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Italian Doctor, Dream Proposal / Wanted: A Father for her Twins

Page 7

by Margaret McDonagh / Emily Forbes

  This time yesterday, Rico had still been a stranger with whom she had shared a month-long, work-related email correspondence. One day later and it felt as if her whole life, her very being, had shifted on its axis and she had no idea whether she would ever be able to steer her way back onto her familiar course again. More worrying still was whether she even wanted to. A traitorous, formerly hidden part of her yearned for something different in both her professional and private lives, and recognised that Rico could be the one to deliver those changes. But another part of her, the sensible, cautious Ruth, used to being alone, was too scared to step into the unknown.

  She thought of the previous evening, of the awfulness of Jamie’s injuries, and of how wonderful Rico had been…not only in his compassion towards the young man but also in his support of her. He had backed her completely, never once trying to take control, and she had been surprised that he had settled so happily into a secondary role. In her experience, most male doctors she had met would have tried to assert themselves. Rico had been a staunch ally, both at the restaurant and at the hospital. His presence, and his belief in her, had made her feel good.

  Then there was the kiss. A tremor ran through her as the memory, so vivid, replayed itself again and again. It was an unfortunate analogy given what had happened at the restaurant, but the only way to describe the enormity of what had happened when Rico had kissed her was that her whole body had been consumed by heat.

  Flames had licked at every part of her, searing her deep inside, firing her blood. It had been too much, yet not enough. She had been overwhelmed, the explosion of passion and urgent need clamouring within her so new and powerful it had frightened her. She had never imagined anything like it before and couldn’t comprehend what was happening to her. She was never out of control. And she had never responded like that in her life, had never believed she could, not after everything Adam had said, and certainly not from one kiss.

  But what a kiss! Ruth groaned, putting in a couple of fast lengths, but nothing dulled the memory, or the unfulfilled desire she still felt, and she stopped swimming, floating on her back as she gazed up at the shadowy reflections on the ceiling. She had to be losing her mind. Shaky fingers touched her lips, finding them still plump and sensitised. And she could still taste Rico…hot, exotic, male, exciting, wicked. Her hands skimmed down her body, over breasts that felt unusually sensitive, to rest low on her abdomen where an unfamiliar aching knot continued to niggle, leaving her edgy and restless.

  She was so confused. She didn’t want to be attracted to Rico—or to any man. For her, sex was overrated, and Adam had left her in no doubt that she was useless at it. Yet she had exploded like a rocket on Bonfire Night when Rico had kissed her. He only had to look at her, let alone touch her, for her heart to pound and her body to react in unfamiliar ways. She’d never felt anything like it before. And it scared her. Work was her focus. She couldn’t allow any distractions.

  Even more terrifying was the thought of working for Rico, being around him, keeping work and her crazy attraction to him separate. Nothing had yet been said aloud, but she was certain that he had been about to raise the subject at the restaurant before Jamie’s accident had silenced him. Part of her was enthused and excited by the prospect of all he could teach her about immunology. The other part of her, programmed for self-preservation, demanded she run as far and as fast as she could because he was dangerous to her heart, her very being. She had no idea what to do. But she couldn’t risk throwing away what might be the most wonderful career opportunity she would ever have by indulging in a one-night stand with her potential boss.

  Sighing, she rolled over and completed another length of butterfly. She turned at the end of the pool, holding onto the side for a moment, a gasp of shock escaping when she looked up and saw Rico watching her from the side of the pool. Dressed in a pair of skimpy black swim trunks that left nothing to the imagination, the masculine perfection of his body took her breath away. Ruth was surprised the water wasn’t boiling and steaming given how her temperature flared just looking at him.

  Her heart was beating far too fast—and not because of her exercise. She watched, her breath ragged and the aching knot deep inside her tightening unbearably, as Rico executed a perfect dive into the water and demonstrated an expert freestyle as he swam down the length of the pool. Skittish and wary, Ruth pushed off, swimming away from him. But no matter how she tried to keep a safe distance between them, Rico moved inexorably closer, until they both ended up at the shallow end of the pool.

  ‘You are a very graceful and skilful swimmer,’ he praised, edging closer.

  ‘Thank you.’ She could feel her cheeks warm in response to his words and his approval. ‘So are you.’

  Rico stood up, sweeping wet, over-long dark hair back from his handsome, unshaven face, and Ruth leaned back against the tiled wall for support. Ducking low so the water covered her shoulders, she tried to forget how luxuriant and unexpectedly soft his hair had felt last night when her fingers had tunnelled into it. He stepped towards her and her gaze drank in the sight of his athletic body with broad shoulders and lean, strong torso. Water droplets zigzagged down olive-toned skin, over the corded, rippling muscles of his arms and chest. A smattering of dark hair nestled between well-defined pecs, and a narrow line led down from his navel. Her disobedient gaze followed it under the water-line to where it dipped below the low-slung swim trunks, lingering before she was able to force it to climb back up the impressive body to safer territory. Ruth sucked in a breath, clenching her hands to stop herself giving in to the compulsion to reach out and touch him.

  Rico apparently had no such hesitation. He sank back into the water in front of her until his gaze was on the same level as hers, the gold-speckled eyes reflecting warmth, concern and an unashamed hunger he made no effort to hide. A hunger that called to her, excited her and alarmed her. He lightly grazed the knuckles of one hand down her cheek, making her skin tingle, then the pad of his thumb brushed over lips that still carried the memory of their erotic kiss.

  ‘Could you not sleep?’ he asked her, the husky, accented voice sending a shiver down her spine.

  She shook her head, swallowing the restriction in her throat as his fingertips traced the outline of her jaw before fluttering down her throat. ‘I did for a while, but once I was awake…’ Her words trailed off as the movement of the water carried them closer to each other, their legs tangling together and sending fresh waves of sensation scudding through her.

  ‘Me, too.’ He caught her hands in his, his voice dropping to a sexy purr as he drew her inexorably closer. ‘What are you doing to me, sirena mia?’

  ‘What does that mean?’ Her own voice came out on a whisper as she struggled to focus and counteract the sensual brush of the hair-dusted skin of his legs against the smoothness of her own.

  ‘My mermaid,’ he told her, the expression in his eyes growing ever hotter. ‘You have bewitched me, cast a spell on me—like a siren, luring me to my downfall.’

  He had to be joking. Her? Bewitch a man like him? A choked laugh escaped. ‘Hardly!’

  One arm curled around the bare flesh at her waist, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her. He drew her against him, his free hand splayed between her shoulder blades, his fingers finding the skin left bare by her swim top. Their caress distracted her. Her own hands succumbed to temptation and slid up his muscled arms to rest on his shoulders—to keep some distance between them, she told herself. Nothing to do with how it felt to touch and savour the wet, warm, masculine flesh.

  ‘Soon, sirena mia, you will tell me why you doubt yourself as a beautiful, sensual woman.’


  He leaned in, cutting off her protests with a kiss, stealing her breath and her reason. It began as gently and seductively as their first one, with Rico taking his time, teasing and tantalising until she was so restless and needy she wanted to beg him for more. But he knew…and he gave her what she craved, deepening the kiss, overwhelming he
r with his taste, and with the heat and force of the passion that raged so swiftly, leaving her boneless, beyond reason, drunk on him.

  They swayed together with the buoyancy of the water, and Rico’s knees slid between hers, a hand at the base of her spine urging her closer. Her breasts rubbed against his chest, the hardened peaks of her nipples so sensitive that the pleasure was almost too much to bear. Instinctively her legs wrapped around his hips, binding them more intimately. As her body pressed against his, making her intensely aware of his arousal, her fingers tightened their hold on supple flesh and firm muscle. Rico groaned. One arm was still locked around her, and his free hand glided down the side of her body, caressing the curve of one breast before journeying on so he could trail his fingers along the silken length of her thigh. His touch was like magic, and Ruth’s breathlessness and trembling increased.

  Hearing footsteps and voices drawing ever nearer, they broke the kiss a few moments before the spa lights flickered on, bring the intrusion of the outside world crashing into their solitude. Rico cradled her against him, refusing to let her go completely, and they drifted in the water, hearts racing in unison, breathing ragged. Ruth rested her head on his shoulder, aware of the clean male scent of him.

  ‘They will start serving breakfast in half an hour,’ one of the staff informed them.

  Ruth felt Rico nod, aware he was sheltering her from view. ‘Thank you.’

  When they were alone again, he slowly relaxed his hold. The fire in his eyes conveyed his reluctance to bring their quiet interlude to an end, but he finally released her and vaulted out of the pool. Struggling to regain a measure of composure, Ruth watched the water sluicing off the perfect lines of his body. After tying a towel around his waist and draping another around his neck, he picked up her robe and held out his hand to her.

  Shy and self-conscious, Ruth climbed out of the pool, feeling exposed and vulnerable. Every part of her quivered at the hunger with which he looked at her, his appreciation of her body, and in reaction to his touch as he slid on her robe. After tying the belt in a knot around her waist, he turned her round and drew her into his arms.

  ‘I wish we could escape the rest of the conference, but we can’t.’ He drew back, his hands cupping her face, his expression intent. ‘Please, stay, Ruth, after the final session is over. Give us time together to work everything out.’

  This close to him she couldn’t think clearly. What did he mean by ‘everything’? She knew she should resist, should be sensible, but the temptation was immense and common sense seemed to have deserted her. So much so that she found herself nodding in agreement once more. Quite what she was agreeing to, she was too scared to ask.

  Rico’s smile, combined with the relief and promise in his eyes, turned her heart over in her chest. He dropped a lingering kiss on her mouth, then stepped back. ‘Thank you, sirena mia. You won’t regret it.’

  Ruth hoped not. At the moment she wasn’t sure what lay ahead and if she had just made a monumental mistake.


  THE conference was over and nearly all the delegates had left. Yet Ruth remained, succumbing to Rico’s appeal for more time and ignoring the whispering voice of reason in her head—a voice that was swiftly drowned out and overruled by the previously unknown part of her that wanted to be rebellious and adventurous.

  Rico’s suggestion of an after-dinner walk in the hotel’s extensive private grounds, offering the chance for some fresh air and exercise to stretch her legs after hours in conference talks and activities, was welcome. She had thought it would buy her some time before anything too dangerous occurred and she was faced with the final decision on whether to stay or to go. She’d been right about the fresh air and exercise, but nothing lessened the electric tension or the intimacy whenever she was with him.

  Hand in hand, they followed the circuitous path through the wood, the last rays of sunshine at the end of another glorious May day filtering low through the trees. Clouds of bluebells carpeted the ground with their lilac-blue trumpeted flowers and the still-warm air was perfumed with their delicious scent.

  ‘Did you always want to be a doctor?’ Rico asked, his fingers linked with hers and his hip brushing against her with every step making her constantly aware of him.

  ‘Yes.’ Ruth paused a moment and bit her lip, but the unfamiliar compulsion to tell him everything spurred her to continue. ‘With both my parents involved in medicine, it was pretty much expected that I would be, too. Not that I would be a GP, however—that caused a lot of problems.’

  He frowned, and she could hear the curiosity and puzzlement in his voice. ‘What kind of problems?’

  ‘My parents are well known in their respective fields and are also considered intellectually and academically brilliant. My father, Avery, is a professor of cardiology and my mother, Laura, is a research scientist, so I grew up in the kind of environment that expected the same success and achievement.’

  What she told him was true, but she left out the way she had felt pressured from a very young age to measure up—and never managing to. She also kept quiet about the fact that her parents were cold, undemonstrative people, unsuited for parenthood, and unable or unwilling to show her any love or affection. Not only had they withheld any affection from her, but she had never seen any sign of caring between them as a couple, either.

  ‘They must be very proud of you.’

  Ruth shrugged in response to Rico’s statement. Unsettled, as she always was when thinking about her parents, she looked away, trying to ignore the memories that flooded back, the constant efforts to please them that had always ended in failure.

  ‘Ruth?’ Rico stopped walking and turned her to face him, his free hand cupping her chin so that his gaze could search hers. The gentle caress of his fingers was in contrast to the banked anger in his tone. ‘Your parents did not support you?’

  ‘They didn’t agree with my choice and thought I should have worked harder, been better, achieved more. “We didn’t raise you to accept the mediocre.” It was a long-running argument,’ she admitted, startled that she had confided so much in Rico.

  ‘Being a GP and giving excellent health care to people who need you is not mediocre.’ Rico sounded both insistent and indignant. He raised their joined hands and pressed a kiss to the inside of her wrist, making her shiver at the sensation. ‘You could never be mediocre, sirena mia, not in any way or anything you do.’

  The sincerity of his words and the reality of his continued belief in her brought an uncharacteristic sting of tears to her eyes. She blinked them away. Why did she find Rico so easy to talk to? She was usually so reticent about her background, and had not even shared it all with Gina and Holly, the two best friends she’d ever had. But she had told Rico things she had never told anyone else. He understood her, and freely offered the approval and encouragement she had secretly always longed for.

  He led her to a rustic wooden bench in a nearby clearing that offered a view of Morecambe Bay, retaining hold of her hand when they sat down. ‘Ruth, if you want to remain a GP, if that is what makes you happy, then you must do so,’ he began, his expression reflecting a range of emotions. ‘But I asked you to come here on the strength of our email exchanges because I was so impressed with you…If things went well, my plan was to offer you a job.’

  Ruth nodded when Rico paused. There was no point in pretending that the possibility had not occurred to her. She had anticipated it, part of her had wanted it, but she had never imagined to feel as she did about Rico when she met him. Now she remained silent and let him continue his explanation.

  ‘You are an incredible doctor. And, selfishly, I want you to come and work with me. A switch to immunology would involve some initial retraining, but I am sure that would not cause you any problems. You have already picked up so much and stunned me with your ability to learn,’ he told her with a knee-weakening smile. ‘For the time being, it would also mean living and working in Florence. But just so you know where things are heading, I am in
preliminary talks with a couple of NHS trusts about my plan to open a specialist clinic in the UK. My initial idea was to have you head up that new clinic.’

  Ruth couldn’t hide her surprise. ‘Oh, my goodness! Really?’ It was beyond her wildest dreams, and so flattering that Rico thought her capable.

  ‘Really!’ He chuckled at her reaction and then sobered again. ‘I did some of my training in London and hold the NHS in high regard. Colleagues in the UK have told me that specialist centres for allergy and immunology are thin on the ground, and patients with problems can wait ages for a proper diagnosis. Years in many cases.’

  ‘Like Pippa Warren,’ Ruth interjected.

  ‘Exactly. A large proportion of doctors never see these immunological conditions, either during their training or once qualified, and so patients slip through the net. The lucky ones are caught before permanent damage is been done…but many are not.’

  Ruth nodded, fascinated and excited by Rico’s plans but also a little overwhelmed. ‘We are seeing increasing numbers of people with allergies, too, and as a GP it is frustrating that there are not enough options open for me in terms of referring patients.’

  ‘Is a change of specialty something you would be interested in?’ Rico asked now. ‘Would you consider it?’

  She was more than tempted, but unsure how much of that was because of Rico himself. On the other hand, she had come here with this in mind before she had even met him in person, and surely she was professional enough to keep work in focus and ignore some misguided crush on the man who would be her boss.

  But what of her youthful dream to be a GP? She had battled long and hard against her parents to achieve her goal. Yes, she had enjoyed her career and the interaction with her patients, but she had realised this last month that she was not being fully extended, and that was making her restless. As much as she loved Strathlochan, and her friends, she felt increasingly discontent at work. Were a junior partnership to be offered to her at the practice, she was not at all sure she would want to stay there, especially if it involved working with Graeme Campbell long term.


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