A Third And Fourth Party

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A Third And Fourth Party Page 6

by Chris Tanglen

  “But let’s give it a month or so before we talk to him again,” Theresa suggested. “We don’t want to get carried away with this.”

  “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,” Dale agreed.

  “We’ll at least wait until after your birthday. On that day, I want you all to myself.”

  Chapter 9

  She had been interested.

  And at noon on Monday, Theresa sat in a booth at a Chinese restaurant near work waiting for Mel and Jeremy to show up. She nervously checked her nails and drank two full glasses of water before they finally arrived.

  “Sorry we’re late,” said Mel, sliding into the other side of the booth. “It’s all Jeremy’s fault.”

  “Not a problem at all,” Theresa assured her.

  Mel looked to be in her early thirties. She had curly red hair and freckles, large breasts, and was casually dressed in jeans and a yellow blouse. She had the body of what Dale liked to call “a real woman,” not obese by any means but not model-thin. From strictly a physical sense, Dale would like her. Very much.

  She extended her hand toward Theresa. “I’m Melanie Clover.” Clover rhymed with lover.

  Theresa shook it. “Theresa.”

  “Nice to meet you. Sounds like you had an interesting weekend.” Melanie winked at her.

  “Oh, yes indeed.”

  “Nice of Jeremy to invite me over to share the fun.” Mel nudged Jeremy with her elbow, light sarcasm evident in her voice

  “Hey, I thought it would be presumptuous.”

  “And you were right. I’m just teasing.”

  The waiter arrived and they placed their orders. Then there was a long moment of awkward silence.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be moderating this?” Melanie looked pointedly at Jeremy.

  “Sorry. Mel, tell her about the harem.”

  “Oh, sure, make me out to be a complete slut. I was thinking maybe you’d get us started talking about where we went to school, where we grew up, what kind of music we like…you know, the kind of stuff that people normally talk about.”

  “I only have a forty-five minute lunch.” Jeremy glanced at his watch. “I figured we’d get right down to business. That’s what a moderator does.”

  “I have to know about the harem.” Theresa leaned forward in anticipation.

  “Okay, well, I don’t usually share this story five seconds after I’ve met somebody for the first time, but I guess Jeremy is the moderator. So, my Aunt Penelope died about a year ago, and she left me her mansion. It’s this huge place, with an indoor swimming pool, a snooty butler, a personal chef, everything you could want. And a harem. Not like some historical harem that used to belong to a king who lived there or something, but a fully functioning harem with eight of the studliest guys you can imagine.”

  “She left this to you?” Theresa asked, incredulously.

  “Well, not exactly. It’s kind of complicated. But yes, I ended up living in a house with a harem of men who were there to serve my every need. It was totally freaky.”

  “And she had sex with all eight of them,” Jeremy added.

  Melanie elbowed him again, much harder. “I had sex with one of them. My friend Dawn wasn’t quite so shy, and I saw things that will amaze me until my dying day. She’s still living in a ménage a trois with two of them, the tramp.”

  Theresa stared at her, trying to figure out if this was a joke. “Let’s back up. You say your Aunt Penelope left you a harem?”


  “My aunt gets me socks for Christmas.”

  “She was an interesting woman. I didn’t realize how interesting until after she died. Anyway, the harem’s gone now. I fell in love with one of the guys and we were living in Florida for a while, but it didn’t work out.” She smiled sadly. “I guess harem studs don’t make the best life partners.”

  “I think there’s a Cosmopolitan article in there,” Theresa mused thoughtfully.

  “Absolutely. I need to warn other possible harem raiders that the potential for a long-term relationship is slim.”

  “Do I need to moderate this conversation in another direction?” Jeremy asked.

  “Oh, hush,” Melanie scolded. “It was a weird, wonderful experience overall. It taught me that there’s more to life than sitting around in my apartment playing video games and not getting laid. So right now I’m in an experimental phase. Our mutual friend Jeremy is reaping the benefits, aren’t you?”

  “Yes indeed.”

  Melanie looked back at Theresa. “So that’s my story. What about yours?”

  “Well, Dale and I have been married for a few months, and before we got married we fulfilled my biggest fantasy with Jeremy here.”

  “Yeah, he told me about it. Lucky girl.”

  “And then, as I guess you know, we did it again last night.”

  “Lucky girl again.”

  Theresa couldn’t believe she was sharing this information with a total stranger, but what the hell? “Dale’s birthday is coming up, and I’ve been thinking about surprising him with…you know…”

  “A second woman,” Jeremy supplied helpfully.

  “Yes, a second woman. I got my fantasy, he should get his.”

  Melanie nodded. “Are the women going to…?”




  “Well, as I’m sure you know, Jeremy and I have been discussing that kind of thing. I have to admit that I’m curious. I don’t know, I’m just in sort of a ‘have fun’ phase of my life. Making up for lost time, I guess.”

  “That’s completely understandable.”

  “Maybe the four of us could meet for dinner or something.”

  “I don’t know. If he meets you with Jeremy around, he might think we’re trying to set up a foursome. I want it to be a complete surprise.”

  “Does your hubby like surprises?”

  “He’ll like this one.”

  “Maybe Mel could pretend to be a friend from work or something,” Jeremy suggested. “You could invite her to one of your mother’s boring parties.”

  Theresa shook her head. “There won’t be one for a while.”

  “Well, how are your acting abilities? I’ve worked out a few scenarios that might be fun. Do you need any new clothes…?”

  Chapter 10

  “Ooooh, she has a cute ass. We should fuck her.”

  “Why not say that just a bit louder?” Dale glanced nervously around the women’s clothing store to make sure nobody overheard Theresa’s comment.

  He really was not a fan of clothes shopping, but of course he’d managed to weasel out of the party this past weekend, and Theresa had been very enthusiastic about a new pair of pants that she wanted, so he’d relented. He almost proposed the idea that setting up the threesome with Jeremy earned him a “Get Out Of Shopping Free” card, but decided against it.

  The woman with the cute ass, a curly-haired redhead, glanced back at them and then returned her attention to the rack of shirts she was perusing.

  “I think she heard you,” Dale said.


  “I think she did. You’re going to get us thrown out of here. Not that getting thrown out of here would be such a bad thing. Say it again.”

  “Why don’t you go ask her if she’s horny?” Theresa suggested.

  “Why don’t I keep my jawbone in one piece?”

  “I bet she’s hot for you. We could probably do her in one of the dressing rooms back there. What do you say?”

  “I say that you’d better watch out, or I will go over there and invite her into a threesome.”


  “I might. So behave.”

  “Do it. Go over there and ask her. It’ll be fun.”


  “I dare you.”


  “I double-dog dare you.”


  “I triple-dog dare you with a cherry on top.”

Okay, now you’re just being obnoxious. Let it drop.”

  Theresa pouted her lip. “Awww.”

  “You know damn well that I’m not going to go up to a total stranger like that. She could be some psycho lunatic with twenty-three diseases. Her husband could be a professional executioner. She could be a guy in drag.”

  “I’m pretty sure she’s not a guy in drag.”

  “I’m pretty sure, too, but I take nothing for granted.”

  “I’m going to go talk to her.” Theresa resettled the shoulder strap of her purse. “Are you coming?”

  “C’mon, stop kidding around.”

  “I’m not kidding.”

  “Yes, you are. Stop it.”

  “I bet she gives great blowjobs.”

  “I’m sure she does.”

  Theresa walked toward the woman. Dale was positive that she was going to walk right past her, turning back to look at him with a naughty wink, but she didn’t. Instead, she stopped right next to the redhead and said something that Dale couldn’t hear.

  The redhead turned to look at him.

  Shit! What did she say? Did she say something lewd? Is this woman going to kick my ass?

  The women began to chat. Dale wanted to step closer to hear what they were talking about, but he didn’t dare. He pretended to be interested in the price of a really ugly sweater.

  “Hey, Dale,” Theresa said after a couple of minutes. Dale looked at her, and she beckoned him to approach them.

  She wouldn’t really have said anything obscene to this lady, would she? Maybe all the sex this weekend messed with her brain. Oh, jeez, I hope I don’t get the shit slapped out of me in a women’s clothing store.

  He was feeling more than a little dizzy as he walked over to join them.

  “Dale, I want you to meet Melanie. Melanie, this is Dale.”

  “Pleased to meet you.” Melanie shook his hand.

  “Melanie was one of my friends in college. I think I told you about her. The one that married the doctor?”

  “Dentist,” Melanie corrected.

  So she knew her. Dale wasn’t sure whether he should laugh or give Theresa the wedgie of her life.

  “So how many kids are you up to? Four?”


  “Six! That’s amazing.”

  “Well, we always wanted a big family, although I have to admit that the twins were a bit of a surprise. Children are a constant blessing, though. We may just go for number seven before too long. How many kids do you have?”


  “Oh, that’s too bad. You’d better get started. Time’s a wastin’! Hey, I’m done here, but maybe we could chat some more in the candle store.”

  “That sounds fine to me.” Theresa turned to her fidgeting husband. “Dale, you were wanting to look in the candle store, right?”

  “My favorite place in the world.”

  “Great. Let me pay for this, and I’ll be back.” Melanie smiled at Dale and walked up to the front counter.

  Dale glared at Theresa. “What if I had asked a married woman with six kids to have a threesome?”

  “You would have looked like quite the pervert.”

  “That was mean.”

  “You wouldn’t have done it.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Yes, I do. And I would’ve stopped you.”

  “It was still mean.”

  “Look who’s talking, Mr. Yank The Lemon Off The Stereo To Simulate A Second Man In The Room.”

  “Yeah, but that joke had a happy ending.”

  “So might this one. Maybe her husband and six kids will sign a threesome consent form.”

  “Now that’s just sick.”

  Theresa gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. “I’m sorry. I promise never to tease you like that again.”


  Melanie returned, holding her sack. “Shall we be off? Candles await!”

  As they walked through the mall they passed at least nine stores that Dale would rather have stopped at, but their destination remained the candle shop. Though Dale liked the smell of the place, looking at candles was not exactly an experience that made him giggle with thrilled delight.

  “What do you think of this one, Dale?” Melanie handed him a tan-colored one.

  Dale sniffed it. “Is that cookies and cream?”

  Melanie nodded.

  “That’s just weird.”

  “Isn’t it? You can get any scent in a candle these days.”

  Dale wondered if there was money to be made by selling pussy-scented candles, but quickly cast the thought out of his mind.

  “Try this one.” Theresa stuck a green candle under his nose.

  “It’s nice.”

  “It’s apple.”

  “Again, that’s just really weird.”

  The women went back and forth, giving him candles to test. I can’t believe I’m standing here being candle tag-teamed, Dale thought. It really was too bad that Melanie was happily married and had reproduced so frequently; she was definitely cute and if Theresa had been serious…

  He was pretty sure that Theresa was serious, to some extent. Maybe an Internet search for another third party was in order. After all, she’d had her fantasy…twice…

  Dale stood there for what seemed like hours, sniffing what had to be every single candle in the entire shop. When they were finally done, Melanie bought twelve of the cookies-and-cream scented ones.

  “Well, I’ve got to pick up Patti from choir practice,” Melanie said as they walked out of the store. “It was great seeing you again, Theresa, and nice meeting you, Dale. We’ll have to get together sometime soon.”

  “Absolutely,” Theresa agreed.

  Melanie gave Theresa a hug, then Dale, and then waved as she left.

  “She was always a nice person,” Theresa said as they watched her disappear.

  “She seemed nice.”

  “And she did have a cute ass, didn’t you think?”

  “I thought you promised to stop.”

  “That’s right, I did. I promise not to say another word.”

  * * * * *

  “He was adorable,” Melanie said as they met for lunch the next day. They’d decided that Jeremy’s moderation was no longer necessary.

  “I certainly like having him around.”

  “And sexy, too. I love those blond men. I can’t imagine you having him and Jeremy at the same time. It must’ve been ecstasy.”

  “That’s a good word to describe it.”

  “Do you think he can handle two women at once?”

  “I don’t know. He’s pretty damn good.”

  “He looks like he’s good.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “I can’t. I’m just being agreeable.”

  They laughed as they enjoyed their burgers and fries.

  * * * * *

  They had lunch together every weekday for the next two weeks. The day before Dale’s birthday, the trap was set.

  Chapter 11

  Friday night, Dale walked into the apartment and looked startled as he saw the ceiling covered with helium balloons and a large banner hanging over the kitchen doorway that said “Happy Birthday, Dale!!!” Theresa sat on the couch. He worked seven-to-four while she worked eight-to-five, so she should’ve still had another half hour in the office.

  “Wow, you took off early for this?”

  “Yep.” She got up and walked over to give him a kiss. “Happy birthday, sweetie.”

  “Thanks. Hey, since you’re already home, maybe we can get to the restaurant early.”

  Theresa shook her head. “I cancelled our reservation.”

  “You did?”



  “Because we have other plans for tonight. Go take a shower. A good one.”

  “I think I like the direction this is taking.”

  “Yes, I believe you will. Make sure you scrub behind your ears.”

  “Will do.”

  “And your balls, too.”


  Theresa gave him a lingering kiss. “Hurry back.”

  “Count on it.” Dale walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

  As soon as she heard the shower turn on, Theresa went into the kitchen. Melanie was standing next to the refrigerator, wearing an incredibly sexy black lace negligee. Black was definitely her color.

  She’d expected Dale to head for the kitchen to grab a drink, and would’ve stopped him by telling him that he wasn’t allowed to see his birthday cake yet, but that she’d cheerfully obtain any beverage he desired.

  “Do you think he suspects?” Melanie whispered.

  “Not a chance. I’m gonna change. Just stay put.”


  Theresa hurried into the bedroom, stripped naked, and put on her own negligee. This one was white and had been purposely selected as the opposite of the one Melanie was wearing. It was nearly transparent. She took a quick look at herself in the mirror to check her hair, and then returned to the kitchen.

  “Oooh, looking hot,” Melanie complimented her.

  “You too.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Good. Me too. He’s not going to call me a filthy slutty wench, is he?”



  A few minutes later the shower turned off, and Theresa returned to the living room. She listened patiently to the sounds of the hair dryer, the electric razor, the electric toothbrush, and the gargling of mouthwash. Then he emerged, naked except for boxer shorts, and looking damn good.

  “Is that new?” He ran his index finger along the straps of her negligee.

  Theresa nodded. “Bought it just for tonight.”

  “It’s nice.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” She took his hand. “The bedroom awaits.”

  They walked into the bedroom. The comforter was folded and lying neatly on the floor, and the bed was bare except for silk sheets and a pillow.

  “You bought new sheets, too?”


  “Wow, you went all out.”

  “Nothing’s too good for my sweetie on his birthday. And look what else is new.”


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