Highlander's Conquest, The McDougalls, Book 2: The McDougalls

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Highlander's Conquest, The McDougalls, Book 2: The McDougalls Page 1

by Hildie McQueen

  Highlander’s Conquest

  The McDougalls, Book 2

  Story 1 - Ravished by the Laird

  Story 2 - In the Warrior's Arms

  Hildie McQueen

  Pink Door Publishing, Augusta, Georgia 2017

  Highlander’s Conquest

  The McDougalls, Book 2

  Story 1 - Seducing Her Laird

  Story 2 - Enticing Her Highlander

  Bestselling Author

  Hildie McQueen

  Pink Door Publishing

  Cover Artist: Robin Ludwig Design Inc.

  Editor: Tina Winograd

  Copyright Hildie McQueen 2017

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means—except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews—without written permission.

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  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Other Works by Hildie McQueen

  (In reading order)

  The McDougalls Series

  Highlander’s Captive

  Highlander’s Conquest

  Highlander’s Claim

  Moriag Series

  Beauty and the Highlander

  Lady and the Scot

  The Lass and the Laird

  The Laird’s Daughter

  Highland Archer

  The Wolf of Skye


  This book is dedicated to my amazing circle of support. Without these special women, my everyday life would be impossible.

  Seducing Her Laird

  Chapter One

  Meagan McDougall rolled over to find she was alone in bed yet again. Her husband entered from the adjoining bedroom and went directly to the basin. Water splashed as the laird washed his face then grabbed a cloth and dried it. Completely nude, he dipped the cloth in the water and ran it over his body.

  Calum McDougall was magnificent. At over six feet tall, broad shoulders, midnight black hair, and cobalt blue eyes, the laird stood out amongst most of his clansmen. His biceps bulged when he continued washing with quick motions oblivious to the fact she watched his every move.

  When he began to wrap the clan tartan about his large body, Meagan lifted up and ran her fingers through her tangled tresses. He looked over at her, his face expressionless. "The games are at hand, it will be a busy day. Horsemen approach from the north. Soon the keep will be overrun with people. You will have plenty of company with all the women who come with their men.”

  "Aye, and my hands full too. There is much to be done." She stretched, not in a hurry to leave the warmth of the bed coverings.

  Calum grunted and once again became engrossed in dressing, bending to put on his boots while her gaze feasted on his form, never tiring of the sight of him. Her husband straightened and left the bedroom without another word to her.

  So it was every day, treated as if she were not more than a fixture in their chambers. Meagan fell back onto the bed with a deep breath. Today she would not start the day by crying or feeling despair at the lack of love in her marriage. She refused to do it.

  Yet another night had gone by without Calum's touch. She'd been hopeful when he'd come early to their bed the night before. But with barely a grunt in a way of wishing her a good night, he'd gone to his adjoining bedchamber alone.

  After a curt knock, Cailyn McDougall, her sister-in-law, strolled into the bedroom. With her pretty flushed face and sparkling blue eyes, her sister-in-law was ravishing. She'd recently married a half English captain and from the looks of it, was enjoying his attentions with frequency. At the pang of jealousy, tears sprung and she brushed them off with the back of her hand, pretending to wipe sleep away.

  Cailyn peered at her. "Good morning, Meagan. Our cousins are arriving and so have the musicians." Her sister-in-law rushed to the window and peered down at the courtyard. "I can't wait to see who wins the saber toss this year. Calum and Dugan are always the best," she said referring to her brother and cousin Dugan.

  "Yes, I suppose I should get dressed, there is much to do," Meagan replied not moving.

  Cailyn placed her hands on her hips and studied her with narrowed eyes. "I must ask you something."

  Meagan raised an eyebrow. "Yes, of course, what is it?"

  "Why are you so unhappy? You rarely smile and act as if every day is a chore. You have a place of honor here as the laird's wife. I am hopeful you will make more of an effort to seem content. Especially now with the visiting clansmen, for Calum's sake."

  "I am not sure what you speak of." She slumped and heaved a heavy sigh. Of course she knew. But could she bring herself to share with Cailyn? An errant tear rolled down her cheek and she gave up the pretense. "I cannot smile and be as cheerful as you, Cailyn. I do not have what you do."

  "What do I have that you do not? I fail to understand you." Cailyn neared the bed, her brows drawn together.

  "A happy marriage. I can finally share with you since you're now married and know what transpires between a man and woman in the marriage bed." Meagan swallowed past the lump that formed in her throat. "Your brother abhors being married to me. He barely notices me and it is rare that he seeks me to join with. Most nights Calum sleeps in there." She pointed at the doorway to the adjoining bedchamber. "I only saw him bare this morning because he came to wash up. I suppose his man must have slept in. Or is busy with preparations."

  With the admission she began to cry, not able to stop the flood of salty tears. "I know I should be softer, act happier, but as of late, I find it exhausting to be seated next to him at meals every day and be overlooked. A constant reminder that my husband does not desire me."

  Arms wrapped around her, and Meagan sobbed at Cailyn comforting her when she'd expected a rebuff. "There, there," Cailyn soothed her. "I thought Calum and you had been together prior to marrying and that both of you went into the betrothal with cheer because you already cared for each other."

  She grabbed the edge of her nightgown and wiped her face. "We kissed, he sought me several times for walks, when he and your parents visited. Always seemed eager to find time alone with me." She smiled at the memory. "I was so overcome with adoration for Calum that I begged my father to ask for the betrothal."

  Cailyn took her hand. "Then what happened?"

  With a shrug, Meagan continued. "Well, as you know, our parents made the agreement, we were betrothed quite young. Then the war began and I didn't see Calum for several years. Not too much later, we learned your mother died, and soon after your father. Calum became laird and I waited for him to come for me. He didn't for almost four more years."

  "Yes, I remember your father came to inquire about the agreement a few months before you married."

  "I was humiliated. Calum had been laird for almost four years before finally marrying me. I'd waited for so long that I decided to end the betrothal, but father refused. I believe my father forced him to keep his word and because of that Calum resents me."

  Cailyn frowned. "Meagan, I'm sure you are wrong."

>   Meagan shook her head. "No, I am not wrong. Calum has made it clear he doesn't want to be tied to me, such a plain woman." Meagan sniffed and slid from the bed. "But it's done and I have to accept my lot in life. I will strive to be gay and happy for the duration of the games."

  When Cailyn stomped her foot and growled Meagan jumped. Moving with shocking speed, her sister-in-law snatched her arm and dragged Meagan to the looking glass. "You are anything but plain, look at yourself. You are the most beautiful woman in the region." Meagan looked at her reflection. Her large hazel eyes were shiny from crying, her mouth seemed full for her oval face. She raked her fingers through her tangled auburn locks. She'd grown pale and too thin.

  "You are beautiful, Meagan. Calum's gaze follows you when you move about any room where he is. My brother is very aware of you."

  Could it be true? Surely Cailyn tried to make her feel better since company arrived. She was no fool. Her husband did not care for her in the least. Perhaps when she'd arrived years ago full of hope, she'd been beautiful, but she no longer considered her looks attractive. No, her sister-in-law was being kind. She forced a smile. "Well, enough of this, I must get washed up and ready, a busy day awaits."

  She pulled a grey frock from her wardrobe only to gasp when Cailyn snatched it from her grip. "You are not wearing this. I am going to prove to you that Calum desires you. And don't pull your hair into that horrid tight bun. I will help you style it. Don't move." Cailyn ran from the room with the dress.

  Minutes later she reappeared with a beautiful blue creation and her maid Petra in tow. Meagan obediently held her arms up and allowed the soft folds of fabric to fall over her head. She had dresses of course, but most had gone out of style. With time it had not become one of her priorities. Beautiful dresses were for the beautiful and after years of being ignored by her husband, it didn't make sense to spend time or energy on her appearance.

  After Meagan sat for what seemed an eternity while the women fretted over her hair, she was finally allowed to see herself in the mirror.

  The difference was unbelievable. A beauty gawked back at her. The off the shoulder gown showcased her creamy skin and elongated her neck. Her hair was swept to one side and curls cascaded past her left shoulder leaving the right one bare. Her eyes seemed brighter, golden specks brought out by the shade of the gown and her cheeks were flushed by the attention and comments from the women in the room.

  "You look beautiful, Meagan. Because you are." Cailyn's eyes met hers in the glass.

  "I feel attractive. The dress..." She reached for her hair and touched it careful not to ruin the upsweep. "The hairstyle is very flattering." With a sigh, she hugged her sister-in-law. "Thank you, Cailyn, I will feel pretty all day."

  "Should I speak to my brother? He may need to be knocked on top of the head with a fist." Cailyn's expression was serious.

  "No, I will take matters in hand and reclaim my husband's attention. If he resists my attempts to seduce him then I will face the facts and accept defeat. This will be the final test of whether or not I will remain married to a man who doesn't love me."

  Cailyn smiled and pursed her lips. "He will not be able to resist you."

  Meagan huffed. "Don't be disappointed at Calum's lack of reaction." She pointed her finger at her sister-in-law. "And don't you dare prompt him to make any comments."

  After her sister-in-law left, Cailyn remained in the bedroom. She moved to the window and peered out. Some clansmen had arrived. Lads took horses and men hugged and clapped each other on the back. Her lips curved at the sense of joviality in the air. Soon the same men would be battling each other to be the best in the games.

  Chapter Two

  "It's been a year since I've beaten you at the games." Dugan McDougall smirked at Calum over a cup of ale. The others at the table laughed and waited for him to respond.

  He and his cousin had been rivals at the saber toss since before both had grown to be the largest men in the clan. Although Dugan was taller, the huge Scot was not unbeatable. Calum, at only half a head shorter and as muscular, was the only man to have ever beaten him several times.

  "It's only fair that you win at least once every few years," Calum countered to everyone's amusement. The seat to his right remained empty and he scanned the room for his wife. Meagan was very late to break her fast, which was unusual. The visiting clan had already inquired about her and he considered sending a maid to fetch her.

  His cousin Ian, next in line to laird of the northern McDougall clan, got his attention. "How is the fair Meagan? Does she not join you for the morning meal any longer? Perhaps tired of that overly ugly face already?"

  Although others laughed, he didn't find any humor in his cousin's words. "My wife is normally an early riser. I don't know what keeps her today." Once again he scanned the room for Meagan.

  A serving wench neared and leaned across the table, her ample bosom taking Ian's full attention. "More ale, my laird?"

  "Aye. My thanks."

  She took as long as possible to pour his drink until he motioned with his hand for her to move away. With a pout, she straightened and flounced to the next table.

  The room went quiet. Calum glanced at Ian, but his cousin did not look at the wench walking away, his attention was locked somewhere past the woman.

  A lady had entered the great room. The beautiful creature nodded at people as she glided past several tables and stopped to talk to some women seeming to know them. With a small waist and full breasts showcased perfectly by the low cut blue gown, she took Calum’s breath away. Her long auburn tresses covered the side her face and he was about to ask Ian whom it was then she turned to face him.


  He could only stare dumbfounded while Ian leaned over to him and made a remark about how lucky he was. If ever there was a time for him to control his rage, it was this day. Why was she dressed in such a manner? Did she have to look so beautiful and fetching with all the visiting clansmen about?

  She neared and stood next to her chair. "Good morning, husband."

  "Aye, good morning." Jaw tight, he stood and assisted her to sit. When she bent at the waist to adjust her skirts and slip into the chair he heard throats clear. The entire time he fought to keep his gaze from delving down her bodice.

  No sooner than Meagan sat did Ian who sat on the opposite side of her take her attention.

  Calum tried to ignore their conversation and kept an eye on a group of newcomers who entered the room to rousing greetings.

  The northern McDougalls were a robust branch of the family with loud laughs and sturdy appetites. The games would start directly after the morning meal, which he knew, would last much longer than usual by all the gay chatter. The beginning of the games would be slow with more talk than action.

  A tingle of feminine laughter flowed and he turned to see Meagan's eyes twinkling with mirth at whatever Ian said. She blushed prettily at whatever the brute spouted and Calum bent toward his cousin.

  "Ian, do you wish to join Dugan and Conor outside? They are about to take to the field to practice?"

  Calum seethed when the irritating man waved him off. "Nay, I would like to remain here a bit longer. I will wait until Meagan finishes her meal and escort her to greet the women who arrive."

  Meagan turned to him, for the first time since entering the room did she pay him attention. Her eyes locked on his lips but for a moment and hers curved into a soft smile. "Will you await me to finish my meal as well, husband?"

  Caught off guard by her...what was it… flirting? He could only nod and she turned back to her plate. "Very well."

  Ian raised an eyebrow at him. "Calum, you should go, you lost to Dugan last year. Don't lose time when you should be practicing."

  Meagan smiled when Ian snorted out a chuckle, her attention again back to his infuriating cousin.

  What came over his wife? Has someone who'd come captured her attention and she'd dressed for him? He scanned the room. It was difficult to choose one interested male since
most of them seemed enthralled by both his wife and his sister. He let out a growl and Meagan turned to him.

  "What ails you, husband?" Her pretty hazel eyes scanned his face and then to his empty plate. "Would you like more food?"

  "No. I'm fine." Feeling childish, he let out a breath. "Just preparing mentally for the games."

  "I see." She looked past him to his brother-in-law Jamie. "I'm sure our clan will be the best. Even with an Englishman." She smiled at Jamie Westcott, Cailyn's husband.

  "I’ll have you know I've bested many a McDougall in the past days," Jamie retorted.

  Several nearby clansmen looked at them. One stood and held up his tankard. "To the games!"

  Rousting and cheers, eventually breaking into a song of conquest and victory, followed the male's statement.

  Meagan laughed and clapped along.

  Too busy watching the transformation in his wife Calum took little notice of anything else that happened.

  His brother-in-law slapped him on the shoulder. "Whatever you did a last night has Lady Meagan in good form."

  They'd slept in separate bedrooms, as he'd made it a habit. It was necessary to keep from taking her. He'd not risk hurting her or worse. Something told him if he didn't tread carefully he could well be on the path to losing her regardless.

  The day was bright, barely a cloud in sight. The men gathered on opposite sides of a large field. Tents were set up the day before and benches built to allow spectators to sit while watching the competition.

  Cook was already commanding lads and wenches to bring forth the stuffs to prepare the midday picnic. Calum walked with Jamie while ensuring everyone was settling well into their places where they'd spend the next four nights.


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