairs, so Gwen perched on Morgan’s lap. Her coat was draped over her lap, Morgan’s hands caressing her thigh under it. Though he held her, Morgan was still carrying on a conversation with his friends, while Gwen gossiped with Hailey.

  Sam walked in with a new girl, one that none of the guys had seen with him before. She was a good girl, dressed in a collared shirt and jeans. Her make-up was barely noticeable,
and her style was not sexy whatsoever.

  Gwen knew her pretty well and seeing someone like Anne with her brother made Gwen frown in confusion. Anne belonged to their church and was Sam’s age. She was in all the honors groups, which was the opposite of Sam, who was barely squeaking by with a C.

  Sam immediately glared at his sister then Morgan. Morgan hadn’t even noticed that he had come and was wrapped up in an animate conversation with a few of his friends. Gwen’s eyes were locked on Sam’s though, and she knew what was coming, so she tried her best to avoid it.

  Gwen addressed his date, “Anne, hi. What are you doing here?”

  “Sam’s escorting me to the party. Isn’t he sweet?” Anne beamed as she squeezed Sam’s bicep.

  “And what the fuck are you wearing?” Sam got right to the point, the sharpness in his words making Gwen cringe a little.

  “Clothes.” Gwen spoke in a defensive tone and took a firmer hold of her date. Morgan turned to Sam, but saw he was not the object of his friend’s anger.

  “How the hell did Mom let you out of the house in that?”

  “Whatever, Sam.” Gwen tried to blow it off, rolling her eyes.

  “It is a little revealing, isn’t it, Gwen?” Anne added softly.

  “I don’t think so.” Gwen pulled her coat so it would cover her bare knee. If Sam saw how short her skirt was, he’d drag her home. She turned to Morgan, playfully grabbing his face and making him look at her. She spoke in a babyish voice, “Is this outfit too revealing?”

  Looking slightly confused, Morgan chuckled with his answer. “No?”

  “See?” Gwen laughed. “It doesn’t turn Morgan on.” She then glanced at Hailey, who was showing off her Black Kat boy shorts to one of the guys. The older girl was wearing the goalie’s number, the man she had been after for the past two months. Nemmers didn’t seem interested though, and instead, continued speaking to his fellow players.

  “So, you’re staying at her house tonight?” Sam leaned up against the table near them and motioned toward Hailey.

  “Yeah.” Gwen’s lip was tight, her eyes trying not to meet with Anne’s. She could just hear it when her mother came back from church on Sunday. The whole congregation would know her daughter was dressed provocatively at the party and spent the night at her boyfriend’s house.


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