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A Betting Bride

Page 6

by Rebecca de Medeiros

  "Rena' what plagues you lass?"

  Never one to be fooled, Fergus could tell something was bothering the girl and he could only guess what it was. Patting her hand he waited while she gathered her courage to speak her mind. The young woman dressed in a drab brown day dress sat, playing with a strand of her red locks. Fergus sighed. "Out with it lassie..."

  Whenever Serena was nervous or avoiding something, she fiddled around. Her hands could never seem to make themselves still. She had been that way ever since Fergus had known her as a wee one.

  "I am contemplating on whether or not to speak to Doctor Fisher about Papa's chest complaint. I would speak to Sebastian Bixby about it, but he is busy with a patient over in Rattlesnake Canyon." Serena said referring to the doctor who had recently come to town to treat Melody's baby sister.

  Lily was only nine years old and had an issue with stuttering. Although, no one would ever know as the child never spoke. It was believed in town that the girl was mute, though Serena knew better. Melody had explained Lily's condition to her months ago. The poor little mite had been ridiculed her entire life, and as a result, Lily was just too timid to try to speak in front of others.

  Doctor Emery Fisher was gruff and impatient, but he was an excellent doctor and the O'Malley family trusted him. For that reason alone, Serena was willing to break her parent's confidence and consult him about her father's condition. She knew he was running out of time.

  "Ah, your papa is still feeling poorly aye? Doctor Fisher is in the house trying to argue with that stubborn lad Hunter," pops informed her. "The boy feels up to taking off today for parts unknown and good auld Emery is hell bent on making the boy stay put."

  That explained the cursing that was now coming from the direction of the house. Serena winced when she realized that some of those words distinctly came from her good friend's feminine mouth. Good gravy, Melody was angry. Serena could tell Melody had just found out about Hunter's plan to vacate the Lucky M ranch, when she had gone inside for the refreshments.

  "Looks like the boy won't be going anywhere if our Melody has her way." Fergus chuckled. After living with the petite hellion, he knew which way the wind was blowing in the house.

  "Let's go see what all the commotion leads to," Pops suggested as he struggled to his feet and offered a weathered hand to Serena. Together they made their way closer toward the house.

  "God damn you O'Malley brood! You all think that you own me," storming out of the house and tromping down the front porch stairs at full speed, Hunter White-Wolf shouted to the woman following closely behind him. She was matching him in sheer volume not deterred from having her way.

  Hunter you were seriously injured not but a few weeks past. You injured yourself saving Alec from that damn cliff," grasping his arm to halt his further leave taking, Melody pleaded with him. "You are in no condition to travel."

  "I'm not your child. Hell, Mel, I'm older than you!" Tossing his dark braided head in the direction of Pops and Serena who were now standing nearby gaping at the scene, Hunter scoffed. "I'm older than you too stormy," he declared pointing a finger in the direction of Serena, calling her by the nickname he had recently given her.

  Hunter had always claimed that Serena's gray eyes brewed storm clouds whenever she was angry, but right now he seemed to be the one in danger of being a full-fledged tornado.

  "You are leaving?" Serena approached the angry man, hands on her hips.

  "What, Melody didn't call you here to stop me?" he demanded.

  "No, she did not, and some friend you are. Taking off without even a proper goodbye?" Serena accused him.

  The past few months, Hunter had become a good friend. At first, he was hesitant to befriend a white woman, but Serena liked to think she wore him down.

  "I keep saying that I am coming back. Hell, I'm borrowing one of Gabriel's horses to travel by," motioning to the old man standing next to Serena, Hunter continued. "I promised that I would be back to help rebuild the barn. I even promised Fergus, that I'd bring him packets of quick heal for his gout."

  "Oh." Serena had no idea what quick heal was, and she was at a loss for argument. If Hunter was returning, why was everyone in a fighting mood over his trip?

  "Tell her the rest Hunter," Melody slapped him on the shoulder, receiving a scowl from him.

  "It is nothing," Hunter shrugged.

  "He quit! He up and quit on us Serena. I heard him tell Emery upstairs that he was going to quit the Lucky M and leave the territory in the fall," Melody wailed the last part, causing all of the onlookers to wince at the high pitched sound.

  "What the hell is going on here? Why is my expectant wife crying her eyes out? She should not be upset in her condition," the booming voice coming from behind Serena startled the curl right out of her hair.

  Gabriel O'Malley, over six feet of handsome as sin male, walked toward the little group that had gathered. His black hair and blue eyes never failed to impress Serena. Ladies were known to swoon whenever this particular O'Malley came into town. He was currently trailed by Trudy, Alec and David.

  "Expectant!" Fergus let out a whoop of joy. He tried to dance a jig, but failed. His body apparently still pained him from his latest flare up.

  "Gabriel! We weren't going to say anything yet," Melody snapped. Her temper was still high.

  Serena failed to point out that Mel had already informed her about the little bundle in her belly. No point in upsetting Melody any further.

  "Sorry love," Gabriel winked one bright blue eye in Mel's direction and Serena almost sighed aloud. She really needed to get a handle on her jealousy.

  "Congratulations," Hunter shook his employer's hand. "Now, if you will please calm your wife, I need to finish readying myself for my travels."

  "Gabriel, please force Hunter to stay," Melody pleaded with her husband.

  "Sweetheart, Hunter has something important to do. He will be back in less than a month." Hunter had already explained the situation to his employer and Gabriel respected him for it. "Now, why don't you come on in the house and sit down a spell?"

  "Is this because Alec is your brother?" Melody blurted out, stunning Serena with her revelation.

  "Brother?" Serena gasped. That was certainly news to her. She turned to Alec who was now standing as still as a marble statue. A blank mask made up his features as he showed no reaction to Melody's outburst.

  "How in the hell...? Mel! Hunter and Alec may not want you to be announcing such personal stuff out for everyone to hear," Melody's husband chastised her gently.

  "I am sorry Hunter, I overheard Shorty talking about what happened when you told Alec your secret," Melody apologized to them both.

  "It's okay," Hunter sighed. Turning to a stunned Serena, Hunter explained, "Alec is my half-brother. We share the same mother. I'm leaving to bring her here because I think she is in danger if she stays where she is."

  "Your mother had a half breed son?" David broke in, earning him a scowl from every person standing nearby. Even Trudy Bixby narrowed her eyes at the man. Sensing his input was not welcome, David wisely kept whatever else he might have wanted to say to himself.

  "I have no mother," Alec snapped, turning on his heel he stormed off in the direction of the youngsters, leaving the others to gape at Hunter in shock.

  "He's overcome with joy," Hunter muttered sheepishly.

  "I will go talk to him," Serena offered.

  Nearly running to catch up with the furious man, Serena got a painful stitch in her side from where her corset was tied a bit too snugly.

  "Alec!" Serena cried out as he continued to march past the children and toward the smokehouse house that sat a few yards further. "Wait."

  "Just go back to the others," he yelled, without turning back.

  "Stop!" she panted and grabbed Alec's arm for support.

  "Just breathe slowly," he encouraged her while lightly rubbing her back.

  "I really hate wearing corsets... men are so damn lucky," Serena grumped as Alec chuckled at her
sassiness. He slung one arm about her shoulders, and they continued to stroll at a slower pace until she could fully catch her breath.

  "Want to sit here in the shade?" he asked when they found themselves walking behind the large building that the family used to smoke and cure their meats. At her nod, he helped her sit, then took the place beside her. "Better?"

  "Much better," Serena smiled.

  Together they sat in comfortable silence until he took her hand in his and squeezed. Holding her hand in his large grip was all he needed to do, and her breathing got all wheezy again, she thought amused. What a fool she was to think that he meant anything other than friendship with his actions. The man was a consummate flirt, and he just could not help himself.

  Once again she was back to her childish dreams, wishing for things that would never happen. She needed to put a stop to this before her heart turned to dust. Pulling her hand out of his grasp, Serena turned to him and asked, "Are you all right? I know it could not be easy to find out about your mother this way."

  "It doesn't matter, the woman is as good as dead to me either way," Alec shrugged off her concern. He focused all his attention on demolishing a dandelion that he had plucked.

  "It matters Alec. You need to at least talk to her and tell her how you feel. She is your mother." Serena argued.

  "Stop being a pest, Sugarplum."

  "I am not being a pest!" rising to her knees, she faced him exasperated. "I am concerned about you... you stubborn man!"

  "Well don't be. I am capable of taking care of myself woman," he snapped back at her.

  "You haven't done such a great job of it so far! On that note, I found your shirt and half coat in the bushes in my front yard, you may want those back Mr. Capable," Serena's temper flew. How dare he turn her concern into nosiness?

  "So, it is true," tossing the broken flower aside, Alec faced her. "Something happened between us that night. Tell me," he ordered her.

  "If you do not remember then that is just too bad for you. My lips are sealed."

  "Someone needs to tame that sassy mouth of yours."

  "Oh, really?" Serena huffed.


  "Well it won't be you," Serena retorted.

  "Don't count on it!"

  Gathering her into his arms, he pulled her onto his lap. He had his hot mouth settled over hers before she could blink. Within a space of seconds, he had her moaning deep in her throat as his tongue pushed its way past her lips and dueled with hers.

  "I think I could conquer you if I set my mind to it," Alec chuckled cockily against her lips in between soft nips.

  "You can give it your best try," Serena giggled as he nuzzled the skin at the base of her throat where the thick brown material of her dress did not cover.

  Wrapping her arms about his neck, Serena could only hold tightly to him as he tumbled her gently underneath him into the grassy earth. Rising onto his elbows to take some of his weight off of her, he framed her face into his large hands and began gently kissing her once again. Alec explored her with tiny nips as one of his hands reached downward to fill its palm with her plump breast and squeezed lightly.

  Serena melted into a puddle of warm happiness as he kissed a path from her mouth to the side of her neck. She turned a head a bit more to allow him further access to the tender lobe of her ear. Her toes curled as he nuzzled the sensitive area and goose bumps rose on her arms. She could only mewl in delight as he licked and nibbled her flesh, suckling. Running her fingers through his thick chestnut hair, she pulled him as close to her as possible, enjoying the feel of his solid weight.

  A movement from the side of the building startled Serena. The shadow that the smokehouse cast seemed different somehow as if another silhouette had attached itself to the side of the building. She had the sinking feeling they were no longer alone.

  "Alec!" Serena gulped.

  "You like that don't you?" Alec chuckled huskily against her ear, biting down on the lobe.

  "Alec!" Serena pushed at him, trying to get his attention off of her and onto the fact that they might have been caught. "Someone is watching us!" she hissed and pointed in the direction of the side of the building. The slight shadow quickly darted away confirming her fear.

  "What?" Alec's head shot up. Suddenly alert, he scanned the area. "There is no one there," he informed her.

  "I know that! They ran away."

  "Shit, the last thing I need right now is to be seen kissing you," he groaned dropping his forehead against her shoulder, prompting her to smack him on the arm.

  "Get off," she ordered him angrily.

  Rising to his feet, Alec helped Serena to hers and assisted her in buttoning the top two buttons of her ugly dress. He could not trust himself to help her dust the grass off from her backside... his hands ached to grab what was not his to touch.

  "If you don't like my kisses, why do you keep doing it?" Serena snapped at him.

  "I...uh," Alec sputtered, "Serena, it's not that..."

  "Who do you think it was that saw us?" Serena asked him, changing the subject. She did not want to hear what he had to say on the subject.

  "I have no idea, but we will surely figure it out when we rejoin the others."

  "The love of a parent can forgive many transgressions, though it is not just as quickly to forget them."


  The trip back to town had been brimming with tension. The silence amongst the group had been almost eerie as the buggy moved slowly over the land as the late afternoon turned into the early evening. Every little bump along the road caused Serena's body to collide into Alec's, sending heat throughout her.

  As David pulled his conveyance up to the walk of her house, Serena nearly jumped from the vehicle to escape the awkwardness. Her mind was in constant turmoil as she wondered whom it was that had witnessed their indecent behavior and why such behavior had occurred once again in the first place.

  After thanking David for the lovely ride, Serena allowed Alec to help her from the buggy. He walked her to her front door under the scrutinizing gaze of the buggy's occupants.

  "We need to talk about what happened," Alec murmured.

  "What is there to say? You've made your feelings quite clear Alec," She responded sadly. "I don't think we should be around each other for a while."

  "Are you coming to the fishing tournament on copper lake that the council arranged for Saturday morning?" he asked her ignoring her recommendation for time apart. "I need a partner. Fergus was supposed to join up with me, but he seems to be under the weather now."

  "You want me to partner you?" Serena asked confused by the turn in the conversation. "Why me?"

  "Why not you? We have fished as a team before," he shot a look over his shoulder at the waiting pair sitting in the buggy. "Just say yes," he entreated.

  "All right, but you had better behave yourself," she warned him, shooting a glance of her own over his shoulder at their audience. If Trudy hung any further out of the buggy as she tried to catch what they were saying, she would fall on her head Serena thought. The mental image brought a smile to Serena's face. She would give her last two bits to see that.

  "Could you pack a meal for us? Mrs. Wyatt is trying out some new recipes that could make your tongue twist itself into knots just at the thought of tasting them," he shuddered. His stomach heaved at the thought of some of the things he'd been lately forced to consume.

  "Fine, I will pack us some food," Serena agreed. She had the misfortune of tasting a few of Mrs. Wyatt's dishes in the past. The memory of the indigestion she had suffered stayed with her to this day.

  "Will you pack some of those molasses cookies that I love so much?"

  "Go away, before I change my mind," She huffed.

  Serena gave a quick wave in the direction of the buggy before she swiftly fled inside the safety of her house. Once inside, she breathed a sigh of relief. As she leaned her forehead heavily against the door waiting for her heartbeat to slow, she fought off a smile.

It was getting harder and harder to remember that she had resolved herself to getting over the man. One minute she wanted to strangle him, the next, she wanted to kiss him with all the pent up passion that she'd tried to smother for years. How could one man make her mad enough to spit fire, then turn around and have her laughing her stockings off?

  "Hello darling. How was your day?" her mother asked from behind her, startling Serena.

  "It was busy...have you eaten yet mama?" Serena inquired as she walked toward the back of the house where the kitchen sat in darkness.

  "Not yet dear, I hadn't had much of an appetite today," Charlotte Sinclair answered as she followed her daughter.

  Lighting a couple wicks in the oil lamps to brighten the kitchen, Serena replaced the glass and turned to face her mother. "Mama, how was papa today?"

  Serena grabbed a dish towel and reached into the oven to take out the dinner that had been warming inside. Placing the heavy pot onto the stove top, she turned and gave her haggard mother a quick kiss on one pale cheek. "You need to sit down mama, I will put supper out."

  Guiding her mother over to the wooden table that sat off to the side of the kitchen, Serena helped her settle herself into one of the straight backed chairs then went back and scooped out a heaping portions of thick brown stew into two plates.

  "Today I spoke to Doctor Fisher. He believes that it is papa's best chance if he goes to Austin to the doctor's college there," Serena informed her mother.

  "Austin? That is a long way away from home... how would we manage the trip? What of the cost?"

  "Doctor Fisher has offered to accompany both of you. He has colleagues there that he believes may be able to diagnose papa. They may be able to save him."

  "Darling, I am not sure your father can be saved, you need to face that fact Serena," Charlotte pronounced sadly.

  "He is not improving at all is he?" Serena asked, tears gathered in her eyes.


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