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Bound to the Bad Boy

Page 10

by Molly Ann Wishlade



  He untied the restraints and scooped her into his arms. She smelt of sweat, arousal and jasmine. He kissed her forehead.

  “Megan, I want to take you home.”

  “Please, Master. I would like that.”

  He carried her out to the changing rooms and retrieved their belongings. He wrapped her coat around her then took her out to his bike. He lowered her carefully onto the seat and when he climbed on in front of her he made sure that she was holding on tight.

  Then he drove them slowly back to his house, the house he had built for Megan, and took her tenderly inside.


  Matt turned on the faucet and squirted bubble bath under the running water then he went back into the bedroom. Megan was still curled up on her side in the fetal position, wearing her now creased green mac. It was as if their time at Club Castille had exhausted her. Being a sub was about physical surrender, yes, but it was also about an intensely emotional surrender. And it could be draining. He hoped that he hadn’t tried to introduce Megan to their former practices too early. But time had been short and he wanted to find out if she really could return to their life again. If he could trust her not to run. That was, of course, if she even wanted to stay.

  She had left him once. She could do so again.

  He nudged her shoulder. “Megan?”

  “Um?” She turned her head slightly to face him.

  “I’ve run you a bath. It will soothe you. Help you to sleep.”

  “Oh…okay.” She sat up and Matt helped her to her feet then he scooped her up and carried her into the bathroom. When he set her down, he undid the belt of the mac and removed it.

  She stood still with her arms at her sides.

  “Are you okay?” His shoulders felt like he’d climbed a mountain. It could be from the strain of focusing just enough pressure as he used the flogger on Megan or it could just be the damn tension that was permeating his every move. His jaw was as tight as if he’d had it wired and even his ass cheeks ached.

  “Yeah. I’m okay.” She met his eyes and hers were dreamy. She looked like she’d been asleep for a very long time and she’d woken up to find that it was Christmas morning. She had that adorable combination of excitement and happiness. It made his heart leap and his cock harden. Again. His balls would burst if he kept having this many erections without relieving himself.

  He helped her out of the holdups. As he knelt to peel them over her feet, he breathed deeply of her sweet musky arousal. It stirred him to new heights of desire and he moved forwards, pressing his face into her mound.

  “Oh, Master…”

  “Megan.” He nuzzled her pussy, opening her labia with his tongue and flicking it over her clit. She moved with him, fucking his face and moaning as he delved into her depths. She rode his tongue as if she hadn’t orgasmed in months. Hungrily. Feverishly. Desperately. He gripped her ass cheeks so that he could eat her more easily and she winced when his fingers brushed over her bruises. But he kept going and she kept grinding.

  Finally, she shuddered onto his mouth and he swallowed her cunt cream, drinking deeply of the woman who had once broken his heart.

  He gave her one final lick then stood before her and kissed her mouth. She grinned.

  “You taste like me.”

  “I love your taste. I just can’t get enough of you, Megan.”

  Her eyes widened and he looked away. Careful… You’ll become too vulnerable again.

  Their lovemaking varied depending upon what they both wanted at that point in time. It always had. Sometimes, they needed the power exchange of sub and Dom, but at others they were like any young couple in love and their intercourse could be tender, gentle and sweet. But what worked about it for them was that they both enjoyed the variety of it all. Knowing that there was more to their union than to most. Plus, Megan was his best friend and he would do anything for her. Anything. Even give her up if she asked him to, though the thought made him want to double over with pain.

  He lifted her and lowered her into the bubbles, supporting her as she lay back, then perched on the edge of the bath and gazed in awe at her beauty. Her auburn waves floated on the top of the foam, their ends becoming darker as they soaked up water. The bubbles covered her breasts and all of her body from her feet to her neck. Whenever she moved, the frothy white covering parted and her ruby red nipples were exposed. They were bright red from the clamps and fully distended. Ripe for sucking. He felt like a teenager again, thrilled at getting little glimpses of a beautiful woman’s breasts. He ran a hand over his hard-on wishing that he could just whip it out and thrust it into her hot little body.

  Megan smiled. “Are you unbearably hard?”

  He nodded. Unbearably didn’t cover it.

  “Could I help you out with that?”

  Could she? He had sworn not to fuck her until their heads were clear. But he ached for her. He yearned to fill her up and to bury himself up to his balls in her. His cock twitched. He couldn’t wait any longer. He just had to have her.

  He began to undress and Megan’s eyes lit up.


  Immersed in the warm soapy water, Megan eyed Matt hungrily as he removed his clothes. His broad tattooed chest sent her into delicious little post-orgasmic aftershocks. His muscular arms tensed as he pulled his t-shirt over his head. Then he unbuttoned his Levi’s and slipped them down, taking his trunk-shorts with them.

  She gazed hungrily at his wide thighs and up to the thick, fully erect cock, which strained from its foreskin. The length was pink and smooth except for thick purple veins that ran along its surface. The bulbous end was darker and it bore a tiny bead of fluid that glistened in the bathroom light like a luminescent diamond. But to Megan it was far more valuable than any diamond ever could be. He wanted her. She wanted him.

  She got to her knees.

  “Master, may I suck you?”

  He nodded and licked his lips. It made him appear predatory, as if he wanted to consume her. Which, in a way, she realized that he did. As his sub, she had to give him all that she was in their power exchange. She gave herself over to his control. She had to trust him to take care of her. And so far, since her return, he had done a damned good job.

  He stood against the side of the roll tub and Megan took hold of his cock. She moved her head forwards and licked the tip. He was as sweet and salty as she remembered. He smelled of citrus shower gel and raw, spicy masculinity. It aroused a primitive female part of her and she let out a low growl. She wanted to fuck him like a wild animal. And never stop. Ever.

  She worked him with her mouth, moving up and down his length. Her jaw ached with the effort of fitting her lips around his girth but it gave her such pleasure to suck on him. She used her tongue to delve into the tiny slit at the end of his erection and she used her lips to cover him, bringing him into her heat again and again. She wrapped her hands around his base, extending her fingers to cradle and tickle his balls.

  “Sub…good sub,” Matt groaned, moving in time with her mouth. He was tense, full of energy, coiled tightly as a spring. She felt his cock swell, and his balls lift. “I’m so close. So close.”

  She increased her speed, gobbling him like she hadn’t eaten in weeks. She was hungry for him, and she wanted to swallow him whole. To become one with him.

  Suddenly, he froze.

  Megan waited.

  A split second.

  Then he jerked again, burying his cock deep in her throat and his hot cum filled her mouth, covering her lapping tongue and shooting down into her depths. She swallowed again and again, exhilarated by her performance and heady with ecstasy as she milked him until he stopped pulsing.

  “Thank you, sub,” he said, gently caressing her cheek with the back of his hand. “I really…needed that release.”

  “It was my pleasure, Master.” She squirmed with delight. She had pleased him and it elated her.

  She sank back into the bath and floated in the water. I
t crept into her hair and her ears. She sank lower and little bubbles of air popped up from her neck, tickling as they made their way to the surface.

  “Mind if I join you?” Matt asked, gazing down at her. She shook her head and sat up to give him some space where her feet had been but he gestured at her to move forwards and climbed in behind her instead. The he pulled her back against his chest and wrapped his arms around her.

  “I want to hold you, Megan. I need to hold you.”

  And that was fine with her. She relaxed against him, savoring the feel of his strong stomach and chest as they touched her skin. His semi-hard cock, as it bobbed and tickled her spine. And his powerful arms enveloping her, keeping her safe, protecting her from all of her doubts and fears. Right now, Megan was happier than she had been in what felt like a lifetime. Sure, her back and bottom were tender. But it had been worth it. Matt had reinitiated her into the realm of the Dom and his sub. She had been nervous but she had enjoyed it. Every moment.

  But as she drifted, she was swamped by uncertainty and confusion like a heavy grey storm cloud that shadows a bright summer’s day. She loved Matt. It was there before her, as plain as it had always been. She adored him and wanted him in her life. But she didn’t know if there was a way forwards for them. Could they really be together and exist without something creeping in and destroying them?

  Whether it was her jealousy and insecurity, or his motorcycle club and its demands on his time, or even the fact that she wanted to live a normal life, something might steal in and destroy their happiness. And what if Matt could never truly forgive her for using his jail sentence as a chance to leave him? What then?

  What then?

  Megan closed her eyes and breathed slowly, in and out, in and out. She allowed the water to soothe her. To bathe away her fears and doubts and concerns. She was here with him. Enveloped in a moment of calm, of safety, of pleasure.

  Let it be and worry tomorrow. For tomorrow will come, but tonight will soon be gone forever.

  Forever. That was a long time to live without the man she loved.


  When Megan awoke to the bright rays of sun that pierced the gap in the bedroom curtains causing her to squint, she was alone. She rolled over and looked at the clock on the dresser: 10:00 a.m. She had slept until ten.

  She sat up. She was naked. She hugged the blankets to her chest. Where was Matt?

  She listened. It didn’t sound like he was downstairs making breakfast.

  Her heart lurched. Had he left already? She hadn’t even seen him this morning. Not since he had dried her following their bath then held her against him in bed. Totally naked. They had both been so sleepy they had not even tried to make love. They had just cuddled, like old times. A warm, tender spooning.

  Her eyes stung and she blinked away tears. What was wrong with her? What did she expect?

  Yes, this was a lovely walk down remembrance alley but that was all it was. She might still harbor feelings for Matt that left her all shook up like a bottle of Coca-Cola but she wasn’t sure how he felt. He hadn’t really said much. Maybe he was just enjoying a little reunion with her knowing that she would soon be leaving.

  She swung her legs over the bed and walked to the window. She winced as she pushed the curtain aside and peered out into the brightness of the day. The yard was empty. His bike was gone. He had left her here without so much as a goodbye or a see you later. Her armpits prickled with the heat of disappointment. She felt as if she’d just slipped on the ice and fallen smack on her backside. And after last night? After she had gone to the club with him and allowed him to flog her. To be so intimate with her again. She had soared into sub-space, a time when she was at her most vulnerable, and Matt had encouraged the process with his quick and controlled flicks of the leather instrument and his raw male power, which she responded to so viscerally.

  She was weak in his presence and that was why she had left and not returned. The high school reunion had been an excuse to return and she had been a fool to take the opportunity. She should have stayed gone. Now she was all mixed up again. Did she really want her life in the city with her poky apartment and job amongst the dusty shelves of books nobody ever read? Or did she want to return here, to be with Matt, to try to resume the life that they had once shared. The life she had once been so certain of.

  “Oh Matt,” she whispered as she leant her forehead against the glass pane. “Do you want me? The way we used to be?”

  Megan frowned as a battered Ford truck pulled into the yard and stopped before the house, blowing dust up into the morning air. She couldn’t see the driver because the sun glared on the windshield. Was it one of Matt’s friends? She’d better throw some clothes on and go find out.

  But then she remembered. She didn’t have a thing to wear.

  Chapter Ten

  “So what do you think, Matt?”


  Moonshine stared at him from across the motorcycle club table. He tilted his grizzled grey head from left to right and raised his matching bushy eyebrows. “I think you’ve got it bad this time, son.” The old man grinned from between his beard and moustache.

  Matt shrugged. Moonshine, aka Dan O’Flaherty, was right. His charter all knew that Megan was back in town and that he had been with her the past few days. But they’d been good about it and left him to it. Until now.

  “So what’s going on there then, Matt?” Billy Rune scratched his ginger pork-chop sideburns.

  “I don’t know what you’re all talking about.” Matt shook his head. “No idea at all.”

  “Leave the lad alone.” Jeff Mahoney laughed. “It’s his business…for now.”

  Matt nodded his thanks. But he knew what Jeff meant. As long as this thing with Megan was just a fling then it was his business. But if it got serious then that made her an old lady again and that was when things had to be decided. Like if she was trustworthy. Which he knew she was. Or had thought she was. But when she abandoned him, he had wondered if he’d been right about her in the first place. However, she’d never told anyone what she knew or brought any trouble to his door. So of course he’d been right about her.

  Which meant that it was just him she had wanted away from.

  He slammed his fist onto the table then looked up stunned. His father was absent that day as he had taken a few of the prospects out to a neighboring charter as part of their initiation. That meant that Matt was head of the table in his absence. Usually, it didn’t faze him at all but today, with his mind full of Megan, he wished he could just sit back and let his old man lead the way.

  “Well, I agree with what Moonshine said about buying into that new OAP complex they’re building out off the main highway. I mean, traditionally, it wouldn’t have fit our image but in the current climate, we can’t afford to be picky.”

  Moonshine nodded his agreement. “All those in favor?”

  The eight bikers around the table stated their decision in turn and the motion was passed five to three.

  “And on to the next issue…” Moonshine perused a document in front of him. Seems that Mr. Beddingfield, our attorney, has done some digging and…”

  “Matt!” Moonshine was cut short as a gangly prospect burst into the back room without knocking.

  “What in the hell…” Jeff jumped to his feet. “Don’t ya know that this ain’t the way we conduct business around here, prospect?”

  The prospect shook his head, panting like a sick dog. “I’m…I’m real sorry, but I was on my way back here and out by Matt’s place I passed a beat up Ford truck.”

  “So?” Jeff growled.

  “You’ll never guess who was driving it.”

  Matt jumped to his feet. Darn it. He had heard that the lying scumbag had recently made parole but he hadn’t expected the creep to show up in Cherub again. Did the loser have a death wish?

  He headed for the door.

  “Matt. Get back here.” It was Jeff. “You ain’t going out there alone.”

Matt didn’t heed him.

  He raced across the car park and over to his bike. His heart was thudding in his chest so hard, he could hear only the thunderous whooshing of his own blood as it coursed through his arteries and veins. If Gil Creedy was headed for his place then that concerned him big time. For he had a horrible feeling about what might happen when he got there. If he saw Megan.

  He cocked a leg over his bike and kicked it into life.

  Megan…Don’t open the door.

  He repeated the words over and over, but try as he might, he was unable to convince himself that it wouldn’t happen. After all, what reason did Megan have not to answer the door to an old school friend? Especially the son of their former principal.

  She had no idea how dangerous Gil Creedy really was. No idea at all.


  Megan rushed around the bedroom searching for something to wear. The driver of the Ford had climbed out and she heard the clumping of his boots as he ascended the porch steps. From above, she had seen that he was a large man beginning to lose his sandy hair. But the top of his head gave her no idea about his identity.

  She settled on a button up checked shirt of Matt’s and a pair of his fitted trunk shorts. The shirt was so big that it almost reached her knees. It would have to do. She ran a hand through her sleep mussed hair and rushed out into the hallway and down the wooden staircase.

  She could make out the man’s bulk through the mottled glass panes of the front door. He turned from side to side as he waited, then knocked again. Harder this time. Anyone who knew Matt would know that he wasn’t home. His bike wasn’t here, so he wasn’t here. But perhaps the visitor had seen her peering through the curtains upstairs. So it would seem weird now if he was a business acquaintance of Matt’s and she didn’t answer.

  She approached the door and reached for the handle.

  She opened it a crack and peered out.

  “Well, hello there, missy.” The visitor grinned broadly, exposing large, white teeth. He reminded Megan of a door-to-door salesman about to embark upon his polished pitch. She wiped her hands on her shorts behind the door. They were cold and clammy. Why did she feel so uneasy?


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