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As Gods Above

Page 27

by Andre Labuschagne

Give me a dozen or so of the strongest warrior level telekinetics and teleports, and I will engage to launch a believable attack.

  We may even be able to penetrate a level or two.”

  Harold nodded in encouragement. “I like that. It would be just the type of forlorn hope action they would expect from us.

  In the mean time I will lead a force of say myself, Thor and maybe four of the stronger warriors – enough to simulate a strong Mago attack – in an ostensible bid to attack their senior officers through their families.

  We will snatch Lin Wu and her family, preferably causing as much local damage and confusion as possible.

  Thor, we will need Freya along to control and calm the women.”

  “No problem, Uncle Fox.”

  “Trust L’ki to get the fun job – he’s always had a way with the women.” Awaki teased.

  “But I guess that leaves the hard part to us. Michael, David, Bernardo. The four of us will form the core of the attack force. We will merge and handle the actual port with the AIs.

  Marduk, you and Heimdal will pick four top warriors to form a spearhead. Herman Strang may not be a Mago, but he is no pushover.

  And he will have at least ten top level warriors to help him. Neither he nor his assistant John Parker must be allowed to escape alive. They are the only ones who know the secret of linking the Godstone symbiont with the viral vector.

  Frey, you will be in charge of three warrior enforcers, I suggest that you include Hymdal – you can pick the rest at your discretion. Your task will be to shield us against any attack.

  David and Bernardo. Once we port in – you will grab the stock the viral vector and port it straight to headquarters. Beta and Gamma of the AIs will handle security on that phase, and ensure that they are stored safely.

  Alpha, You and your clone will handle the IT systems and infrastructure once you have opened the shields. We cannot allow the enemy to retain any capability with regard to the viral vector.

  Michael, you and I will join with Pei-ling to grab the anti-viral antidote they have prepared in case we have to stop a plague.

  He and the antidote must be ported to L’ki and his group for safe passage to our base under the Matterhorn. There they need to be held safe but incommunicado. L’ki and the local AIs can handle that.

  By that time the rest of the attack force should have completed their work, and we will do our best to get out intact.

  There might be some opposition by that time, but hopefully they will still be disoriented.

  Once we withdraw you guys forming the distraction need to get the hell out of there, because Alpha’s clone will be triggering the self destruct before he leaves. You will have exactly three minutes.

  Any questions?

  Yes Sprout?”

  “I believe our group should fly into china separately, or in small groups tonight from different directions. We can gather in Quanzhou and initiate the attack from there.

  That will confuse them more than if we simply ported from one location. They won’t be sure who is attacking them until the last moment.”

  “I like that idea. Alpha, can you set up the logistics for us?”

  “With pleasure Awaki.”

  “Right guys, let us get down to brass tacks.”

  The discussion at this stage descended into the technical, an each phase and facet of the attack was threshed out.

  Finally everyone was satisfied with the part he or she was to play in the operation, and sufficient backup plans were in place to suit even the most pessimistic members of the team.

  Bernardo surveyed the council. “Is there anything else that needs to be handled at this time?



  Then ladies and gentlemen, I wish you good night.

  I would suggest you get plenty of rest tonight; it may be the last for quite a while. We have a busy time ahead of us.”

  Chapter 13

  Darkside Station – Sublunar 1 – Earth Moon – 1st February 2036


  Launch minus 14 days.

  This is the worst part of starting a long journey. We are all packed and ready to go – now all the kids have to go to the bathroom before we can start.

  Or in this case we have to wait till the Shit hits the fan – literally - and the enemy is so busy fighting fires that he can’t pay any attention to us.

  All the members of the board are here – settled into their luxury cabins, their private workshops and labs set up to keep them busy over the century we would be underway.

  The only one who is missing is Pei-ling. His job is too important to entrust to an underling. Any minute now he will call to tell me they are ready, and then the real countdown starts.

  I can’t believe we got away with everything. It seems they never even got past our outer shields, on any of the subprojects.

  They have to know that we are getting ready to leave. I suppose they are only too happy to see us go.

  We who should have been the rulers of this world.

  But we lost our chance. Ever since they threw down Tiamat and Apsu, we have been fighting a losing battle.

  Everything we have done has been a holding action. The only advantage we have now is our ship, and the new viral vector of the godstone symbiote.

  It’s strange that we have always had so few Magos compared to them. We seem to get the preponderance of warriors instead, but somehow they all seem to lack imagination.

  But we need to leave them a little surprise to keep them off our tails while we launch. If they don’t know where we are going, it will give us more time to get settled and expand before our cultures meet again.

  I wish we could hurry the process.


  So – we are finally ready.

  As soon as the virus is properly established and starts manifesting, they will be so busy; we could launch straight off earth without them noticing.

  I wish they would hurry up down there; I was never very good at waiting.

  Frank thinks I have a bee in my bonnet about Pei-ling, but I keep getting this feeling that all is not well with him. But I am probably wrong – I am probably just ultra sensitive since Sprout defected. There had to have been signs, but I didn’t want to see them.

  He has such a lot resting on his shoulders. I just don’t know if he can bear the guilt – we all know a lot of people will die when the virus is released.

  Well there is nothing I can do now.

  Anyway, the new security systems will definitely pick up even the faintest whiff of treason. And this time reaction would be immediate. I wish we had his wife and her family on board, but he insisted on them coming on with him.

  I suppose he is right – she has always been very dependent on him.

  All we can do now is wait.

  Bernardo O’Higgins Station – Chilean Zone - Antarctica – 1st February 2036


  So now we wait.

  Everyone knows his or her place. We are all keyed up and ready to roll – one word and all hell breaks loose.

  I have never raised my hand against another person in anger – now I am going off to war – a war that has been going on for thousands of years.

  I, who was shocked at the violence of Wall Street, am a central part in a commando raid.

  I don’t know anything about fighting! Oh sure – L’ki has taught us the basics of self defense – but that is no good in a battle. And these opponents are blooded warriors – even the scientists.

  What the hell am I doing it for?


  I hate waiting. Every time I have been in battle, I have spent the hours before it started, wondering what the hell I was doing, and how I got myself into it.

  Poor Michael, he’s never been in anything like this before.

  I remember my first battle – way back before the godstone came. We knew that the tribe from the next valley was coming to attack us. All the young men sharpened their spears, and oiled their slings the nig
ht before.

  Then we went down to a spot they had to pass once they came out of the pass. And we sat waiting.

  When the enemy finally came the battle was actually an anticlimax.

  I think I had better go over to Michael, and take his mind off the waiting.

  Quanzhou New City – East China – 1st February 2036


  Herman Strang’s mental call came almost as a shock to Pei-ling. He had been waiting for it for the past two days, but somehow was still unprepared.

  “Yes, Herman.”

  “We have just finished isolating the last half a kilo of the virus. Packing will be complete in thirty minutes. Will you let the bosses know?”

  “No problem!”

  “Good! I’ll let you know as soon as we’re ready to shift. Have you received the shipping list?”

  “No. it is only now being finalized.”

  “Speak to you in thirty.”


  “Yes Pei-ling?”

  “Delivery in thirty minutes – have you the recipient list for the gifts?”

  “Yes, it is ready, I am porting it now.”

  “Got it. Thanks”

  “Good luck.”

  Pei-ling dropped the communication. He sat back, staring at the list in his hand.

  “Alpha, it’s all systems go – twenty minutes.”

  “Thanks Pei-Ling. I am notifying head quarters – T minus twenty.”

  “Tell them I said Good luck – to all of us.

  And to all of humanity. ”

  Bernardo O’Higgins Station – Chilean Zone - Antarctica – 1st February 2036

  “This is Alpha 243! All strike force members, the word is in – it’s all systems go: Time minus nineteen minutes.”

  The announcement ran through the base like wildfire – everyone who had anything to do with the strike assembled as fast as possible.

  “Sprout! T minus nineteen. Execute!”

  “Roger Bernardo! We are all loaded and ready to roll.

  Incidentally the big bad wolf has been sniffing about our little red herring already. We had a couple of obvious enforcers (and obviously Tong) look over our little scientific mission.

  But we eventually got permission to go into the mountains to look for the elusive mountain rose, and are now positioned in the hills overlooking our target.

  Good luck – and good hunting.”

  “Good hunting Joe Sprout.”

  “Uncle Fox!”

  “Yes Bernardo?”

  “You are rolling in ten minutes. I want you in and out by the time the forlorn hope starts their strike. That will help sow confusion and distrust. Now everybody – places please.”

  Quanzhou New City – East China – 1st February 2036

  “Right everyone! Places!

  Suddenly an array of weaponry sprouted amongst the peaceful scientific party, Weapons which had been hidden in special psychically screened compartments in their luggage, or disguised as part of something quite different.

  “Mortars and sappers to the front please.

  I want at least two of you heavy duty telekinetics concentrating on the doors. You enforcers, get our shield in place, we won’t have time or energy to block attacks from outside.

  I know we are essentially a diversion, but the more damage we can do, the more believable we will seem.

  Once we breach the shield, we need to aim for the two stasis preparation areas. There are a number of people who are being held there, mostly against their will – they are supposed to fill the last berths on the ship.

  We need to at least look like we are trying to free them, since that will be a believable objective.

  If we can free them it will be a bonus, since this facility will be destroyed in about an hour’s time.”

  “Don’t worry Sprout, we are ready.”

  Joseph Nkomo, his second in command sent him a soothing thought.

  “And this old warrior cannot wait to blood his spear.”

  He continued aloud.

  “I can’t understand the callousness of these people, grabbing unsuspecting normals and treating them like cattle.

  It makes me sick, just to think about it.”

  “I agree with you my friend” the warrior who had introduced himself as Benvenuto Cellini commented.

  “I once placed myself above those around me, but I slowly came to realize that each person has the same inherent value, and his or her contribution to make.

  I have spent centuries making up for my arrogance.”

  “I’m glad you are all set, the rescue force is about to strike – get ready to move in 3 minutes.”

  Hunan City –China – 1st February 2036

  L’ki and his group materialized outside the home of Fong Li, the father in law of Wu Pei-ling in good order. Freya immediately went forward to knock on the door, while their enforcers raised an impenetrable field, which both blocked perception or attack from outside as well as communication from inside.

  The astonished servant led Freya and L’ki to the lounge where Lyn, her mother and her sister were sitting. As she slid back the screen door, L’ki felt someone attempt to call Fong Li.

  “There’s no need for panic Madame Fong.” He said calmly. This is not an attack, but a rescue. Where is your husband?”

  “He is at the plant, sending off the last of the food supplies. Although the ship is fully loaded, we would prefer not to waste what we have gathered, especially the luxury items.”

  “I assume you will be boarding as soon as he has completed this task?” Freya asked.

  “Actually, he and my Li Chang, my son in law are supposed to join us here, and then we would wait for Wu Pei-ling, my daughter’s husband.

  Then we would board.”

  “Honorable Wu Lyn.” Freya continued. “We come as emissaries of your husband. He has become disgusted with the may your masters treat people, and especially with certain plans of theirs, which would mean death to thousands of innocent people.

  He believes that you will feel the same, so he has decided to join our cause. We are here to protect you, and remove you from danger.

  This offer is also open to your family, if they so wish.”

  “We will also need to create a diversion,” L’ki continued. “If they think we are attacking at random, they will not pay as much attention to our rescue of your husband, or the neutralization of their attack.


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