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On Thin Ice (A Dallas Demons Hockey Romance)

Page 16

by Aven Ellis

  “I’m excited to meet him,” Reese says, a dreamy smile passing over her face. “He’s so hot. And I think he’d be a lot of fun.”

  I can’t do this. I can’t stand here and listen to Reese and Kenley plot how to get Reese and Matt together, I can’t.

  “Um,” I say, clearing my throat, “I’m going to head down to the ice for warm-ups. I’ll come back when they’re done.”

  “Okay,” Kenley says, nodding. “I’ll join you in a bit.”

  “It was really nice to meet you,” Reese adds, smiling brightly.

  “Yes, same,” I say, forcing a smile on my face. “See you.”

  I turn and head out of the lounge. It hurt so much to hear Reese talk about Matt. I know he’s mine. I know that.

  But would he feel the same way if he met Reese first? Reese, who knows how to have fun in the way he likes? Who’s athletic like him? Who has a strong personality? Who doesn’t have panic attacks when going to parties? Gorgeous, confident, successful Reese who pairs perfectly with him on paper?

  I inhale the scent of the ice that permeates the lower level of the arena, trying to calm my fears. I can see the opening to the rink, and the crowd is still filling in. The players haven’t taken to the ice for warm-ups yet.

  I’m allowed to enter with my credential, and while the area against the glass is packed with fans, I find a spot where I can watch.

  From the other end of the ice, I see the San Francisco Breakers skate out, zooming around the net to warm up.

  “And now, your Dallas Demons!” the public address announcer roars.

  The crowd goes crazy, and the video screen shows Harrison leading the team out from the tunnel, with Nate following right behind him. I watch as they skate out, flying across the ice, stretching their arms with their sticks.

  And then Matt hits the ice.

  My heart rate accelerates the second I see him. Matt’s golden curls are free as he’s wearing no helmet right now. His mouth guard hangs from the corner of his lips as it always does when he warms up. I know it’s a habit of his.

  Matt takes his stick and stretches it behind his back as he skates, and it’s sexy as hell to watch his body in motion right now.

  The players continue to skate and loosen up to the driving beat of the music blaring in the arena. Matt is scanning the people behind the glass, reading signs. Matt told me he always does that because he likes to acknowledge anybody that says something nice about him.

  His blue eyes move over the crowd, and he stops when he sees me. My heart slams against my ribs as a huge smile spreads across his handsome face. He pops his mouth guard into place, skates over to the corner where I am, and playfully throws his elbow into the glass where I’m standing. He turns and looks over his shoulder, and I see a mischievous glimmer in his blue eyes.

  I can’t help it. I stick my tongue out at him, and he cracks up.

  And in this moment, my confidence returns. I’m not Reese. I’ll never be as beautiful or confident or athletic as she is.

  But that’s not what Matt wants.

  What he does want is a girl with flaws. One who loves socks and planners and using stickers to lay out her life. The one he made love to this morning. The girl he promised he was all in with as far as seeing where a relationship can go. He wants one who challenges him to be better. Who tells him the truth when nobody else dares. Someone who is vulnerable with him, and only him.

  I watch as Matt skates to the opposite side of the ice, taking his practice shots and ripping them into the net.

  Matt wants me.

  And that’s all I need to know.

  Chapter 19

  “I wonder how much longer the guys will be?” Reese asks, taking a big sip of her wine. “By the way, am I drinking too much? This is my second glass tonight. I mean, I know I’m not driving, but I’m so flipping nervous about meeting Matt. I feel like chardonnay will help. But maybe then I’ll be too mellow. I should have gone to the Demons Club and taken a tequila shot. But that would probably put me to sleep because I get sleepy when I drink hard stuff. And nothing makes a good impression like, ‘Hi, nice to meet you, is there someplace here I can take a nap?’”

  I don’t say anything in response as I’m not sure she’s done speaking. I’m sitting next to Reese in the WAGS lounge while we wait for the players to come out. The Demons crushed the Breakers 5-1, and Matt had one goal and two assists tonight. He burned up the ice for me, just as he promised he would.

  When I came back in to watch the game down here, Reese immediately sought me out. And I hate to admit it, but if Matt weren’t part of the equation, I’d ask her if she wanted to get Starbucks sometime. She’s funny and real and such a positive force of energy. She is no one I ever would have sought out to talk to. Normally, I would assume she would have nothing in common with me.

  Of course, the fact that Matt is one of our things in common is a wee problem.

  And a huge knife to my heart.

  “I’m sorry,” Reese says, putting her hand on my arm. “I’m rambling non-stop and I know it’s irritating. I got in trouble in school all the time for talking too much.”

  “No, not at all,” I say truthfully. “It helps people like me who are more on the quiet side. I don’t have to have anxiety over making conversation when I’m with someone who likes to take the lead.”

  Reese laughs. “That’s me. Bull in a china shop. I come in and disrupt everything.”

  “What?” I say, laughing with her. “That’s not true.”

  “Oh, it is very true. Even my first-grade teacher told my mom my talking disrupted other kids from learning. How embarrassing is that?”

  “I’ll raise you,” I say, pausing to take a sip of my wine. “I don’t make friends easily. So when I made my first friend, also in first grade, the teacher called my mom and said, ‘Holly made a friend today!’”

  Reese begins laughing. “No, she did not!”

  “She did. Like it was a miracle or something,” I say. “Apparently once I make a friend, I keep them. I still message Alyssa Randall to this day.”

  “I love that quality in a person,” Reese says, smiling at me. “I’ve met so many fake people in my life I have a bullshit detector that goes off a mile away. People who want to date me because I model. It’s dumb. It’s my job, but it’s not my sole identity.”

  Her expression grows serious, and I have a feeling this is something that troubles her. But before I can ask her, Reese arranges her face into a bright smile.

  “Hey, I have a question for you,” Reese says, parking her wineglass on the table behind us. “I know you’re a writer, but do you edit, too?”

  I nod. “I’m weird. I actually enjoy editing.”

  “Okay. Would you be willing to edit one of my papers?” Reese asks, her green eyes shining at me. “I’m not strong on grammar. And my eyes have this annoying habit of reading what I want to read instead of the pesky words I’ve actually typed.”

  I realize this is an area I never thought about, editing papers for university students. I only thought of editing manuscripts. With SMU so close to my new house, this could be a great opportunity to get some income while I look for a job.

  “I tell you what,” I say, “I’ll edit this paper for free. And if you like my editing, you can refer me to your friends, how about that?”

  Reese tilts her head in thought. “Um, no. I pay you for your services, in United States dollars, and then I refer you to my classmates. Non-negotiable.”

  I grin. I really like Reese.

  If only she didn’t like Matt, my head whispers.

  I feel tortured. What would Reese say if she knew the truth? While she’s sitting here telling me she’s nervous about meeting Matt, I’m dating him? She just told me how genuine people mean so much to her, and I’m giving her one
whopping lie of omission?

  “Here, let me get my phone,” Reese says, unzipping her tiny black Chanel bag. She retrieves her phone. “What’s your number?”

  I rattle off my cell, and Reese inputs it into her phone. Then my own phone starts buzzing.

  “There, you have my number, too,” Reese says, smiling at me. “Maybe we can discuss my lack of English skills over mochas. If you like mochas. I’d hate to start our friendship off on the wrong foot by forcing you to drink something that repels you.”

  I smile, but inside my heart hurts. I wish I could pull Reese aside, swear her to secrecy, and tell her I’m dating Matt. I don’t know her, but both my head and my heart tell me I can trust her.

  But I can’t. I can’t take a chance on anything jeopardizing what I have with Matt.

  Suddenly, I hear male voices.

  We both turn and look toward the door. Some of the hockey players are entering the lounge now. I see Harrison and Nate, who are both greeted by Kylie and Kenley.

  JP Rochat follows them, looking all kinds of European hot in his perfectly fitted Italian suit. His dark-brown hair is tousled, there’s slight stubble shading his jawline, and his black Armani suit is fitted to perfection. I know for a fact it’s Armani because Nate told me JP only wears Armani suits and has a closet full of them. A crisp white dress shirt plays off his olive skin, and a platinum tie completes the look. He’s so chic he even has a white pocket square folded into his suit jacket.

  “Who is that?” Reese whispers into my ear. “He’s gorgeous.”

  I turn to her, surprised. “You don’t know the players?”

  A faint blush colors Reese’s cheeks. “I should be ashamed because my sister works for the team, but no. I’ve only seen Matt here on the ice. I’m not the biggest hockey fan.” She pauses for a moment. “I find myself reading my phone during games.”

  “Then why the interest in Matt?” I ask.

  “Nate and Kenley suggested it at the holiday party,” Reese says as more players file through the door. “They said he’s trying to change and that we might hit it off. He’s attractive, and Jordan says I can trust Nate, so I thought why not? But that’s why I’m nervous. Set-ups always make me anxious. Will I like him? Will he like me? Will we have anything in common? Will he be the love of my life?”

  I shift my gaze back to the door, trying to fight off a wave of nausea that is rising within me. No, he can’t be the love of your life because he’s mine. Matt is the man I love. And I pray he won’t wish he had met you first, before he went all in with me.

  “Wait. Wait a second,” Reese says slowly. “Oh my God, do you like Matt?”

  “What?” I ask, startled.

  Just then, JP walks up to us.

  “Hey Holly, it’s good to see you,” JP says, flashing me a perfect smile. “I didn’t get to talk to you much at the holiday party. Are you feeling better?”

  Oh God. Between JP and Reese, I feel the anxiety rising within me.

  “Um,” I say, “Sorry about that. I wasn’t feeling well. Sorry about the coffee date, too. I still wasn’t up for it.”

  Reese is studying us, her gaze shifting from me to JP and back to me again.

  “Um, JP, I’d like to introduce you to Reese Brannon. Reese, this is JP Rochat,” I manage.

  Reese’s eyes shine as she takes in JP, and I see interest there.

  “Hi, I’m Reese,” she says, smiling brightly at him. “I was at that same holiday party, but I must have missed you. My sister is Jordan.”

  Recognition flashes in JP’s hazel eyes. “I can see that. Same hair color. But your eyes are different.”

  “I have these super-scary bright-green eyes,” she jokes, widening her eyes for him. “I swear they glow in the dark like a cat’s.”

  JP grins at her, and his smile reveals a dimple in his left cheek. “Are you Catwoman?”

  “Shhhh,” Reese whispers, putting her index finger over her lips. “Nobody can know. Batman might be looking for me.”

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Catwoman,” he says, extending his hand to Reese. “I won’t tell Batman I saw you.”

  Reese shakes his hand. “Why, is Batman on the charter tonight?”

  JP studies her for a moment, and I swear I can see sparks flying between them.

  But before JP can answer, Kenley approaches us.

  “Hi, Reese, can I borrow you for a moment? I’d like to introduce you to Matt.”

  My head snaps toward the door.

  And then I see him.

  Oh, he’s so hot in a three-piece gray suit. My pulse quickens as I watch him rake a hand through his golden curls, and all I want is to touch his hair right now. To hug him and inhale the scent that lingers on his curls. To kiss him goodbye and tell him we’ll talk tonight when he arrives in Cincinnati.

  But I can’t.

  I watch in horror from across the room as Reese is led over to him. I know Matt is all in. My head knows that. But my stupid heart asks if he will be tempted by Reese. She’s the whole package. Reese is a model. Intelligent. Lively. Socially confident.

  JP was smitten within seconds of meeting her.

  And maybe Matt will be, too.

  I’m going to be sick.


  I force myself to look at JP. “Yeah?”

  “I’m sorry I asked you out,” he says.

  “What?” I respond, confused. “Why?”

  JP sighs. “I’m an idiot when it comes to women. I met you at Casino Night, and I was interested. I should have gone for it then. But I was total chicken shit and did nothing. Then I bumped into you at the holiday party, and I should have picked up on the fact that you weren’t interested, but Nate encouraged me to go for it.”

  Oh my God, I want to bash Nate over the head with a frying pan.

  Preferably cast iron.

  “JP, it’s not you, I promise,” I say honestly, fighting every urge I have not to look over at Matt and Reese.

  JP laughs. “Let me guess. It’s you, not me?”

  I can’t help it. I laugh with him.

  “It’s totally me. And trust me, I’m weird. You want nothing to do with me, JP.”

  “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that,” JP says, shaking his head.

  “That I’m weird? I’m sure a lot.”

  “No,” JP says, grinning. “It’s never me. But it has to be me.”

  “You haven’t met the right one,” I assure him.

  Then I shift my gaze and see Matt and Reese are talking alone. He bends down next to her ear and whispers something before Reese steps back, gazes up at him, and nods excitedly, putting her hand on his arm.

  I’m going to puke. What are they talking about? What is so private he needs to be that close to her?

  “What about you?” JP asks, interrupting my thoughts.

  I reluctantly shift my attention back to him. “What do you mean?”

  “What are you looking for in the right one?”

  I clear my throat. “I can’t explain it, but when I find it, I’ll know. Just like you will.”

  “I’m a guy. I’m afraid I’ll have to be slapped to know it.”

  “I’ll volunteer. If you cross paths with the right woman, I’ll grab my big planner and whack you across the face with it until you ask her out.”

  JP laughs loudly, and so do I.

  “You know what, Holly? You’re going to make some guy very happy. But since I’m not that guy,” he says dramatically, putting his hand over his heart, “and you won’t give me your final rose,” he declares, throwing in a reference from The Bachelorette, “can we be friends?”

  “Yes,” I say, nodding. “I will grant you the rose of friendship.”

  JP groans. �
�I should be depressed right now, but for some reason, I’m not.”

  “You realize you dodged a bullet.”

  “Shut up.” JP arches an eyebrow at me. “Friends can say that to each other.”

  I smile. “Yes, they can.”

  “Now come here.”

  Before I know it, JP pulls me in for a friendly hug.

  And all I can see across the room is Matt’s gaze locked on us.

  Chapter 20

  Before I can step back from JP, Matt is striding toward us. I see nothing but anger flashing in his blue eyes.

  “Hey, Holly, can I borrow you for a second?” Matt asks.

  “Sure,” I say. “See you soon, JP. Have a good trip.”

  “Keep your planner handy,” JP deadpans, flashing me a smile. “Hopefully, you’ll need it soon.”

  I glance at Matt. That planner comment made him furious. I can see it on his face.

  “Let’s go down the hall,” he says, walking ahead of me.

  Matt is taking big, angry strides, and I have to practically run to keep up with him. He spins around, takes my elbow, and pulls me into a corner where trash cans are waiting to be picked up.

  “What the hell was that?” he blurts out, keeping his voice low in case anyone walks by.

  “Are you jealous of JP?” I ask, incredulous.

  Matt sets his jaw. “Why shouldn’t I be? He’s the guy Nate chose for you.”

  Now I’m mad. “I think you know damn well who I chose for me,” I counter. “And how do you think I felt watching you with Reese? She’s a model. Your favorite kind of woman. And that’s not all. Reese is so much more than that. She’s smart. Fun. She would go to a bar and be totally comfortable at a party. Don’t you think I’m terrified you would meet her and regret going all in with me?”

  “How can you even say that, let alone think it?”

  “I can say the same to you.”

  “You want to know what Reese and I were talking about? You, Holly. We were talking about you.”


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