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Drago (Second Wave Book 2)

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by Mikayla Lane

  “I... well… thanks again. Um… yeah.” Hating the way she sounded like a fool, Devon took a large step back from the huge man standing in front of her, unsure yet if he was friend or foe. In her line of work, the foes more than outnumbered the friends and she began to feel really exposed out here alone with the large man. She was really hoping this was a friend because he was the epitome of every story of a guy you didn’t want to meet in a dark alley. Or a deserted street, Devon thought, looking around her.

  Damn if the man didn’t look more like a dangerous predator, partially hidden in shadow and standing over the body of the man he’d just pulled through the shrubs and knocked out with one punch. Shaking her head, Devon took a few more steps away from him.

  Drago saw the beautiful woman take a few more steps away from him and he couldn’t stand the thought of her leaving without knowing her name or if she would be safe. He took a small step towards her, hoping not to frighten her again, but he knew by the look of fear that crossed her face that he had.

  He stopped instantly and sighed. “I am sorry if I have frightened you. I merely meant to help you and was struck by your beauty. I am Drago fle’ te’ Trugh,” he said, fighting the urge to offer her his hand in case that would frighten her again.

  Devon was a little taken aback by the deep, but mellow sound of his voice. It kind of rolled over you like a heavy blanket and she almost shivered from the warmth that seemed to come with it. She gave herself a strong mental slap and tried to smile at the man. There was something strange here, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

  Devon almost snorted when she looked down and realized that the thief was still out cold. Yeah, this wasn’t exactly a daily occurrence for her. Not a daily one anyway, she thought with half grin.

  Shaking off her natural suspicions, she gave him a genuine smile. “I am Devon Sinclair. You have a very interesting name. And accent as well. You’re not from around here…,” Devon said, leaving the sentence hanging, hoping that he would give her more information about who he was and where the hell he’d come from.

  Drago released a huge sigh of relief and grinned back at the beautiful woman who smelled so wonderful to him. “It is a pleasure to meet you. I am from the Netherlands and here visiting with family. May I see you home? In case he wakes up and thinks to try again?” He asked, hoping that she would say yes and let him be near her for a little while longer.

  Devon thought about it for a moment and realized that if the gigantic man had wanted to kill her, she would have already been lying beside the still unconscious thief. She allowed her curiosity to override her caution and nodded her head slightly towards the prone thief on the ground.

  “What about him?”

  Drago looked down at the man passed out on the ground and it took him a second to remember who he was and why he was laying in the snow. He looked quickly around the area for the fastest and best option. Finding what he was looking for, he leaned down and easily hefted the man over his shoulder. He quickly walked up to the nearest doorway and laid him gently against the door, under the shelter of the porch and out of the snow.

  Devon watched in surprise as the huge man showed such care and gentleness in placing the low life, would be killer, under shelter. She had meant for him to shove the asshole under the bushes and out of sight, not take care of him. The jerk had threatened to kill her and she really didn’t give a damn if he froze to death while passed out or not.

  Drago quickly returned to her and his smile caught her off guard for a moment. Devon grinned back almost automatically and embarrassed at her easy reaction to him, she turned around and headed back down the sidewalk towards her home. She made sure to walk much more slowly than she normally would have, wanting to spend more time with the enigmatic giant next to her.

  She turned to smile charmingly up at him. “Thank you again, for what you did back there. How long are you going to be in town? Are you just playing tourist or do you have business here in the states?” Devon asked, hoping to learn more about him.

  She didn’t hesitate to ask bluntly. She had learned long ago that it was much easier to just ask what you wanted to know. The worst that could happen is that they wouldn’t tell you or would tell you to go to hell. Neither would bother her much. She’d heard it all before.

  Drago gave her a gentle smile while his eyes scanned the area, searching for any other potential dangers to the beautiful human beside him. “I am here with family for business. I am unsure how long we intend to stay. Do you stay with family?” Drago asked, curious if she was already claimed. He had noticed none of the jewelry on her left hand that showed a human claiming, but he wanted to make sure.

  Drago wasn’t a fool, he had known the moment they had touched that she was his mate. He didn’t need his beast, Jinba, to verify it for him. His fingers itched to touch her and pull her into his arms, but he worried about frightening her again and instead chose to keep his hands clasped behind his back.

  Devon grinned at his obvious effort to find out her marital status. Seeing no reason not to be honest, she told him the truth.

  “I live alone. Although, I am heavily armed, so there is no need to be concerned,” Devon quickly added the last. That wasn’t what she had intended to say at all and she had to stop herself from smacking her own forehead. She’d been around him only minutes and she’d already gone stupid, Devon thought.

  She had intended to just say that she wasn’t seeing anyone and ended up telling him she was alone. That was never a smart thing to tell a complete stranger. Even one who had come to her rescue and was gallantly walking her home.

  Devon wasn’t a complete fool, she knew that there was more than one person in this city that would be more than happy to see her dead. Hell, she thought, there were probably hundreds by now. Glancing at the gorgeous man walking beside her, Devon couldn’t help but hope that her temporary hero wasn’t one of them.

  Drago would have laughed at her comment if he hadn’t sensed the underlying concern in her energy and knew that she was worried about saying too much. He didn’t want her to fear him and quickly tried to reassure her.

  “I am glad that you are well armed. A beautiful woman such as you, should be, especially if you live alone.” Drago gave her a wide smile before blushing and looking around the area to ensure there were no more dangers to what he knew was his woman.

  Devon stopped in front of the door to her home and turned to Drago. If she didn’t have an important phone call to make, she would have invited him inside and tried to get to know him better. The bad timing was a good indication to her that this, or any relationship for that matter, wasn’t in the cards for her. Definitely not now, most likely never. Although she had made her peace with that a long time ago, she’d never felt the weight of that decision until now.

  Devon smiled up at her hero. “This is my home. Thank you very much for helping me. You are a unique man, Drago fle’ te’ Trugh and I am glad you happened to be out tonight. Enjoy your stay in DC,” Devon said as she held out her hand to him.

  Drago took one look at her outstretched hand, then her full, pouty lips before he pulled her into his arms. When her mouth opened on a gasp of shock, Drago took the advantage and fitted his mouth over hers.

  He was only a little surprised when she didn’t resist. Taking it as acceptance, he increased the pressure and plunged his tongue into her mouth. His mouth swallowed her moan before her tongue began giving as well as taking from him.

  Devon’s mind reeled before she gave up to the swirling passion the strange man invoked in her. Her body felt like it was on fire as her arms snaked around his waist and pulled him closer. No one had ever dared to touch her, definitely not like this and Devon was drowning in the sensual feeling of being taken by this larger than life man.

  Drago’s body hummed with energy. Her soft lips and body pressed so close to his own and her uninhibited response to him was only encouraging him to be bolder. He didn’t need his beast, Jinba, to tell him what he already knew.
  “Mate,” Jinba whispered quietly in his mind, as if in awe.

  The word acted like a bucket of ice water and Drago pulled away from Devon, even though his body screamed for more. The passion filled gaze she turned to him, nearly undid his control and he forced himself to take a step back from her. His mate deserved to be treated better than this.

  He gently held her hand in his own as he looked into her beautiful, passion-clouded gaze. “It has been a pleasure, Ms. Devon Sinclair. I have a feeling we shall see one another again. Have a good evening.”

  Devon looked up at Drago for a moment, trying to process what he had just said. She felt a little stunned that he had pulled away so quickly and was surprised and irritated that he wasn’t trying to take things further.

  Devon looked up at Drago with her best pout. “How do you know we’ll see one another again?” She was irritated and suspicious and wanted an answer as to why he’d pulled away so suddenly.

  Drago laughed at the petulant pout on her face and couldn’t help but to lean forward and kiss her nose. “Because I am staying only a block down the street. Now go inside and get out of the cold. I will wait until I hear your locks turn and know you are safe before I will leave.” Drago gave her a smile and a gentle nudge towards her door.

  Devon frowned up at him before nodding her head. She didn’t have time for this in her life no matter how delicious the man was and how much she wanted him. Placing the key in the lock, she opened her door before turning to Drago.

  “Thank you, Drago. It was nice meeting you. I hope you enjoy your stay,” Devon said with a smile before going inside and closing the door behind her. She locked the door and turned off her alarm system before leaning against the door and blowing out a heavy sigh.

  Every part of her being was screaming for her to go back outside before Drago could get away and she clenched her fists to fight the urge. Hearing her phone ringing, Devon sighed and dug through her purse for it.

  Drago was still standing outside Devon’s door when he heard her locks turn, phone ringing and her muffled efforts to get to it. Feeling that she was now safe, he turned and ran back down the street, finally answering his brother Dread’s urgent call through the Shengari’, a universal energy path that beast hosts could use to communicate telepathically with one another.

  “I am coming,” he said with a smile, determined he would see his beautiful mate again. Much sooner than she expected.


  Twenty minutes later, Angel T’Alq tucked her dark hair under her black balaclava before pulling away from the shadow of the home. Ensuring the coast was clear and no one would see her, she moved to the doorway and grabbed the slowly awakening thief by his back collar and dragged him to a stand of trees in the back yard.

  Still dizzy and most likely suffering from a serious concussion, the man was easy to tie up with zip ties and gag. Kneeling on the ground beside him, Angel grabbed a handful of his hair and viciously pulled his head back.

  “Were you hired?” Angel asked roughly.

  When he just mumbled and began to put up a weak fight, Angel slapped his face hard. She pulled his head back again and placed her blade against his neck and drew a small line of blood to make sure she had his complete attention before trying again.

  “I will end you right here and now. You can either answer me or you will die here, like the animal you are,” Angel said, her voice holding a hard edge that left no doubt that she was telling the truth.

  The thief, realizing he had no other choice, nodded his wounded head so hard he almost passed out. Angel jerked his head back quickly to prevent it and whispered quietly to him, “Calm yourself before you pass out. Just answer my questions and I will let you go. You were hired to kill Devon Sinclair?”

  The man nodded his head much more slowly this time and Angel sighed. “Do you know who hired you?” She asked, already knowing the answer before he shook his head.

  She’d seen this before. Too many times in this town. The fool had no idea how lucky he was that Drago fle’ te’ Trugh had put him down before he killed the woman and went back to get the second half of his payment for the deed. The fool would have ended up the next, in a very long line of idiots who had been hired to be the fall guy. The dead fall guy. It’s the way it worked in this corrupt cesspool of a city.

  Feeling uncharacteristically forgiving, Angel leaned down and cut the zip ties she put on his wrists. Jerking his head back one more time, she whispered to him, “Your boss intended to kill you when you went back with proof of death. I would suggest you take the first half of the payment you received and run. As far as you can.”

  Pulling the fool to his feet, Angel turned and melted into the shadows. Pulling off her balaclava, she ran through the yards to the street behind Devon Sinclair’s and jumped into the open door of the van waiting for her.

  Angel looked up at the driver as the van quickly disappeared through the streets. “There was a guy there to kill her. A Tezarian, Drago fle’ te’ Trugh, stopped it. It looks like we found the Prime.” She grinned at the dark, smiling eyes that looked back at her in the rear view mirror.

  “Dad probably knows that already. You ok?” He asked, concern evident in his voice.

  “Chris, you’re as bad as Dad! Of course, I’m ok. The Tezarian made it too damn easy by putting the guy down for me. It took longer for him to wake up than it did to get the answers I wanted,” Angel said with a cocky smile.

  Chris shook his head at his sister and frowned. “You’re pushing this shit too far and taking too many chances. If Dad knew everything that you were doing, he’d be furious. At you for doing it and me for letting you. You need to slow it down, Angel.”

  Angel snorted and looked out the window, unwilling to meet her brother’s eyes. “It’s more complicated than that and you know it. Now hurry up, I have get back to work,” Angel said sadly.

  Chris looked worriedly in the rear view mirror at his now quiet sister. She was hiding something from him. He knew it. He also knew that she would never tell him what it was, no matter how much he asked. His sister had much more of their father’s stubbornness than she was willing to admit. He was just as determined to keep her alive and well, despite herself.

  Making his own plans, Chris sent a call through the Shengari’. He needed help this time, now that the Tezarian’s and the Prime had arrived and he wasn’t taking any chances with the safety of his sister. Angel meant far too much to he and his brothers. And their father.

  Chapter Two

  Drago walked in the door of the house just as Lara, Dread and Viper were heading out of the front door. Without a word he followed them back out of the door and into the black SUV they were borrowing along with the home. From Grai T’Alq, leader of the alien alliance on the planet.

  Once Drago had learned of their destination, he had contacted Grai through the Shengari’ and told him where they were. Not to betray his sister, but to ensure that if help was needed, their people would know where to find them.

  They had all known that they wouldn’t be able to hide from Grai for very long and had no intention to do so. The Tezarian brothers, like all of the off-world personnel, were issued identification, credit cards, bank accounts and elaborate, fake life histories, by Grai’s people. All of which were monitored closely, so that any unusual activity or inactivity could be investigated quickly.

  It hadn’t surprised Drago when Grai offered the use of a safe house he had that was located just outside the city. He had no doubt that Grai would be relieved to know where they were, if not the specifics of what they were doing.

  Hell, even he didn’t know what they were doing, Drago thought. Yesterday, that didn’t bother him. Even this morning, he didn’t really care as long as he could ensure his brother’s and his sister were safe. But now… now all he could think of was a pair of light blue eyes, set in the most beautiful face he had ever seen. His arms ached to hold her again. To learn everything he could about her.

  “What the fuck is wrong
with you?”

  Drago looked at his brother, Dread, blankly for a moment then shook his head before giving him a smile. “I am sorry, my thoughts were elsewhere for a moment. What did you say?”

  Dread, sitting beside him in the backseat, looked at him strangely. “I said, we’re going to the center of the city to try and send a call to other Prime. I asked if you are ready because you seem to be distracted.”

  Drago smiled. “I am ready.” He was more than ready. The quicker they completed this, the sooner he could go back to his mate, he thought to himself.

  Lara turned in her seat to look at him and Dread as Viper parked the vehicle. “There should be no danger in this. Unless of course we’re led to captives, then all bets are off. But, we can assess that when we get close and know more.”

  Drago smiled and nodded at Viper’s mate. They had gone over this a dozen times since they left Dillon, TX and he knew exactly what they were going to do and what should happen. Even though he couldn’t detect any of Lara’s emotions from her energy, he knew she was a little worried and didn’t mind easing her concern by playing along.

  They got out of the vehicle and huddled in a circle at the back of it. Drago looked around and saw nothing but an empty, snow covered parking lot. He zipped his jacket against the bitter cold and the snow that was still lightly falling around them and he looked to Lara to begin.

  Lara nodded her head. “We need to join hands,” she said, grabbing Dread and Viper’s hands. She waited until Drago had also joined hands before continuing.

  “Just breathe deeply and let the energy flow through you so I can pull it easier,” Lara said quietly before she closed her eyes. Everyone else closed theirs as well.

  Drago took a deep breath and smiled when he detected a slight trace of Devon’s scent on him. His attention was pulled from the memory of his mate by the rush of energy that seemed to be stripping itself from his veins.

  Opening his eyes, Drago saw the snow around them, lifted from the ground from the force of the energy, swirl through the air like a tiny tornado before the pressure audibly popped. He could see the energy break into a golden energy wave that shot out in a full circle into the area around them.


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