A Third And Fourth Party

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A Third And Fourth Party Page 7

by Chris Tanglen

Dale chuckled as he saw the fur-lined handcuffs dangling from the headboard. “Oh, wow. So are you wearing them or am I?”

  “You are, of course.”


  “Lie on the bed and get comfy. It’s going to be a long evening.”

  Dale hopped up onto the bed and scooted toward the top. Theresa carefully locked each of his hands in the cuffs, and then gave him a kiss. “All nice and restrained?”

  Dale gave a light tug with his right hand. “All nice and restrained.”

  “Good. Are you ready for your birthday cake?”

  “You’ll have to feed it to me.”

  “Maybe that can be arranged.”

  Theresa got off the bed and walked to the doorway. She turned the dimmer knob until the bedroom was almost completely dark. “Don’t go anywhere,” she said.

  “I’ll try to stay put.”

  She hurried into the kitchen, a nervous knot in her stomach but tingles of sheer excitement running through her veins. “He’s all ours,” she announced.

  Melanie gave her a wicked smile. “I can’t wait.”

  “Me either.” She opened one of the drawers and took out a box of matches. A small piece of chocolate cake with “Happy Birthday, Dale!” written on it rested on a plate on the counter, a single candle in the center. Theresa lit the candle, picked up the plate, and then she and Melanie walked toward the bedroom.

  “Happy birthday to you…” Theresa sang in her most melodic voice as they entered the room, lit by the glow of the birthday candle.

  “Happy birthday to you…” Melanie continued.

  “Happy birthday, dear sweetie…”

  “Happy threesome for you!” they finished in unison.

  “What the…are you…huh?” Dale stuttered to a halt.

  “Dale, you remember Melanie, right?”

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “Remember when she said she was married with six kids?”


  “It was a lie. She’s Jeremy’s friend with benefits. And now yours.”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “No,” Theresa said. “I most certainly am not.”

  Dale looked shocked, amazed, and confused all at once. But the quickly rising bulge in his boxer shorts made it clear that he was also more than a little aroused.

  “I can’t believe this.”

  “Believe it, birthday boy.” She walked the birthday cake over to him and held it next to his face for him to see. “Make a wish.”

  “I think it already came true.” He blew out the candle.

  Theresa went back to the dimmer switch and brightened the room just enough so Dale could see everything, and then she pulled out the candle and picked the piece of cake off the plate.

  “You’re willing to share this cake, aren’t you?” she asked him.


  Theresa set the plate on the dresser, and then she and Melanie climbed onto the bed. She placed the cake on her husband’s stomach, right below his belly button. “You’re the guest,” she informed Melanie, “so you get the first taste.”

  Melanie ran her tongue over the side of the cake, licking the chocolate frosting. “Mmmmmm. Good stuff.”

  Theresa licked some off her own side. “Yep, you can’t go wrong with chocolate frosting.”

  “I’ve got to agree with you there.” Melanie took a small bite of cake. “Oh, wow, this is delicious.”

  “It was out of a box.”

  “Really? It’s so moist, I never would have guessed.”

  “They can do amazing things with instant food products these days.”

  Theresa and Melanie giggled, and resumed eating the birthday cake. It wasn’t the tidiest process, considering that they had no silverware or napkins, but Dale’s extremely hard cock straining against his boxers seemed to indicate that he was enjoying the experience.

  Before too long the cake was gone (they hadn’t eaten dinner, after all) leaving only some crumbs and frosting on Dale’s stomach. That wouldn’t do, of course, so they licked him clean.

  “Damn good cake.” Melanie licked a bit of frosting from her bottom lip.

  “Best I’ve ever had.”

  Theresa climbed up to the top of the bed and gave Dale a chocolate-frosting-coated kiss. “Do you like your birthday present so far?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  “Because I could return it, you know.”

  “No, that won’t be necessary.”

  “It was either this or that Simpsons DVD box set that you wanted. I’d been leaning toward the DVDs, but I was looking at them in the store and I couldn’t remember which of the sets you already had. I was going to get one and then return it if it was the wrong one, but I thought you’d be disappointed if you opened a present that you already had and then we had to go all the way out to the store to replace it. So I decided to get you two women at once instead. Was that okay?”

  “I’m thinking you made the right decision.”

  “I’m glad. Kiss me.”

  They kissed, tenderly. When Theresa pulled away, she began to kiss his chin, his neck, his shoulders…

  She looked down at Melanie, who was kissing his knee.

  They met at the spot where the cake had been eaten, and then continued in their respective directions.

  Theresa grinned as Melanie licked Dale’s nipples. He was so cute when he was dying of horniness. Though she’d only reached his lower leg, that unoccupied nipple looked too good to pass up, and she moved back up the bed to join Melanie. They each lay there, licking a nipple, while Dale moaned with pleasure.

  “You like that?” asked Theresa, rubbing her breast against his chest.


  “Are you sure?” Melanie asked, rubbing her breast against him as well.

  “Oh, God, yes.”

  “But how can we tell? You might just be making it all up.”

  They both simultaneously looked down at his shorts.

  “Erections don’t lie,” Theresa commented.

  “Hidden ones might. How do I know there’s not a cucumber or something under there? He looks kind of sneaky, if you want my opinion.” Melanie wasn’t so easily convinced.

  “He is a bit of a sneak. I told you how he tried to make me think there was a second man in the room.”

  “So we’d better be sure.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  They moved down to his waist, and then carefully tugged his shorts down. As his erection popped free, Melanie whistled appreciatively. “That’s one fine cock your hubby’s got here.”

  “I’m glad it’s not a cucumber.”

  “Me too.” Melanie ran her fingers over his shaft. “Have you really been keeping this whole thing to yourself?”

  “Sure have.”

  “That just seems selfish and unfair.”

  “I know, but I’ve only recently learned to share.”

  “Well, as long as you’ve learned your lesson, it’s okay.” Melanie stroked his cock a couple more times, and then slid her fingers over his testicles. “Nice balls, too.”

  “Aren’t they?”

  “He’s got the whole package. You’re one lucky woman.”

  “Why do I get the feeling that you two aren’t respecting me for my mind?” asked Dale.

  “We respect your mind,” Melanie insisted. “After all, it’s the mind that controls the penis.”

  “I thought it was vice-versa,” Theresa said.

  “Well, it is, but I wanted him to believe we actually respected him for his mind.”

  “Don’t worry about me,” Dale interjected. “I’ll just lie here and be your boy-toy, if that’s all you want.”

  “Smart boy.” Melanie stroked his penis again. “This cock sure looks tasty.”

  “Oh, it is,” Theresa assured her. “Top-of-the-line tasty.”

  “Really? Cool. Wanna share it?”

  “But of course. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Theresa and Mela
nie lowered their heads toward his erection. Melanie giggled as they each extended their tongues and licked opposite sides of his cock. They kept up the licking, staying on their own sides but covering his entire shaft quite nicely. It wasn’t until Melanie began to lick the head of his cock that Theresa wondered if she should be feeling jealous.

  She wasn’t. This was fun as hell.

  She joined Melanie in licking the head of his penis. Their tongues almost touched as they danced over him. Dale was as hard as she’d ever seen him, and he was watching the action intently, clearly loving the view.

  “You can’t believe how good that feels,” Dale announced.

  “Oh, but this is only the beginning,” Melanie promised. “Hey, Theresa, do you have any objections to my sucking on him for a bit?”

  “None at all.”

  “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to be an inconvenience.”

  “No, I’m pretty sure it’ll be okay.”

  “All righty then.” Melanie licked the tip of his cock once more, and then wrapped her lips around it and very slowly slid them down his shaft. Dale groaned, clearly feeling that this was not an inconvenience.

  For somebody who claimed to be a shy person, Melanie was sure getting into this. Not that Theresa wasn’t already more than a little wet herself as she watched this woman she’d met only two weeks ago give her husband an incredible blowjob.

  Yeah, this was making her really horny.

  She wondered what Jeremy was doing right now. Probably sitting in his house thinking about Theresa and his fuck-buddy—er, friend with benefits—giving Dale the best birthday of his life. Was he jealous? He sure didn’t seem like the jealous type.

  Okay, enough thoughts about Jeremy. Back to Dale.

  She watched Melanie suck on him for a short while longer, and then decided to get in on the action herself. His balls were currently unoccupied, so that looked like as good a place to start as any. She leaned down and slowly ran her tongue over his scrotum, making his legs squirm.

  She licked his balls all over, not missing a spot.

  Dale loudly expressed his pleasure.

  Melanie pulled away from his cock. “Ready to trade?”


  “It’s all yours.”

  Melanie began to lick his balls while Theresa kissed his wet cock. The knowledge that another woman’s lips and tongue had just been there was strangely exciting. She took him into her mouth, loving the new taste.

  Dale continued to vocally express that he was having a pretty damn nice birthday.

  Theresa sucked on him while she watched Melanie lick him. Each woman caressed one of his legs as they worked. Theresa had absolutely adored getting all of the attention when she was with two guys, and she hoped that Dale loved his own experience every bit as much.

  With her head tilted sideways, Melanie moved her tongue up to his shaft as Theresa continued sucking him. Before too long Melanie had her lips wrapped halfway around his cock, moving up and down his rigid flesh. Theresa decided that was a perfectly good idea and did the same, sliding her lips down his penis.

  As they passed, their lips touched.

  They stayed like that for a moment, almost kissing with Dale’s hard cock between them. It sent a pleasurable jolt through Theresa that she hadn’t expected. Together they cupped his balls, their fingers intertwined, while Dale watched and moaned.

  Chapter 12

  They broke the “kiss” and Melanie gave him a couple of mouth strokes. When she moved away, Theresa gave him a couple of mouth strokes, and they traded off a few times, sucking him vigorously. Melanie’s hard nipples were clearly visible through her negligee.

  As she sucked, Theresa noticed a telltale twitch, indicating that Dale was nearing his orgasm. Well, they couldn’t have that quite so soon. She pulled her mouth away, gave his cock a loving stroke, and then beckoned for Melanie to join her further up on the bed.

  “Having fun?” Theresa asked Dale.

  “More than you can imagine.”

  “Kiss me to show how much fun you’re having.”

  Dale gave her a long, passionate kiss, their tongues moving over each other. By the time they broke the kiss, Melanie had crawled up to the top of the bed to join them. Dale turned to her, and they shared a kiss almost as passionate.

  Again, Theresa was far more turned on than she was tempted to shout, “Back off, wench! That’s MY man!”

  Dale turned back to her, and she kissed him again. He traded kisses between the two women just as they’d traded mouth strokes, but they leaned in closer and closer with each kiss, until all of their faces were almost touching and they engaged in a three-way kiss.

  Theresa’s tongue slid over Dale’s tongue and Melanie’s tongue. They kept this up for a good long while, their breasts firm against his chest.

  Did this make her a bisexual? She’d always had a healthy appreciation for the female form, but she certainly didn’t lust over women. Was she getting so aroused because of Melanie herself, or just because she was giving Dale his ultimate fantasy?

  Ah, who gave a flying fuck? She was having fun. She’d psychoanalyze herself in the morning.

  Dale was going to die. Right there, on the bed, a heart attack or two, one last gasp, thud.

  He felt sad that he was going to perish at such a young age, and wished that he’d taken the time to draw up a will, but that was simply the way it had to be. No man could survive the onslaught of pleasure being heaped upon him, and he was just going to die.

  He couldn’t believe this was happening. Now, common sense indicated that such a thing was quite likely, since Theresa had talked about it all the damn time and they’d recently had that trio adventure with Jeremy, but he still never really expected it to happen. He made it a point never to get his hopes up.

  And now he was cuffed to a bed, sharing a group kiss with two lovely ladies.



  It was a little unfair that they’d chosen not to share his own birthday cake with him, but it was something he figured he could handle.

  They broke the kiss, and Theresa patted Dale’s arm. “What do you think?” she asked Melanie. “Should we free our prisoner?”

  “Can he be trusted?”

  “I’m pretty sure he can’t.”

  “Then yes, by all means, let’s set him free.”

  Theresa and Melanie each unfastened one of the fur-lined handcuffs. “Sweet freedom!” she announced as she released Dale’s right wrist.

  “Yes! Sweet glorious freedom!” Dale agreed.

  “For a guy who just gained his freedom, he’s not moving around much,” Melanie noted.

  “You’re right. He’s not moving around much at all.”

  “You’d almost think he wanted to be exactly where he is.”

  “That’s the impression I was getting. But of course that’s silly.”

  “Of course it is. And yet look, he’s still not going anywhere.”

  Theresa rubbed her breasts against his chest some more. “What’s the matter, sweetie? You too tired to get out of bed?”

  “That must be it,” he agreed.

  Melanie rubbed her own, much larger, breasts against him as well. “What a lazy boy.”

  “Well, not all of him is lazy.” Theresa pointed to his still extremely erect penis.

  “Oh, you’re right. Some of him seems rather perky, in fact.” Melanie straightened up and touched her breasts. “Although I have to admit, some of me is the same way.”

  Theresa placed her hands on her own breasts. “Yes, I’m definitely sensing a certain perkiness here.”

  “But it’s nothing that a warm male tongue can’t enhance. Has your dear husband ever had the chance to play with two pairs of boobs at the same time?”

  “Not that I’m aware of.”

  “Cool. I vote we give him that chance.”

  “Do I get to vote?” Theresa’s dear husband asked.

  “Yes,” his wife told him, “but it doesn’t count. A
ll in favor?”

  The three of them raised their hands.

  “Motion passed.” Theresa tugged down her negligee and exposed her breasts. Melanie exposed her breasts as well, and Dale lay on his back, staring at the four tits hovering above him.

  “Good view?” Theresa gave a quick shimmy.

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Maybe you should get a closer look.”

  Dale sat up. He kissed Theresa’s left nipple, then her right. Apparently deciding that he was content where he was, Dale began to swirl his tongue around her right nipple.

  “Smart boy…he knows which pair of breasts to go for first,” Melanie said approvingly.

  “I trained him well.”

  “Did it require lots of spankings?”

  “Only a few. He’s a quick learner.”

  “Good. I like quick learners.”

  Dale turned his attention to her left nipple, tongue moving around the areole. Theresa kept her eyes on Melanie, who was watching intently and stroking her own breasts without even seeming aware that she was doing it. Theresa adjusted her position slightly so that Dale could watch.

  He licked, sucked, and nibbled, giving her breasts full attention. He went from one nipple to the other, tending to one with his mouth while stimulating the other with his fingers. It felt incredible. Something about having another woman watch her be pleasured was just…indescribable.

  But finally it was time to pull back. Dale followed her nipples, unwilling to give them up, but she gently shoved him away. “Aren’t you going to give our guest some attention?”

  Dale broke into a wide grin, as if he’d been anxiously waiting for her to make the offer. Well, it was only natural that he’d be excited about pleasuring the unfamiliar breasts. Melanie lay on her back and Dale crawled over her, gently kissing her breasts all over.

  Theresa sat there and watched, loving it.

  Melanie writhed on the bed as he licked the undersides of her breasts. “Oh, that’s great,” she moaned. “Your hubby really knows what he’s doing.”

  When Dale took her nipple into his mouth, she let out a soft cry and then bit her lip. Her eyes were closed, and she rocked her head back and forth as she whimpered in pleasure.

  Theresa decided to get in on the action just a little, and scooted down and caressed her husband’s wonderful ass. She kneaded his buttocks while he sucked Melanie’s breasts, giving each cheek a light slap or two.


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