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Egotistical Executive: A Hero Club Novel

Page 16

by K. L. Humphreys

  My beautiful boy gives me a kiss and rests his head against my chest. I'm unable to keep the tears at bay and they stream down my face at his words. "I'll never leave you, Mommy."

  I glance through my tears at Eli who looks as though he's struggling with his emotions. When Ethan starts to struggle in my arms I set him on the ground and move toward Aubrey and Chance, both of them have joined our little group and have matching expressions of sorrow. "Thank you so much for coming." My voice sounds hoarse, no doubt from all the crying I've been doing.

  "There's nowhere else we'd be." Aubrey tells me as she kisses my cheek. "I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. Your mom was such an amazing woman."

  I nod, unable to speak. Chance pulls me into his arms and I hold on tight.

  "We really need to go, Melly," he says softly and dread fills me, it's going be to final. I'm going to have to say goodbye to her and I'm not ready but I nod and move away, within seconds, Eli is by my side pulling me into his body.

  "I've got you, baby," he tells me and I lean into him, and hold on.

  The laughter that rings throughout the house warms my heart. Hearing it, today of all days especially as it's from stories about my mom makes me smile. Eli's family, Chance, Aubrey, their kids, along with Zoe, Cass, and dad came with Eli, Ethan and I after the service and we've been talking for hours. Most of us have, my dad hasn't said a word to anyone since I saw him at the funeral. Not even to Ethan and it hurts. I'm trying my hardest to act as though it doesn't bother me but it does.

  The turn out to mom's funeral was something I hadn't expected. It seemed like everyone she'd ever known showed to say their goodbyes. It was nice to see a lot of them, especially Henry, the doorman to our old apartment building. He remembered me and my mom. That was sweet, especially when he told me that I had her grace and compassion. Some of the patients from when mom was going through her cancer treatment came to pay their respects, they were sad to see another one of them die. They have all fought so hard and it has affected each of them to lose mom.

  "Pops, are you sad?" Ethan asks and I brace for his answer. "Mommy's sad."

  "Of course she is. Your mom is very emotional." Dad sneers.

  At his words my hands ball up, "Baby boy, why don't you take CJ and Bree into the back yard and play. Maybe grandma will push you on the swing?"

  His face lights up and before he can even ask, both CJ and Bree are up on their feet tearing through the house toward the back door.

  "Grandma, you play with us?" he asks sweetly and the love that Margaret has for him shines through as she smiles. He tugs on her hand, not letting her answer and practically drags her outside with him.

  Dad watches them go and comments, “You think you can come here and take my grandkid away from me. That you can waltz in and play happy families.” It’s said under his breath but Eli tenses having heard him. My heart starts pounding, why does he have to be such a jackass?

  "It's time for you to leave, Francis. You've already outstayed your welcome." Eli says through clenched teeth as soon as the children are in the backyard.

  Dad glares at Eli, "Don't you fucking tell me what to do. This is my house and I'll do whatever the hell I want to do."

  Eli rises to his feet but I've had enough. "Actually Dad, it's my house. You may have purchased it, but it's in my name. Not yours. Today is the fucking worst day ever and you’re acting like you always do. I don't get why you're even here. You don't give a shit about anyone but yourself, so why torture us with your presence?" I've never spoken like this to him before; all the pent-up anger over the years is seeping out of me.

  He tuts at me. "Melanie, there's no need to be irrational. We knew this day was coming."

  Before I can say anything, Eli lunges for him. Grabbing him by the lapels of his suit jacket and dragging him to his feet. I can only watch on as he pulls him through the house and through the front door. Once they're outside Eli finally speaks. "I haven't known you for very long and what I have learned is that you're a fucking asshole. Today is the last day you treat Mel like shit. She is your daughter, for fuck’s sake, Francis. If you can't treat her like she deserves to be treated, which is like a fucking princess, then you aren't allowed to fucking see her. That also goes for our son. Until you treat his mother with the respect and love she deserves you get nowhere near either of them." His chest is heaving by the time he's finished his speech. I'm unable to move, currently speechless as Zoe and Cass flank me, each holding tight onto my hands.

  "Oh my god." Zoe whispers.

  Dad's eyes widen at Eli's words. "You can't do this."

  Eli leans forward, mere inches from dad's face. "Fucking try me. I repeat, you'll get nowhere near either of them."

  Devon and Rhys move, each of them grabbing a hold of Eli and it's then that I see the fury vibrating throughout his body. "He's not worth it," Devon tells him.

  "Get gone," Rhys tells my father.

  "You can't keep them from me. Melanie, are you going to let this—" he growls, "this man treat me this way."

  "Goodbye, Dad," I tell him and turn away, he brought this on himself. While yes, he helped me with expenses and houses, he wasn't there emotionally. Today was the last straw.

  I walk back inside and Zoe, being Zoe, goes straight for the Tequila. "Today, it's one of these days. Your mom told us before, when the shit hits the fan, drink Tequila."

  I laugh, "She didn't say that."

  Zoe shrugs, "Did she not? Well that's how I interpreted it." She pours us a drink and I notice that no one else followed us back inside. I want to go and see what's going on but I know that Eli has it covered.

  "That man loves you, Mel. Fuck, I almost cried hearing him tell your dad off. He's right, you deserve to be treated like a princess." She raises her glass and Cass and I follow suit. "To Mama Karlson. We'll always love you. Rest in peace." We throw the shots back and the liquor burns my throat on its way down, but it's welcomed.

  Hands slide around my waist and I instantly lean back into the warm muscular body of Eli. The girls smile and leave us be. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lost it like that. He just pushed me too far."

  I spin in his arms and look up at him, he's got guilt all over his face. "Eli, that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me. The fact that you stood up to my dad for me, means everything. Thank you."

  He shakes his head, "Don't thank me for that. Your dad's an asshole Mel. I think he may see the error of his ways."

  I kiss his jaw, "I don't care. Everyone I care about is in this house. God, I love you, Eli."

  He grins, "I love you too, Melly." He winks, "I'm sorry about your mom, baby, she was a good woman."

  I rest my head against his chest and sigh. "Yeah she was. She's not hurting anymore. Like you said, she's always watching. I'll take solace in that."

  His hands tighten around me and I feel peace. Standing in the protective arms of the man I love.




  The past two years have gone by in a whirlwind. Ethan is a smartass, always has a response for everything and Mel says that he's his father's son. I resent that fact, especially when he's back-talking me. Who'd have thought a five year old would rule the roost?

  "Dad, Pops is here!" he yells, and I grit my teeth. The man still pisses me off whenever he shows up, but at least he's realized that losing Beverly and the threat of losing Mel and Ethan was too much. His attitude has changed, but I’m skeptical on it lasting. He's treated Mel like a daughter instead of a stranger and they have dinner once a month, just the two of them and he joins us for dinner each Sunday. I'm still waiting for him to mess up and when he does, I'll be on his ass. I won't forgive him for the way he's treated Mel and especially the way he behaved at Beverley's funeral.

  "Okay, have you got your bag?" Oh and that's another thing I'm not happy about. Somehow he managed to convince Mel that Ethan would be perfectly safe to spend the night with him. I on the other hand don't trust him at all but
for a happy fucking life I allow it and glare at the motherfucker every time he comes into my house.

  We moved out of the house he purchased for Mel and into a bigger one, one that has six bedrooms. Mel asked me why the hell we need six bedrooms, I didn't tell her it would be for all the kids we'd be having, instead I told her it was for our family and friends. Thankfully she fell in love with the house as did Ethan.

  "Yes, Dad. Where's, Mom?" he asks, lifting his bag onto his shoulder.

  "She's upstairs, go on up and say goodbye."

  The transfer of our company from Seattle to Los Angeles went smoothly, as did Devon and Rhys' move. They both have purchased homes on either side of ours and are over most nights for dinner. Neither of them have changed their ways, although if what I saw this morning was anything to go by, that could be changing for Rhys. Mel doesn't know that Cass spent the night at his and if she did, she'd flip the hell out. She's warned both of my brothers off Cass and Zoe, promising to hurt them if they even thought about going there.

  Our business venture with Conrad has finally taken off and it's doing better than any of us had ever expected. In fact, Brandon is in charge of the business and consults us if needed. It works well for us all and is very profitable. Brandon finally found his way and has succeeded in taking over for Conrad, he's tripled their company profit in the past year alone.

  There's a knock at the door just as Ethan's feet pound against the steps. I move to the door and open it. "Eli." Francis says not in the least bit friendly and I just move from the door not bothering with niceties. "Where's Mel?" That's another thing, he calls her Mel now.

  "Upstairs, she was resting, but now she's saying goodbye to our son."

  He huffs, "How is she?" There's genuine concern in his voice.

  I bite back the need to tell him to mind his own fucking business. "She's tired. She's thirty-seven weeks pregnant, it's 84 degrees out, and she's uncomfortable."

  I missed out on seeing Mel pregnant with Ethan, but I've come to realize that nothing compares to her carrying our child. Mel is naturally beautiful, when she smiles, she goes from beautiful to breathtaking. But being pregnant, she's out of this world with her beauty. There's no way we're going to stop at two babies.

  "Ethan, are you ready?" I yell, needing the bastard out of my home.

  "Coming, Dad." he shouts back. I can hear Mel's laughter, she may have forgiven her father, but she knows I won't and finds it hilarious when I get pissed for having the man in my house.

  "Hi, Pops." Ethan says as he hits the bottom step, a smile directed at the asshole behind me.

  Right behind Ethan is Mel, my chest tightens at the sight of her as it always does. She comes over to me and hugs my waist. "Hey, Dad, what do you have planned for this evening?"

  Francis smiles, "I'm taking Ethan to a Lakers game. He's been dying to go."

  I'm pretty impressed, he actually puts a lot of thought into what he and Ethan will do while they spend time together.

  Mel smiles, "Okay, well have fun. Ethan, please be good for Pops."

  He nods, a bright smile on his face and he comes and hugs both of us. "I will see you tomorrow. Love you."

  Mel's body starts to tremble as it always does whenever Ethan spends the night away from us. She kisses Ethan's head and Francis ushers him out of the house before she starts to sob.

  "You okay?" I ask when they're gone.

  "Yeah, your mom rang, her and your father are arriving next week." She smiles at me, Mel and my mom are close, and whenever Mom and Dad come over from Ireland, she’s always the first to know.

  "That's good, baby, she'll be here for the birth."

  Mel grins, "Yeah, she's asked if she can watch Ethan while I'm delivering. I told her she could. She asked before anyone else." She laughs and I chuckle. Cass is going to pitch a fit. If Mel and I want to go out, there's always an argument about who will watch Ethan, it tends to be between Aubrey and Chance, Cassidy, and Francis. If mom's in town, you can add her to the mix, usually, Aubrey and Chance win as Ethan wants to play with CJ and Bree.

  I rub my hand against her bump, "How's my baby girl doing?"

  "She's active today." She places her hand above mine as the baby moves.

  Mel and I haven't told anyone the baby's gender, Francis and my dad didn't want to know so Mel agreed that if they didn't, then no one else would. Everyone has big mouths and would let it slip, so this way, they'll all find out together.

  "Eli..." she says and I see the mischievous look in her eyes, the one she gets when she's horny and is preparing to seduce me, little does she know, that there's no seduction needed.

  "What do you need, baby?" I grin at her, knowing just how much she hates it.

  "You, Eli, I need you. Please?"

  "Have you changed your mind?" I ask her and watch as her eyes flare with rage. "Have you?"

  "You're seriously leveraging me with sex?" she asks in outrage.

  "Yes, I'm not above bribing either."

  She actually growls at me. She's so fucking cute.

  "Melanie, will you marry me."

  "You're an asshole, you know that?" She sighs and this may actually be the time that she says yes. Fuck, I've been asking her for the past six months and she keeps saying no because she doesn't want to me marry me just because she's pregnant.

  "Do you love me?" I ask, pulling her toward the sofa.

  She gasps, looking affronted. "Of course I do, why would you even ask that?"

  "And do you know that I love you?"

  She rolls her eyes, "Yes, Eli. I know that you love me."

  I grin, "Good, so I love you, and you love me. Marry me." I reach into my pocket where the ring's been burning a hole in for the past six months.

  She sighs, "You're still an Egotistical Executive."

  My grin turns into a smile. "Yes, but, Buttercup, you love me and you'll be Mrs. Egotistical Executive." I slide the ring onto her finger and finally feel peace. This is everything I've ever wanted.

  "Shut up and kiss me." She grumbles as happy tears slide down her face.

  I laugh when she grabs hold of my face and pulls me in for a kiss.

  "God, I love you," she whispers.

  "And I love you, Buttercup."

  The End

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  Darren and Alannah: You both mean the world to me and thank you so much for putting up with my crazy. I love you both more than words could ever say. You make both put a smile on my face on a daily basis!

  Wendy Porter: I love you! You are seriously amazing. You’re there to offer encouragement and support not only that, you’ve become such an important person in my life, you’ve become an amazing friend. Thank you so much.

  Jasmina Babsek: THANK YOU for everything!

  Kristine Moran: Thank you so much for formatting for me, you’re the best friend a girl could have!

  Jessica Ames: You are amazing! You’re my alpha reader and my friend. Thank you so much for being there for me when I hit my self-doubt.

  Erin Toland: You are a God’s send. Not only that, you’re the sweetest woman that I have ever known. You’re a good friend.

  My Alpha Readers: Jessica Ames and Jackie Barton. You girls helped me so much. I couldn’t have done this without you.

  My Beta Readers: Stefanie Carney, Julie Tinkler, Nancy George, Cynthia Carpenter, Sherry Haynes. Ladies you are the best, Thank you so much for your input, this book would
n’t be what it was if it wasn’t for each and every one of you!

  My Brazen Bitches you and that group are my sanctuary, Thank you each and every one of you for being a part of this process.




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