Ready For Flynn, Part 1

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Ready For Flynn, Part 1 Page 3

by KL Shandwick

  “We’re heading out, are you ready?”

  I stood and flicked my hair behind my shoulders with both hands. “Yup, was just making myself look human again.”

  “Hmm, let’s hope it’s the opposing team’s attention you attract and not our players, Val. You’re gorgeous. I always worry about the effect you have on guys.”

  I smirked at Martin. “You’re only saying that because everyone says I look like you, aren’t you?”

  Martin chuckled and nodded at my chest. “Val if I looked like you I think I’d have even more friends than I could handle.”

  I swatted his arm and strode past him.

  “Martin, I’m your sister, that’s inappropriate.”

  Martin chuckled and caught up with me throwing his arm around my shoulder.

  “I know. I’m just pissing you off so that you scowl at anyone that looks at you when we get to the stadium.”

  Flynn was downstairs when we went back to find him and Kayden.

  Kayden smiled and picked up his car keys from the bowl on the console table behind the sofa. “Ready? I’ll just go and warm up Susie.”

  Raising his eyebrow, I could see Flynn was puzzled, “It’s his car, Flynn, Susie’s his car.”

  Flynn chuckled, “Cool, I was wondering if it was pay per view.”

  I hadn’t known how to react to Flynn’s suggestive joke, and Martin smacked Flynn upside his head, “Sister,” he growled.

  Flynn shook his head, smirked then raked his eyes the length of me, “Goodness, Valerie. I didn’t realize we were supposed to dress up for this, you look beautiful.”

  Martin chuckled. “Flynn, trust me. You’ll never get used to how our little Beatnik looks. Us Darsin boys spend our time looking menacingly at anyone that comes within thirty feet of her.

  “Glad I’m on the right team then, Marty. I’ll have to remember that.”

  “Hello. When you’re both done trying to get a rise out of me are we going to see my brother demolish this other team or not?”

  Martin smiled mischievously and shook his head, then spun me toward the door by the shoulders and we headed out to Kayden.

  Opening the back door for me, Martin ushered me to climb in first. I’d thought he was getting in beside me, but he opened the front passenger door and got in instead. Kayden and Martin struck up a conversation about Dad’s workshop as Flynn slid in beside me in the back seat; his hand brushed the side of my thigh absentmindedly while his other hand closed the door. My heart pounded with excitement at the thought of us sitting together in the back.

  “Oh, sorry.” He chuckled and grinned as he moved his hand away and straightened his jacket from behind him. He tugged on the seat belt and reached down to fasten it before he looked up straight into my eyes.

  I’d been staring at his head the whole time. He raised an eyebrow, smiled slowly and pulled his bottom lip into his mouth. I blushed because he’d caught me watching him and the sexy way he was chewing his lip. My pussy clenched in excitement and I tried to control my heart as it hammered in my chest. He never made anything of it and stared ahead of him listening to Martin and Kayden talking.

  Once I’d settled from my reaction I tried to relax into the seat. I drifted off into my thoughts about how handsome he was. My body sat limply as I looked out of the window marveling at Flynn’s closeness. Kayden suddenly took a sharp turn, and I was instantly hurled toward Flynn, flopping heavily into his side. My face brushed the side of his head as his strong hand reached out to steady me. He twisted to face me and for a second, I’d thought he was going to kiss me.

  “Whoa, Val. No need to throw yourself at me, babe. You’ve already got my attention,” he flirted and gave me a panty-melting smile. His mouth was so close to mine that I’d felt his breath on my face when he’d spoken.

  Heat rushed through me as I considered his flirtatious comment. There was no doubt about it, my initial assumption had been correct; I had an instant crush on Flynn. I stared at him a moment too long and saw a fleeting discomfort in his eyes when they darted back to the front seat and Martin.

  My brother’s head snapped around in our direction and from the startled look on his face, he’d noticed Flynn’s comment had affected me. I knew I was blushing but didn’t comment. Fortunately, we were distracted as Kayden pulled into the stadium parking lot. Martin climbed out of his seat and closed the door. Kayden got out and opened mine while Flynn slid out of the back on the other side. Martin grabbed Flynn by the shoulder and pulled him back. I don’t think I was supposed to hear him, but I did anyway.

  “Dude. That’s my little sister remember? I told you she’s not like the girls you’ve hung around, Flynn. Stop fucking hitting on her. Last guy who did that couldn’t walk for a couple of days after Kayden kicked him in the balls. She’s pretty innocent and only ever had one boyfriend. You’d do well to remember that,” Martin said warning him. The anger in his voice was primal.

  Kayden walked towards them, chuckled but reinforced Martin’s warning, “Val’s pretty special to us, Flynn. Don’t go pissing us off. Otherwise, your beautiful friendship with Martin will end as abruptly as it started.”

  Flynn shifted uncomfortably, dipped his head and looked briefly sideways at me before he looked back at my brothers.

  “Jeez, guys I was only trying to make her feel good, she’s only fifteen for Christ’s sake.” I was instantly crushed by his comment. His words stung, but he had the grace to look embarrassed when he looked back at me.

  Martin slapped Flynn on the back, “So long as we’re clear Val’s off limits.” He chuckled and pulled him for a one-armed man hug. I’d been standing on the other side of the car watching the whole thing, and I was furious. I’d seen my brothers do that before, but that was the first time I’d felt belittled by them.

  I’d been mortified that I’d fallen for Flynn’s insincere flirtations as well. Hearing his comment about making me feel good about myself had done the opposite. I suddenly felt he saw me as immature and instead of wanting to go and cheer Adam on, all I’d wanted was to go home.

  Tears threatened to burst past the lump in my throat. I swallowed several times in succession as I fought to stay in control of my feelings. The last thing I had wanted to do was flip out because I knew they’d guess I had a crush on him and would have highlighted my immaturity to Flynn.

  My pace was slower than theirs after that, and I’d hung back, I was suddenly reluctant to be around them. Kayden turned and called out to me, “Come on Val, move it. Only five minutes until the game starts,” and I knew there was no way out, and I would have to suck it up and put on a brave face for everyone’s sake, including my own.

  Heidi was one of the first people I’d recognized when we reached the bleachers, and my stomach cramped.

  “Oh, great. That’s all I need,” I muttered slowing my step as I hugged myself. Kayden gave me a pitied look, and that annoyed me.

  “Ignore her,” Martin said flatly.

  “What’s the deal?” Flynn asked.

  I could have died when Martin straight out told him what had happened and it left me feeling humiliated all over again.

  “Fuck. Way to go, Valerie. You need to pick your friends and boyfriends more carefully in the future,” Flynn said.

  I glared at him, not really believing he’d actually stated the obvious. He didn’t even know me. I sneered.

  “You think? Thanks for your advice. I may be young, but I’m not stupid. I’m not one for making the same mistake twice.”

  Stepping into me he put his arm around me and I immediately felt comforted, “I’m sorry that was a stupid thing to say. I didn’t mean it like that. I was just mad that someone would take the opportunity to hurt you like that.”

  Flynn tilted his head and looked over to where Heidi was before turning to Martin and Kayden, “I think that girl needs to be taught a lesson.”

  Martin had immediately bristled in his stance, his eyes narrowed as he warily glanced at Flynn.

  Turning to me he s
aid, “You’ve been out of town since this happened, right?”

  I nodded but felt embarrassed and horrified that he knew my business.

  “Alright. Listen up, what better way to get back at her than to get even. She did you a favor exposing that douchebag. And you weren’t all that bothered were you? Because you moved on with me.”

  “Hey, that’s not happening, Flynn,” Martin protested.

  Kayden was nodding and smiling with Flynn. He obviously thought it would be a great idea, but Martin continued to protest.

  “Nah, dude. I don’t want our sister to look like she’s dating a much older guy or you with a young girl for that matter.”

  “Jesus, Martin. She’s what four years younger than me?”

  “Nearly five,” Martin corrected.

  “Lighten up, Martin, this is pretend. You don’t have to worry. I’m not going to fuck your sister. I’m supporting her so that when she goes back to school she does it with her head held high and kills the buzz around what happened.”

  My mind was centered on Flynn’s comment, “I’m not going to fuck your sister,” hearing him talk in sexual terms about me made my heart flip in my chest. Even though he’d said it was something he wasn’t going to do. Why did he choose to say that?

  Kayden slapped Martin on the back and tilted his head, “Sounds like a plan to me. Let him do it, Heidi needs to be taught a lesson. Bradley too. It will send a message to everyone that Valerie has moved on.

  “Better that it’s Flynn, right?” Martin said, his voice still sounded less than impressed with Flynn’s plan.

  “Hello? This is me we’re talking about, right?”

  Flynn turned and grinned widely. There was a playful look in his eyes and my heart flipped over inside my chest again. Once it had recovered it raced excitedly.

  “Exactly, Valerie. Do you want to face them when they are still ambiguous about your feelings or do you want to send them a fuck you, look-at-me message?”

  There was a plea in his eyes as if he was willing me to say yes, and I’d wondered why he was so eager to make a show of himself on my behalf. I wondered if it were to impress Martin and Kayden rather than anything directly to do with me.

  “Yes. I want that,” I heard myself say decisively.

  “Which one? Pick one.”

  “I want you to be my boyfriend.” I’d stated and blushed because although the situation wasn’t real, my feelings about that were.

  Chapter 4 ~ Up close and personal

  Seven minutes before the game started, we climbed the bleachers. Martin filed in first and sat down, followed by Kayden, Flynn and then me. I’d never sat on the aisle seat before and it felt weird not sitting next to Martin. Flynn had caused a buffer zone between my brothers and me, probably so I would have the confidence to play my part with him. I just wasn’t sure I was playing.

  As we settled down to watch the game, Flynn slipped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me tightly against him. His swift move took me by surprise, and I glanced up at his face. Flynn wore the sexiest smirk I’d ever seen as he winked and said, “Better make the most of the situation. We want this to have the maximum effect. This is how couples do it, right?”

  Heat rose to my face. A rush of excited feelings came over me at his comment and made me clench my thighs together. I could tell my panties were soaked, and I smiled slowly, nodding because I was speechless and too mesmerized to answer. Flynn chuckled and quickly kissed the top of my head before settling down to watch the game. I, on the other hand, sat trying to cope with the tingling feeling in my scalp and my racing heart that reacted when he’d kissed me through my hair.

  The thrill of my surreal situation at sitting in the bleachers of my high school wrapped in the arms of the hottest guy I’d ever seen was the biggest turn-on of my life. The downside of it all was I had the hugest crush on him, and he was almost five years older than me. It wouldn’t have been so bad had I been eighteen or so, but he was a man, and I was still only a girl. And he was my brother’s friend.

  Colleen, another friend from school, walked up the bleacher stairs with Simon Hutton, who was also in our same grade. From the way they were hanging onto each other, I’d suspected they were a couple. Then again that’s what Flynn and I wanted people to think as well, so who knew?

  I’d watched her scanning the bleachers looking for familiar faces when her eyes settled on me then went wide. “Valerie. Wow. When did you get back?” Her curious eyes flicked between Flynn’s and then my face as she began to stalk her way further up the wooden steps toward us.

  “Only got back today,” I said, not sure of what else I should add.

  Flynn tugged me closer still and kissed my head again, “Don’t I get a mention, babe?” he murmured softly into my ear. I shivered. The heat of his breath tickled my ear as his intimate comment stole my breath for a moment. My heart pounded in my chest and accelerated when his thumb rubbed absent-mindedly against my bare arm.

  “Of course,” I stammered turning toward him while I tried to clear the sudden fog I had in my brain. I was finding it so hard to concentrate while he held me.

  “This is Flynn…my…”

  “Boyfriend,” he explained when I struggled for what to introduce him as.

  Colleen was suddenly very interested in Flynn and focused her attention on him. Her eyes raked up and down his body as she introduced herself as one of my best friends. She smiled at Flynn again, but that time it was a completely different kind of smile to the one she’d given me. It was salacious.

  “Hey, Flynn,” she cooed, her voice almost an octave lower. Her hand found her hair and she twirled it for good measure. I couldn’t believe she would flirt with him right in front of me, and after all the stuff with Bradley, not to mention poor Simon.

  Flynn ignored her and looked out at the field where the boys were lining up to start the game.

  “Oh, you won’t get a response from him now, Colleen. Football is Flynn’s passion. Isn’t that right, honey?” I said trying to sound like I knew what he liked.

  “That and you, babe, but in the reverse order,” he responded with a seductive growl as he turned to stare into my eyes for a second. That intense look almost melted me where I sat, and I sighed out loud.

  “Well, I guess I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone then,” Colleen said wistfully, stumbling down the first step as she headed back to Simon. The idiot had been waiting patiently at the bottom of the stairs for her. When she reached him, she glanced back up. I saw her take a deep breath and sigh heavily, before she turned to look at Simon. I couldn’t blame her for the effect Flynn had on her; he made me sigh, too. They began making their way over to Heidi, and I turned to look at Flynn. A smile curved my lips when he smiled back.

  “Thank you,” I said and reached over to squeeze his thigh. It was solid muscle, and I felt heat run through me at how bold I was to do that.

  “Anytime,” he replied. He held my gaze a moment longer than I felt comfortable with. I’d almost begun to look away when he winked and squeezed my arm. My heart skipped a beat. The guy tortured me with his flirting as I sat there with him, but I gave it my best shot and began to try to focus on the football game.

  Adam was amazing during the game, and I could see what Kayden meant about matching Jim’s ability. Each time he got the ball he was a blur running across the field. Extremely agile and fast, he twisted and weaved his way to score several touchdowns, much to the delight of the crowd.

  Flynn never took his arm off of me during the game. Even when he reacted to Adam or the team making a good play, he’d take me with him as he stood up and cheered.

  By the end of the game, most of my grade and the ones above had noticed us together, and I saw pure envy on most of the senior girls faces. If Flynn had seen them looking, he never gave that away. He kept his attention squarely on me.

  It wasn’t until we got back into Kayden’s car that Flynn let the pretense go. Once he was sure no one was around his arm trailed down my back and fel
l away. The loss of his touch made my heart sink. Flynn began to get into the car beside me, Martin held him back saying it was time he had some time with his little sister and directed Flynn to the front seat. Once Kayden began to drive, Martin said what was on his mind.

  “Well, you two sure put on one hell-of-a-show out there tonight,” his voice hadn’t disguised how annoyed he was.

  Flynn chuckled but didn’t respond. There was an awkward silence between us all, so I answered because the tone of Martin’s voice was angry.

  “Yeah. It was fun. I bet all the girls will be questioning me on Monday about you, Flynn. I’m going to have to figure out some stories for them. Otherwise, they’ll know we were fooling them.”

  I’d made light of what Flynn and I had done but wished for that time again because I was already missing him holding me.

  Martin seemed to relax into the seat at my comments, and I figured I’d done just enough to make him feel I hadn’t taken it seriously. I’d heard Flynn; he wasn’t interested in me. He’d made that abundantly clear with his comments when we’d arrived to watch the game. Even knowing that, I’d still enjoyed sitting there, and we’d allowed everyone to think we were an item. We’d certainly given them something else to talk about, other than my rejection by Bradley.

  Kayden and Martin went straight from the car to raid the fridge for snacks as soon as we’d arrived home. Flynn surprised us when he suddenly asked if it was okay for him to take a shower. Martin turned and stared at him for a second, totally thrown by his request, then nodded.

  “Sure use the one in my room. Your room doesn’t have its own bathroom, and the one in the hall is next to my parent’s bedroom. I don’t want you to wake them. Towels are in the cabinet beside the sink.”

  Martin went back to selecting things from the fridge, and Kayden was busy buttering bread rolls. The thing I usually loved about all the boys being home was that none of us were in a hurry to go to bed. We weren’t all together that often so our routines would go crazily out of whack just to make up for that.


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