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A Betting Bride

Page 9

by Rebecca de Medeiros

  "What is that supposed to mean?" Mathias asked her, he seemed a bit annoyed at the suggestion in her tone.

  "Oh, nothing, I am sure Alec's interest in your sister is completely innocent. So, about my parasol?"

  "You need one that bad huh?"

  "Please Mr. Sinclair," Trudy pleaded. She called upon every ounce of flirtation she had within her to get him to let her into that shop.

  "Let me just find Harlan's bottle of whiskey in this muck. After that, I need to deliver those pots to the boys, then I am all yours."

  "A girl could be so lucky Mr. Sinclair," Trudy purred.

  "How about this one? It looks like some kind of pinkish color," Mathias grunted as she shook her head no for the hundredth time. Dear lord he had gone through what seemed like fifty of the blasted things and she would accept none of them. She was starting to try his patience.

  "It won't match my dress," Trudy complained with a pout.

  "Look here Miss Bixby... I have things to get done that are far more important than looking for something to shade your pretty face with," Mathias grumbled.

  "Will you please just go look in the stock room? I am sure your parents have something there!" Trudy snapped, her temper flaring.

  Goodness and mercy, what did a girl have to do to distract this handsome giant? He was starting to become a pain in her rear. She needed him out of the way so that she could search for the store's account book. Her father wanted her to take it for some reason, and she could not fail him this time.

  "All right," Mathias snapped at her. "What color do you want again?"

  "Peach. Not pink, but peach."

  Stomping to the back of the store, he entered the back room and she could hear the sounds of his rummaging around. She did not have much time to act, so she began searching the store in earnest. She would not be surprised if that hateful bitch Serena brought the account ledgers home. Trudy's luck had been in poor supply these last few months.

  Pulling out a few drawers she quickly dug through them but found nothing. The space was too small to hide much within it, so her options were thankfully limited. A tall cupboard sat off in a corner, she hurried over to it and sorted through old patterns and work materials that sat inside. By luck, she came across the slim volume that the Sinclair's used to record their sales. 'Wow' she thought, 'did I really purchase that large amount of clothing?' Pushing away the guilt of her extravagance Trudy closed the book and tried to plot her next move.

  "Drat!" Trudy hissed.

  She just realized that she would not be able to carry it out of the store without Mathias Sinclair noticing. Good thing she had worn her tightest pair of bloomers. Lifting her heavy skirts Trudy slipped the book into her underclothes and then smoothed out the line of her dress. Pink colored her cheeks as she positioned the book in place. She prayed it would not fall from the slit in her personal garments. How embarrassing it would be, to have to explain to Mathias Sinclair, why his parent's personal property had just slipped out from under her skirt.

  "All right, how about this thing?" Sauntering into the room, Mathias held up a parasol, a hopeful expression on his features. "Is this good?"

  Trudy tried not to burst into laughter. The poor man must be color blind! That thing was blatantly orange. No self-respecting woman wearing peach would match their parasol so badly. "Perfect! Thank you."

  Trudy smiled brightly. She was suddenly in a hurry to flee the store and give her father the damnable book.

  "Do you need anything else Miss Bixby?" Mathias asked as he ushered her to the door. He could not care less if she did need something. He wasn't going to be going through anymore ladies garments or accessories for any reason, ever again.

  "No, Mr. Sinclair, I think I have everything that I needed..."

  "Beware the folly of making promises in haste."


  The month of September had come much too slowly for the town of Liberty that year. The temperature was finally starting to drop a few degrees as the middle of the month rolled around. Serena thanked her lucky stars.

  With the entire month of August having been such a scorcher, the entire population in town had suffered the heat wave with frustration. Reverend Peterson had even called an emergency church meeting to pray for rain. His hope that a change in weather would cool the land was echoed all over the town.

  As the heat index rose, so did the number of visits that made to the jailhouse. Ranch hands from all around came into town to wet their whistles at the Rotgut Saloon and had an alarming tendency to over imbibe. Without a sheriff in town, due to old Billy up and dying the previous year, the council boys each took a turn as jailor. Unfortunately, the men were nearly as bad as their prisoners. Most nights they had just left the cell doors open and played cards with the misbehaving cowpokes. Serena had heard that one brazen man had even escaped. Luckily, he had just wandered back up to the saloon for another bottle and headed on back to the jail to share his drink with Fergus O'Malley.

  Serena wished she could have slept the entire miserable month away. Her poor father had handled the heat wave so badly that her mother had finally broken down. Charlotte Sinclair had decided to go ahead and allow Doc Fisher to plan their journey to Austin. Her parents were scheduled to depart in less than a week's time. After much arguing with her mother, Serena had finally convinced the determined woman that she would be fine staying behind alone.

  Serena tried to stay too busy in the shop to dwell on the fact that Alec had not bothered to call on her as she had hoped. He had frequently been seen squiring Trudy about town. He had been too busy fulfilling the terms of the bridal bid, she understood that, but she was beginning to miss his company. The only time they had even had a moment alone was one Sunday after church services. Alec had approached Serena offering to walk her home, but Trudy and her father had showed up unexpectedly and she'd all but been railroaded into accepting their kind offer to escort her instead.

  She also had the unpleasant duty of finishing off Trudy's order, so Serena had been forced to face the other woman on a regular basis. The numerous fittings and re- fittings were beginning to wear on Serena. She was starting to believe the woman kept placing additional orders just so that she could come in and taunt her with stories about the amusing outings that they had been having together.

  The shop was doing quite a bit of sales now as the hopeful ladies in town came in with aspirations of outshining the incomparable Miss Bixby. Even the ladies that normally sewed their own frocks were coming in to place orders. Along with the demands for clothing, the ladies begged for Serena's advice on how to win his heart. Due to her family's close relationship with the mayor, they mistakenly thought that they could come to Serena for bits of insight into the life of Alec Wentworth. Little did those women know that she was the last person from whom they should ever seek advice. She had no clue herself. Hells bells, she couldn't even find her own account book, let alone the path to his heart.

  "Save me!" A voice cried out. Speak of the devil and he appears, Serena thought amused.

  Crashing through the shop's narrow doorway, Alec sped past the dress form Serena was currently trying to costume and into the small backroom that they used for supplies.

  "Whaa?" A mouth full of pins prevented her from asking Alec just what in the blue blazes he thought he was doing.

  Giving up on the dress form, she peered inside minuscule room. Spying his large build surrounded by bolts of cloth and baskets filled with pre sewn ladies undergarments, Serena laughed. He looked so comically out of place that Serena nearly choked on the small bits of metal in her mouth. As delicately as possible, she spit them into the palm of her hand and stepped away from the robin blue material she had been fussing with.

  "What is going on?" Serena demanded.

  "Bertie is a mad woman! She is absolutely batty."

  Grabbing Serena by the arm, Alec pulled her into the tiny room and shut the door. Leaning heavily against it, he pressed an ear to the wooden slats.

hat are you doing?" she asked.

  "Mm," Alec grunted waving her back.

  Tapping Alec on the shoulder, Serena tried once again to gain his attention, "hello, I am speaking to you."

  "I'm listening," he informed her impatiently.

  "Listening to what?"

  "Shhh. She may be out there. I swear that woman is going to kill me," Alec whispered.

  "Alec, start talking. What is going on and why are we hiding in my parent's stock room?"

  "Bertie Brown, that's why. Ever since she won the first spot in my courting ledger she has been getting all 'handsy' with me... when she is not groping me, she's following me around all morning singing to me." Alec shuddered. "There is no way that I'm going back out there until I know that she is gone."

  "Singing to you?" Serena chuckled.

  She couldn't help herself it was too funny watching this big, strapping fellow hide from a woman who was no taller than Serena. Although to be fair to Alec, the woman had about as much muscle mass as he did. Bertie was one sturdy woman. Tiny beads of perspiration dotted at his hairline and his breathing was labored. He had obviously run hell-bent all the way to the Sinclair's dress shop.

  "It's not funny Serena. That woman sounds like a frog and a chicken rolled into one." Tossing a glare over his shoulder he informed her, "someone and by someone I mean you, told her I preferred a woman with a nice singing voice. Now she won't stop singing hymns to me. Let me tell you, I contemplated strangling you." Casting a narrowed eye at her neckline, he muttered "I am still tempted to do it."

  "Well she asked me for advice. What was I supposed to say? I couldn't say the truth of the matter." Serena shrugged. "Besides, if you wouldn't have gone off 'walking' with the likes of Trudy Bixby and left me alone with Bertie, nothing of the sort would have ever happened."

  She was still a little put out with him that he had left her standing awkwardly in front of a crowd after the fishing tournament because Trudy had insisted her father had needed to speak with him. Holding a ribbon in one hand and a fish in the other, Serena had tried to paste a smile on her face as she had accepted her congratulations. Bertie had been kind enough to stand by Serena's side and help her hold up the monstrous fish, so Serena felt she had owed the woman.

  Placing the pins she still held onto the narrow shelf next to the doorway, Serena pushed Alec trying to get him to release the door. Having Alec so near in such a small space, made Serena think about that night. No matter how many times she had told herself to forget about his kiss, she replayed it over again in her mind.

  "Couldn't you have told her something else?"

  "Telling Bertie that you only care about large bosoms and a pretty face would be unkind, as she has neither of those qualities. Besides, Bertie is a really nice lady."

  "She is nearly twenty years older than me!" Alec barked, "Her brother Shorty looks more like a girl than Bertie does."

  "That is why she needed my help," Serena informed him sharply.

  "You are not supposed to be helping any of the ladies Serena. You are supposed to be minding your own business."

  "That is not fair Alec! You are forgetting how quickly you butt your nose into mine."

  "Don't you have your own beaus to manipulate? The point being, I am trying to evade the parson's trap. I am not trying to marry up with the craziest citizen of this town!" Alec snapped. "I know that you wouldn't want to either."

  Giving up on listening at the door, Alec crossed his arms over his wide chest and continued to stare Serena down.

  "I never said I was going to avoid marriage Alec. I did sign a couple of ledgers myself, you know. I want to be married."

  Picking up a few stray swatches of fabric, Serena straightened up the tiny space. If she was going to be stuck in there with the hard headed man, she figured she might as well make herself useful.

  "I still think that you will find yourself hog tied and at the altar quicker than a snap," she informed him haughtily.

  The bell on the shop door rang out signaling a patron had entered, and Alec blanched. "That's her," he hissed, alarm showing on his face.

  "You can't know that for sure."

  Trying to bypass Alec to open the door, Serena was shocked when one of his large palms covered around her mouth while the other arm wrapped firmly around her waist and dragged her backward up against his chest.

  "Shhh. Maybe if we are quiet she will just go away," Alec ducked his head and whispered softly near Serena's ear. His warm breath caressed her neck, sending shivers down her spine, his lips almost touching the tender skin of her earlobe.

  "Mmm... Mm...Mmm..." Serena sputtered against his palm. She considered giving him a tiny bite, but thought better of it.

  "Hello? Hellooo?" the screeching cry came from the other side of the door. From the sounds of stomping on the hardwood floors, Serena could tell that not only was Bertie wearing her heaviest pair of boots but that she was nearing the stock room at an alarming speed.

  "Miss Sinclair? Are you here?" Bertie called out.

  "Damn," Alec swore softly. "Go on out there and get rid of this plague you that set upon me."

  "Mmm...m.mushfsh..." Serena stomped her foot once again in irritation.

  "Oh. Sorry," Alec released the hold he had on her mouth. "I will do anything. I mean anything, Serena... just get rid of her," he promised in a whisper.

  "Fine," she huffed. "Stay and hide in here like a ninny, but you owe me."

  "Anything," he swore.

  Pushing past Alec, Serena opened the door and quickly exited the backroom to head off Bertie.

  "Morning Bertie, what brings you into our shop today?" Serena asked the woman who was currently trying to peer past her as if trying to see through the closed door.

  "Is the mayor back there? I thought I saw him dart into your shop Serena," Bertie asked suspiciously. "You don't think he is trying to avoid me do you?"

  "Oh no, Bertie, I am sure Alec would never try to avoid you," Serena lied smoothly. "I haven't seen him all day. Maybe, he was just in a rush to get home, and he darted between the buildings for a shortcut?"

  "He did say that he had an ache in his head." Bertie nodded. "It was right after I started to sing O' thy valley."

  "Is there anything I can do to help?" Serena asked her and smiled warmly. Bertie really was a dear lady. She just tended to be a bit overzealous in her affections. A man would be blessed to have such a sweetheart for a wife. Although, the man that she married would have to be able to take a bit of a pounding whenever Bertie felt the least bit amorous.

  "No hon. You have done enough," Bertie patted Serena roughly on the back. The force of the blow so great, it nearly knocked her off of her feet. "I really appreciate the advice you have given me. I plan on writing a poem as well since you said that he likes poetry so much," Bertie apprised Serena of her plans.

  "That is a great idea!" Serena said brightly just as Alec, who must have heard Bertie's declaration, kicked the door lightly in what Serena could only guess was a warning for her not to interfere any further.

  "What was that?" The older woman cocked her head, "Serena, I think there is something in your back room."

  "It's a rat." Serena lied swiftly.

  "A rat?"

  "Well, more like a mouse. I was trying to shoo it off before you arrived."

  "Eek... I hate rodents. They make my skin crawl," Bertie shuddered.

  Her brawny body backing up a space, she looked as if she was uncertain on whether or not she would have to flee the store. Serena hoped that she would. Not because she did not enjoy Bertie's company, but because she wanted to give Alec hell for putting her in the awkward position of having to lie for him.

  "I know how you feel Bertie. I also hate the vile little creatures," Serena admitted. "Let me see you out. I was just about to lock up for my noon meal."

  "Oh hon. I won't keep you then," patting Serena one last time on her shoulder, Bertie turned and strode toward the door. "Just a bit of advice first. If you plan on catching the atte
ntions of one of the bachelors, you make sure you eat a good meal, you're far too skinny."

  "I will take your guidance to heart Bertie," Serena smiled as the sweet woman clomped heavily out of the shop. Throwing the lock on the door, Serena marched back through the shop and called out, "you can come out now. She is gone."

  "Good lord woman! Why the hell did you tell that loon that I love poetry?" Alec stomped through the doorway, hands on his hips. Alec was obviously looking for a fight.

  "You don't? Sorry, my mistake," Serena smirked at him. Her mirth at his situation lasted only until he started to advance on her. Walking backwards she held her hands up in supplication. "I thought that most men loved poetry."

  "You are going to pay for that one, lady," stalking after her as she turned on her heel with a laugh and took off. Alec started to chase her about the room.

  Dodging left and right around the small space, Serena ducked under his arm as he lunged out to catch her. "Now, now... can't we just talk like civilized people?" Serena chuckled at his angry growl.

  She had no fear of him. This man, who had threatened to spank her bottom many times as a young girl was all bluster. She knew though that if he got his hands on her he would surely tickle her until she was breathless. That was the downfall of knowing someone for many years. They tended to know your areas of weakness and just how to use them against you.

  "Come here," Alec held out one hand palm up, and waggled his fingers beckoning her closer as he walked around an empty dress form that stood in his way. Side stepping a pile of material that had fallen to the ground, Alec advanced on her.

  "Not a chance." She giggled and once again took flight. Unfortunately, he caught her before she could evade him this time. One strong arm wrapped around her waist from behind, he lifted her off of her feet.

  "Got ya," he chuckled. "Say 'I am sorry Alec', and I will let you go," he commanded.

  "Never!" Serena cried out squirming in an attempt to free herself.

  She squealed as he twirled her about, her belly pressed against his groin. Keeping one arm wrapped about her middle, Alec wiggled the fingers on his free hand threatening retribution.


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