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The Sun Angel

Page 13

by Ashley Martinez

  “No,” again he paused. “But I do need you.”


  “One day I’ll come back. For now, I need you to stay alive,” he squatted down.

  She looked up into his black eyes and felt a stab of recognition when she looked at him.

  “Do I know you?”

  Surprise crossed his face quickly, “I hope not.”

  “Why? What do you want with me?” Jenna twitched and pain racked her. She winced and grabbed her leg.

  “Let me help,” he reached his hand out and Jenna flinched back.

  She didn’t know if she could trust him, “No, leave me alone!”

  “I can’t. Sorry, Angel.”

  “I said get away from me!” she started dragging herself away from him.

  He groaned and stood up, “I really hate to do this, but it’s for your own good.”

  “What?” she whispered trying faster to get away.

  “This,” he said coming up to her.

  Her eyes widened in fear as his fist came fast toward her face.

  Jenna gasped sitting up. She quickly checked her leg but found it whole. Had that been a dream or memory? She looked over at Lena and found her still in it, breathing heavily. Glancing at the clock she was surprised to see it was six o clock in the morning. Where was the sun?

  Climbing out of bed and crossing the small room, she creaked open the door and found Will sitting on the porch.

  “Finally awake?” he asked without looking at her.

  “Yeah,” she said closing the door behind her and joining Will on the steps.

  She looked out at the dark forest. The trees were still as if to be resting. No animals made a sound, even the song birds seemed to have disappeared. The stillness didn’t worry Jenna, but the absent sun did. The forest should be alive but instead it felt asleep.

  “How’d you sleep?”

  “I had a strange dream.”

  “Oh yeah? What about?” He still hadn’t looked at her but instead examined his black boots with mud caked on the soles.

  “I was being chased by some strange man in a suit,” Jenna answered. “You were in it.”

  He gave a short laugh, “Was I?”

  Jenna nodded, “The man had broken my leg and when I opened my eyes you were standing there talking to me.”

  Will finally looked over at her, Jenna could see surprise in his dark eyes.

  “What did I say?”

  “You said you’d come for me later, but you needed me alive,” she watched him closely. “Was that a memory?”

  He turned away from her, not answering.

  “It was, wasn’t?”

  “You already know the answer.”

  “What do you want with me, Will?” Jenna shivered from the cold.

  “Go inside, you’re freezing.”

  “Don’t avoid my question. What do you want with me?”

  Will sighed in frustration, “Dammit!” He got up and started down the steps.

  “Don’t walk away from me!” Jenna hissed, not wanting to wake Lena. She jumped up and ran down the steps. She grabbed his arm. “What do you want with me?”

  Before she knew what was happening, Will grabbed her as black wings unfurled around them. They were a few hundred feet up in the air before Jenna could even take a breath.

  “Will!” she gasped.

  He held onto just her arm leaving her body dangling in the air. She wanted to scream, but couldn’t find her voice.

  “I could end this all, right here,” he growled, “all I’d have to do is drop you.”

  “Stop it, Will!” she screamed as her other hand groped for something to hold onto.

  “You want to know what I was doing there that night?” he continued. “I was going to take you.”

  “Please, Will, I’m scared,” Jenna began sobbing as it started to rain.

  “But then you disappeared, and I had to wait another eighteen years.”

  “Please,” Jenna begged.

  “You want to know what I was going to do with you?” he hollered over the wind and rain, which intensified. “I was going to kill you.”

  Shock made Jenna temporarily forget she was dangling hundreds of feet in the air. She felt herself still as she processed what he’d said.

  “Yeah, Jenna, my plan was to kill you,” he laughed.

  “Are you going to now?” she asked.

  “Now?” he looked down at her and shook his head. “No.”

  Slowly he pulled her up into his arms. She clung to him, relieved to not be hanging. She was gasping for breath, almost to the point of hyperventilation.

  “Shh…” he soothed as he held her close. “You’re safe.”

  She shook her head, unable to believe him.

  “Jenna, I couldn’t hurt you,” he rubbed her back. “I want to, but I can’t.”

  “Why?” she whispered, not sure if he heard her, but he did.

  “You’ve complicated things.”


  “By being you.”

  “I don’t understand,” she wept burying her face in his neck; it helped her forget they were in the air. She felt herself calming down as she breathed in his scent of peppermint mixed with sweat.

  “Let’s just say you’re changing me.”

  She wasn’t sure how to respond, so she asked a question instead, “Are you still going to kill me later?”

  “Hmm,” he said thoughtfully. “I haven’t decided that, but for now, no I can’t.”

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

  “Yes, because as of right now you are the most protected person in the world.”


  “Because you have a very powerful angel guarding you,” he said and started pulling away.

  “No!” Jenna gasped and held onto him tighter.

  “Relax, Angel,” he chuckled. “We’re on the ground.”

  Jenna opened her eyes in surprise and looked around, Will hadn’t lied. They were on the ground, and the rain continued to pour down on them. She sighed in relief then felt a wave of anger. Balling her hand into a fist she pulled back then snapped her fist forward right into Will’s chin. He stumbled back more in surprise than pain.

  “What was that for?” He complained as he rubbed his jaw.

  “That was for scaring the crap out of me, for wanting to kill me, and for punching me in the face in my memory!” she spat then spun on her heel and stormed back into the cabin, passing Lena on the way.

  “I like her more every day,” she grinned at Will as she unwrapped a granola bar.

  He glared in response. Even for her human form, she was strong; his jaw stung slightly.

  “When do we leave?”

  “Now,” he answered walking up the steps.

  “Where’s the sun?” Lena asked looking up, the rain had slowed to a drizzle.

  “I don’t know,” he paused and looked up at the sky.

  “Jenna’s still alive. The sun should be up,” Lena scratched her head in confusion. “What’s going on?”

  “If I knew-“

  “You wouldn’t tell me, I know,” Lena snapped.

  Irritation swelled up in Will, “We need to get to Mae; she might know.”

  “Then what are we waiting for?” Lena turned and went back into the cabin.

  Will took a few deep breaths trying to calm down. He couldn’t stand the Guardians, let alone Lena herself. They never treated their superiors with respect, and it drove him crazy.

  Walking into the cabin, he found Jenna sitting at the small table eating a granola bar and Lena sitting next to her. They were giggling about something, but Will didn’t care what about.

  “We’re leaving,” he announced and picking up a bag he threw it hard at Lena.

  She caught it surprised, but he had thrown it with such force it tipped her over in the chair.

  “Hey!” she complained from the floor.

  “Let’s go,” Will said feeling pleased. He glanced at Jenna and saw a
small smile play at the corners of her lips. Guilt washed through him as he remembered what he’d done to her that morning.

  Why did he have to lose his temper like that? Over the years he’d perfected patience and poise, but whenever Jenna was involved, he felt his emotions swirling like a tornado and was unable to temper his reactions. He wanted to apologize but couldn’t quite swallow his pride.

  “I said let’s go!” he barked.

  Jenna quickly stood, stuffing the rest of her breakfast in her mouth, she was moving faster than yesterday which meant she was healing quickly. Lena grabbed the other pack and the girls moved towards the door.

  “Do we need to check out?” Jenna asked.

  “No, they’ll get the point,” Will answered.

  “But wouldn’t it be nice to let them know?”

  Will groaned, “Ugh, fine. I’ll go tell them.”

  “I want to go,” she said keeping up with him.


  “I wasn’t asking,” she snapped and stepped around him, continuing down the trail.

  He rolled his eyes and sighed heavily following her into the many trees.

  She didn’t speak to him the whole way there; she didn’t even look at him. He could tell she was still angry and didn’t blame her. He’d threaten to kill her and didn’t promise he wouldn’t try later.

  “Are you leaving?” Lisa asked as they walked into the office.

  “Yes,” Jenna answered. “Thank you so much for letting us stay.”

  Lisa narrowed her eyes at Jenna and then smiled at Will.

  “Hopefully you’ll come when the weather’s a little nicer, and by the way, did any of you notice how it’s still dark outside?”

  “Yeah,” Will grunted and took hold of Jenna’s arm pulling her toward the door. “Thanks, but we need to be on our way.”

  “It’s strange,” Lisa continued standing up and following them to the door to look at the dark sky. “It looks like it’s the middle of the night, but it’s seven. The sun should be up by now.”

  “I noticed that too,” Jenna said trying to get her arm free from Will’s tight grasp.

  “Jenna,” he said tugging her arm, “we need to keep going.”

  “Yes, hopefully when you two come back you’ll be married!” Lisa smiled but ignored Jenna completely.

  Will groaned and rolled his eyes. Why were these people so concerned about their relationship?

  “Who knows maybe you’ll even honeymoon here!”

  “Look, lady,” Will finally snapped. “We’re not getting married, nor will we ever. We’re not dating; we don’t even like each other so stop making those comments!”

  She stopped, looking shocked, “Well I never-“

  “No,” Will said. “Stop talking.”

  “Will!” Jenna swatted his arm. “Don’t be so rude.”

  “You stop talking too,” he grabbed her arm and forcefully pulled her down the path. “Thank you for letting us stay.”

  “Let me go!” Jenna grunted trying to pull away.

  Will let go but continued to walk, not looking to see if Jenna followed.

  “What is your problem?” Jenna complained.

  He turned to face her, “The sun isn’t rising. Don’t you find that a little strange?”

  “Yes, but-“

  “Don’t you want to find out?”

  “Yes, but-“

  “We need to get you to Mae; something doesn’t feel right,” he stepped toward her, menacingly, “so shut up, and let’s go.”

  Jenna nodded, keeping her mouth shut even though she wanted to scream at him. He was being a brute and she didn’t understand what she’d done. Was it because she told him about her dream? Or was it because he was actually freaking out about the sun being gone? He was right; they needed to figure out what was going on. Without the sun, Jenna felt strangely alone.


  “How much further?” Lena called out two hours later.

  Will clenched his teeth; he was losing his patience with Lena. She’d complained the whole hike.

  “Elena if you don’t shut up, I’m going to snap your neck,” he called back to her.

  “Geez, someone’s sure grouchy today,” she mumbled.

  Will passed through an invisible curtain and stopped causing Jenna to run into him. He held up his hand and motioned for them to be quiet while pushing Jenna behind him.


  “Shh!” he hissed at Lena before listening intently for anything unordinary.

  A slight rustle to his right made Lena pull out her sword. He rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything. Another rustling to their left made her curse, which made Will want to punch her.

  “Put that away, girl!” a deep voice came in front of them as a dwarf stepped out of the trees.

  Will heard Jenna gasp in surprise.

  Lena didn’t listen; she held her sword up and crouched defensively.

  “I said put it away!” the dwarf growled.


  “Elena,” Will sighed. “Just do what he says.”

  “How do I know they won’t attack?”

  “You don’t,” the dwarf answered. “But it wouldn’t be wise for you to keep it out.”

  “I’m sorry, I can’t.”

  Will groaned, “Stupid Guardians!”

  The dwarf lifted his hand and waved his hand to the side. Lena’s sword flew out her grasp and into another dwarf’s hands who’d stepped out of the trees to their left. The first dwarf snapped his fingers, and Lena was tied and gagged.

  Jenna jumped and inched closer to Will who smiled down at Lena. She glared up at him.

  “My apologies, Dorin,” Will bowed slightly. “She’s a Guardian.”

  “Ah, they’re all the same,” he looked down at Lena. “They need to start teaching manners at your school, my dear. It’s very rude to storm into someone’s house waving a weapon.”

  “This is your house?” Jenna asked curiously looking around for little huts but only seeing trees and underbrush.

  “By the angels,” the dwarf whispered and bowed deeply. “Princess, welcome.”

  “I, uh, thank you?” Jenna looked at Will completely confused and slightly embarrassed.

  He grinned at her, “You’re a big deal here.”

  “You, too. The only difference is you already know that,” Dorin rolled his eyes at Will.

  “That and we see you a lot,” another dwarf called out.

  Will laughed, “What? I like the lot of you.”

  “Same with us, Master Will,” Dorin bowed to Will, “so what brings you out here?”

  “We need to speak with Mae.”

  Jenna held her breath, thinking maybe she wouldn’t be here.

  “Of course,” Dorin snapped his fingers and a dwarf ran up. He bent down and whispered something to the smaller dwarf who nodded and disappeared back into the woods.

  “Please, have a seat,” Dorin motioned to a tree trunk, “Goreg will only be a moment.”

  “Thank you,” Will said and sat pulling Jenna down with him.

  “Can you untie her?” Jenna asked.

  “I’m afraid not,” Dorin sighed heavily. “She threatened us, and we don’t take that lightly.”

  “Sorry,” Jenna whispered to her. Lena rolled her eyes at her but otherwise didn’t move, not that she even could. Instead she lay on the forest floor, collecting twigs and dried leaves on her clothes and in her hair.

  “Is it really her?” a small dwarf asked coming up next to Jenna, followed by many others. They were all whispering amongst one another.

  “She’s prettier than I remember,” one said.

  “Can I touch your hair?” a little girl dwarf asked.

  “Okay,” Jenna leaned over ever so slightly so she could.

  The little girl giggled, “It’s as soft as silk.”

  “Thank you,” Jenna smiled.

  “Step back!” an old dwarf stepped through the trees.

  The crowd around Jenna dis
appeared quickly. Her eyes widened in shock, why was this dwarf telling everyone to get away from her?

  “Don’t think you’ve fooled me, princess,” the old dwarf continued, wobbling as she inched closer to Jenna. Her hair was pure white and pulled back into a bun showing off her angry wrinkled face, “you’re just as nasty as the first time you came here.”

  “I’m sorry,” Jenna leaned forward, “I’ve never been here.”

  “Don’t you dare!” the dwarf spat, her robes swirling as she shook her finger at Jenna violently. “I was a little girl when you stormed through here, burning down my village.”

  “I…” Jenna was lost for words. Of course she didn’t remember doing anything like that.

  “Thrina, she doesn’t remember,” Will said gently.

  “Doesn’t make her less of a monster!” Thrina shrieked. “She’s the reason we had to go into hiding in the first place.”

  “You had to go into hiding because you were being hunted by humans, and you know it!” Will snapped.

  “It doesn’t change the fact she burned down my village, killing almost everyone, including my parents!” she glared at Jenna. “I swore to myself if I ever saw you I’d kill you. Today is that day.”

  “Thrina!” Dorin shouted.

  The old woman stopped advancing on Jenna and slowly turned on Dorin, “What?”

  “You will not harm the Sun Angel.”

  “Like hell I won’t!” She turned and whipped her cane at Jenna.

  Will reached over her and grabbed the cane and yanked the old woman forward, “Thrina if you dare lay a finger or cane on Jenna, I will personally destroy you. As much as I don’t want to, I will.”

  Thrina glared at Will and held his stare for a very long time before finally pulling her cane away from him.

  “She does not love, William,” she answered. “You know that, and I’d hate for you to learn your lesson all over again.”

  “Thank you for the warning-“

  “But you won’t listen,” turning she began wobbling back. “Always the same, William. She’ll break your heart just like last time.”

  Jenna looked at Will confused. Had she really broken his heart? Her heart swelled with hope. They’d been together once; he’d liked her! Was it possible he’d like her again? Will didn’t look at her; instead he picked up a conversation with Dorin about Thrina.

  Jenna sat in silence, staring down at her hands clenched together. An hour passed before the small dwarf Dorin had sent came back.


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