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Hex and the Single Witch

Page 5

by Saranna Dewylde


  “Oh, C’mon. I’ll be Alexander and you can practice your approach. Not that he would ever let you top, of course, but you can pretend...”

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  Chapter Seven

  * * * *


  The dark-headed witch kept walking.

  “Merlin damn you, Cara!”

  She stopped. “What else could you possibly want?”

  “For you to finish what you started.” He grabbed her wrist.

  “You wouldn’t understand.” She turned away, but didn’t tug her wrist from his grasp.

  “How’s that?”

  “I can’t have this discussion with you.” Caraway shook her head.

  “You can shove your fingers into my trousers without so much as a by-your-leave, but you can’t have a discussion?”

  Alexander asked.

  She coloured. “Smacking your knob is a bit different than some...” She paused mid-thought. “What’s it to you, anyway?”

  “Shagging Lila is like eating a prime cut of steak.”

  “Not following.” Caraway forgot her earlier embarrassment for the moment. She had to know exactly how the wanton creature who had almost pleasured her on the floor was in any way like consumable bovine.

  Alexander’s delectably hard mouth rose in a devilish half smirk. “Soft and pink in all the right places, marbled to perfection. Delicious. But”—he paused for emphasis—”who would really want that for their every meal?”

  “It’s called fidelity, you shit.”

  “What it’s called is boring.”

  “Well, I’m a boring kind of girl.” Caraway pulled out of his grasp and turned her back to him.

  Caraway found herself pressed against the wall, Alexander’s knee between her thighs, one hand braced on the cool stone next to her and his other hand clamped like a vice around her wrists, holding them to the small of her back.

  She knew she should scream, or kick him—something—but her body was a betrayer, her breath hitching and her panties clinging to wet, swollen flesh.

  “I don’t think so. You’re not boring at all.” He pressed himself closer to her, completing the assault on her senses— his scent, his heat wrapping around her. “Ah, Cara, the things I could do to you,” came the soft promise.

  Her will was gone, but it was easier that way. She couldn’t regret it, because it wasn’t her choice. He had complete control and, from the satisfied gleam in his eyes, he knew it.

  “Tell me to stop, Caraway, because I’m tired of being denied.” His cock was hard against her hip.

  He was ready for her—wanted her with an intensity she’d never had with Brody or anyone else. Caraway had to know what it felt like, to be the focus of all of that need. “Then why do you want me to tell you to stop?” Her reply came on a shaky exhale.

  “If you don’t, I’m going to fuck you right here.”

  “I thought you wanted me with Lila? With Brody?” she taunted. “This—just you and me—it’s not a challenge.”

  “I want you any way I can have you,” Alexander confessed, his breath warm on her cheek.

  His words resonated in her head. You can’t have what you want unless you ask for it. Ask for it? No. Alexander wasn’t the asking type. “I thought you took what you wanted?”

  “I’m not that much of a bastard, Caraway.” He shifted his knee so it rubbed against her clit.

  “Why not?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Is that what you like? A bit of rough?” he growled.

  “Yes,” Caraway admitted.

  He dragged his cheek against hers, the stubble raking her soft skin. “Fear and lust are heady perfumes, little witch. What is it you want you’re so afraid of? Tell me.”

  “You. You’re going to dig into my dark places and pull out every depraved thought I’ve ever had.”

  “Yes,” he promised. “I’ll push you past every limit you’ve ever set for yourself until you’re wholly mine.”

  She shivered. “And what about you, Morningstar? Do you have any limits? What can I do for you except be another notch on your bedpost?”

  “I have limits, Caraway. Pray to your god you never push me past them.”

  “Or what?” she dared. Fear coursed through her veins. His power was immeasurable. He could obliterate her from the fabric of existence if he chose, but his control—his absolute, iron control—that was something she wanted to break. She wanted to see him cloaked in the full mantle of his power, she wanted to touch it. To feel it inside her.

  The flames in his eyes flickered to nothing and an inky blackness spilled over from his irises to colour the whole of his eyes with endless pitch. His tongue forked and flicked at her carotid.

  She worked her cunt against his knee and clung to his shoulders. “Yes, show me more.”

  Long claws dug into her back.

  “Show me everything.” She nipped at the tendon in his shoulder.

  Caraway found herself slammed back against the wall.

  There was almost nothing recognisable about his face or his body. The hard, lean planes of his face were suddenly like polished obsidian, the same as his eyes. Wings had erupted from his back, the feathers like onyx razors. He held her by the throat and wore nothing now on his body but his Infernal glory.

  Yet, he did not hurt her.

  By Hell, he was beautiful.

  He snarled, revealing sharp fangs.

  Her veins pulsed at the anticipation of being penetrated.

  He’d bite her, taste her blood, the very essence of her would be inside him. Very slowly, her eyes never leaving his, she turned her head to the side and offered him her carotid. What were fangs for but biting?

  She remembered the vampire she’d dated in freshman year. This would be a thousand times more intense. Her eyes fluttered closed, then, in expectation of pleasure.

  “Even Lila prefers the mask,” he rasped.

  Caraway opened her eyes and looked at him. “The hard truth is better than a soft lie.” She jerked on his hair to draw his face nearer to hers. “Fuck me, Alexander.”

  “Like this?” he asked, obviously meaning his form.

  “No, like this.” She bit down on his neck with her blunt teeth—Caraway had to push him harder, further. She’d meant her words—she preferred the truth to a lie, his true shape to the pretty face he showed the rest of the world. And yet, upon closer inspection, she could still see evidence of those perfect features in the creature before her.

  A roar rumbled in his throat, like a beast claiming a kill, and his arms tightened around her. With a rush of chill wind, they were suddenly airborne. His bladed wings took them high atop the Dean’s tower and they landed on the battlements that had been converted to the Dean’s private recreational area. He eased her down gently onto the soft, earthy pelt of magic clover—an action at odds with the madness in his eyes.

  He seemed to hesitate and she leaned to wrap her legs around his waist. “Change your mind, Morningstar?”

  As the moonlight fell over him, fey and silver, he seemed like something born of the night itself.

  “Haven’t you?” His voice still echoed with the power of Hell.

  “I’m too close to stop now,” she panted and arched up against him.

  “To what?”

  “To breaking your control. To driving you past those limits you warned me about.”

  He pushed his clawed hand beneath her dress, brushed his knuckle against her bare pussy, testing the truth of her words with her arousal. Proof was slick on his fingers and he shredded her dress, tearing it off her.

  His claws scratched at her skin, leaving angry marks where they’d scored her, but Cara didn’t feel it. There was a madness to him now, a beastliness—the thin veneer had cracked.

  Cara vowed to shatter it completely.

  She returned the caress, dug her nails into his shoulders, and when he pushed his cock into her aching cunt, Cara realised she’d be the one to s
hatter. He’d rip her apart if he moved.

  “Fuck, Cara. You’re so tight,” he hissed.

  “Name day gift from my Dark Fairy Godmother,” she gasped.

  A shadow passed across the moon and he wore his human features again—the sting between her thighs had eased and she accommodated his human girth much more easily.

  “You should have told me,” he admonished, the wildness gone from him.

  “Why, so you could do this? Treat me like I’ll break? No. Come back to me, Alexander. I want the real you.”

  “They’re both me.” He nipped her bottom lip. She narrowed her eyes at him and he laughed indulgently. “All right, Caraway.”

  Panic filled her for a brief moment as his cock became even more engorged with his change.

  “Oh, Goddess,” she cried out and clung to him.

  “Oh, Alexander,” he corrected.

  “Him, too.” Caraway bit out the words as she pushed herself forward.

  “More? Are you a masochist, little witch?” Alexander asked, playful.

  “Nuh-uh,” she said breathlessly, “just greedy. It’s mine. And I want it. All of it.”

  “Then take it.” Alexander flipped them so he was on his back and Caraway straddled him.

  She braced her knees on both sides of his hips so they held her aloft from his full length. Caraway eased herself down inch by agonising inch, her nails clawing into his massive shoulders.

  Her breasts filled his large hands and he tugged on one nipple while he took the other into the hot cavern of his mouth. Alexander lightly worried the rosebud tip between his teeth, sending fissions of electric bliss to her core.

  Caraway rocked slowly, adjusting to his great girth until the pain eased to discomfort and the discomfort bloomed into molten ecstasy. All sign of playful disconnection was gone and Alexander was focused on her with a singular intensity. She felt his power rise in his blood and knew when he came, it would spill into her. Fill her.

  His hands went for her hips to control her motion, to draw it out, but Caraway was the master now. And she discovered that, in being the master, her concern had to be for his culmination, his pleasure. She could draw him out until she was ready to come, but she wanted to experience the rush of power knowing she was the architect of his ecstasy.

  “Come for me, Alexander.” She leant down and drew her tongue across the seam of his lips. He opened for her and she plunged into his mouth, swept her tongue across his, the conqueror—just as he’d done to her.

  His claws marked her as his grip tightened and his body went rigid. Alexander was still fighting her, fighting the sensation. She refused to allow it. Caraway crushed her mouth against his, jerked his hair so his neck was exposed to her, and she bit down on the tender place where his carotid pulsed.

  Alexander growled low in his throat, animal and primal.

  Just as she tasted a drop of his blood, the brimstone burnt her tongue. His razor teeth slipped into her skin and he drank deeply.

  Caraway was unexpectedly thrust over the edge of need into rapture. Her orgasm hit hard and fast, foreign. She realised she was experiencing his orgasm as her own. She clung to him as the sensation ricocheted through her like a thousand bullets, hitting every nerve, every sensor, and overloading it with a previously unknown bliss.

  Quakes were still shaking her body long after Alexander had finished. He held her there, her face buried in his shoulder as she rode the last waves of sensation.

  He stroked down her bare spine and the scent of burning leaves wrapped around her. Caraway inhaled deeply and tangled her finger around a shaggy bit of his inky hair.

  She wondered what would happen now, what he would say, if anything. Would this happen again? Caraway knew without a doubt that she wanted it to, but she wondered if maybe she’d simply been a challenge.

  “Some challenge I turned out to be, eh, Morningstar?”

  “What do you mean?” His hand stilled on her back.

  “We haven’t been able to stand each other for four years and now—”

  “Caraway, I’ve always thought you were beautiful. I just like to wind you up because when you’re angry you breathe heavy and your breasts bounce in a very pleasing way.”

  “Asshole,” she said, without any real conviction.


  She laughed and was silent for a moment. “So, do you think Brody stayed to play with Lila?”

  “I’m sure he did. Does that bother you?”

  Caraway watched the curl cling to her finger as she thought about the question. “Not so much because it’s him. Does it bother you?”

  “What? That Lila is fucking him? No. We don’t have that kind of relationship.”

  “I can’t imagine you’d want that kind of relationship, would you?”

  “Are you asking?” he said, the teasing tone back in his voice.

  “No, I’m not stupid. I was thinking out loud is all.”

  “What if I did, Caraway?”

  She slapped him lightly on the back of his head. “Don’t start lying to me now. I know your daddy is the Father of Lies and all, but let’s just keep this honest.”

  “I’m not my father.” All flirtation was gone from his voice.

  “No, but you’re part of him. Just as I’m part of my parents, my coven.”

  “I was serious when I said I liked you.”

  “I was serious when I said you were being mean.”

  “Still don’t like me, then?” he teased. “You like my cock. Just wait until I show you what I can do with this tongue.”

  Goddess, but he was mercurial. Talking about his father left him cold, almost as if she’d hurt him, and now he was back to talking about fucking and it was all teasing and fun.

  “I guess I like you,” she capitulated. “See, I’m absolutely no challenge at all. I’m surprised you’re not bored yet.”

  “Me, too.”

  She raised her hand to slap the back of his head again and he grabbed her wrist and pushed her back down onto the clover. “Playing with fire, little witch.”

  His cock was hard again and her slit clenched in response.

  “Oh yeah? Well, light me up, Morningstar. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

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  Chapter Eight

  * * * *

  “Merlin’s jock strap, Caraway! You look like you just escaped a goblin prison camp,” Coriander exclaimed loudly when Cara stumbled into their dorm room and collapsed on her bed.

  She opened one eye and gave her cousin a half-grin. “Not for good behaviour, but very, very bad.”

  “Captain Cock?” Coriander tittered.

  “But not his crew of knoblings.” Cara giggled and sat up.

  Coriander pounced on the bed, the old mattress practically launching Caraway into the air. “Tell!”

  Caraway scooted around, as if settling in for a long telling.

  “Okay, where should I start? The part where I made out with Lila or...?” She trailed off for effect.

  “You. Did. Not.” Cori’s mouth fell open.

  “I did. Alexander was shagging her right there in the Hexacology classroom on one of the lab tables and—”

  “Oy, hold on. Alexander? Not ‘Morningstar’, not ‘Captain Cock’, but Ale-sodding-xander?”

  “Well, I know what his ‘O’ face looks like, so I think it’s appropriate.” Caraway snickered.

  “You know what Bendopolous’ ‘O’ face looks like, too, but I don’t hear you calling him Brody.”

  “Because it’s an ugly name. I don’t like it. Brody.” She wrinkled her nose. “When I was little and going to the mortal school back home, I had a boy in my class who called his waste ‘Toady’. So, Brody, Toady...” She shuddered.

  Coriander cackled, a true wicked witch sound. “Oh, that’s too much. Have you told him that?”

  “No, but I think I should.”

  “Definitely.” She cackled some more. “Plus, Alexander is the name of a king and conqueror. More
noble than dropping the kids in the pond or, as other parties like to say, planting stink pickles.”

  Caraway joined in with a cackle of her own. She struggled for breath and her eyes teared up and she continued to laugh.

  “Hey, knock it right off now. I want to hear what else happened. How did you go from watching Morningstar shaggin’ and baggin’ to taking part? Please tell me it wasn’t like a bad porno where he’s all...”

  “No, no.” Caraway shook her head. “I didn’t see you yesterday, did I? Fuck it all. No, this was last night. Lila actually invited me to join them and it was totally bad porno dialogue, but it was hot, too.”

  “So Alexander looks as good without his clothes as with?”

  “Better. I’m getting there.” She waved her hands at her cousin to be patient. “Anyway, he gave me another demerit so I’d have to go back tonight. Wait, no, sorry. See, you interrupted me, now I forgot where I was.”

  “Addled your brain, did he?” Coriander sighed.

  “Definitely that, yes.” Cara nodded. “Remember what you said about Brody being into blokes? Yeah. Spot on. He came to the Hexacology room and propositioned Morningstar. Of course, my fat mouth ran away with me and in a fit of something—who knows what the fuck that was—I told her she might as well come along and we’d make it a foursome.”

  Coriander squealed and clamped a hand over her mouth, then whispered, “You’re going to be a legend.”

  “I don’t want to be a legend. And I chickened out on that part.”

  “But I thought—”

  “Yeah, it was all well and good until Brody showed up. Lila was fun,” Caraway admitted. “Then Brody showed up and ruined it.”

  “You don’t still have feelings for Brody, do you?”

  “No. I haven’t for a long time. I’m still pissed at him and I feel stupid.”

  “You don’t need to feel stupid. He’s the one with issues, not you. Sure—pardon the phrasing—playing Devil’s Advocate”—they both giggled—”I can see where he’d be afraid to come clean, but there’s more to it than that. There was the way he treated you at the Samhain mixer, the stunt on the quad, and then to expect just because you’d fucked him before that it’s some kind of free pass? Especially after the way he treated you? No, you have every right to be angry at him and he needs to be punished. Don’t you worry about that though, Cara, my pet.” Coriander nodded and her eyes darkened.


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